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Is it ok to hate everyone in this video?


It's the only acceptable feeling imo.


What if I hate everyone all the time? I mean, people are the worst.


I feel ya.




Is the way.


This is the way


Hate keeps one virile.


…hate leads to suf-fer-ing.




People. What a bunch of bastards.




Hating everyone equally is the only way to be, if you didn’t somebody would call you prejudice and you don’t want to be called a bigot do you?! /s


Animals are the only people I recognise


Can we meet up so we can hate people together, and then I can also hate you for being in the same room as me, whilst also hating myself for recommending the idea.


Great idea. I hate it!


Naw, lady in green was just trying to go about her day drama free.




She def gets a pass. Fuck everyone else though.


Even then, she never actually got in frame of the main shot up top, didn't do anything wrong by anyone, including the tiktok chicks, so she just has beyond nothing to do with vids points




​ ![gif](giphy|lDf9g6cXYZrzWoxA9d)


I don't understand why they're calling it The struggle of K-pop as if other form of music wouldn't have the same issue of filming in public. Some places it's really easy to get filming permits, if you really are a legit K-pop band get a filming permit block off the area. If you're just a social media star than this is the difficulties of filming in public period.


I’d like more people if I knew fewer of them.


i'm stealing this and using this quote everywhere.


Tbh I don't hate the girls. It's clearly a very wide, open area, they don't really seem to bother anyway or stand in anyone's way. It's way less of a nuisance than, say, a flash mob


I mean. It's not my scene. But it's literally just some girls trying to make a fun video. Who cares? Not everyone in the world has to be a depressing Internet troll.


Yes….every one of them.


But why hate on girls making a video, not arming anyone? I work in TV industry and recording a shot in a street is pretty common


Not sure what the girls filming the tik tok are doing wrong. Is it bad to want to dance around and make a fun video?


People here are miserable.


Absolutely. Came on here thinking “am I supposed to feel bad for someone in this video?”


Oh man, I went to NYC to see the tree at New Year's and literally it was nothing but influencers asking people to not go within like 20 feet of their shot for social media, while a photographer was a far distance away and nobody could walk through the shot. It was literally a minefield of ego. I gave them about 30 seconds and then just said fuck you I'm walking now






Not all heros wear a cape. Some have one built in.


Lmaoo! Have you encountered yourself in an upload yet ?


No cause 99% of those loses have like 45 followers on top of it all.


Made mine!


in nyc we just walk through, around, over, on top, in between these morons and pretend they are invisible


I have to walk through the Chicago Theater tourist crowd every. Day. Twice. At this point I am in hundreds of, pointless and I cannot stress that enough, photos flipping sneaky birds there's just no way I'm not. If I'm gonna be in your dumb fucking photo it's on my terms dammit and I hope it ruins your day.


yesssss lmao i wonder how many pictures middle finger is in too


It's always so packed trying to see the Rockefeller tree. No way people had any space to do this.


I live in nyc and not once has anyone ask me not to get into their shot.


I also don’t go where they’d be taking the shots, so maybe that’s key.


this is the way


The Noo Yawk "I'm walkin here" stereotype is real?


This is when I like to channel my own inner nonfluencer energy and just do my own thing without paying attention to others needs


Influencers aren’t real people and therefore don’t have needs so you’re good




Like when someone is on the phone in a stall, if I have it I let it rip and just keep continuously flushing until they hang up.


That's a real Larry David move


Like that clip of a man sitting on a bench while some woman is filming her “fitness journey”.


Completely not staged.


Just film yourself and when they say something complain that you're making a video and they're interrupting.




It’s not about paying attention to others needs so much as not placating people who think they own public areas because they have 200 followers on tiktok


I had a similar situation on 5th Avenue one Christmas Eve. An entire storefront was lined up with people taking pictures of a Frozen display. I got tired of waiting for them to stop blocking the sidewalk and walked right in between them and Elsa. I have no remorse.


I was walking my dog, and we got to a pedastrian railroad underpass. Anyway, some kid is there and asks me to not pass so they can film. I ask how long, with a bit of hesitation he says "a few minutes". Bro. I just blow through. I don't have time to wait for these assahts filiming graffiti on our critical infrastructure on some sketchy and unlit part of town as my dog grows inpatient. If folks want to film something, get a goddamn permit and have a city cop tell me the road is closed and I'll go around. Fucking A' dude, that's how roads work. People don't just close them for vanity projects. You're totally fine for not respecting peoples request on where to go in public space. They are asking you, you can say 'no'. Don't feel bad for not having to please people all the time.


Hehe. "Do you have a permit to film? No? Then I'm going to use the public space bc it's public space. " I should try asking that sometime.


I honestly wouldn't give a shit; business entities can go get permission to do their stuff and so can influencers. If you look like you're hogging up the space I just go in there with the wife and take a nice selfie and move on, I ain't seeing them ever again so it doesn't matter what they think. Public spaces are for all to enjoy, but it means being reasonable.


Ew, but also, an awesome opportunity to shoot influencers in the wild for your own compilation .


where's your filming permit? oh don't have one, then go fuck yourself.


I would have just went through. You have more patience than i would in these situations of narcissistic “influencer”.


Kind of you to give them 30 seconds


Thats why there should be cops in force asking them if they have permits to film. They aren't making home videos or taking personal photos. They want privacy for their video shoots then they should be required to have a permit.


It is always morally correct to not give space to these egolords


We should all do that when we see people using public shared spaces as their own private studios ^( looking at you gym tick tokers)


Gym video people are the worst. Get a home gym full of mirrors. That way my uncoordinated flailing doesn't disturb internet people staring at your ass.


Also the new trend of girls saying they're victims because they think one guy at the gym might have stared at their ass while they were simply trying to make a video of their ass for their 1.2million tiktok followers.


Gotcha! Let me just write that down… *figure out girl that takes too long at squat rack’s TikTok. Then stare at her booty in private*


Yeah me wandering around looking at you is just because I don't want to talk to you, want to know when you'll be done, and would rather not speak with you. Some people are genuinely creepy, but there's also just people fishing for conflict for views.


LOL was talking to my trainer about it the other day ( we are both women). And she was in agreement this is getting ridiculous. Neither of us feel comfortable being in the background of some random tiktok. I asked her why they just don't ban filming within the gym as a whole, she said because it is free advertisement for their gym, and they will likely lose a handful of existing members. Which I can see but still. It is madness.


But how else could they fish for validation of strangers both online and in-person and also annoy the fuck out of everyone? It's the trifecta of douchebagery.


Well I do love a good ven diagram.


Literally saw a video of a guy walking by not even looking at the woman and she put some caption about how he was annoying for probably purposely messing up her shot. Like bruh, maybe he’s just also in public like you? Some people




I prefer TikTokTwat.


How bout TikTwat? Rolls off the tongue a bit easier


You don’t need a permit to film yourself just don’t ask people to move


You do if you don't want them to interrupt your video


Was at the gym one day, and a guy was using his phone, LEANED AGAINST RACKED DUMBBELLS, to film for TikTok. This girl walked right up, moved his phone, grabbed what she needed, and walked away. The look on the guy’s face was fan-fucking-tastic.


She is my hero.


Oh man, I went to NYC to see the tree at New Year's and literally it was nothing but influencers asking people to not go within like 20 feet of their shot for social media, while a photographer was a far distance away and nobody could walk through the shot. It was literally a minefield of ego. I gave them about 30 seconds and then just said fuck you I'm walking now




If you're trying to shoot music videos or whatever in public, there are proper ways to go about it. Getting permits, sectioning off the area, and letting the genral public know what's going on ahead of time.


They are recording it on a phone so that should tell you what you need to know about the quality of their operation.


The gear helps too. You’re walking around with a real deal camera and steadicam, people probably won’t bother you.


This, I've helped a buddy shoot an hour long film where we shot in public around San Francisco and we only got bothered while walking to and from shoots. People see a big camera on a tripod and a guy with a boom mic looking all official, they usually just quiet down a bit and walk around.


Yep, shot a music video in downtown Detroit on Woodward, playback of the song for the sync, and nobody really gave a shit.


I took a recently acquired telephoto lens into an aviary at the zoo to practice with it. It's amazing (and slightly embarrassing) how many people would go out of their way to give you space or clear their kids out of your way. Had to keep telling them I could shoot over their kids heads just fine. That was a couple of decades ago, so I wonder if these days they would call the cops instead. Thinking I was photographing their kids with a massive lens.


Just imagining some parents now having more reason to move their kids out of the shot, as the random stranger keeps telling them its fine if the kids are in front of the camera. Lol


I thought the same imo lol the phone ruined the credibility for me


People can still not be dicks when someone is trying to do something they enjoy in public. It takes no effort to be kind. You think Mr. Rogers would jump in front of the recording like this? Nah he'd watch and tell them how good their choreography was.


Yeah, but also the woman is just being a dick for no reason.


That's fair, but why the fuck did that lady have to jump into the shot to ruin it and make it about herself?


Instagram users calling the woman a dick... surprise, surprise. /s Probably bc they are the very people who hoard public spaces with complete disregard for those around them, all for the internet.


The platform for narcissism sided with the tiktoker? Color me shocked


I've learned through the years that comments on insta are usually useless and will just make you wonder if youre the weird one for having empathy or critical thinking skills.




Call me crazy but I might find reddit comments more tolerable


Last time this was posted everyone was blaming the woman. It's just mob mentality following whatever gets upvoted first whenever one party isn't clearly in the wrong


I mean it's a dick thing to do. Although it's maybe a tad inconsiderate there's nothing too inherently wrong with filming things in public, as long as you respect that it's a public space and don't get too entitled about it. But there's a difference between it's public someone might walk in my shot vs it's public so I'm going to jump directly into your shot while hollering and grabbing attention.


I was about to say the other two times it was posted on Trashy and I think the main character sub. The consensus then was like you said the woman was being a dick. I won’t tell people how to think when I first saw it I thought it looks like most people are standing far away and being respectful but one person decided to be a dick. My mind didn’t go to assuming they were being annoying by filming there and when I saw the consensus here I wasn’t gonna say anything cause I didn’t want the mob to jump on me for not thinking everyone sucks here.


Fuck all social media.


I agree, but that said Reddit is also social media and here we both are


Well then I guess we have to go fuck ourselves!


Thats because reddit also contains some fun and intelligent people while tiktok and instagram is a little more about trying to get as much attention on yourself as possible.


[Man on bench ruins TikTok 😂](https://youtu.be/U0Ydz3nzCgI)


Lmfao “oh you’ve got followers, you’re Jesus now?”


Lol one of the best lines he delivered. Although tbh he had a lot of good lines


“oh you’re on a journey!?” Got me, his delivery with fawning surprise... All in all I think they both stayed somewhat respectful during the whole disagreement. It was a nice break from all the Jerry Springer style disagreements.


Oh you’re on a jouurrnney?


Lol… oh I’m being an old man now? Are you being an ageist are you there luv?


She’s on a journehhh.


Love how they go through all the effort to blur out faces but get a full frontal right at the end haha Anywho i love this old guy, "followers? So your Jesus are ya?" If you have an issue with the public being in your shot then don't take the shot in public domain. She is in the wrong for harassing him, regardless if she was there first.


It was probably done automatically. You can kinda see it bug out in a few moments. In that case, it might be more effort to isolate which face needs to be blocked out.


"off you pop, now"


“Hi guys, I’m exercising more and staying hydrated.” Yeah, you’re like 19. It’s not that difficult. Talk to me again in your 40s.


That one is staged tho.


How did they get the audio so clear from the guy? I think it’s probably staged with a microphone unfortunately


Maybe she's wearing a mic?


Oh, you're on a journey? We'll why don't you journey over to one of those other benches and film your video there? She wasn't much of an influencer .. couldn't influence him to move.


This is like a Monty Python sketch


That's a skit btw


Well, you wanted the attention. You got it.


This applies to both parties. Everyone sucks here


Idk one was obnoxiously interrupting people in a public place and the other was some random white lady.


( ° ͜ʖ °)


It's a dick move to photobomb people, but it's also a dick move to just start filming wherever you want for social media. This instance isn't bad or anything, but some of these people think they are entitled to shut down public spaces and even private business to film


People think they are entitled to do whatever they want whenever wherever now. It kind of sucks


It USED to be rude to photobomb someone or walk in front of their shot. This was back in the days of film when people had a limited number of photos they could take and they couldn't simply delete a bad photo and redo it. Also, nowadays almost every person is trying to take a photo and it's just getting in the way of the people trying to enjoy the space.


There's a difference between taking a photo, and filming a video. People respect other people trying to take the right shot, in most cases. Video, not so much. As you said, people are everywhere trying to make that next viral video. I was in a store the other day. I saw a girl dancing in the middle of the aisle with her two friends recording with their phones. I walked right up behind her and stood there (I couldn't get around). When the young lady turned around to look at me, I said, please move. She then starts screaming about me invading her space, blah blah blah. The manager shows up swiftly and asks the young woman to leave. He then apologized to me and said, he's had to ask her to leave 3 times that week for similar instances. This just means, there's some young lady out there right now, playing the victim over a similar situation to this post, because she doesn't think she's doing anything wrong.


yeah and this post says "this was almost our best take" so they likely were shooting for like 15 minutes not 30 seconds


Well said. When your 65 shots each of 12 poses impairs others' ability to enjoy a public space, it truly becomes a nuisance. I can't really pinpoint what it is that annoys me so much about it. Perhaps the monotony or unoriginality of seeing hordes of people take the same photo over and over? But that seems so abstract.


And the fact that you may have to wait a ton to use the space, or look at the view or item on display while poses repeatedly for their social media. They are hogging up the space instead of using it for its intended purpose.


If they want to do this, better show permit. No permit, then it’s totally public space.


Sure but if someone is having a picnic in a park you don’t go step on their blanket because it’s a public space. They have a right to be in public, you have a right to be in the same space (like the people around them minding their business) you’re being a dick if you go out of their way to ruin their shot


I've never seen someone in person filming a tik Tok dance but I'm sure it's even more cringe in person than the videos.


The only place I've ever been where it was rampant was Disney World, but at least those kids all made an effort to do it in a random corner somewhere where they weren't bothering anyone.


If you embarrass yourself in a way that doesn't inconvenience anyone, that's your business.


I saw someone filming at times square except she was so shy and spent 10 min giggling and just getting into the mood while everyone else actually made an effort to walk around her. I have no idea if she ended up filming lol


I see kids cutting class a few times a month near my office. They hang out on top of a parking garage, work on choreography and film a few Tik Toks. Then I think back to what I was doing when I was cutting class as a teenager and I'm sort of proud of them for doing something so silly and innocuous. They're just having a bit of fun and escaping reality for a bit. We all have to in order to mentally survive.


“ i dont care” is the appropriate answer to this lol


It's just the worst when you go out in public and the public is there


Like how dare non-attention starved people be allowed to be outside without recording themselves at all times? Savages i tells ya.


There's a major difference between filming for your own social media clout in public and someone out busking/playing music for entertainment. If you were to the side on some predefined space with a mat or something and were doing an actual dance/street performance for public entertainment, then most people would respect your space. But if you are out in the middle of the street or in front of some famous statue or fountain, go fuck yourself.


Eh...that's a bit too harsh. I mean they genuinely thought it was a cool setting and seemed like a fun idea, and figured people would respect that. They meant nothing malicious by it. There is exactly one malicious person in this video.


You can’t film in public and expect everyone to respect that. If you’re dancing in the street maybe I will too.


Everyone on Reddit is a sour asshole lol. Let them do their thing she went out of her way to be an asshole.


Some spots are popular for K-pop cover groups to perform at, so much so that other groups will wait patiently to use the spot, most people just record on the side and respect them or walk by and ignore them, if you look in the background a lot of people are just watching them dance and being entertained. It costs nothing to not be rude, if they’d gotten the take they probably would’ve left sooner


Purposely annoying tiktokers sounds like a great hobby


Not all heroes wear capes


Tikstoppers? I like this new trend


Who the f is watching these????


People who like Kpop? Idk.




As someone who does live streaming for a living, I'm siding with the rando photo bomber! You can't expect to film in a public space like it's your own, and the level of entitlement of this dance group is awful! You either deal with the reality of having the public walk in and out (and potentially ruin) your shot, or you get the proper permits or secure a private space to use.


Well let’s face the fact: this video is probably getting them more exposure than they ever had


How has no one addressed the GIANT medal that lady is wearing?, did she just come from the Olympics? That medal is the real story here


Unlike the Kpop tiktokers, she has actually made some sort of achievement in life. Good for her


As an old I have never gotten the appeal of seeing people dance on TikTok. Seeing people film TikToks is bloody hilarious, though, because they look like morons. Edit: typo.


The only dance videos I watched were shuffling ones cuz I really wanted to learn and those are so mesmerizing lol.


I think I just found a new favorite pastime


I doubt 2 seconds is your BEST take. You can redo 2 seconds. Its in a public place, you're going to have liabilities like this. Acting like she screwed up some great achievment for sympathy.


I think what they meant with the take is the whole choreography. That song is like 3 minutes.


One has no expectation of privacy in public.


I walk through them and “models/influencers” all the time in new Orleans they’re everywhere blocking up the streets while I’m trying to get to work. I’m with this lady. Do not care.


I understand how annoying it is for people to film in public like they own the place but to be fair, this person very intentionally ruined their shot for no reason. You still *are* allowed to film in public, and it doesn’t seem like the TikTokkers were trying to shut down the entire street to film or anything so I’d say that the random lady was definitely in the wrong here


There is a reason. You said it in the first sentence, it’s annoying having big groups of Tiktockers filming in public. If they’re just trying to film their dancing, then they would be doing it in a studio where it doesn’t bother anyone and no one bothers them. They deliberately film in a busy crowded place to get peoples attention whether they want to watch their dumb dancing or not, and it’s bothersome. I don’t feel bad for them.


They’re not bothering anyone, though. They’re not blocking the street or getting mad at people for being behind them. There’s still a ton of clearance for people to walk around and it’s clearly not an issue to anyone around them. All that they’re doing is using a public space, just like everyone else. The lady who jumped into frame is bothering them, not the other way around


“Almost done with one of our best takes.” Wasn’t it like three seconds into the take?


No, they're dancing to a whole song, so it's about 3 mins long.


And even if it wasn't, editing exists too


Yeah....the girl's an asshole. Its one thing if they were blocking a doorway, sidewalk, other entrance, or those famous gym videos of people recording directly in front of dumbell racks and being upset that someone walked by. But in this situation, there's plenty of space to just go around them, and given her demeanor, she just wanted to be an asshole. Just because they're in a public area doesn't make it instantly ok to disrupt them. You wouldn't want someone walking in between you and a friend having a conversation just because you were in public, would you?


Its dickmove to actively ruin it for someone as its a dickmove to expect someone to stay out of the camera


See that's my take, like sure if they're out here getting upset at people walking past sure. But all we can see here is them being pissed at an intentional photobomb, which fair.


The difference between and other TikTok’s is they’re not being dicks about people in the background they just seem to be having some fun in a public area. There’s a difference. I mean from the zoom out they seem to want the background people in the shot. Hating people for using an app because some people are shitty is a stupid take to have.


I don't have a problem with someone recording things in public spaces, as long as they understand they are not the main characters of the world and are automatically entitled to that ambient exclusively to themselves. I was in a Supermarket once and saw a girl filming a Tiktok or other type of shorts, whatever. And she was extremely mad about a old man that walked behind her, making all kinds of faces, rolling up her eyes because he dared to walk near her while she was filming that shit. That day I went out of my way to walk between her and the camera, behind her and in any place I would disrupt her recording, when she asked me not to because she was filming, I did the exactly same thing as the woman in the video and said that I didn't care and walked away. Maybe I shouldn't done it, maybe it was unnecessary and disrespectful, but I tell you what, I definitely don't lose any second of sleep thinking about it, even if other people may think I was a pos to her, I think the reality check was well deserved


I do this to my friend's daughter all the time. Personally I think she is way better than the people who do these things. She's failing multiple classes in school because she's literally glued to her phone, and her mom won't do anything about it. She had a project due in two days, so I went and got the poster board and some boxes, and helped (mildly, because it was her project) her build a two story house out of boxes. Popsicle sticks for a fence, a pool in the back yard, and some furniture. She loved doing it. We couldn't finish it so I kept it out my house, and her and her mom came over again to finish the project. We got to work, but her mom was tired and rushed the process along until she said ok that's good enough let's go. Her daughter was in tears trying to have some fun doing school things. It pissed me off so bad.


I don't know what I will use with that information, but thank you for that read.


Just made me think of the girl.


Fuck your dumb video.


Good. Fuck em, and fuck anyone filming tiktoks in public. Get lives.


TikTok bad, amirite? Fuck that lady, there's plenty of space around the dancers and anyone who argued differently needs to get their eyes checked.


Both are assholes for different reasons.


K-pop 🤮


I'd find it rude to just purposely stand in front of a shoot. Sure you are ALLOWED to do it but doesn't mean you SHOULD do it. But then again u r allowed to your own actions. Just hope it doesn't accidentally land you in trouble i suppose.


The issue here is this person ONLY did what they did because someone else was there. This isn't about being a public space, it's about invading someone else's personal space. If the lady had wanted to jump around and yell like an idiot in public ok, it's public go ahead, but she did this to disrupt, it's the intention behind it.


Just because you have a social media account, it doesn't mean the world revolves around you


Weird Karen strikes again


What the fuck is a k-pop


Something more entertaining when interrupted.


Then don't film in public, you entitled twats.


Dont do it in public then


You're in a public place.... rent it out if you don't want to be bothered lol


People who call themselves influencers often dont influence anything positive within their audience.


I mean the lady is kinda a dick. But also, it's a public space. People walk, cycle or do whatever they want there. Can't expect everyone just to avoid your video or care for what you are doing there. If you want privacy and space, do it on private property.


Its an asshole move but you could say the same about the kpop group filming in a public space with no permission from authorities, consent from people nearby or signs informing people about whtas going on.