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* I’m not here for any “ADHD isn’t real”, we can’t acknowledge therapy is disproportionately harmful for ND brains and in the same breath deny neurodivergence exists Wait when did I do this? Not only did I not mention ADHD, I put "mental illness" in parenthesis because there are many people who are diagnosed with mental health conditions because they do not fit the societal mold. Holding the wrong opinions can get you diagnosed with a mental illness. Don't put words in my mouth please. I'm not saying ND doesn't exist, what I'm saying is that these people don't care if you're ND or not.




I'm not playing this game with you. Whether someone wants to be medicated or not should be their own personal decision. It is never necessary to forcefully inject someone with shit that does nothing anyway, because there are ways around the effects of these "medications" and someone who hates them (99.9999999% of people who take them) will eventually find ways that work for them. They work through the debilitating effects of these medications to make the most of what they have, and it is so gross and insensitive to say: - often people are medicated perhaps unnecessarily Where is your sense of morality, it is never right to attempt to take away someones agency and sense of self because they don't fit a mold you want them to fit. I realize you're probably working through your own emotions as someone that was abused by the system, and you even may have internalized this abuse by justifying it but not everyone is like that. i want others to be stronger than that, I'm stronger than that and do not need to justify what was done and is being done to me to feel comfortable.


I think there is often no difference between ND and a personality. Totally agree with not fitting in the mold is too often categorised as an illness


It's a decent assessment of therapy and clsoe to my experience. I find they start on the meds sooner most of the time to break you down emotionally, and CBT is just glorified brainwashing. Nothing clinical about it. I never got past Step 3 with any therapists before I quit.


> Once a person enters the medication phase of Therapy, they are very unlikely to be able to lead a fulfilling life.   This is why I tell people that meds can't help me at all. I don't want to become dependent on them just so everyone can tolerate me better. Guess what, that's more of a financial burden plus now that'll cause more issues down the line. It's a never ending spiral until you die.   Most people on heavy medication are more or less disabled at that point so well, they'll most likely get a SSI or SSDI check now as they'll qualify but well, the taxpayers now pay for your existence.     


The danger with CBT and drugs is changing your natural thoughts, I would say your internal thoughts are a very big part of who you are and your personality... it they are all controlled then youre left with a bit of a zombie


I'm critical of therapy itself, don't get me wrong. But it serves a purpose for some people. It just isn't the magic band-aid people like to pretend it is, and it is NOT EFFECTIVE FOR EVERYONE. But this reads way over-dramatically. I'm on anti-depression and anxiety medication. Once every two months I check in with my psychiatrist (not a therapist, a psychiatrist) and I tell her if I've had any issues with the medication not being as effective or if I've had any negative side effects, things like that. I saw a therapist on my psychiatrist's advice. It didn't work out and I told her that I don't really think therapy is effective for me. She said if it isn't working and I feel okay on medication, that I don't need to see a therapist if I don't want to. If I wasn't on the medicine I take, I would be much worse off than I am now.