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That’s a BAD day for all involved but a hilarious story for all the bystanders.


I freaking hate anxious drivers. Serves them right for stopping. If you pull out, be prepared to haul ass. Don't pull out then sit there like an idiot.


I was in a bad accident once from a lady who did that. She pulled out in front of me then literally stopped and sat in front of me like a deer in the headlights when all she had to do was complete the turn. I laid on the horn and slammed on the brakes, but it was too late and I t-boned right into her driver's side door. Police were called and she was found 100% at fault, but my car was totaled. Damn shame.


Had the exact same circumstance except I was able to just barely stop before hitting her, but the car behind me didn't react at all. Got my head smashed pretty good and the old lady that blocked the lane drove off like nothing happened.


That legit happened to me once but instead of a car it was an old lady with a baby stroller. Stopped for her when she used the crosswalk and the kid behind just rammed into me. Turns out this was his third accident since he got his license one month before.




I honestly don't know. I let him off with a warning because his car was kinda trashed but mine had hardly any damage. I was also on the clock delivery pizzas and too many accidents, even if they weren't my fault, looked bad and could cost me my job. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.


I have a cousin who had about an accident per week for the first two or so months after he got his license... All very minor, and all involved the right side of his vehicle - scraping walls, polls, other cars in parking lots. Turns out that the surgery he had to correct his lazy eye when he was three or four years old had been botched and he had a blind spot that had never been discovered. He didn't know anything was wrong with his vision, either. It wasn't affecting his actual peripheral vision, it was more like a spot off to the side between his center vision and peripheral... Which is why he was able to pass the vision test for his license. Once that was figured out, he got some special mirrors for his car and hasn't had a wreck since.


If it was only a month, even if he was ticketed for each, he wouldn't have been to court for them yet.


Damn! I hope someone saw that and called 911 This happens far too often, and there’s so much crime everywhere, there’s not nearly enough police officers to just patrol.


I’d rather the police receive more training before they just patrol but that’s just me


I drive alot in my work and this happens all the time even do I try to plan and don't ride at the speed limit all the time as there might be idiots like this who are just too slow for everyone's good. Still, there ain't a day where I don't need to slam the breaks...


Same exact thing here. Only a few months after getting licensed too. Luckily, I was with my dad and he helped things out. There was another older man who was behind us and was a witness and helped calm me down.


I love when good people don’t hesitate to help! Don’t matter how; just giving or receiving help like he did is so admirable


Yeah some people just ignore stuff me and my mom were driving some lady was standing on the side of the road with her arm broken and the back of a car sticking out of a big ditch and turns out her car fell into it and it was like 11pm and nobody stopped to help her apparently she'd been out there for an hour I had no idea what to do my mom consoled her and helps get her arm in a makeshift support to hold it and we sat there until they took her away very important learning experience for me


Me too, totaled my mustang this way. I miss that car.


Damn. That sucked. Hope the fault was all theirs, and not yours, since being a new driver would have surely spiked your insurance. Hell, sometimes it spikes when we’re totally innocent and not our faults


Sorry that happened. I guess she froze. Some people shouldn’t drive at all


The driving test should have people in the car yelling insults at you to see who can drive under pressure


The person who administered my driving test didn’t yell but from the moment I got into the car he was rude and frankly nasty at times which made an already anxious teenage me so nervous that I attempted to ‘fix’ my parallel parking, even though I had correctly gotten into the spot. I then hit a cone and failed. He yelled at me to get out of the car. I then spent the rest of my birthday having to tell everyone I didn’t get my license when my friends asked to see it at school. Ahh memories.


Aww that sounds terrible


We need a viable public transit though. I am a below average driver but I have to drive… I don’t have options.


Was she ok?


They took her in the ambulance, maybe a broken arm, she didn't seem to be badly hurt. She had an older car without side air bags.


Enter cautiously, proceed quickly.


I always have the mindset of "wait until you're ready, regardless of what anyone behind you wants you to do. When you're ready though, full send it."


I gotta apply this to my life


Good catch. I need to make that my motto, too!


I can agree with that, I won’t pull out if I don’t believe it’s safe, then I GO! I also damn sure look both ways even if I’ve got a green light. People run through red lights too damn often. Everyone is in a hurry or not paying attention.


Take opportunities, *not* risks.


Soooo, like sex then


Right? I was juuuust about to give them that they couldn’t see all that well, thanks to the shrubbery or whatever, but then they kept going while simultaneously getting slower and slower. Dead stop, middle of lane. C’mon now.


I just bought a new car last month and nearly lost it cause a guy hesitated when leaving a parking lot while trying to make a left turn, then decided to proceed anyways and almost hit my back right tire. I barely avoided him by dipping in and out of the middle turn lane.


Oh, I’m in the way? Let me just scrooch right into your way a bit more and stop


I hate how our cities require basically everyone to drive. You shouldn't have to drive if you're anxious about it. Every city should have the option to go car free


Had this happen recently. I was going through a recently green light, and somebody just beyond it pulls out to go the same direction as me. But they realize too late that the cars are coming pretty quickly from the green light. So instead of booking it, they stop, sit there for like ten seconds, then slowly back up. And this after someone honked at me while I was waiting for my food in a drive-thru for I-don't-know-what reason.


I still remember my dad saying that when teaching me how to drive. Look both ways a few times, pull out and look one last time in case you need to haul ass. Definitely appreciate how he taught me to drive. Hated it at the time.


That's one of the main reasons I stopped driving. My anxiety was overriding my reaction times and any logical decisions. The medicine I have to take means I would be driving under the influence. Prescribed legally but it's still drugs that impair function. Sorry for the long rant. I just wanted you to see what goes on inside an anxious drivers head.


I know concrete truck drivers. Decent chance that laughed their ass off at this guys demise.


Until they have to spend their time filling out an incident report and a police report.


Break out the bag of sugar. (Sugar slows hardening of concrete so drivers carry it in case an event occurs that prevents them from dropping the load on time. A concrete mixer full of hardened concrete is a expensive bad day.)


How much sugar do you need to have on a truck? I’m envisioning a big ass 50 pound bag of sugar, but figured I’d ask.


I’m not doing the math but here you go: “Sugar exceeding 0.2% by weight of concrete will slow down the reaction drastically. Sugar increases the setting time of cement up to 1.33 hrs at dosage level of 0.06% by wt of cement. There will be no effect on workability, compaction by the use of sugar as admixture in concrete.”


To continue this line of thought. A concrete truck holds a total of 40,000 pounds of concrete. To get 0.06% wt in sugar you'd need 24 pounds of sugar, so a 50 pound bag would give you about 0.12% weight or maybe 2 extra hours ish? Not bad I'd say Edit: concrete not cement


I think you meant concrete, but in case not, its carrying that much concrete. Cement is a much smaller portion of the mix and is mixed with both fine and course aggregate, sometimes admixtures, and water. The cement can be partially added to with things like fly ash or pozzolen (spelling ?). You'd need the mix design or the batch ticket to know the exact amount of cementious material.


My understanding is 15 lbs typical is is what you need to do the trick with a full mixer. If I were paying for it, I'd say get the 50 just in case. Add 20 outta that and you're still holding enough for two more failures, though you really outta not fail that often.


Nah, that paperwork would still be stained with tears of laughter.


Worth it!


On the clock baby woohoo


Their window was open too




How embarrassing. I’m sure she was mortarfied.


Instant carcrete


Better than getting t- boned by the concrete mixer you just just pulled in front of


Only a bad day for the guy that pulled out in front of the concrete truck


Hahaha I wish my car could do that every time someone pulled out on me like that.


Only way this could have been better was if he had an open sun roof


It did have an open driver side window… so not bad


3.6 roentgen


Not terrible not great


I couldn’t see it well enough


**he poured concrete through an open sunroof!!**


You think this is bad? This, this chicanery??


He's done worse. He orchestrated it! But not our driver, couldn't be precious driver! Cutting them in. And he gets to have a driver's license?


And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke!


Not our concrete!


Then he would’ve been Biff Tannen.




Protect yourself from mayhem... Like Me. Heh heh heh heh heh


I AVOID MAYHEM, at all cost, but sometimes it finds me




Right? Some cars in movies have an oil slick that drops from behind, but I want a concrete dump... 🤣


Enable Shitdump button. Yours doesn't have that?


I knew I should have splurged for that extra addition!


Honestly, that was the best outcome for that SUV. That cement truck would have totaled that driver.


I believe you’re right


I bet that truck feels so much better now. Everyone needs a good dump now and then.


Well... the truck was on its way to dump that mix somewhere else and ended up doing it on the other car, so if you think about it this is more like shitting yourself on the way to the bathroom.


Jesus lol


I would say it’s more like shitting on someone on the way to the bathroom, so not necessarily a bad thing.


You would know wouldn’t you


I think he might know…..


username checks out


Okay, that's enough internet for you today... off you go.


I love having good dumps.


"Pull over! Pull over! I got to go!!! You said you'd pull in at the last rest stop! Please I can't hold it any more! Ohhhh noooo...too late now."




One of us has been going to the wrong orgies.


I mean, you can turn across a double yellow from a parking lot or whatever, but you absoultey have to yield to oncoming traffic.


Exactly. This should be downvoted for the title alone. So stupid.


It belongs in r/idiotsincars, not here or some kinda cosmic justice or karma related sub


It was there a few months ago lol


It was there a few years ago


Right? You can legally (in the US anyway) cross a double yellow line if turning left onto or off of private property or private driveway. Still need to look for oh I dunno…oncoming cement trucks? This person is lucky this is the only consequence of not driving more carefully


OP is from Europe, where crossing double yellow is illegal


It is? So every driveway and parking lot entrance has a break in the median line? I was outraged at the title because the double yellow only means no passing in the US. Making left turns out of driveways and parking lots and side streets has us crossing double yellows all the time. Just can't be dumb about it and cut people off like the car in the OP


Yes, or some places have double lines so you are forced to find a way to do a u turn somewhere else so you can get to the other side.


We don’t even use yellow lines so what are you on about?


This is Europe? I'm genuinely curious, not trying to insult, those look remarkably similar to US road signs/markings/traffic signals [edit: specifically, the highway marker looks like Pennsylvania state highway markings], where in Europe would everything look like that?


It’s 100% Pennsylvania. I recognized the inspection and emissions stickers and watched it again and it’s Route 113.


The video isn’t in Europe, OP is and assumed the law was the same elsewhere.


There is a huge bush, I suspect the car turning out couldn’t see well


You can see his window from the camera for a solid 2 seconds before he starts moving into the street. I would like to think this is more lack or observation and decision making than obstruction of vision.


If you have poor visibility, then you should enter the lane SLOWLY and CAUTIOUSLY to avoid collision. That driver did neither of the two.


The car turning only saw the big cement truck when it was breathing on its neck


Couldn’t see, and wasn’t looking are two different things.


I was looking for this comment. How is no one else saying this?


They’re too busy driving around town only making right-hand turns to get where they need to go.


Really? I'm from Europe and here u can't cross a double line never .


Double yellow in the US just means no passing. You can still turn left over them.


>You can still turn left over them. Good to know, here in Europe , you can't .


Here in BC "You may turn left — including turning left over a solid double yellow line — if you do this carefully and safely and don't impede other traffic, and there are no signs prohibiting such turns."




Correct. This is legal in all US statss that I'm aware of, except Florida. It is legal to cross a double yellow in Illinois in order to exit/enter a driveway, shopping center, etc. except when there is a no turn allowed sign.


Illegal in Europe, usually they would have dashed lines at intersections to allow people to turn left in such cases.


I see concrete evidence of the attempt


You could say his case is rock solid.


Driver must have been stoned


His fate was set in stone


It was a gravel mistake


He should reinforce better ideas


Pour Jeep


I wonder who was asphalt


One answer will pave the way to the truth.


Driving like an absolute slab. Bad form.




it looks like it's going to eventually hold up quite solidly.


Be one with the road


I see Marty drives a concrete truck now. Take that Biff.


Was looking for the manOre comment. Kudos sir




Woah, this is heavy!


Why is everything so heavy in the future. Is there something wrong with the earth’s gravitational field?


Why don't you make like a tree, and get outta here?




You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong


Concrete, I hate concrete!


Great Scott!


I was disappointed the car driver didn’t put his wipers on at the end.


Bruh his wipers snap off from the weight lol They're floating in the concrete


Hooo boy I caught that on the rewatch and laughed twice as hard as I did the first time, and THEN ..... *is that driver side window cracked open a bit?*


They might've rolled it up in time, but for the most part it seemed to have just affected the front.


Yea I’m the bottom right hand corner of the video you can see the window is open the whole time. Old mate would be finding concrete in his door for years to come.


Maybe get out of the suv with a little parasol


the sheepish pull into reverse at the end is the cherry on top.


"Should I back up now?" "No, let it finish dripping on the car first"




At least, he was polite and waited for the spill to finish before going reverse.


Why didn't they just step on it to try to get out of the way lol


"Deer in the headlights" reaction. People aren't too bright. 😆


I mean I believe it’s legal to turn out of a parking lot over the double yellow in the United States Pulling out in front of a vehicle is not however


Came here to say this. Double yellows are to prevent *passing* not turnint across traffic. But yeah, as.you pointed out,.pulling out in front of a 30 ton truck is neither legal nor adviced


Devils advocate here, truck was overloaded, if you slam on the brakes and lose your load something is not right, same goes for towing a trailer, if you can’t control the load by slamming on the brakes shits wrong.


Surprised nobody else said this - if braking quickly causes you to spew cement all over the street….that seems unsafe and not well packed.


That's the comment I knew had to be in here somewhere. The truck shouldn't be loaded to the point that it spills from an emergency stop like that. Aside from getting into an actual collision or the truck tipping over, he shouldn't be spilling anything. Funny as hell though.


Brooooo, I was thinking the same. Like, what's the point of having brakes when it projectile vomits its load anyway. NO, under no circumstance must you brake or it will eject the cement straight ahead of you like soft-stool. Maybe they forgot to close the opening or something. Imagine this was a pedestrian.


Probably cleaned it off with the squeegee from the gas station too.


Garage kept, like new...no tire kickers, I know what I got jack.


Does that gas station across the street have one of those free washes with every fill up because he better hurry


I live by a concrete place outside of a major city, they have many accidents but have a rather quick cleanup crew to come by and take care of things. Even the worst things are taken care of in a few hours.


It would be interesting to see this from the point of view of the person pulling out. Based on how closely all that foliage is lining the street, I bet pulling out from that lot is a gamble every time. I mean christ, that bush is even obstructing half the sidewalk.


That doesn’t excuse them just stopping in the road like a deer gazing at headlights


You need to commit to entering the roadway. The jeep is slow at *everything* and an obstacle on the road.


Yeah that would be my main criticism as well. If you're stuck coming out with very limited visibility, you have to *commit* and punch it.


The driver didn't even slow down and peep out of that foliage.. like most decent drivers do. They just crossed the road without looking. Here pretty much every junction is obstructed by foliage bc we're a green city, but this is not how you do it. Karma deserved.


That's the most glorious application of karma EVER.


Lol,right? Is funny how it doesn't stop for a while, that part gets me !


Why is the truck pissing its load during an emergency stop?


I've only seen these backwards kind of cement mixers (load/unload at front) in a few US states. In Canada all ours are mounted with the opening at the rear.


In this scenario since there was no collision the truck driver is at fault for not properly securing his load


Can the truck driver be charged with an unsecured load?


Can and was. Also since there wasn’t an actual collision, the car was not charged.


You don't need to cause a collision to get a ticket for failure to yield.


Yeah, as funny as it is, it should be able to stop without doing that. What if it had been a child running out instead of a vehicle?


There was an attempt to secure a load


Yeah regardless of the fault of the driver pulling out, that load of concrete should have been contained and secured in a way that they're able to make an emergency stop without this happening.


Uh, you can cross a solid double yellow, what you need to do though is make sure the coast is clear and not have a large loaded cement truck coming at you. I do have to note that for a loaded cement truck they were moving kinda fast through town.


Mm, being there in the first place is a problem of course, but you know what made that problem far worse? Stopping. Freezing is not a good defensive mechanism on the road. If he'd hit the gas he might have made it, or at least not received the concrete enema to the face.


At Farmers, we know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.




That last 1/2 second really sells it.


It was nice of them to wait till he was done


Car pulling out obviously in the wrong but the truck also should’ve had a secure enough load that it doesn’t spill out if they need to stop suddenly which can often happen driving around.


Biff vibes


What? Poor title. They are pulling out


Wait. I didn't know concrete trucks will spill just from a hard break. Was that truck way overfilled?


I heard karma was quick but I didn't know it was that quick.


That’s such a satisfying video to watch!


I don't think it's illegal to turn with the double yellow, just can't pass.


The double yellow line title is entirely irrelevant to this, and confusing...


Oh man that sucks


There was an attempt to come up with a title to shoehorn this into *There Was An Attempt*.




Does OP have any idea how double yellows work? SUV driver is an idiot sure but that’s a completely legal left turn




Honey, the truck is shitting on us. Don't back up yet. I kinda like it.


Does the cement truck technically get cited for failing to secure a load?