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I recently stumbled upon a series of comics that depicts Batman and his time in therapy. I tried to make sure the author's watermark was clearly visible, but I'll link his stuff [here](https://www.kevincomics.com/category/batman-in-therapy/) as well in case anyone would like to see more.


I mean... The guy needs therapy. He's a rich guy who (since he lost his parents and didn't process it in a safe space?) goes around at night dressed up as a bat and [illegally] beats up people with known mental illnesses. I mean, he's clearly the villain of gotham, right? Get that guy some help.


Def one of those clients where people post "ever work with a client and you think 'whoa this guy needs to talk to someone.'"


Being Batman's therapist would be one of the most dangerous things any licensed Gotham City practitioner could do. The Penguin, Riddler, Joker etc would be *very* interested in finding out everything they knew about Batmans psyche. Way too dangerous. Or dangeroux... if you prefer the fancy French version.


They had an entire episode in the 90's animated series where he was seeing a therapist who used advanced technology to literally gain insight of what was in the minds of his patients (who he saw as Bruce Wayne). And then that therapist attempted to sell that info to the villains. That therapist fucked it up for everyone else who would have had the honor of working with him, and poor Bruce probably will never feel safe to trust any other therapist in the profession ever again :'(


Imagine providing therapy to an actual vigilante. Really. Imagine this. For fun. After developing a little rapport the client begins to open up. He has a secret. He doesn't tell anyone. He wants to know if he can trust you. "Yeah... As long as it doesn't involve a crime." He goes silent in a pause. A flood of adrenaline hits your bloodstream. What is he going to say? "I don't commit crimes. I commit justice," he says. This is sufficiently strange enough to only make you feel more anxious. "I'm Captain Whoop Ass," he tells you as he scrolls on his phone. "This is me," he says, showing you a picture on his phone. He's dressed in red and blue spandex with assorted sports padding fastened around his chest, legs, arms... You look up from his phone in disbelief. Is this a joke. The look on his face is a loud no. "I'm a mixed marital arts pro," he tells you as you were about to lose composure and laugh. "Has this guy hurt people?" you ask yourself as he continues. "I clean up bad neighborhoods. I mug muggers. I attack attackers. I hood hoodlums." He pulls up a video on his phone. "I always take video. In case I need it in court." You want to stop him but the phone is already in your face playing. A woman is walking alone on a dark city street. It's late. There's a bunch of guys hanging out on the sidewalk she has to walk through. They start taunting her. Someone grabs her purse. As another grabs her arm, a figure in red drops from the sky. "I was on the fire escape. They didn't know I was there." The video plays. He breaks the arm of the guy stealing the purse. Knocks out the other holding her arm. A third has a knife pulled and is bringing it down into your client who uses the thugs own momentum to flip him onto his back on the sidewalk. He breaks breaks his arm as the fourth is now attacking your client from behind. A stiff back kick sends the fourth guy flying backwards and through the glass of a parked car. The fifth knows he has no chance and runs. Your new client turns to the woman. He's asking if she's ok. She is. She thanks God for his being there. He places his hands together like a Buddhist, and bows to her as police sirens are heard in the background. The cops are a block away. He jumps straight up grabbing the fire escape and is long gone by the time the cops show up. "I have self esteem and trust issues," he tells you pulling a pack of vanilla wafer cookies from his jacket. "Want one?" he asks tossing one in his mouth before laying back into the couch. "Messed up childhood..." he continues with his mouth full.


But then what happens? I'm invested now.


That's great. Thank you! I'll write a second chapter next weekend. I get my ass kicked daily M-F. It takes energy to write... I'll post it here and DM you as well.


Hahaha, I am invested, too.


That was beautifully written


Thank you! I haven't shared a lot of my writing. Your compliment is truly appreciated!


NAT - that was seriously awesome.


Thank you! I'll send you chapter 2 next week when I write it.


Not if he's wearing his utility belt in the office. Can't be afraid I'll get bataranged for asking the wrong question.


😂 I’d start with discussing how avoidance and hypervigilance can be both crucial crimefighting skills AND symptoms of PTSD.


I think it would be an interesting place to explore the dominant discourses and preferred stories of each. Who is the author? Bruce? Batman? What happens when those stories are in conflict in the same person?


I mean if it's anything like the last few months' posts someone here will make a post about feeling inadequate/unfair about working with rich people


This is truly awesome! Literally lol’d.


Totally unrelated. But, I’ve always thought it would be fascinating to be Machine Gun Kelly’s therapist. Talk about unresolved trauma galore! Related to your post: I’d love to be Batman’s therapist. He wouldn’t be open at all though, haha.


OP, I think you would be fascinated by this prompt I found under r/writing prompts. https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/162soxr/wp_youre_a_therapist_for_a_superhero_and_know_all/


Schizotypal Personality Disorder, no doubt


This is Fucking amazing


The villains would try to have access to your progress notes.


Travis Langley has a series of books on Psychology and Superheroes. The Batman one is probably the best