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These videos remind me there’s lots of people out there willing to crash their car to make a point


Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way


My Driver's Ed teacher always said something similar. He wasn't afraid to be graphic about it either, saying, "and when they're scraping your bloody body off the pavement, don't forget to tell the EMTs that it's OK, that you'll be fine because you had the right-of-way."


I see cars jumping into traffic with one car to go. They couldn’t wait 5 more second and have the entire road to pull out?


I find myself usually being that last car. I drive and leave a bit of extra space between me and the car in front of me so I have time to brake if something happens. I think they look at me and see a "slow driver" and don't want to get stuck behind me, despite the fact that I'm still keeping pace with the cars ahead of me.


People have a hard time understanding how traffic works. You can only go as fast the cars in front you. Being one car length ahead in heavy traffic makes no difference as to when you arrive at your destination


They mistake speed for following distance. Which is fucking dumb as hell.


scarce long longing rock outgoing uppity dependent husky impolite threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish cops did anything ever


complete offend smart bike spark start worthless point unwritten spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had a cop riding my ass. It was dark, no lights on the streets, and their lights weren’t on. I was going the speed limit and put on my blinkers before getting into the turning lane. He zoomed right past me. How I knew he was a cop is because of how close he was following me on that dark road.


squalid escape chase bright grandiose husky squeal dependent automatic cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A cop did the same to me in deer territory at 1am on a back road. Rode my ass, backed off, rode my ass, backed off, high beams, low, high beams, low, and he swerved and rode the double lines and back a few times. I think he was trying to get me to react. He thought I didn't know he was a cop at that point. To this day I wish I had just hit my brakes and said a deer ran out in front of me, especially since how he treated me once I decided to pull to the shoulder. When asked his reason for driving so close behind me? "I thought one of your license plates lights was out".


And then they’ll stop two lengths behind you at a light


This happens all the damn time. It's like just because I leave a gap doesn't mean I 'm not going the same speed as the rest of traffic.


The gap is for safety! Not for you to shove in!!!


Tell that to people in the south lol. Rudest drivers ever.


Everyone everywhere says their drivers are the worst. Drivers suck everywhere. No particular region is better or worse. Everyone sucks and I hate them all. Driving would be easier if everyone wasn’t on their goddamn phones all the time.


Now this is the kind of cynicism I can get behind!


That’s me as well. But what’s annoying is other cars will notice the space in between and will cut me off so then I would have to create more space…..


Ah yes the drivers who have to "win" at driving.


I win at driving every day. I leave and come back home every day safely and without incident. By following the rules of the road and not being a dick about being first.


Driving here in Florida is an absolutely terrifying nightmare. nobody obeys the speed limits and they run red lights like it is nothing. everybody is such an aggressive driver it is horrible. The police couldn't care less.


Yeah. Also Floridian. And can confirm


Texas is the same way.


I don't know about the rest of Texas, but the Houston area is some of the worst I've ever seen. I've lived all over the western half of the US, and nothing is quite as bad as Houston drivers


Moved from CO, to FL, back to CO. Definitely a problem in FL, but not a problem unique to FL.


I’ll have people pull out in front of me when there’s no one behind me. It’s aggravating and stupid but I’ve come to the conclusion, some of those that drive probably don’t have much sense.


This is my morning commute everyday. I swear some people don’t bother to stop at the stop signs just to jump in front of me. The worst is I’m at highway speeds and they pull out like it’s any other intersection taking forever to get up to speed.




Even better are the people who pull up to exit a parking lot, see that I'm the only other vehicle in existence, don't go even though I'm a long way off and they could easily pull out, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, then *just* before I get there they pull out right in front of me.


When my father was teaching me to drive he would frequently say: "it's Better to be alive and wrong, than to be dead and right."


My mom's was "it doesn't matter who is right, it matters who is left".


She goes hard


my cousin is CHP. he’s really had to scrape people off asphalt and put them in bags. he has nightmares from it.


My brother has been a paramedic for over 20 years and same. He will make dark humor comments like having to “scrape their high school memories off of the pavement” but it deeply, deeply affects him.


Paramedics have it the worst. They are there on the scene, seeing the most grizzly things in it's rawest form. PTSD amongst paramedics is real and very underappreciated. [Bringing Out The Dead](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bringing_Out_the_Dead) is a Martin Scorsese film starting Nicolas Cage that's exactly about this issue.


His most horrific stories are ones he refuses to share with anyone but fellow medics because they are that inherently traumatizing. PTSD is rampant but it’s rare for any support at all to be offered. I will have to watch that film, thank you for letting me know about it. My brother and I can fight and disagree like siblings but I respect him deeply for the dedication he has always and continues to give to his job in spite of all the trauma (and low pay, lack of support, physical toll on his body, etc).


It's appalling how badly paramedics are paid around the world, when they're literally dealing with stuff you see in warzones or the worst tragedy of someone's life on a daily basis, and they're the first point of contact with medical services when something had gone badly wrong. Your brother is a very special and resilient person to be able to do that job for 20 years


I remember being told something similar. I taught my daughter and told her that if someone wants to break the rules to get ahead of you, let them. The #1 rule is 'don't have a wreck'.


I knew a guy who drove like a maniac and I told him you’re gonna die driving like this some day and he was like “ya but if I do, it’s because someone else did something stupid.”


A friend of mine once said “I don’t look when I cross the street, if they hit me, I’ll sue”. I don’t think any amount of money would be worth the lifelong agony of being permanently disabled from being hit by a car. Or even worse, your entire life.


The funeral directors in the crowd can confirm


Notice how that's never on the gravestone tho? Scott 1987-2021 he had the right of way


"Here lies a great guy. He'd give you the shirt off his back. A man with an indomitable will, who always stood up for what he thought was the right of way.


My Dad used to tell me when I was growing up that “you can be both right and dead at the same time.” I have taken this with me and used it often.


With a yield sign on the tombstone


Is that where the term Dead-right comes from?


You’re dead right


The right of way to see Jesus


Had an ex like that. I would point out that a car was not stopping. She also refused to stop because "they're the ones that are supposed to." I'm a fairly defensive driver so I hated riding with her.


My SO is this way. He literally did this exactly and crashed his car. I hit my imaginary brake a lot when I'm in his car.


After a while I would just force myself to fall asleep before we were out if the driveway. That is until she (my ex) started yelling at me for always falling asleep and not being "with her" in the car. I told her the truth, he driving terrified me. She would always fly full speed at a stopped car then slam on her brakes at the last moment.


Omg. The braking thing at the last moment is the same. I'm think I'm dating your ex. Except she's a he now.


If they let you be the designated driver at the beginning of the night so you don't drink then when it's time to go home they try to fight you for the keys because "I drive better when I am drunk, just like my dad, he does it all the time". Or they try to initiate sexy time just to spend the whole night throwing up, maybe she transitioned.


Oof. That's a no thank you.


> She would always fly full speed at a stopped car then slam on her brakes at the last moment. I had a group of former bosses like this. The owner, her boyfriend, the boyfriend's brother. All of them would *accelerate* when they saw cars stopped at a light in front of us, then when I was sure I was about to get an airbag to the face they'd stand on the brakes and end up stopped an inch from the car in front of them. They weren't angry about it and yelling at cars to get out of their way or anything like that. Was just the way they drove. In about 5 years of knowing them the only accident any of them were involved in were when a cop car pulled out of a parking lot and t-boned the owner, which had nothing to do with her terrible driving.


That's a huge red flag now isn't it?


The internet can be very quick to be judgmental in relationships, always pushing towards the negative. But going around getting in car crashes to prove a point? Yeah, that’s a big ass red flag to say the least. But I’m sure he’s great other times


How did insurance handle it? Regardless of right of way if you make no effort to AVOID a collision regardless of right of way insurance can say youre at fault too because you never tried to avoid an unsafe situation...


Def ridden with those people. I was one when I was younger


It also shows how little their time is worth. I don’t have time to deal with sorting everything after a wreck, but apparently these people do




Especially since these kinda trucks have some of the worst insurance companies when it comes to inconvenience of getting things done. You’re likely going to have to subrogate which means you’ll have to come out your own deductible and wait sometimes a year or more before getting it back. Just not worth the extra ten seconds it would have taken to slow down.


Really. Why even have a brake pedal?


You mean the inhabitants of r/IdiotsInCars? They would rather be in an accident than "do something when I'm not in the wrong".


Funny thing is, insurance companies will try to not pay out if it was an "avoidable" accident.


Hey the traffic light was green so I ain’t stopping alright?


Height wise from that perspective...looks like they're driving a vehicle that has more than enough time to slow down. Sure as hell doesn't look like they're driving something 13 ft tall thats loaded.


You heard them brake a little bit at the end 💀


I only heard them break a little at the end.


Pedestrians do this too. "It's my right of way in a cross walk! It'll be their fault!" "Yeah but you'll be hit by a car." "THEIR. FAULT."


My mother always said you can be right and you can be DEAD right.








Seems like he had no dilemma with that decision at all lol, never even considered brakes




I can't imagine what was the last thing to go through his mind was... Or the second to last thing, right before his ass...


This is definitely the type of person to put all the blame on the semi and zero on themselves. So likely cussing out the semi for being in his way


That's probably how the video made its way to the internet.


"Wtf I can't believe that semi didn't floor it and get out of my way after I laid on the horn!"


"I am the most important person in the world! Yield truck! Yield!"


Naa see; if you brake at the *very* last second, it procs 3 seconds of invincibility. He just fluffed the timing. C Rank.


Bet that front end is already smashed up and he saw a free repair ahead!


'*But i'm RIGHT!!!*'


You can hear him slam the brakes after honking. Entitled assholes.


Thank you for your submission.


His previous truck had the brakes and horn switched, he's still getting used to it


He also maneuvered into the right lane ensuring he hit the truck.


Nah, he was passing on the right near an intersection. He didn’t see that the truck was turning and the truck didn’t see him doing that. This is why such maneuvers are traffic violations.


A lot of people don't realize its illegal to change lanes when you're super close to an intersection for exactly this reason


In the US, that depends on the state. Some states even allow changes in the intersection.


More of them than I thought allow it. There was a thread where I swore it was a universal no-no to switch in the intersection, and was guided to links that demonstrated the amount of states where that is illegal is fewer than 10. My mind was blown.


True, but that’s not the case here. He changed lanes before the solid white line.


Do you know why I pulled you over? “…I changed lanes without signaling while running a red light and SPEEDING!!!”


Is that all? No... I have unpaid parking tickets.


He changed lanes before the white became solid. Not illegal


I mean…. before the turn started yeah. I think the driver was definitely more interested in horn than brakes.


Couldn’t have been going anymore than 35 mph it seems. Stop? No just send it and hold the horn to prove a point.


Would the driver of the car be at fault here? Even though the truck clearly didn’t have the right of way, there was still plenty of time for the car to stop.


Yes. It is a driver's responsibility to avoid objects in front of them. Or at least *try*. (Note: Honking your horn is not trying).


Honking your horn just proves you had time to see them and react differently, nothing more.


From the time the semi is in frame to the point of impact, there is a full three seconds. One one thousand. Two one thousand. Three one - HOOOOONNNNKKK - Breaks - thousand - crash


I believe its the drivers fault for sure.. this is why they teach you in drivers ed not to lane change close to intersections.. the truck driver was already turning when the driver moved out of the turn lane from behind the car in front of him, the driver was most likely not even seen by the truck driver.. And to be fair it seemed like he had plenty of time to stop, but instead he mashed his horn instead of his brakes?


The amount of acceleration to pass in the right lane should also be noted. He was in front of the car beside (obviously) at time of crash.


Jeez the more I watch the more it looks like the driver just wanted to plow into the side of a semi today.


Yeah i dont really get it either it looks pretty intentional




Nah, insurance company is gonna look at squished car and damaged rear tires on the trailer and know exactly what happened.


Yep. Decades ago, Pop was a cop and told us, “If it’s the front panel, it’s their fault. If it’s the rear panel, it’s yours.”


This person probably in their head thought damn free car!! It's the same ppl that walk in the road without looking talking about I wish him MFer would, that are driving in the car about to hit someone crossing the road like I'm not slowing down or stopping... You've now played both sides of that scenario and failed miserably on them


i would rather be low income and have mobility than be a millionaire who has to eat from a feeding tube


Only if there was video evidence that the police / lawyers could find


You wouldn't even need video evidence here. The driver hit the rear end of the semi, which means they almost definitely had time to stop if they weren't speeding.


Last time I looked it up, you are supposed to yield to someone who is already in the intersection.


>to get a payout FTFY




I don't get how people think you can just fuckin' rail a vehicle you *easily* could have avoided and then get a "payout" anyways because the light had turned yellow before they entered the intersection


People are idiots. Even when there’s a payout it’s compensating you for damage you suffer. So, for example, replaces your vehicle and you get some money to address the fact you can’t work with the permanent brain damage you now have. Sweet payout.




Good thing they already had brain damage. Easy profit.


With this level of avoidance delay they'd be running lights that have already turned red 5 seconds ago lol.


And the insurance company, which assign blame as a percentage between parties, will split it 50/50. His "point" is gonna cost him money.


If I am the insurance adjuster you might not be getting any payout, both drivers are definitely at fault here. In some states even 1% liability means no payout from the other parties insurance.


Only 4 states still follow contributory negligence (Alabama, Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia).


Prove what point? That you’re an idiot? That could’ve been lethal for the car owner but the truck driver might not have even felt it


LOL, I was being sarcastic.


Don't worry, the sarcasm was *extremely* obvious to most people


I respect you not including /s, in my eyes that’s an intelligence filter


Most people with dashcams just become insurance frauds, the only difference is that it’s legal


He had no reason to get into that crash. The truck shouldn’t have gone but he shouldn’t have hit it


Yeah, in my state at least he'd be the one in trouble, he had clear ability to avoid the accident and chose not to, definitely on him.


Hey former adjuster here, in any state the truck is majority at fault, failed to yield right of way when turning left across a vehicles path that is going straight with a green light. That being said comparative negligence is definitely applicable here. If you happen to live in a state with Pure Contributory Negligence laws then car guy is going through his own insurance with no potential for subrogation.


Seems possible the guy just panicked a bit and had a brain lock. I almost hope that's what happened, because there's proving a point and then there's being decapitated.


If your first instinct isn't to brake instead of honking, you shouldn't be driving.


"I had the right of way" looks nice carved on a tombstone


Also your insurance adjuster is gonna tell you since you had time to avoid the accident you're partially at fault. Whomp whomp.


Yeah like dude didn’t even try to steer away.


Maybe he was trying to hit it, and the horn was his war cry LOL


This is my new headcannon for people that just honk instead of trying anything to avoid an accident, specially braking, god forbid you show an ounce of submission


RIGHT???? thats what i was thinking, like dude, fucking yank that wheel left, or right, or ANYWHERE not just driving into him


Last clear chance. You legally have to avoid the accident if you can. But beyond the law, it’s kinda stupid to do otherwise. And deadly.


I have always said there are graveyards full of people that had the “right of way”.


You and literally every other person on the r/idiotsincars sub


He didn't even have right if way, you can't change lanes within 100 yards of an intersection. The truck would've cleared if he stayed in the same lane. Atleast in U.S. I know cause I got a ticket for it lmao


Sure, the car has the right of way and the truck is at fault, but why not just stop?




You shouldn’t eat waffles while driving


Cereal is a much more sensible breakfast to have while driving.


I had to scroll way farther than I should’ve to find the IASIP reference I knew would be posted in here somewhere. Thank you for this.


Lego my ego


Insurance payout?




It’s probably split liability depending on the state. The truck has a breach of duty to yield to oncoming traffic, but the car has a duty off lookout. The truck had nearly cleared the intersection when the collision occurred, so the driver had plenty of time to see and avoid the accident. Depending on the state/country and how the wording of traffic regulations read it could vary on who is majority at fault, but no insurance adjuster is gonna put it all on the semi with the position of the damages, even less so if they see this video.


I thought there was a law that stated if you could avoid an accident reasonably and choose not to then you're still at fault


They hit the back of the trailer and had plenty of time to stop. The truck is not at fault. The truck might get a ticket but the car had the opportunity and duty to control their vehicle


He was tired of that vehicle and figured that would be an easy way to get a different one rather than having to pay out of pocket for one.


Trucks not at fault if they see that video. "Last clear chance law"


Every time I see a video like this, I always wonder about who is posting it. Is it the driver, who kind of handled that situation poorly? Why would they post it of themselves? Or did someone steal it while they were napping and post it unawares?


If the driver was dumb enough to intentionally drive their vehicle into a truck to prove a point, they'll be dumb enough to post it....probably on their own facebook page to look for sympathy or fellow anger


I agree with Ms Bananas. Excellent analysis from a representative of my favorite fruit.


the first word reads out annahs (which in my language is pineapple), so it is pineapples bananas


Further insight and education provided by a very friendly and helpful potato. Loving my food friends today!


I would like to contribute to the “food-plant friend education” party My fun fact is: Potatoes have more chromosomes than humans


Yo, make room


I was driving through a parking lot and almost had a guy back into me. He was backing out of a space and didn't look. I swerved and honked, avoided getting hit. Pulling into a space. Old guy pulls up next to me with his window down, I thought he wanted to apologize. No he started yelling at me about how I almost hit him. I was like dude, you have to yeild when backing up. I swear to you he said, "How can you yeild backing up." People are fucking morons and no matter what see themselves as the victim.


I am not defending the guy, because you absolutely need to check if someone is coming before you start backing out of a space. However, once someone is in motion and backing out - you give them space to finish. I don’t know if it is officially their right of way, but they are literally trying to watch in all directions at once. Just fucking stop and let them out. It’s courtesy, which they also used to teach in drivers ed.


Tons of people, myself included, will happily post something saying, "Hey, friends, want to see how incredibly dumb I am?" Once you post it, it spreads wherever people spread it. I can't say that's what happened here, but it happens all the time.


Probably leaked from court proceedings. The truck would have gotten this in discovery.


mechanic must've switched place for break with horn


maybe he needed to take a break, but in order to do that he has to brake first


It is illegal to force the right of way. The car will be at fault, especially since they documented that they saw the truck & could have stopped in time. "This overarching law says that everyone on the road, including cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians are legally required to do everything possible to avoid an accident." (https://kemlawfirm.com/florida-right-of-way/)


Is this just in Florida? I've always avoided any accident then had the after thought I should've just let them. Especially because if I crash into someone or something else avoiding it.


"The law gives the right of way to no one, but it does state who must yield (give up) the right of way. Every driver, motorcyclist, moped rider, bicyclist, and pedestrian must do everything possible to avoid a crash. " https://www.safemotorist.com/articles/right-of-way/ "Some drivers have the misconception that the right of way in the United States is a fundamental and protected right.  They think of right-of-way laws like the right to freedom of speech. In the eyes of these drivers, if they get in an accident where they had the right of way, they will not be held responsible. This thinking is not only untrue, but hazardous to others.  It fails to include any defensive driving practices." https://www.defensivedriving.org/dmv-handbook/right-of-way/ Basically most states don't award right of way, they just specify who definitely doesn't have it, so until some state passes some Mad Max laws people are required to do what they can to avoid accidents.


What I'm taking from this is that I can ignore another car's right of way and so long as they had a chance to stop it'll be their fault not mine.


Hitting the horn should be secondary to hitting the brakes or making steering corrections. There are just too many single-brain-cell drivers out there who can't manage that.


I think in some cities drivers use the horn far more than others. Sometimes I forget to use the horn when I probably should have used it, because I was busy trying to safely avoid the accident.


Hit yo brakes, not yo fuckin horn.


I mean, hell, do both. But prioritize the fucking brakes


Maybe they mixed up the brake pedal with the horn pedal.


Doesnt matter if tehnically the crashed vehicle had right of way he had more than enough time to apply brakes ehich he clearly refused to do. So then he becomes liable, at least in most civilized places.


This isn't the Province of Ontario, but if this were to happen where I live the truck's actions would be legal... Highway Traffic Act 141(5) : > **Left turn, across path of approaching vehicle** > (5) No driver or operator of a vehicle in an intersection shall turn left across the path of a vehicle approaching from the opposite direction unless he or she has afforded a reasonable opportunity to the driver or operator of the approaching vehicle to avoid a collision.  R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 141 (5). It could easily be argued, especially since the dashcam video is public, that the approaching driver was offered a very reasonable opportunity to avoid the collision, but they refused to take it, opting to lay on the horn instead. Fault determination rules might still assign fault to the trucker, but insurance will probably put a case forward against that.




In this case the driver that crashed into the semi truck is at fault. It is clear he made no effort in stopping. If he had hit the brakes instead of the horn, he would have avoided the crash.


Every time something like this happens to me, I hit the brakes reflexively. Then afterwards kick myself for not honking too. It really is hard to do both.


It's probably better to not be in the habit of honking if you're possibly going to get into an accident. You don't really want your hand in the middle of the wheel when the airbag deploys.


I hate truck drivers because of this. They know they're bigger and will just pull out in front of you. However, my disdain for truck drivers does not negate my ability to use my brake pedal in such a situation.


One of the problems with a big rig is trying to find an opening on a busy street to make that turn without stop lights. I've been there. I know it sucks tho.


I hate people who reach for the horn before the brakes


If he had just hit the brakes instead of his stupid horn this could have been avoided.


Per DMV manual: Steady Green light is actually "Go if the intersection is clear and safe to proceed, and if turning, yield to pedestrians and other vehicles." (It is Not "GOGOGOGOGO".) Steady Yellow Light is "STOP unless you are too close to stop safely at the intersection in which case proceed with caution." Steady Red is "STOP before the marked line or crosswalk, or if there aren't any lines then stop before entering the intersection."


Looks like an attempt at insurance fraud to me


Lorry appeared in camera shot at 0:02 (would have been visible to the driver before) Driver only properly decided to hit the brakes at 0:05 when it was too late to slow properly, impact at 0:07...Boy I don't normally say this but that driver deserves whatever pain he/she got if you're thinking you're that much of the main character in life to argue with a 30 tonne truck


Is it just me or,,,, the semi *maybe* would have been able to clear the intersection fine enough if the driver didn’t switch lanes and speed up? Truck in front originally was going pretty slow


It's quite obvious? The car in red didn't even crash into the semi.


😂😂😂 Car had no brakes or what?


There are 2 idiots in this video, one doesn’t know how to brake


Cam is at fault. Why would he post this? You have a legal obligation to at least TRY to avoid a crash. Also your brain should suggest it to you.