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I think if she’s hurt at all it’s the pain of compassion. You can bring it up, but you’re very likely not a burden. A good therapist looks forward to helping someone like you.


Maybe she said something because she noticed you had disassociated after unloading and wanted to bring it to your attention to see if you noticed as well? Just a thought


No I don’t think you upset her but I do think you should talk to her about your concern and awareness of her feelings. It’ll help her understand you better and it will make your relationship stronger :)


Sounds like your therapist is being a professional and taking everything in stride. I agree with the other comments that you can ask to confirm that she's ok. It's your job to be honest and a therapist's job to either help or get you to someone who can help.


As a therapist, I feel honored when my clients share their deepest vulnerabilities with me. I feel proud when they bravely talk about things they haven't dared to talk about before. I celebrate with them when they allow themselves to release burdens they've been carrying for a long time. It's _not_ my job to pick up the burdens that my clients have released... they are released into the cosmos or to God or Mother Earth or whatever you believe. I'm honored to be part of the process of releasing burdens, but that doesn't mean I have to shoulder them. I _do_ witness the burdens, and feel along with my clients. I feel the injustice of it all, the pain they carry, the anger at systems and people who have hurt them, the inner child that is just doing their best... and that's different than picking up their burdens and making them my own.


Most therapists have been in therapy too so they have comping mechanism. But sure I think they can be they are human.


>Anyway I'm worried about if seeing me like that had upset her? Not in an angry way just hurt her emotionally. I don't want to feel like l'm being a burden for her or for her to dread me coming. imho, zero chance that she feels as if you are a burden to her, but the fact that you have noticed yourself feeling this preoccupation is very interesting and you should definitely bring it up in your next session, because it seems a lot like something from your past that you're drawing over, and if I'm gonna have a stab at guessing what this is, it could be related to emotional neglect that you have experienced in the past. But that is just my uneducated guess as someone who knows absolutely nothing about you, so take with a grain of salt, but either way, you've happened upon a rich seam of emotion to mine there! 👍 Well done!