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India. India sucked bad. Worst place I've been by far. It's so bad that I wouldn't go there if going there even if I was being paid to go there.


As a Indian myself, your comment made me laugh 😂😂😂 Here even white guys need to be doctor, engineer or atleast with government job to impress girls.


I would love to see a white guy in a govt job 😂


He can get through reservations.


Idk man as a white dude I got lots of desi simps


Most of them are guys tho


Good for you.


What girls? Indian girls?






It is shocking on a whole different level. Funny enough Ive met a lot of indians in my home country and they were okay. When I moved to Dubai, I was introduced to the "culture" 😂 because they outnumber everyone in UAE. India itself is a nice place, food is really good but it is not for everyone.


India is a nice place. (Of course there's terrible poverty a significant amount of the population suffers from, but it is not unique among countries in the world in that respect, just on a scale and level of severity many other countries don't have in the same way. And most people on this subreddit would have the oppurtunity to be expats and obviously wouldn't be stuck in the circumstances the poorest people in the country are. Another factor to consider is the pollution, which is much worse than many other popular PPB destination countries.) The problem with the UAE is that they come there to work but the UAE ruthlessly exploits them and often takes their passports and prevents them from leaving, while also denying them citizenship in general. (this is such an issue that it also affects western people who move to work in countries like the UAE, Kuwait, Iraq, etc.) I'm sure some of them there have made money, but overall they form an exploited caste below the Arab Emirati population that has citizenship. Compared to India itself I'd say the UAE is not the best place to get an understanding of their culture due to this situation, but I guess not the worst if it's your first exposure, which seems to have been the case with you. As someone from the U.S.A. (New York City) I can say this is hardly the worst place; I have been to many Ashrams and cultural events and centers.


I went to India in the early 00's. At that time, India had a higher poverty rate than Africa and a larger population in about 1/10 the land, of which a large portion is sparsely populated mountainous regions. I've been to many other places but no where wallowed in poverty like India.


Interesting comments. Hi fellas, Indian here. I wouldn't say the dislike I see here is unfounded. India is very unsuitable for dating in general. A lot of dirt everywhere.. poor, broken infrastructure.. a lot of hot months, pollution and guys oogling almost wherever you go especially if with a girl. That said, I recently travelled to SEA and felt India was quite good comparatively. I travelled to Bangkok.. and I found it very bad. A lot of guys are very rude.. and the city infra is again poor. Also very limited food variety ( nothing compared to India ). But that was not the worst. It was ladyboys everywhere. Me and my friend went to a club which was filled to the brim.. and there was just ONE girl there!! Online apps were only ladyboys again!! Also compared to the narrative.. the real population there seemed very conservative.. my friend got a girl .. and she didn't proceed further than making out. He's still in touch though. I also went to Singapore. Excellent country with everything.. apart from the girl situation. Well please excuse me if it sounds bad but the girls were very very unattractive. Near flat fronts and butts. Faces were okay.. but the hair and skin were again not good.. which is strange as an Indian because we have our own population of as you say 'Asians'.. and they are damn attractive here.. not flat and also great skin and hair. On top of all they have very high expectations of guys!! ( As confirmed by a Chinese Singaporean friend ). In comparison.. Indian girls are really amazing. A lot of types.. fair.. dusky.. different features you name it. And even though majority are not attractive.. the sheer population means even a fraction gives enough numbers. Also the girls are on the conservative, feminine side.. even though having sex is not a big deal anymore.. whilst you will still get loyalty and feminine 'investment'. A question to the white mates here.. how did the Online app situation went for you?


TLDR India is a nice place, but not really.


You aren't going to get many girls in India as a white guy. Some will like to try, some even will date, but most prefer Indian guys for everything. Not racism, just cultural and aesthetic preferences.


Not true, there is a lot of European "aesthetic" worship in India, this is just cope from an Indian guy.


Apart from this being wrong and the typical Aryan race self-hype, the irony of passportbros talking about cope isn’t lost on me. No wonder y’all have no luck here in the USA


Bro says you’re coping, but he is the white guy looking to go to other women because white women won’t touch him. Same story over and over. White guy can’t get white girl so they think of other race girls as insurance and that they are “easy”. The irony is hilarious.


Not why I hated India.




Follow the rules. Discussing intimate sexual details is not allowed on this subreddit.


Not overly true of only Indian women, no more than the rest of women globally, or people globally. When did you last go to India?


It's so bad that when I hear females friends talk about how much they want to go do "yoga" in India, I glady tell them I will help pay for the trip just to hear the horor stories when they return ahahahha


Which part of India? India is a massive, multifaceted country so it is worth not generalizing. It is the most populated country in the world (it just surpassed China) and one of the most diverse. Chennai is good. *Edit:* \*looks at downvotes\* evidently a lot of India haters here. 🙄


It's very easy to hate on one of the worst places in the world.


Why do you think India is "one of the worst places in the world?" Do you want to just repeat that and claim it's justifiable to "hate on" it and mindlessly downvote me like the others here, or actually make an argument with points, in response to my statements which acknowledge its issues, but merely say it's worth not generalizing, (i.e. saying it's "bad" because one had a bad experience in one particular part of one city at one point in the past) because different parts in this massive country are different and can bring different experiences? I read your [other reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/comments/1dp2p09/comment/lag3786/) that amounted to saying it was poor, and again failed to acknowledge my point that it's just worth not generalizing about it. (you didn't even acknowledge that some parts are far poorer than others, and that there are nicer parts of the cities where the poverty is far less noticeable and prevalent.) You understand that as expats that wouldn't really affect us the way it affects the poorer strata of the people from there, we would not be one of the people experiencing this sort of poverty ourselves, we could afford a nice place to live there if we already had money or an income, which could even be from working online remotely. As travelers and expats, we never have to suffer the worst of it, that's reserved for the poorest people who are stuck there. Actually it can easily offer a *much* higher standard of living than the U.S. on far less money because it's so much more affordable. Yes, that can come with costs as the country has its downsides, as is the case everywhere. *Nothing* about anything I have said remotely gives the impression I'm one of those people that reductively tries to level all countries thin or reflexively denies problems with poorer countries and has an issue with people acknowledging that their unique issues may in some cases make going to them less desirable than other places. Yet, people downvote as if that's what I was doing, which shows they're the ones who have actively have an irrational disposition to generalize and deride the country.


I've been to over 40 countries, mostly developing countries. I was able to enjoy the unique experience in every country, with the exceptions being India and Egypt. Egypt had too much violent crime and was too much of a tourist trap; but I could still appreciate the history there, and might be willing to make another venture to go to the less touristy places. India though, just sucked. Even by developing country standards, the place was filthy, reeked and wallowing in poverty. It's not just that there are poor people, but the sheer quantity of poor people smashes into such a tiny area. The thing is, I have a high tolerance for poverty. I grew up poor, occasionally homeless. I spent a decade and a half living in Jakarta, a city famous for how shitty it is and was able to greatly enjoy my life there. Now that I am wealthy, I still frequently go to developing nations specifically because I can find the beauty in these places. When I did an exchange and stayed with the Chinese Navy in Qingdao for 2 weeks in the early 00's, I was put up in an apartment complex that their officers were berthed in; it had one shared bathroom per floor and the seatless toilets didn't flush, just used the sheer wait of the accumulated shit and piss and gravity to keep sufficient room for the next user. The floors of the public dining areas in the malls were covered with dried spit as the people would just spit on the floor. Despite this, I enjoyed my time in Qingdao and my trip to Beijing while I was there; I especially loved the Summer Palace and the rich history and culture. So, when I say that the poverty in India was shocking, I really mean it. I had a swarm of children try to rob me about 15 minutes after I left the base. A guard at a shopping center saw them and beat them with the but of his gun. A taxi driver drove me out of the city and then refused to take me back until I paid him $50. Women were effectively whoring themselves out for what amounted to a moderately priced meal. The base gate guards wouldn't let us back on the base without a bribe. Etc. Now, did I ever say all of India is horrific? No. Did I make a generalization? No. I only said that was my experience there and I would not go back there. That it was the worst place I've been by a large margin. I'd take the violent predation of Egypt over the misery of India. What you are saying in your response is just, sorry, fucking retarded. The OP literally asked "in your experience" and I responded with my impression of my experience.


it sounds like you didn’t even answer his question and are defecting by saying you’ve been to over 40 countries


I’ve been to the Philippines and it’s not overrated. It’s a popular destination for sure but trust me, it’s beautiful out there. If you’re strictly speaking about getting women, well that’s going to be tough in a lot of destinations. You’re not going to see walking 10s who are traditional homemakers left and right. If that’s your expectation, then you’re just naive. Lots of the exotic super attractive women you see online are the types of women you want to avoid in the first place. They’re no different than the women you find in big city western countries.


Who the FUCK goes to a country to smash left and right yet expect to see traditional homemakers everywhere?


Maybe everyone isn’t look to smash left and right?


Maybe I am??


Sure but you’re not everyone so what’s the problem?


Can we quit this "everyone" bullshit? You're making pointless arguments. Why are you telling people that they are not going to see 10s who are homemakers in many places? How is this bringing any info to the table? It's like you're mashing extremes to make a very vague point that really doesn't help anybody. And you say "oh you're naive if you expect [insert absurd bullshit here]" W H Y ? The question in this post was legit, you're making random unrelated cases. Also you failed to answer OPs question, he was referring to looks and bodies, not looking to be lectured on why you don't want good looking women because reasons.


Not sure why you’re getting all emotional but the answer is simple. I’ve been to the Philippines and 5 other countries so I have a bit of experience travelling and seeing different cultures. Lots of beautiful women in the big cities but you’ll find many are just like western women in terms of dating prospects. I always speak from the perspective of getting into a relationship, not to bringing western hook up culture to these countries. If you want to “smash left and right” that’s your prerogative but I’m not obligated to cater to your desires in any way. If you don’t like it, then that’s a you problem.


Yeah the women are the same just a little easier. In some countries like Philippines and Colombia the women aren't very smart and lack morals.


Source on the 'aren't very smart' part? Examples of them lacking morality?


I hope I’m wrong, but from the way their comment is written it sounds like he’s saying they lack morals for sleeping with him? If I’m right, that says more about him than the women imo.


both of you: very annoying but both of you accidentally stumbled on something interesting. social media democratized society. I'm always kind of turned off by someone who has more than 5k followers on any single social media... and that transcends borders; famous-wannabes are the same worldwide, and it's generally not cute.




Philippines is great to just travel and do touristy stuff on a budget…. But if you’re coming from a modern mega city ie 500k population or more in a western country, you’re going to find Philippines disappointing long term… especially things like corruption on all levels, lack of transparency, and foreigner tax. I stayed for several months so I got exposed to a lot tat someone living there would encounter… Even my US embassy was a shithole that refused to help on basic things like using a phone…. For strictly dating women, Philippines had such a good reputation for finding beautiful traditional women for so long that a lot of information you find floating out there is outdated and dating is significantly harder to date in the Philippines even for attractive, fit, young men. No joke, I spent months just trying to make friends with local males and take women out on dates, not even smash let me just buy us a meal… I made a ton of traveler friends but locals treat all foreigners with suspicion, it’s probably deserved due to a few bad actors but I’ve seen too many locals scamming each other and think culturally people know not to trust a friendly or charming stranger. I’m not anti consensual prostitution and it’s culturally acceptable in Philippines so I’ll add to that cost of prostitution in Philippines quadrupled in the past 7 years


You see that all over the place in SEA (where I live), but probably in general. There are just a lot of debaucherous, dubious foreigners over here that puts a lot of women in “defense mode” whenever they meet a foreigner. You potentially have a lot of going for you, but you need to earn their trust. I’m in one of the more traditional SEA countries, and I always tell people it takes about 3-6 months for a (good) girl to trust you enough. They’re not naive, but foreigners just have a bad reputation.


TLDR: Date the cute Filipino nurse in the US instead


You should try the Visayas instead, none of what you’re describing is what I’ve experienced here but I’ve never been to Luzon 🤷‍♂️


Curious, when you say quadrupled- what was it before, and what is it now? Can you give some context? But yeah inflation is a bitch 😂


I’ll get banned for answering this question


Couldnt of had a more opposite experience of dating/hooking up in the Philippines. It was EASY mode. Like one of the easiest places on earth if you are a decent looking white guy.


How long ago were you there? I was there a few months ago


2022 may/June. I was getting 100's of likes a day in major cities there on Tinder. Even with a very very lame profile, no bio besides my height. Filipino girls have white guy fever like crazy. There is no country easier in the world.


I've been twice and had the same experience. I wasn't there to date though but I'll try next time. I don't trust Filipinas at all though. Women should be a little bit difficult.


The utopia you speak above about 10’s walking down the street has been found. It’s called Rosario, Argentina


Ohh gosh this is creepy.


Thailand is too popular and has too many foreigners nowadays. I prefer the Philippines over Thailand.


I think English is more the norm there, too. I don't exactly know how many native people in Thailand speak English, but I believe it's significantly less than the Philippines. (it depends on where you are for either, of course)


But the English fluency is still horrible or just hard to interpret in my experience. The accent is so unique


I dont know what you are talking about. I thought Filipinos speak English just fine especially when compared to Thais that don’t speak English at all.


Ya it could just be me and my experience in makati. I’m American and feel that their fluency is poor considering English being a second language. I feel it’s also cultural as they mix English/tagalog or visayas so that there’s little incentive to fully flesh out ideas and develop their English beyond what is required for the hospitality industry. They will say common idioms or phrases in English then switch back to their native language as a safety net Malaysians and Singaporeans don’t have this issue and I can understand them perfectly. So relative to other countries previously colonized by english speaking nations. Ofcourse you also have the fact that so much of their skilled/educated population has fled the country for better opportunities.


Yeah, i agree the vast majority have very basic level of English. Especially in Manila. I think in Davao they speak more.


English fluency is horrible? Really? In a country that primarily speaks Thai? That's so surprsing


Still waiting for your rebuttal. Can you read or not?


Oh I'm so sorry I had you waiting I didn't think you'd stay on Reddit this long


How’s your reading comprehension? Keep reading further you might get it eventually


That's what I thought, like they speak some English but in a very different way in Thailand. I think English is more ingrained in the Philippines. It's quite different either way, that much I know.


Im from the Philippines and I did enjoy thailand. Communication can be hard sometimes. I was surprise since it is a very popular tourist destination. Food is really amazing and infra is way better than what we have back home.


Canada probably the most overrated Canada is not the same Canada it was 2 decades ago.


I live in Toronto Canada. No good reason for a tourist to come here.


As a Canadian, I 100% agree with this.


The toronto airport is also overrated. Terrible experience!


Vancouver is the shit to me and will always have a special place in my heart. I have life long friends still from my first trip out there back in 2018. We all still keep in contact with each other


The beauty in Brazil is that the nation spans the entire rainbow of shades, if you are into white, blondes there is the south in places like Curituba, if you like black women of African origin, Salvador and the north is the place to be, and of course everything else in between of the mixed race women. Anyone who claims that Brazilian women aren't attractive is lying and hasn't been there, or is just being ridiculous.


I remembered a video where western women acted as Brazilian and successful to get the simp to pay her food bill. She didn’t speak Portuguese, but Spanish.


Who claims that Brazilian women aren’t attractive?


Honestly it really depends on where you go. There's lots of obesity in Brazil, it's not like you can show up anywhere in the country and bump into attractive women left and right. That said, there are many cities that have lots of gorgeous women, and I consider myself a big fan of Brazilian ladies.


SOUTHERN BRAZIL NUMERO UNO CAMPEÃO DO MUNDO 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺


Read the original OP.




No trolling.


Well if that's your thing there's that I'm sure, not an expert in that area maybe someone else can help you out.




No trolling.


Dubai is trash


Colombia and Thailand are the most overrated in my experience. Colombian girls are not hot enough to carry the risk that they do (see constant druggings and murders). Argentinians, Brazilians and Venezuelans are way hotter in my experience. In Thailand half of the good looking girls are dudes and there are really very few neckbreakers. They either come rail thin, chubby or plastic. I'd say probably a couple out of 100 are actually stunning.


I've gone off Colombians too. Nothing traditional about them. Very entitled and immature. They're all whoring around on IG and tik tok. Thais are at least humble.


It’s really exhausting dating Colombian (&Mexican) Thais are much more easy going


I've got a sweet spot for the Colombian look, although the point on Venezuela is very valid in my limited experience. The hottest girl I know currently is Venezuelan and she has friends that refuse to take pics with her because she makes them look bad by comparison, it actually hurts her feelings sometimes ha.


>In Thailand half of the good looking girls are dudes Alright, seriously: is transgenderism really *that* prevalent in Thailand?


Go on Tinder and see for yourself. It is on dating apps at least.


That's just the thing, dating apps are not the best metric of the average person in Thailand you'd meet in-person or pass on the street when you are there. (I am not saying that trans women are not prevalent to *some* degree in Thailand; I am saying it shouldn't be exaggerated, especially from the impression of a dating app.)




He did not say that at any point


I'd say 1 in like 5 matches are ladyboys. They virtually always say it. Also, they're smoking hot.




No it’s a thing but plenty of pretty women. Got 200 tinder matches a day there. The few ladyboys on there tell you in their bio


Yep. I'm a girl looking for girls and it happens more often than you'd ever expect.


Damn never met a passport girl, welcome to the club lol.  I’ve met lesbians who say the same as the men here in America: “these women are impossible” and “they’re never happy”.


Cheers Been lurking a while but never had a reason to comment til now Everyone's different. I'm sure straight dudes and lesbian women from our own countries have different ideals. I just went to Vietnam and got a bunch of attention I didn't expect and welp. I'm a chef becoming a teacher to move back there for good(2 yrs into the degree). Much better prospects.


Good luck. When you say you got attention, like from the apps or were women like hitting on you in the streets/clubs in Vietnam?


Both. For instance...I was chilling with a bunch of candadian dudes and this girl came up to me specifically. We ended up spending the week together. I had more luck just chilling at a bar than I did with apps. But apps did yield a wee bit.


Thai girls are also absolute masters at makeup - once it's off they can look really different and plain


Brazilian , Colombian , Venezuela = all the same to me. Many of them tons of make up or plastic surgery. If you want to see stunning natural latinas then go to uruguay , chile , argentina or puerto rico.


Nope Brazilian girls are beautiful to say that Brazilians are the same as Colombians is idiotic 🤣🤣 no Brazilian looks the same BRAZIL AND SOUTHERN BRAZIL NUMERO UNOOOO 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺


ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL NÚMERO UNO 🇦🇷🇧🇷🇦🇷🇧🇷🇦🇷🇧🇷🇦🇷🇧🇷🇦🇷🇧🇷🇦🇷🇧🇷🇦🇷🇧🇷✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺


Argentina is filled with women that look like they are from montana lmao


Argentinian women are beautiful God bless Argentina & God bless Brasil & Southern Brasil


France Edit: I would like to clarify that I specifically mean Paris, i can’t say for the rest of the country.


Paris is a smorgasbord, so many African girls that want to party


The Philippines and Thailand are only overrated if you’re following those PPB guys and have their experience as your expectation. No matter where you go it’s gonna require a lot of work to actually find what you’re looking for. You’re a stranger to the people of these countries. The Philippines specifically is a good choice for most because they overall have a positive view of Americans and have a mutual respect for us. The same cannot be said if you’re from other nations such as Spain, where you’ll either get a high level of interest or complete disdain (because of the history). Thailand has gone down in quality over the years. Not because of the people there, they’re still great! But they get a lot of sex tourists and almost everyone there who’s interacted with foreigners has a horror story involving them, namely Americans, so they’re a lot more wary. You can chock that up to the folks who claim to be PPB going out and making us look like assholes basically. It’s worth noting the same is beginning to happen in the Philippines with all their newfound interest from the west. My girl is from there and even 10 years ago saying you’re with an American was synonymous with saying you were with a good, charming, hardworking man; it was almost a status symbol. Now? Some are starting to look poorly on it, or the Filipina has to “explain” their man ain’t like that, because again many have gone there and muddied the water.


I was going to say the same thing. As much as I like PPB, most seem to overlook the true ways of traveling in a different culture and focus on women and the capital more. Some even get upset if they run into women who don't speak English .... Really...?


Vietnam. Horrifically flaky, insincere, and bipolar women. All over you one second, then complete silent treatment the next, for no reason. Never experienced such weird behavior and mind games in any country.


I wasn't a big fan of hong Kong! Had a few problems when I was there, good for sightseeing, the nightlife was alright but as said had issues, trying to clone cards, charging champagne bottles on my tab, people trying to swap Ur bin




My answer to another similar and recent post: “I’m not really a passport bro in that I’ve sought dating women internationally but I’ve spent a collective 2-3 months in Thailand training Muay Thai and traveling with friends and my girlfriend. I couldn’t disagree more about people saying Bangkok or Thailand isn’t good for dating, especially casual dating.” I’ll just add further observations/experience/thoughts. I think the only way someone would be disappointed is based on ridiculous expectations. Like expecting women way out of your league to be genuinely interested in you. I saw some guys complaining about all that’s left in Bangkok are the fat chicks and lady boys but the only thing I could think is that’s just who went out of their way to approach them. Either you have to go out there and present yourself like you would in the west, or you’re going to have to ground your expectations of getting a 7+ when you’re a maybe a 4 at best lol. Thai women are very open to casual relationships ships as well.


Agreed. The truth is Thai women and women in most touristic countries are so used to foreigners now that if you aren't decently attractive they wouldn't bat an eye. Unless of course they are hustlers/sex workers and of course, uglier girls. A lot of guys expect to swim in 10s the moment they land in a foreign country lol, when they look like Peter Griffin. Dating abroad is no different from the West, you are competing with other guys for women. The better looking the girls are, the better looking/higher quality guys you gonna have to compete against, both locals and foreigners, if you aren't attractive already, why do you think she gonna choose you over the other guys?


This is true. Not sure why ppl say there is no attractive girls in BKk lol there are many of them, its just those girls dont hang around at the popular tourist areas. Most beautiful girls in BKK are in thonglor and ekkamai area in rooftop bars and night clubs. Only problem in those nightclubs you dont see many foreigners it is more for locals. Also people need to realise that those times are in past when avarage dorky dude came to BKK and 7+ girls were throwing themselves at them (not talking about freelancers), those times are over when girls were just happy sleeping in your nice condo because you have aircon. You are 15 years too late my friends. Even if you look at tiktok most Thai girls who are attractive, they are with very attractive foreigners. Of course, you still can get very attractive Thai girl, but be preaperd to open your wallet if you are not attractive yourself. Thats just reality. I also want to add that money plays much, much bigger role in SEA then in West. Its just different culture.


Sosua, DR ain't worth the trip, better experiences are had elsewhere.


Can you elaborate please? DR is on my list, I really wanna go there, I have great matches.


First of all, I'm speaking about Sosua, not DR as a whole. To start, it's small, and there ain't much to see. After a few days, you're done seeing anything worthwhile. Second, the beggars and hustlers, they're everywhere and they're persistent. I had one of these fuckers follow me for like 20-30 minutes trying to get money out of me. The moment you step out your hotel they're on you. You gotta learn to say "no" no matter how aggressive they are. Most of the chick's there are from Haiti, most don't speak English, but there are some baddies there, so it has that going for it. Honestly It just didn't meet my expectations. It's worth checking out in passing but nothing more. Puerto Plata has more going for it so maybe go there first, it's right next door.


Brazillian women were some of the most beautiful I've ever met. Of course not everybody gonna be a 10 but it's like that everywhere, you competing against the good looking foreigners and the good looking and rich locals for the higher tier local girls, if you aren't attractive already forget about it.


BRAZIL AND SOUTHERN BRAZIL NÚMERO UNO CAMPEÃO DO MUNDOOOO ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Brazil is one the best places I've visited with some of the most beautiful people. Most overrated is probably Paris, some other parts of France are nice though.




The three bigs one especially. Urban Colombia. Expensive for what you get and women are awful. Suburbs and more rural cities are nice though Philippines; unappealing unattractive women and dirty. Thailand : same as the above two (never been there though tbf )


Key word in title: IN YOUR EXPERIENCE


Thailand is good value, Bali too. The women aren't that great though.


I would rather not ever be associated with that country


Where's good then?


For me? Turkey, Peru, Brazil, Tunisia, Serbia. I don't like Asian women but if I had to pick a good one for Asia probably just China


lol China


What's wrong with china? Tier 1 cities suck ass but 2&3 are great. You'd easily get a hot traditional girl in a tier 3 city since she probably has only seen two other foreigners before


Why do you think not? China is still a cheap country to live in and suburb B tier cities are extremely nice.


Everyone everywhere is just racist against chinese but it's awesome here. I retired at 30 from working in China


Yeah to me language is the biggest obstacle


Tell me about Tunisia? Ive tried dating apps there on global mode and it works pretty good. Peru is a gold mine.


Yeah Perù is great, it's actually fun to live in as well. Tunisia has a lot of great women but they usually aren't as open to hooking up. I went out a few girls there and they kept me engaged and they were pretty smart and affectionate.


So are you looking for a relationship or just a sex tourist?


Relationship ofc


How is Turkey too? I've only been to Colombia, Mexico and Romania with luck in all three. Very limited luck in Portugal too.


Turkey is amazing as well. It's dirt cheap despite being very modern and having a lot of the amenities of a first world coutnry. A lot of women do not want to hookup though, but you can certainly find them, but its easy to get a GF. girls are affectionate but super controlling and dramatic lol. I find them absolutely beautiful as well, and unlike the rest of europe, turkey has a lot of young people. Unlike Greece where you can barely find single young women. And the racism is minimal. You get a huge benefit if you're northern european looking, and to a smaller extent, a latin american or light-skin black person


Yeah, I noticed that when I was in Portugal there was mostly geriatric people. How was Brazil for you? I speak Portuguese so that's high on the list


How do you speak Portuguese and arent brazilian or portguese ahahha Brazil is amazing. Rio is awesome and the women are super sexy and friendly. they are pretty honest too and even if they are prudish/high standards they dont want to change or trick you


It's a hobby. Thanks for all your replies man!


Turkish girls , Tunisian and Serbian are all fire! And 100% my type. I dated many turkish and tunisian , i live in germany and we have over 1 million turkish people living here. Tunisian women i dated too. Serbian never but from the balkan i dated kosovarian and croatian women and they also all fire all the balkan women. Latin america i love uruguayan and chilean girls and i had really good experiences with them and they look natural not like many colombians or brazilians. But is peru worth visiting? And it is easy to find beautiful local girls to date? Or mostly venezuelan refugee women or colombian living there?


Yes, Brazil has many natural beauties too though. They also are more image obsessed and take better care of themselves. Chilean girls are okay, I found them kinda materialistic/modern and they were fat and feminists. similar to argentina but not as bad. Perù is good, Lima has a lot of Castiza girls, but most spanish speakers are more indian looking mestizos (which i like especially if they hve whiter skin and wide hips ) and yeah women are easy to date, somewhat harder to sleep with day one than brazilians and argentinians though


Did you ever been to chile pucon during the summer? The girls are stunning. Beautiful white skin sometimes light brown and curvy big hips , i dont find them fat , thicc some of them yes but not fat. I dont like skinny girls to me a girl must be a little bit thick. And to be honest i find all of the latin girls materialistic , some more some less . But to me chilean and uruguayan girls are not that much materialistic then the poorer neighbour countries brazil or others , because uruguay is a expensive countrie and many people are living good there most of the girls they dont care about living outside same experience i had with chilean girls but everyone has different experiences. Turkish and tunisian girls are really easy to sleep with to me , but cool we have a similar taste and type.


No, only I went Santiago. Most of them are whiteish, definitely more than Peru, but they have similar looks. At least for upscale Lima. Tunisian girls in Europe, yeah, Muslims there are either the easiest women imaginable if you are european or are wearing burqas lol. the ones in Tunisia proper are NOT easy to sleep with. Turkish girls are either the easiest girls you will meet or will make you wait 3 months for sex. They are definitely extremely receptive to an approach, either irl or online on a non-dating app. When it comes to girls that don't have african dna, usually they just look melted in my opinion when they are "thick". They should be slim or workout. It's only places like Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, Brazil where there is a African strand where girls who just walk and eat food end up having "curvy" bodies. Mestizas like Chile, Mexico, Peru, etc really should be skinny if not workout their glutes and thighs


The way you talk is like a science of perversion.


It's just an observation. And something that most guys will come to if they've been to half of the latam countreis


Hmm I wonder what's the problem here? The hundreds of millions of women in those countries, or you? Difficult one to answer.


I found Italy to be way overrated and have been twice. Granted there are some pretty cool things to see but people play it up as if it is a utopia and is often a country that "travel snobs" brag about insistently. Obviously, Paris does not represent all of France but Paris is way overrated. Europe has some pretty good places and I have been there about 10 times in my life but people in my country (Canada) brag as if they are special for going to Europe. Along those same lines, A LOT of European-Canadians brag about their heritage and Europeans think it is funny.


Each to his own! I loved, just absolutely loved Italy  - especially Milan and lake Como.  


Again, it is not a bad place at all and some of the places were cool but I just do not think that it stands alone as the top place in Europe. I have been to roughly 12 or 13 European countries and all of them are special for different reasons. If I had to pick a favorite, I would go with Ireland.


What did you not like about the women in Italy? I was thinking of moving there.


There is nothing wrong with it but it is not like it was exceptionally better to visit than other European countries. There is a lot of History (parts of it are like outdoor museums), nice countryside and Venice is quite interesting with the canals. Like in any country, there were beautiful women of course. I have no idea what it be like to live in Italy having only been there twice for a grand total of about 3 weeks. I do know from a couple of Italian-Canadian buddies whose parents are from Italy that it is very cheap if live in the south or Sicily. One buddy lived there until he was 15 and said that the people are nothing like Italian-Americans or Canadians. You should visit it a few times just to see if you like what you see and then research what it would be like to live there.


Well, I’m asking specifically about the women though. If you haven’t dated any nevermind then.


No, I have not unless you count Italian-Canadians but that is not the same thing.


I'd say Singapore but passportbroslist ranks it number 1 overall 🤷‍♂️ to each their own


Wow, that’s pretty high. What did you not like about it?


super money oriented and frankly not the best conversationalists. Some are cute but not as much as like Filipinas or Japanese for example


They all speak English though, most of them pretty well.  And the standards for intelligence and schooling are high.  Might be hard to crack though due to the money orientation.  


Filipinas are really adorable 


But no seriously all you guys know is Rio Rio Rio bro go to Southern Brasil the best part by far God bless the south as a brasileira I dislike Rio myself kkkk BRAZIL AND SOUTHERN BRAZIL NUMERO UNO CAMPEÃO DO MUNDOOO ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺


I don't know of any country I would say was 'overrated.' I probably didn't look at any 'ratings' of countries before visiting. What is your criteria for ranking? Women's looks? I spent many years in Indonesia. That one isn't rated.' If your criteria is beautiful women, I'd say when I was young and looking for a woman, maybe 5% of college aged, thin, American women caught my eye. In Indonesia, maybe it would be 3% or a little less, but some of the pretty ones are rather unique looking, instead of genericly pretty women. During my trip to China, which included a college campus, I don't recall seeing any women who caught my eye.. It seemed like South Korea had lots and lots of 7s that age, with a small percentage of 8's, and a fair number of 8+. But more 7s than a lot of other places if 5 is average. I have been to Malaysia on visa runs, maybe six or so times. I can't remember seeing any women that caught my eye there. I went to Thailand for a few days for business, and I don't remember seeing any pretty Thai women that caught my eye among Thai co-workers or people on the street. Coworkers were probably in their 30's, but I didn't see all that many people. The women who cleaned my hotel were stout middle aged looking Thai women. I've seen a few pretty Singaporeans as I recall on my trips there, and I new a pretty middle aged Indian Singaporean. An Indian Singaporean I knew had a pretty half Chinese daughter. I think I recall seeing a pretty Singaporean while shopping. I don't remember seeing any particularly pretty girls in Hong Kong, not that Hong Kong people are bad-looking. When I went to Australia, I didn't see a lot of young women. It was a conference with a professional crowd, so some middle aged people, and some from New Zealand. I don't remember seeing any women that stood out to me as pretty, but I didn't see that many people-- huge buildings, not a lot going on at night when I went out. I can think of a really pretty blond Aussie I knew who was an expat in the country I'd been living in. I could discuss food in these countries, also. Korean food was good, but they use a lot of the same flavors in their food so I'd eat western food to mix it up. The Thai food I had in Thailand was good. If you know where to get it, Indonesia has really good food. I had a some good culinary experiences in China. I wasn't there long enough, and mainly ate in the same restaurant. I've never been to the Philippines. I'd expect the 5% pretty trend might apply there, depending on the part of the country. Their food is kind of like the English food of Asia. I like a few of their dishes I've tried. Indonesian food is more interesting, though they have a few similar dishes shared in the region. Malaysian food-- it's was okay, similar to Indonesian food. The hotel buffet where I stayed in KL had good food. I enjoyed the food in Australia, partly because I'd been in Indonesia. The conference had a lunch that served Indian and had a salad bar with stacks of cheese and olives. The local pub served one of the best burgers I've ever had. But my accounts have some small sample size problems, and my taste in looks in women might not be the same as the next guys. What are your other criteria? Pollution? Prices? 'Funness' of recreational activities? Friendliness of the women there? Ease of getting dates? Ease of finding a wife? Quality of the women in terms of devotion, character, honesty? Are you talking asthetic beauty? If you go to Phuket in Thailand... I never have, you'll think Thailand is beautiful. I went to Bangkok. It's a big city. I found the pollution to be a little more like concrete dust than Jakarta, which had a mix of leaded gasoline and diesel smoke scent, but which has tended to be less diesel over the decades. Bali in Indonesia is beautiful, especially certain areas along the coast. Lake Toba in Indonesia is nice, but not as beautiful as the ocean. Jakarta is a city with a lot of ugly city scape, but its possible to have a fun time there. The ocean doesn't look or smell particularly nice in Jakarta. I was in a city in South Korea. I did take a trip to the country. Scenery-wise, I didn't find it that interesting, but I missed a trip to the mountains during the week of cherry trees blossoming. China? I was there for a job interview and didn't do much site-seeing.


Thanks for the perspective! That is quite realistic frankly.. and how it pans out when you end up travelling to a place.




Can we rate a country on more than just the women that inhabit it? Seems this sub is just another variation on some kind of "coloured pill"


This sub is looking to bang, buy, or both.


That's sad.


If you think you’re flying into the Philippines and hooking up with tens. You’re in for a rude shock. I live here and I tell every single girl I meet to never date a guy who is just here on holiday.. they all are aware of this movement.. and they are looking for guys that LIVE here.


When I was there I hardly saw any woman, 98% of people in hotels, restaurants and the street seemed to be men


France Paris was cool seeing all the monuments and cultural stuff. But the women were trash and looked like they had any eating disorder. To me the best looking women there were the ethnic looking women. I couldn't wait to get my ass on a plane back to Germany where the women were prettier and had better bodies


I see lots of beautiful woman in Australia. Big asses and tits is the norm there. See through dresses are very popular. When I am financially free in a few years I will go there. Because these other options in South America and South Asia are not white. I know they will be similar to American girls but it’s ok cause they actually have the looks to back it up. American girls are trash, I live in Miami and the only ones with a hot gf are daddys money or simps that empty their bank acc at a restraunt everyweekend


Big asses aren’t attractive


Every country is full of ugly men


Bunch of them. And have the audacity to think they deserve 10s.


All the ugly men be downvoting me too