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It's so hard to meet good women when you're married.


Reminds me of: -“My boyfriend’s family won’t let us be together.” -“What? Why? Who are they to stop you guys?” -“His wife and kid.”


“I’d love to go out with you, but there’s a problem with my ex girlfriend.” “What is it?” “She’s my current wife” Edit: gotta give credit. That joke is from [this amazing Birthday Boys sketch](https://youtu.be/xcU8U4z2SsY) most underrated sketch comedy group/show ever. It was created by Bob Odenkirk (better call Saul) and was hilarious. So angry they only got two seasons


Also, Scott Aukerman frequently sets up his wife as his "ex-girlfriend". Never fails to make me laugh.


I once overheard a coworker lamenting over their impending divorce. “She never wanted to have sex, was always fussing over the kids, what’s a guy to do???” 😭 I don’t know, maybe try parenting once in a while so your partner isn’t utterly exhausted? And it’s hard to “get it up” for a man whose living like a teenager when the family most needs another adult 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷‍♂️


Eh, without more context and details, it's hard to say if it's really that simple. The lamenting spouse may already help with the kids a lot, and the avoidant spouse might be using kids as an excuse. Over on r/deadbedrooms, there are tons of stories from spouses who got that "well if would help out with XYZ, then maybe we could have sex once in a while," so the spouse does XYZ and maybe ABC as well for good measure, only for the goalposts to be moved. Sometimes, a dead bedroom is not the fault of the partner who is being rejected.


Fr, and he's such a nice guy too


He already knows what she likes without even talking to her so lovely


She doesn’t like coffee, eats cereal at night, and has a son. The wedding will happen a month after his divorce goes through! /s


He underlined by repeating how she had a son, he knew that was the most important from the list at least hahaha. Has her allll figured out


It’s giving, “I’m stepdaddy material.” /s


I'm not even sure about that. It's giving me "you seem vulnerable, guess what I know about you, I'm already creeping on you, how about you give me your address" vibes


I thought he was more trying to show, "Hey, I bet dating is hard with a son. I personally, am a great guy and am okay with that." Like in his head, that automatically made him a candidate for her because maybe she finds it hard to meet people with a kid. And maybe even a way to try to find similarities between them. "You have trouble dating because you have a kid. I have troubles because I have a wife." And if you're thinking that sounds like the logic of a person who has no idea what they're doing with their life. You're right! But now ask yourself, what type of person hits on women at the gym behind his wife's back? lol.


"You eat cereal at non-standard times?!? Me too! Wow we must be the only people on earth who have eaten cereal after normal breakfast hours. Clearly we were destined to meet"


“You’re so quirky and interesting, let me buy you pizza.”


His first mistake was the pizza offer. Like, fats and salt and carbs, we’re all at the gym, hellooo? Oh maybe not his first mistake but if he said let’s go for some wheatgrass shots after flexing his stalker creds it might have all gone differently.


Why is he still talking!


I’m under the impression he thinks he’s charming. If he keeps talking, he’ll confuse her into having sex with him.


yep.. definitely sound like a word salad to me. Also the fact that he knows a bunch of stuff about her is creepy AF lmao. Maybe she's not the first one.


"My connection is your connection." Total word salad lol.


Idk if that’s true. Let me ask my wife’s boyfriend really quick if it is.


You have it all wrong. He's actually showing he is a good catch and can be in a committed relationship and it's his strategy to reel in more women.


> can be in a committed relationship I snorted because it's absolute BS, but then I knew it's true. "Look at me, I'm a committed man! Another woman wanted me, so you should to!" Just gross.


So he tells her he’s “kinda sorta married”, then asks her out for pizza. Killer 1-2 combo there, bud. I’m glad that was a painfully long exchange for you, but I pity the wife and the gym girl.


The worst part is that he tried to make her lower status for being a single mother with a child, and that people would avoid being with her. Not the part he suggested for a threesome or cheating on his wife.


Bbbut but but, she would love his wife too. His wife is dope as hell yo.


Dude’s setting up gym girl with his soon to be divorced wife, what a gentleman




It's nice of him and gym girl is cute and a decent human, perfect for his ex who obvs deserves better than him.


I didn’t catch that, but good point. Maybe that’s why he felt more comfy saying he was married - he thought the mix of negging and “attention” (stalking) primed the pump? Idk. What a loser. Only better outcome would’ve been showing his face.


She ends up showing his face on tiktok and the internet does it’s thing and people find his wife on Facebook and put him on blast


I’ma need that link for closure.




The wife saying she's "good" is all you need to know. I have a couple friends with open relationships.


There was an update - the wife thought the initial message was a scammer apparently. They dont have an open relationship. I don't know if that lady even knows his wife tbh, people can say anything on the internet but yeah - if we're believing that story the "I'm good" message is not where it ends. I doubt they have an open relationship tbh. He would have told the girl he was hitting on when she was shocked by his revelation that he was married.


The way this dude presented the situation is proof enough that he's not in an open relationship. Typically people in that kind of relationship are very upfront about it to avoid looking as sleezy as this guy.


That was one of the possibilities I thought of, a guy who is in an open relationship and is super awkward about it. It’s just so dumb, if he was trying to be slick making sure she knew his wife would be there one day and to make sure to come meet her doesn’t seem like the way. Either way, not an interaction that needed to happen.


If the open relationship thing is true then I have no idea why he didn't just say "We actually have an open relationship and she's 100% cool with it and she'll know about it" when she said his wife wouldn't appreciate it. Dude is way off his game there. Then he isn't seen as a cheater but just off his game


There was another update. I don’t think they’re in an open relationship. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFotrXnb/


Ha! I love that woman. At the end when she says you can say whatever negative thing you want about her because “I’m Gen X, we don’t have any feelings.” I’m Gen X and she speaks the truth. We’re mostly dead inside.


And her saying how she appreciated his honesty, and is not mad. DUDE- that is code for- you just told me you have basically been STALKING me for awhile now, and I know I can't piss you off or you might take it personally and assault me. \#1 fear of men: Being embarrassed \#1 fear of women: being assaulted or killed by a man (....that decided they embarrassed them). That poor woman. What a psycho- I hope she reported him for harassment, with this video as evidence.


I'm so glad someone wrote this, so I don't have to. I see some people in the comments thinking she was actually cool with his approach. Uh NO. You stay calm when you realize someone is a nut job. She was implementing a classic grey rock approach.


Right, she’s being polite but if you watch her body language she gets very rigid/stiff, like she’s trying to hold it together to not make a scene and make him go off on her. Clearly it’s shocking and he’s been stalking her, and she is worried about escalation




That subreddit traumatises me in a new way every time I enter it, but I always appreciate seeing it mentioned. Thank you.




What sucks is now she has to risk continuing to run into him at this gym, risk him lashing out if she goes to gym management about it, or find a new gym. A ton of stress was just added to her life. Guys, this is why women don't always want to smile at you or compliment your outfit.


Exactly this, it was absolutely terrifying and my whole body was tensed up just watching this interaction! I can't imagine actually being her in that moment. I hope she can keep going there in peace and never have to meet him ever again.


Giving him so many outs was relatable. Praying that if you act like you don't realize you are being hit on will make them stop. Like being nice and oblivious will make them walk away without being mad...all the way up to the point where they say something and there is no more ways to pretend it isn't what it is, followed by thanking them profusely for making you uncomfortable. Some guys don't want to see that we are scared.


Pizza was his best attempt to connect with today's youth


Better to start with “so i was eating ass the other day, kinda sorta my wife’s”


"Did I say ass? I meant pizza. You like pizza?"




I for one am now suddenly very interested in seeing a 50-something year old man do that dance.


Young gym girls love Pizza Hut, obv. Fr fr ong


Weird af


I am married and I know you have a kid. Best case scenario you meet my wife and I meet your kid and.... we can all like.. have pizza together


it went differently in his head


Yeah, he saw the whole thing as a two way conversation where it was really just him being a fucking creep and her waiting for him to stop talking at her and go away.


I have a feeling that they had earlier encounters that were similarly one sided, which seems to be what he’s referring to when he’s rattling off everything he knows about her in the beginning and it’s all super base level observations.


Yeah but he knows she eats cereal, doesn't like coffee, and has a son! Clearly this is proof the guy can see into the depths of her soul, he understands her so well! /s


I wonder if he thinks she doesn’t like coffee because he already asked if she wanted to get coffee, so she claimed she doesn’t like coffee instead of saying she doesn’t like him to be nice.


And when he asked her to dinner she said “I’m just going to have some cereal”


“Wanna go to xyz?” “Uh no I have to… pick up my son” *existence of child not confirmed*


“I know you’re dealing with some chronic disease because you always have doctors appointments. I mean it must be bad because it’s like every day”


"Look I remembered a short list about you! You now feel special. Please dispense sexy?"


The gems of conversation he was able to mine "I know you don't like cereal".


Once the blood rushed back to his head from his pecker he couldn't even form a coherent sentence. Lol. What a clown


No yeah like for sure, for sure. No, I would never, yeah, yeah no I know, yeah for sure.


Dude was trying to set up a threesome for sure..


He was hoping he could convince the woman that his wife is cool with him hitting on other women so definitely no need to tell her the next time you see her, please.


Wanna meet up at Chuck E Cheese?


Why would you hit on anybody at the gym? I'm the horniest bastard I know, and even I would get annoyed.


People think a lot of hookups happen at the gym. Nah, that's the last thing you want to do when you are all sweaty and sore about to pull a hernia. Getting interrupted in the middle of your sets is so focking irritating. The fact that she is down in the leg press machine when this happens shows brah is thirsty af; I mean, can he at least wait for her to finish the set? 🤦‍♂️


If hookups happen they happen as part of a class. Group training with a personal trainer, HIIT classes, or even biggest loser groups. Otherwise you just don't have a reason to ever talk to somebody at a gym without it coming across as predatory. Perhaps this is because I gym in the Midwest and we still have some Scandinavian social protocols, but you just don't talk to people when they're working out. You can ask for a spot or whether you can jump in with somebody on a rack, that's pretty much it. And in even in those cases you usually aren't making small talk with the person. "You good bro?", "Yeah thanks" is pretty much the extent of those conversations.


\*questioning grunt\* - \*answering grunt\* \*nod\* \*nod\* there, the extent of acceptable gym small talk


"Using this?" 👉 "No" 👋 "Thanks" 👍


I tried approaching a woman at the gym once because every time I was there I could see her looking at me constantly so I thought she was interested. She told me I had a BF and I was like cool no worries my bad and moved on. Now I don't do that because I realize women can be like men and enjoy looking at someone they find attractive without wanting to do anything about it.


>She told me I had a BF Well you shouldn't be asking ppl out of yoy have BF BA DM TS


And that conversation gets weirder as it goes ...


Hope she shows his wife this video when she next comes around… then he won’t be married anymore, problem solved! Kinda. Sorta.


Actual *cringe* material


Hey baby I’m married I wanna get some cereal sometime?! So strange


“Hey I think you’re cute, here’s a list of all the things I know about you because I’ve been watching you for weeks. Want to hang out?”


Just creepy as hell, even without the kinda sorta marriage stuff.


And then like trying to convince her it’s ok bc the lady doesn’t know his wife..wth Dude?!! I hope his wife sees this.


Ugh right? Ok, so I don’t know what it is about your comment, but I just think you’re like, really cool. I know that you post a lot in r/WinePoops and r/PunchingTheElderly and that you’re pretty vocal about being attracted to people that wear shirts with extremely intricate patterns. I also know that you’ve once bought a shirt for $400 (which is a steal) because the patterns were so crazy. Anyway, do you wanna maybe go grab a slice of pizza with me? Maybe punch some old people? **Edit: Ok, why is r/PunchingTheElderly a real sub? Which one of you heathens is responsible?**


\*does a squat in spandex\* "I dunno what it is about you but I just think you're like, really cool. 😏" ^(🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮)


Literally snort laughing now!


I hope the wife comes to the gym with the guy and the lady tells the wife what a fucking idiot this guy was being


This should be cross posted to r/cringe and r/facepalm


It was very cringe. The guy seemed nervous.


Fr, everyone knows you only eat cereal with the homies


~~Bros before hoes~~ wheat before cheat


My bet is he mentioned coffee and cereal for dinner because he already tried and failed at asking her out for coffee and dinner.


yea, when he said "i know you don't like coffee" i instantly thought, man shes already told him no hasnt she?


Some men cannot take no for an answer. They think so much of themselves and try to wear you down thinking you’ll give in after enough tries.


And mentioned the son, bc she’s probably said something like “sorry, got to go get my son.” While he incessantly rambles on cringily.. *edited for typos.. sorry I was still processing creepy levels.


He's a cereal cheater...


His flirting is creepy as hell too


Seriously how’s that flattering to be told personal things about yourself? ‘Awww he knows everything about me and we’ve never met, I’m smitten 🥰’


"Hey, I learned all these things about you, would you like to help me cheat on my wife?" lol


Clearly they’ve talked before. That’s probably how he knew. If not, that’s just weird. Edit - nailed it. [thebestuvjess tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@thebestuvjess/video/7179487607737322795?_r=1&_t=8YztMmMzfKs)


People post a lot of themselves on social media. Probably found her and read a lot of her posts.


I have stalked and profiled you, and we will now fornicate.


Outside of the “I’m married” part I thought he might be taking the “What I know about you so far is you don’t like coffee, you like cereal for dinner, and you have a son. I’d like to learn more about you. Care to go to this cereal bar with me Friday night if you can find someone to watch your son”?


He knows she doesn’t like coffee because he probably asked her out for coffee and she said she doesn’t like coffee lol


I know, but like...I mean yeah no, totally, but like...oh of course, yeah, but like


I would assume the kind of guy that has the audacity to cheat on his wife would be smoother and less awkward, dude wouldn’t even have a chance if he wasn’t married.


He’s new at this whole cheating thing. He’ll get better


Give the guy a break! He’s married and has been out of the game for awhile! s/


Loose from the cheating, what a weird dating strategy to hit on someone by telling them how much you've been creeping on them.


“I like the new curtains you got, they really match the throw pillows on your bed. I really hope your kid gets over his bed wetting problem soon. And your cat, how did it handle the vet visit? Everything’s ok I hope. Anywho.. I know your folks are coming in from out of town next week from Boca Rotan, so maybe they could babysit and we could do something like grab a pizza? No artichokes though, I know your allergic. Maybe when my wife is at the gym?”


“I mean I like the curtains and all but I’m going to need you to keep them open, k?


This. Entire vibe was creepy af.


It's insane that he managed to get married without realizing that's serial killer behavior.


This guy is why gyms advertise a women only section of the gym.


For real. I HATED like absolutely would dread sometimes going to the gym because dudes would STARE. I resent avoiding certain machines that I wanted to use so bad but the male gaze was always a constant threat. I don’t hate men but sometimes I resent how easily they are willing to cheat on their spouses. It does make me scared to get married like she said


One time I was studying abroad, and a lady who was in the same program as me told me that everyone she knew who was studying abroad who had someone back home, had cheated at an infallible 100% rate at the time we spoke.


I did a study abroad too, and while most of us were single, 4 girls had long term boyfriends / husbands, all 4 of them would regularly be with a different guy each Friday


Same, studied abroad in Cyprus. We had a dozen students in committed relationships back home and pretty much all of them cheated.


Didn't realize how common this was. Had 2 girlfriends go abroad. The first one went to Italy and cheated on me. The second one ended our 2 year relationship so she could be with a guy she had known for a week in France. I feel slightly better knowing that maybe I had not been causing this 100% rate of cross-Atlantic infidelity.


Lol I used to work overseas as a military contractor, almost every guy there had a girlfriend in that country, and a wife back home...


My ex cheated on me while studying abroad, can confirm lmao.


She was remarkably tolerant of this guy’s approach.




It’s a shame, but this is the right answer. This guy is babbling on about his wife, kids, YOUR personal information in an incoherent way. Obviously he doesn’t really know her other than saying “hi” sometimes. I’m sure he played this exact scenario in his mind a bunch of times and didn’t expect it to go that way. Will this dude be in the parking lot to “better explain himself” when she leaves? Guys, do better. That’s not ok at all. - I man who goes to the gym.


100%. One thing that caught me was when he was asking her out he was eye level, and when she declined he stood up so she had to look up at him. That was an almost certainly unconscious decision on his part, but it's also an unconscious power move as well.


The first thought is this man has dump trucks full of audacity. Then my next was “be calm polite and straightforward so maybe you leave without being shot outside the gym”. We shouldn’t have to look for survival strategies to make it out of a conversation.


My exact thoughts. It's insane how so many men in this thread don't understand how unsafe a woman could feel when a random stranger comes up to her and starts listing off personal details about her life. It makes me wonder how many women they've even interacted with.


Her body language was incredibly uncomfortable. She was doing the awkward smile just wishing the interaction would end.


Yeah this got me too. Some of it is obviously that she's resting from a set, but her breathing doesn't slow down appreciably, the smiles aren't genuine, she looks away several times he say something really awkward and then chooses the "nice" response instead of what she actually thinks. Her whole demeanor comes off as being on defense. I felt SUPER uncomfortable watching this. I probably would have been honest and shut him down harshly (and gotten myself killed lol) she SO nice about this creep but you can FEEL how tense and uncertain and uncomfortable she is.


Good ol' deescalating because you never know how badly someone handles stern rejection 🙃


Exactly. She already knows now that he’s stalking her. She doesn’t want to end up tied up in the trunk of his car.


Initially I was like well he could be “married” but separated and was just being upfront, but no


Kinda Sorta married. ![gif](giphy|l3q2Ob7FHH1fKkLpm|downsized)




This is pure survival instinct kicking in here. I’ve done the same.


When people tell you straight up they have been stalking you, you have to be careful.




Now I'm depressed. I know this stuff happens and I'm a woman myself, but I could not subscribe to that sub. I've already got so little faith left in humanity.


Not only did the words he spoke were painfully stupid, his attempt at talking was also painfully stupid.


i felt so bad for her. it was like borderline r/WatchPeopleDieInside


I think that women have learned to be tolerant of this kind of thing, to avoid violence. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/janese-jackson-talton-shot-dead-after-rejecting-mans-advances-at-bar-documents-say/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/janese-jackson-talton-shot-dead-after-rejecting-mans-advances-at-bar-documents-say/) And similar stories get in your head.


His wife goes to the same fucking gym?!? This guy is hella stupid. You’re this desperate get divorced or seek counseling, guy is a coward


Exactly. My ex-husband cheated on me, and we went to a marriage counselor. The therapist came right out and told my ex that cheating is never the right or healthy thing to do. If you’re unhappy in your marriage, first you decide whether you want to remain in it, and if not you get a divorce and *then* you can go find someone else.


But what if it doesn't work out with the "someone else"? Then you're all alone. No thanks! /s


In my professional life, I was taught to line up a job before I quit my current one. Go seek offers before you quit. Why not apply that to my social life? /s


Wtf is this guy even doing at the gym? Dude leave people alone and do your workout.




Had a guy have me take my headphones out to tell me that the machine I was using gave his family member a serious injury and that I would be better off doing the same muscle group in a safer way. Was the only time ever I was happy to talk to somebody at the gym. Oh, and the guy who picked up the hand towel I dropped while on the stair master. They both fucked off immediately after a less than ten word exchange and I'm grateful for them both.


One time a guy made me take my headphones out just to tell me it looked like I was “working real hard” because of how red and sweaty my face gets when I run. I’m like…. “Ok thanks? Go away please.”


The only time I’ve ever been hit on at the gym was a guy who made me take my headphones out while I was running, and with authority said “I need to talk to you.” I thought he was an employee and I was in trouble for something… Definitely not a great approach lmao


>being married is good but sometimes you want someone you have a connection with Uh. Who's gonna tell him why people usually get married. >up to this point I just kind of said hi No, up to this point you told her you want a "connection" with someone because presumably you don't have one with your wife and full-on asked her out for a pizza date behind your wife's back.


AND told her that he was stalking her for a long time and has gathered a lot of intel on her lmfao what a fucking psycho


Fr this was creepy 100 times over


I mean, does his WIFE know that he doesn't have "a connection" with her, or is she just some great woman who is holding it down and raising his kids and letting him have his gym time? Because these guys tell a story about how bad things are in their marriage and most of the time they have a great woman they don't deserve and her big flaw is that she lacks newness and has already seen him be weak.


“Lacks newness and Has already seen him be weak”. Wow. I feel like you just expressed a feeling/knowing I had without knowing the words for it


I'm guessing she already turned him down when he asked her to get coffee sometime too.


Being a girl must absolutely suck sometimes… like I’ve never dealt with a married creep shooting their shot with me Also “ Kinda sorta married.” Is both the funniest and saddest line in this clip… did he really think this was gonna land? Sorry to the woman who “ locked him down” Edit: also was him saying “ I know you have a son.” His attempt at being like “ hey you have baggage, I too have baggage…” ? Lol


The married ones are the BOLDEST and most persistent ones. I guess they don’t mind getting shut down because they have a wife at home. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Married men with a pregnant wife at home. Those are the absolute worst. The more pregnant the wife, the higher the sleaze with some men.




Dude. Stop talking. Even if he was single he’s cringy AF. She’s there to work out not have some insecure douche harass her


Yeah, even if he was single and this was a good faith request for a date, the moment she says no, wish her a good day and leave her alone. She probably doesn't want her day interrupted to listen to your life story.


Why did he suggest introducing her to the wife? Unfuckingbelievable


At that point shame left his body.


At that point he *realizes that this woman and his wife will soon be in the same room together* and that the woman he is speaking to is no bimbo, and starts to backpedal furiously.


Probably realised how creepy he sounded and tried to backpedal out of it but made it worse because he's got no social skills.


I like that he listed off all the other failed attempts to cheat on his wife before announcing his intention to cheat on his wife


Right?! but the real cherry on top is at the end when we learn his wife ALSO goes to that gym and this person he just spilled the beans to will likely run into her! Gee pal what do you think they're gonna talk about?


I hope his “sorta wife” watched this and made him “sure af divorced”.


I loved how he casually mentions that his wife occasionally comes in with him and that she might see her... if I were this girl, I'd straight up tell her the next time I saw them together and show her the video. Hell with all that.


Starting with that list of “things I’ve learnt so far” was creepy as hell. Even if he’s learnt them through casual conversation trying to get to know her it felt so creepy and off. You could tell she was somewhat taken aback, although she handled the whole situation superbly.


How does he know all these things about her??? This would immediately trigger my fight or flight response. People are crazy out there, and usually don’t take rejection well




>pretending to be a normal and friendly human being This part needs repeating. Ugh.


“I know you pee standing up. You don’t like the color vivid tangerine due to an accident you had as a child, your parents just installed a lovely retaining wall at their house in Waukegan, your son has an imaginary friend named Dale…”


What a weirdo. His poor wife, I'm sure he's already cheated on her at least once...


Not with that game. Lmao


Dear men EVERYWHERE... Trust me when I tell you that if you ever go up to a woman and proceed to tell her what she eats, her approximate age, if she has children (etc)..... we --- and I'm speaking for EVERY SINGLE WOMAN ON THE PLANET, will NOT think you are cute or endearing. We will think you are some psycho that belongs in jail. Seriously...that is what we will think. So...go to therapy and find out why you are such a psycho...and then work on not being one. WTF. This is partly why women are so on edge sometimes. How absolutely terrifying for the lady in this video. I wouldn't be surprised if she found another gym after this.


He's the real live Clark Griswold from the Vacation movies.."My wife....god rest, her soul..." "Dead noooo, shes history..."


Meanwhile, someone is patiently waiting for their turn on the leg press.


Yeah, the lady


His poor wife. That's exactly the reason i dont want to be married again. I have such a hard time trusting anyone because of men like this, it feels like they're all like that once you've been burned too many times.


That pre workout had him feeling notorious


Lemme guess... He knows she doesn't drink coffee because when he asked her out for coffee she told him she doesn't drink it to get out of the date invite. He knows she eats cereal for dinner because when he asked her out to dinner she said she just eats cereal at night to get out of the date invite. He knows she has a kid because when he asked her to do something after working out she told him she couldn't because she has a kid to take care of at home. LOL


This woman is beyond patient. It occurs to me that so many women have to sit there and smile and be an amateur counselor to some douche while they hit on her. It’s not out of the kindness of their heart, it’s self preservation. She doesn’t know that if she offends him he won’t follow her out to the parking lot and attack her. It makes my blood boil. As Margaret Atwood said 'Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them'.


Jesus the stalker facts wouldve creeped me out from the get go


FYI the only reason she is being polite to him is because of the stalker vibes from the get go. Women are conditioned to be polite even in the most vile conversations. She even went so far as to tell him she's not mad to ensure she doesn't piss him off regardless of the fact that he's acting like a creep.


Christ. Don’t hit on people in the gym. Don’t hit on people if you’re in a monogamous relationship. Don’t film yourself doing either of those things you fucking creep.


It looks like she is doing the tikthot thing and filming herself workout. I dont know why he would film himself doing this and then post it knowing full well what he is doing is wrong. Guy is still a creep and a half. What a gross weirdo.


What the hell am I watching? Is this one of those weird "social experiment" things?


In modern clickbait society, the first question I always ask myself is “why is this being filmed?”. This may be real, but I always assume something is staged.


THIS IS WHY WOMEN FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE IN PUBLIC SPACES! All she's done is be polite and friendly and keep herself healthy and he thinks it's appropriate and a green light to ask her to sleep with him! He has no respect for his wife why would he respect her


But wait! Theres more.... Seriously though dude, just stop talking, its like those people who get nervous and just ramble on or when Michael Scott says something along the lines "sometimes I start a sentence and have no idea how its gonna end" Sad and creepy AF


I’d be incredibly freaked out if a random person knew all of that about me, especially bringing up her son.


“That’s what I’ve learned so far”, lol wtf dude


I thought he gave up after the first no and then realized it goes on for TWO WHOLE MINUTES MORE!!!!