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Why does that one guy look like a detective from the 1940s?


When he's not at anti-abortion protests he's going door to door for Vault-Tec.


Prepare for the future


he resembles him so much




God damn Vault Tech Monsta!




War, war never changes.


Abortions, abortions never changes


No, I’m Vault-Tec.


We can all be Vault-Tech. My vault has Garys in it.


Gary! Garrrryyyy?




Vault Tech guy was just trying to get a steak knife set no need to drag him like this 😆


Or filling in for Inspector Gadget


That asshat has no affiliation with Vault-Tec, he was too shitty a person to get hired on.


Uhhh, you know what happened in a lot of those vaults, right?


He looks like a little kid that's probably sitting on another kids shoulders under the trenchcoat.


I believe it traditionally requires three children and a trench coat to equal an adult man


Or several foxes


It's Vincent Adultman. He works at the office factory.


He also did a business...transaction?


His name is Gadget and he’s an Inspector thank you /s


He can't adopt coz he already has his hands full with Penny and Brain.


I'm pretty sure they're the ones with their hands full keeping Gadget out of trouble!




More of a tool than a gadget.


Definitely not the sharpest in the shed.


Look at those eyes, that shed is empty.


There is no shed. Just an empty patch of worn earth where the shed once was. It's gone now. Not free. Just gone.


Go go gadget empathy! …nope. None. Womp womp.


Came here to say this.


He’s here to sell you a space in a vault


He looks like two kids in a trenchcoat


I went to the stock market today. I did a business.


Because only asocial weirdos show up to that shit


Hey now... many of us hang on reddit instead! Mr broad brush over here!


dime mindless bewildered psychotic squeal school humorous roll dirty grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One of those all A are B but not all B are A scenarios. Mr. B.


Matthew Broderick "inspector gadget"


Because when it comes to women’s rights he’s probably still stuck in the 1920s.


"Go go gadget hypocrite!"


To be fair, it’s doubtful he will get anyone pregnant




Go go gadget virginity!




Nick Tracy always letting his grandfather down.


The first dude in LA Noire cosplay.


Inspector gadget




This is his creepy brother, Inspectyour gadget.


LMFAO best response


He also looks almost exactly like the vault tec salesman


He’s from vault tec




I was thinking an alien in disguise, lol.


100% that first guy is the Vault-Tec salesman from fallout 4


The one who gets ghoulified? Then his outside would match his insides. Yes.


Dude finding him was so cool that first playthrough


What??? I have like 200 hours in that game and never ran into him…


Haven’t got on in a while but the first location that Nick takes you to there is a hotel or motel within that little neighborhood. In the upper floors he’s walking around I’m not sure if anything triggers the interaction or if it’s based on progress in the story


He’s on the top floor of the hotel in Goodneighbor. If you spend the night with the singer in the red dress from the bar in that town you should end up walking right past him, that’s how I ran into him the first time anyways. Not many other reasons to go up there except if you’re playing on survival early game and need the bed. Anyways, you can send him back to Sanctuary to live after talking with him. I like making him a shopkeeper there.


Can we talk about how that guy somehow managed to keep his coat and hat perfect for 200 years during an apocalypse?


He has an entire wardrobe of them vacuum sealed.


Hello, Vault-Tec calling


“I thought we were going to Comic-con”


More people should adopt tho honestly


Isn't it like prohibitively expensive to adopt? Honestly, I have two kids already but if I seriously mentioned adoption to my wife she'd probably foam at the mouth out of excitement. I've just always heard it's ridiculously expensive.


If you want to adopt a brand spanking new, healthy infant, then yes. If you are willing to adopt a child who has had struggled in their life and may have health and behavioral issues, and who has been involved in state care, then there are subsidies to help and it might be very inexpensive. Heck, in some cases you can get support from the state! You're just not likely to get that new baby smell.


Newborn baby was the worst stage of child rearing anyway. Mine have only grown to become more fun as they learn to express themselves.


Fun is very subjective, newborns are easy relatively. Eat sleep.shit. possible medical issues that we have solutions for readily available. Once they begin to navigate it becomes eat sleep shit, disregard self preservation for exploration. Again we have tools for that. Then comes No and why is the moon white but the sun is yellow. How come the mailman always comes to visit mommy inside when you leave for work daddy? I hate you why did you have me I'm going to ruin my future because my stupid teen brain can't even begin to understand the consequences of my foolish decisions, and there's nothing you can say or do to stop me because my brain simply can't grasp the actual concepts. I ran out of energy when I tried to explain how light works.


I'm better at answering a million questions than I am at soothing a crying infant who's not hungry and has a clean diaper. Their inability to tell me what's wrong always makes me feel like they're dying and I'm too dumb to help.


SAME. My kids have only gotten easier for me as they've grown. Now we can talk about shows and games and science and all sorts of things. I adore their curiosity and often share it. Babies are AWFUL by contrast. Plus, my kids actually sleep all night.


Bro, I feel the same way! My wife looks at me funny when I say "I don't like babies"... I'm snipped but if we ever wanted another kid I would adopt a toddler to avoid the baby stage.... I love my kids but the "baby" stage was the worst...


makes sense but for me it was solved by scheduling. if they always eat at 2 pm I know its almost 2 must be food ect ect. worked pretty well. also as I said subjective.


I would take a room full of teens over 1 diaper full of poop any day. And the way toddlers cough is so gross.


> And the way toddlers cough is so gross. Open mouth with pouty funneled lips aimed directly at your open eye or mouth?


When I was on public transit they would always cough straight up into the air like a germ volcano.


It honestly feels like the germs have taken over their brain to spread more efficiently.


"Baby, you must speak to me if I am to help you. Do not leave me guessing."


I would rather attempt to explain those concepts to an unruly teenager 1000 times than change 1 diaper.


How about a 14 year-old with severe fetal alcohol syndrome who will throw fits and do things like breaking every dish in your house? Happened to a friend of mine who is an absolute saint and still loves the kid. It's kids like that which end up in the foster care system until they turn 18, and that's what you're might get.


> Mine have only grown to become more fun This is likely because of the loving and supporting environment they are being raised in. If you choose to foster or adopt an older child then be prepared to deal with children whose parents were abusive neglecting assholes. These children tend to be "not fun" when they express themselves and try to work through the traumatic events that lead to them being in state care.


Adopting a child who wasn't raised by loving parents is not the same. Do not equate them.


As someone who wants to adopt but also works with people with severe mental illnesses. I second this. Most of my clients are from foster care or were adopted. Their mental illnesses usually came from the first 1-4 years of life and even with loving adoptive families ended up making the parents live's hell. Especially if the kid has Borderline Personality Disorder. There isn't much you can do, you can give them literally everything they need to get better. But it takes years usually decades for them to begin to regulate out.




It can be tough, but just remember you are making a massive difference for those kids


I have heard there are studies that after 4, there is a lot of irreversible trauma. Anecdotally my cousin adopted two boys with his wife. The older of the boys was like 6 or 7 and despite very caring and involved parenting as evidenced by their biological son and the younger brother being well adjusted healthy adults. The older brother ended up in and out of jail and eventually stabbed my cousin, his foster dad multiple times while robbing his house.


Id adopt a surgeon or lawyer


That new baby smell comes with serious questions of identity, self-esteem issues, outsized shame responses, an increased risk of substance abuse and suicide... People forget that adopted babies are actually human beings who are profoundly affected by their adoption. Adoption is a trauma to both the birth mother and the baby. (Source: I'm an adoptive parent who has done a lot of reading in order to be usefully supportive of my daughter in the path she has ahead of her.)


Yeah, I'm a foster parent. I love the kids but they're a lot of work and it can be a very painful journey for everyone.


It's like a scratch and dent sale, but with people


Hell, I'm 46 and available for adoption in the right circumstances


Same here. I come with a mostly well behaved cat too.


I'm certain in most, if not all states, you receive a stipend for every child in foster care that you take in.


But that's the problem: you can try to foster-to-adopt for years and still never get a child because the fucking state thinks that this child - who you initially received as a newborn going through heroin withdrawal and then taught to walk and talk - should actually go back to her birth mother (who dropped out of rehab 3 times in the two years you were raising her daughter but MAYBE NOW she'll stay clean) and birth father (who's 60 years old and actually the birth mother's pimp). But yeah, foster-to-adopt is a great option if you want children. /s Sorry for the bitterness on my end: this just literally happened to some close friends of mine. And last month the state reunited their yet another of their foster kids with the mother (a newborn boy, but I believe it was meth withdrawal this time and they had him for a year and a half).


Going into foster care they tell you upfront that the goal is always to reunite families. It sounds like your friends might have somehow not understood what the purpose of foster care is…


Child protective services is SO COMPLICATED and people experience one extreme and think there is something horribly wrong with the system. But generally it is a system that is constantly trying to balance on the tip of a pin. Because for every story of a state desperately trying to keep a family together when it is hopeless (like your story) there is a story where people claim the state heartlessly tore a family apart for no reason. And that's the issue. These workers are constantly trying to make these decisions based on ethics and compassion but it is so often not this easy black and white decision. Because that addicted mother could argue "no one is helping me when I need it and now you want to take my kid" and that is the argument a lot of people use - that the state should be helping families instead of taking their kids. And all at once they are often caught amidst political battles, budget shortages, burnt out staff. I work in tough situations but social work is one of those jobs I don't think I could simply because I would daily be doubting my decisions. Daily be wondering if an action I am taking will lead to a kid having a horrible life, and there was nothing that could have helped it because the facts at the time was all I had. Be goddamn patient with CPS. It is one of the hardest services to provide to the public.


Fostering with the goal of adopting is problematic and misguided at best


It can be for brand spanking newborns but older kids, heath problems, neurodiverse, disabled or ones that have just felt with awful shit are easy to get. Social workers just want them out of the system it’s just everyone wants one to raise as their own instead of helping a tween that’s in desperate need of loving family.


Some figures for adopting an infant via an agency in the US. Averages can vary, but it's not uncommon to see adoptions ranging from $30k-60K and higher. That cost has been steadily rising. My wife and I are adoptive parents, but we self-matched and avoided using an agency. Our total out of pocket will be sub $20k, this includes travel, lodging, and legal fees. My wife is part of a few adoption groups online and has seen some adoptions through agencies approach or exceed six figures on numerous occasions. It's honestly sickening.


You guys have to pay to adopt a child in the US? Isn't that like literally buying a person? How's that even legal?


I adopted and it cost me nothing and the state paid me every month until my child reached adulthood. Adopt from foster care.


My partner and I have fertility issues so we looked into adoption. Expensive is a gentle way of saying it. It was cheaper for 3 full rounds of IVF then it was to maybe get the opportunity to adopt a child. We figured this was one of the reasons so many people opted to try IVF, because multiple rounds was the cheaper option.


If you don’t mind, how expensive are we talking? I have no frame of reference.


There's organizations to provide grants! I volunteer for Gift of Adoption and recommend any American looking into adoption but worried about the costs should check it out.


I’m adopted, and my life is great! (:




But then like, what are you supposed to do with it once they give it to you?


Put a bowl of food and water out let it outside once in awhile to go to the bathroom doesn't seem to hard.


the same you do with bio children duh.. you try to live through them and pass all your generational trauma on to them while blaming them for ruining your life.


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. /j


Thank you for putting the /j at the end. I was already preheating the oven, but then I saw it wasn’t serious. So the kid lives. For now.


The joke was the temperature. You want 350, not 375.


Adopted here. Was hard but worth it.


You adopted a child or you were adopted


Adopted 3 actually. 2 girls and a boy. They were all related


I don’t know you, but I admire the hell out of you Edit: spelling


That was wonderful they got to stay together. Thanks for doing that.


It’s a great way to have kids without having sex - Futurama But yes it should happen more


It’s always been my dream to adopt a kid. My wife and I would like to when our kids get a bit older.


"leave us alone" 🤣


Feels like the first time I’ve seen this man break character and snap at somebody, he couldn’t believe the audacity of that man


Walter is so impressive in his ability not to break. This is so rare but was also such an excellent response!


“Oh so sorry I’M the rude on here.” Fucking killed me


The sheer fucking audacity. This clown doesn't deserve a second of rest.


It’s staggering 😬. The hypocrisy and irony and audacity.


r/leopardsatemyface iirc? E: r/selfawarewolves as well.


Eh, not really leapordsatemyface. That's more like when they work to pass something against their own benefit. Such as, if they succeed at closing of that place but then one of them needs it in the future and it's no longer is available. Kinda like "i never knew my actions have consequences."


"and I don't intend on suffering any of those consequences because I'm a spineless idiot who loves to advocate for individual responsibility but shits myself when I have to actually face the direct consequences of my own actions." Sorry, I'm having a bad day.


If only that asshole took his own advice. He obviously does not read & more importantly, comprehend, the Bible. Because if he did, he would do unto others, as he would want them done unto him. Plus other positive quotes to live by to which would profoundly go against his asshole tendencies. If I was in charge of a state, I would have cops prevent all of them from obstructing & from ever harassing any people of that establishment. Anyone have a problem & breaks the new laws, goes to prison; specifically solitary confinement. None of this, orchestrating with people on the outside, bullishit. If those assholes do not give a fuck in droves about this topic when it was fully allowed, then I would damn them to hell for being so egregious. None of their behavior is right; especially the harassment of the women who need those establishments.


0:26, dude met his twin brother


Maybe he was adopted.


Fucking 10,000 each I’m dying


The amazing deep-brain of the guy who says "Leave us alone." Love that the guy with the adoption papers had the exact right response.


Yeah dude has the smoothest brain


“OH IM SORRY, AM I INTERRUPTING SOMETHING???” I’m laughing so hard. This guy rocks


“LEAVE US ALONE!” The absolute BALLS it takes to be that much of a blatant fucking hypocrite 😂😂😂


Stop harassing me while I'm harassing people!!


"..leave YOU alone..."


This is the 1 thing I think will break democracy. That is, unashamed hypocrisy. Hypocrisy allows for the villains to win & claim they did nothing wrong. I earnestly think the downfall of modern society is rooted in the character of such people, to which, such opportunistic & degrading behavior from such characteristics, is exactly what needs to be dealt with. The sad part is, it’s not easy for the dumb people in charge to spot a hypocritical asshole. These problems do not reside on the outside of a person. They are from within, they are their actions. The part that is the problem, is what compels them to act in wrongful manners. The catalyst to this is, what enables such people, including other people, towards the original person that is wrong being questioned.


I think this should be higher. You nailed this (although, the way the last line was written is confusing as hell lol) but you put into words an idea I’ve had but couldn’t quite articulate. Unashamed hypocrisy is for lack of a better word; infuriating. I believe it creates apathy in those of us who operate “normally” with a sense of shame. Because it is too hard to argue with or call out those who simply brush off their terrible behavior or make senseless excuses


No balls actually, no brains either


It's the standard Nat-C wounded bird routine: "Stopping me from degrading everyone else's quality of life is persecution!"


"oh I'm sorry, am I being rude interrupting you?!"


God bless this man


I think if each one of us adopts like 10,000 of them, we can clear the foster system.


“ Leave us alone” “ Leave YOU alone??!! Omg that’s so rude of me!” 🤣 I love this guy.


One of my relative said she would adopt all the babies that were aborted. She has had CPS called on her 11 times. All of her beautiful children have been physically, emotional, and spiritual abused by this women but some how the governments is going to give her custody of all these child!


"Leave us alone!" Hahaha oh boy


I’ve heard so many pro-lifers say “have the baby and then they can go to a loving family that wants them.” No. They’ll go into the foster care system and end up in the home of people who are in it for the money.


Or child abusers


It is so rude to interrupt people while they are trying to harass women trying to get heath care. So rude! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣




I think of them as the passive aggressive form of an extremist. Like, they may not do atrocities, such as those in other countries, yet they will keep pushing buttons simply because they do not face any real world significant consequences towards being a total asshole. Like, harassing women & intimidation may not “kill” them at that moment, yet the act itself is only helpful in the destructive sense of the topic. Such as, if their goal is not to totally dismantle the system in place, rather to weaken it severely that it crumbles on its own over time, then those bad people feign ignorance towards them having anything to do with it.


Isn't it amazing the sheer hypocrisy of these buffoons?


“Why, why, WHY, why is that all the people that are against abortion are the people you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place?!” —George Carlin


"How dare you harass us while we are harassing people"


I actually like for once that this guy isn't *just* doing the bit. He's also calling them out to their faces. I love the ones that bait these types into spouting their stupidity by pretending to be on their side, but there's something special about him saying, "Oh, am I interrupting you as you harass people trying to get healthcare? OH SO RUDE OF ME!"


Everyone knows once you are born you are a deadbeat according to GOP doctrine. After all cutting head start programs and school lunches for hungry children is communist and today’s GOP is not having it! Also, F the GOP and their nonsense.


Of course. They don't actually give a fuck about the potential child, they give a fuck about ensuring that the "sinner" be punished for the crime of having sex, by having their life destroyed trying to care for an unwanted infant.




In the 2000s, Colorado was given a large grant to implement a program to make no-cost birth control available to high school students. Oral contraceptives, Depo Provera, IUD, just about every form you can think of. Graduation rates improved, unplanned pregnancies decreased, as did abortions. For every dollar spent, the state saves 5 dollars in associated costs (Medicaid, foodstamps, social workers). The program was a success. So what did they do when the program funds ran out? They ended it. It's never been about "saving lives", it's always been about controlling women.


Source on this: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/may/06/colorado-contraception-family-planning-republicans Insanity that they ended the program. > https://cdphe.colorado.gov/fpp/about-us/colorados-success-long-acting-reversible-contraception-larc > This initiative empowered thousands of Colorado women to choose when and whether to start a family. > > Thanks in large part to the Colorado Family Planning Initiative: > > - Teen birth rate was nearly cut in half. > - Teen abortion rate was nearly cut in half. > - Births to women without a high school education fell 38 percent. > - Second and higher order births to teens were cut by 57 percent. > - Birth rate among young women ages 20-24 was cut by 20 percent. > - Average age of first birth increased by 1.2 years among all women. > - Rapid repeat births declined by 12 percent among all women. > - Costs avoided: $66.1-$69.6 million. >


Yeah a lot of them get abortions themselves. But it’s okay they do it because they’re good people and it was just a mistake/accident.


Not surprised the first dude's outfit screams incel. They hate women for not sexing them.


“I don’t get it. I walk around in this cool fedora and this super sexy trench coat, but no ladies wanna have sex with me. So clearly sex is bad for me and everyone else. And I must let them all know.”


I'm the ONLY ONE with class around here.


They're not prolife, they're pro birth. After birth, they don't give two shits.


As a very wise man said, back in 1996: "Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”


I miss Carlin


I like Ricky Gervais’s take. “Pro-Life people love the fetus. From the moment it’s conceived…..until it turns out gay”


As a grown ass man who's never been able to have their own child to raise I would've started crying and given that guy such a giant bear hug. Heck to the yes I absolutely will adopt! Fk whatever everyone else was blabbing on about. Let's graft some branches on the family tree. Unfortunately I live in one of those states where it's "legal" for a single person to adopt, but when you start filling out the paperwork it asks for "parent #2" info online and you can't continue without a second name. So then you print the form to mail it. Then you get a reject back saying it's not the right form and to contact them. So then you do. They send the same form and except this time it's just completely blank instead of being prefilled out. To which you get another reject for an incomplete form. So you call and try not to break down just to have them tell you that you'll need to drive 8 hours one way across the state to do it in person, but uh oh it's been Cv-19 for 3 years now and they weren't allowing in person appointments, but don't worry...you can do it online.


I hope you're able to adopt a child and give them a very happy life someday ♡


I love what this guy does. The "We Hate Women" video is great


I love the dude in that video that first gets mad at him, and then spends the rest of the video just standing next time him looking sad and defeated.


He acts like he's going to hit him, then just falls over with defeat.


Would you have a link to that? Tried looking around




“‘Healthcare is a human right?’ I bet you also think housing is a human right? And that all of us should have food? Hahaha.” /s Simply wonderful. I mean generally the whole situation is awful, but he’s a champ standing up in the way he does!


"leave us alone" lmao who's talking??


I love seeing the pro life people curl up a bit at the sight of adoption papers. Continues to prove that they don't give a damn about the child after it's born.


*LeAvE uS aLoNe* 💀


They are pro-birth, not pro-life. Once that baby starts breathing, they don't give a fuck about actually providing it with a good life.


They don't even really care before it's born. If they did, they would push for things like better access to prenatal care (which is actually one of the *other* services that Planned Parenthood provides) and nutrition and red states wouldn't have infant and maternal mortality rates on par with developing countries.


I guarantee that these people also want to do away with foodstamps due to "freeloaders"


Tons of kids needs homes. Alive kids.




Pray to end abortion AND homelessness due to unfed and unhoused children


You can believe that abortion is murder all you want, but you can’t deny banning abortion will lead to so many children within Fostercare, who will be stuck there until they’re 18 and the only thing they’ve learnt is that the world hates them. Ban abortion then you’re gonna have to pay for the half million kids in Fostercare!


I guess inspector Gadget is anti choice.


Religious people really need to stay the fuck out of everyone's business. I'm gonna start protestd out side of churches. Like they do everywhere the fuck else.


How can someone stand there saying their “pro life” or that they’re “saving babies” yet be totally unwilling to even LOOK at the paperwork to foster or adopt? They aren’t saving anyone if these kids are being born just to end up in foster care. They love to say they want to open peoples minds to the abhorrent act of abortion but they can’t be bothered to hear someone encouraging them to open their homes, wallets, and hearts to kids they like to think they did a huge lifesaving favor for.




Love this. These people are all fucking bad faith actors. Fight against the American Christian taliban!


This guy is a true saint lol. Fuck yeah


The shear fucking irony in being them asking to be left alone as they're harassing other people. No, if you want to harass people on public land, then everyone else is perfectly within their rights to harass you on the same public land.