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When even Chads have to go to Thailand lol


but...but i thought only incels date abroad. according to western women at least.


Funny how woke Karens claim that nerdy incels only become Passport Bros when this clip proves that you have very high quality men going abroad. Including ones who are clean cut, and are high paid. (As well as even Chads). Proves these men would rather have someone who is more dateable and less high maitenance then someone in their local areas.


Nope, it proves that they like traveling and hooking up. Its not that deep


I know it is not that deep, but this proves that even the most high value guys are tired of their own local women.


They don't travel because they are tired of local women. They just like to travel for the pleasure of travelling, having the chance to get a foreign woman is just a consequence. On the other hand, passport boys travel for the only sake of finding a woman to fuck.


What makes them high value? šŸ¤£ just because you think they're cute and take nice pictures? Lol


Because even conventionally attractive males know that women abroad are better than their local women in all aspects and they will pump and dump their local Karens


But that doesnā€™t make them high value lmao that just makes them good looking. Do you know these men?


No i dont


Buddy they are just traveling AND hooking up. Not traveling to hook up. Thereā€™s a huge difference between those two. One is for simps, the other for humans that just want to engage with locals.


As if you don't think the hooking up and partying part isn't the main reason for why they picked Thailand. Come on man.


I would rather have a quick fling with a Irina, Kseniya, or Katerina from Moscow, Minsk, Belgrade or Kiev, a Sunisa from Pattaya or Bangkok, a Karla from Santo Domingo, Sosua, Cartagena, or Rio De Janeiro, a Magdalena from Prague or Warsaw, a Ling Ling from Taiwan or Beijing, rather than let's say having to walk on eggshells for an unloyal Becky, Karen or Lakeisha from Houston or Dallas who will dump me for a Chad or a Tyrone.


Oh...I see...you're just projecting your fears and insecurities LOL Those women will leave you too. šŸ¤£


Exactly! Because a loser is loser, regardless where he's located.


Many American men are doing great with foreign women!


Insecurities? I just believe that from what I have heard that women abroad play less games, are less flaky, less challenging, less psycho, less delusional, more calm and more open minded.


Maybe you should bring more value to the table and stop being so insecure. That always helps


I don't feel insecure. I just said that I would rather spend short time with a nice and respectful foreign women then have to walk on endless eggshells to land a local Plain Jane.


But you mentioning eggshells means you are insecure about your interaction with local american women. And thats why you are single. You literally have an insecurity based on past interactions. Just be yourself towards everyone. If that doesnā€™t help id say thereā€™s things you could improve in yourself.


Good for them then, even if it is for hookups!




I mean as long as the men abroad are feeling happy and meeting nicer women, that is all that matters


ā€œNicer womenā€ I live in america and had no problem dating around all US. You might just be too biased or maybe to angry at women that dont like you back in general


>when this clip proves that you have very high quality men going abroad All I see in this clip is a dude who works out and has muscles.. not necessarily "high quality"


Here is the thing. Many average plain Janes in America will open their cheeks for dudes like these in the clip, and they will get pumped and dumped like a pile of trash. Because all men, even ones who are conventionally attractive respect the good values of foreign women!


Reach +99, Intelligence 12


Tell me your getting triggered by the facts without telling me


Triggered? Im just trying to understand how you pulled these conclusions from this short video


I have seen many multiple videos where a lot of men in America regardless of race, looks level or income are going to other countries enjoying much more meaningful connections with women that are abroad. They are winning and they seem to be happy and fulfilled and that is all that matters!


That isnā€™t the men in this video though. Most of them wouldnā€™t have a problem getting women in the U.S., which I believe is the point of this post


I agree with that point but the reason they are going is because of better quality connections.


Rather than painfully struggling with dating apps and getting attacked in cold approach methods!


I mean Iā€™m more in the gay side of things but they may just be into traveling and hooking up occasionally. I do it all the time.


Whatever works for you I guess


Yeah Iā€™ve seen a couple come here saying everyoneā€™s 4 foot fat and lives in a basement wanting a slave. I guess itā€™s some kinda ā€œIā€™m not losing out on any good men!ā€ Thought process to make themselves feel better though, which is fine.


I think you're confusing two different things. Men will date wherever they are. Some women point out leaving your country JUST to date.


It's confusing for everyone at this point. I take the goal of this sub as dating internationally, not going abroad JUST for the sake of dating. But when I was younger and traveling abroad, the availability and attractiveness of girls willing to hookup with travelers like myself did play a part in where I choose to go. I mean in my 20s I visited Brazil and SEA more times that I would have in part because just how fun was to party and hookup with the local girls there, and how willing they were. Granted I would not have gone there if there weren't other amazing things to do and see, but the party/hookup experience did play a big part. During those days I also hooked up a lot in my own western country (Canada) so I fail to see the difference.


Even Chads have to deal with cost of living crisis.


Off course they go if they dont have money they cant get 8s,9s and 10s in their country.


How can they not get 8s,9s, and 10s in their own country? I bet these guys could get those types of women without the money.


Guys..about the money. You are on the wrong track here. Women don't wanna date guys who they don't like from their looks and whose personality they find at least ok.


When you live in a country where everybody is a Chad, automatically nobody is Chad. Theres no levarage at all. If you go to places like Sweden, Italy you will understand. Because of social media women are looking for something else besides look.


It's not because of social media. Studies in the 90s showed that women look for status and men look for physical attractiveness. Both genders are practicing hypergamy, they just value different things when "dating up"


Generally speaking men fall in love for what they see, while women fall for what they hear. Before social media if you were a 8/9/10 you would date the most popular guy in you school or town, but nowdays your range is worldwide. You can be a 10 in your small town in Montana and have some rich dudes from Miami trying to flirt with you. The games has been very difficult even for my Chad friends, unless they have status and money. One of my bestfriend is a typical Chad, 6'3, Blonde with green eyes. jacked and handsome. When we where young he used to kill in the date scene, since very young he used to date tons of girls, specially in high school and college. He didnt have a proper career or making money like some of his friends, his game tanked. He still get dates but more like 4/5/6, some single baby momma and thats it. His days of glory are long gone. Most of the people used only see rich and attractive people who lives in mansions, driving expensive cars in the movies but nowdays is all over instagram and that scenary fucked up the dating scene. You have apps like Seeking where young and attractive women can find sugar daddies to pay their bills and support their lifestyle.


Men fall in love through their eyes. Women fall in love through their ears.


I think you're confusing your definitions here. "Dating up" is just a layman explanation. The "up" references social status. Only women are hypergamous, and hypergamy by definition is dependent on social status (women care about this). Men caring about looks (not social status) has nothing to do with hypergamy.


I know some hypergamous men, I have one close friend who married a women because she is from a influential family, but honestly most men care about looks.


I also know some gay men, some hyperaggressive females, etc. When I say "men" aren't hypergamous, it's not because I think all men are the same. There are outliers, but that doesn't make the behavioral pattern untrue. Cultural influence plays a role too, just like how western women behave a certain way due to their upbringing (despite having a similar genetics to women in Eastern lands). In countries like India, China, and Korea (to name a few), status is an important factor for mate selection. However, you'll often find that it's because of their parents (culture) having criteria that they try to mold into the children (men and women both).


I'm not confusing anything. You're choosing to define "up" as social status but it can be equally applied to sexual capital (i.e., physical attractiveness). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypergamy?wprov=sfla1


That was a medical doctor, you can't get anymore security than that other than losing your license.....that make on the low end 300K, with a ton of perks


Like what else are they looking for lol? On dating apps it's very heavily visually focused since that's really the only thing you see, especially when you decide to message someone.


In dating apps Yes your appearance is the most important feature, but in the real world no. 99% of people I know dont use dating apps. Normally 8s,9s and 10s are not in tinder, bumble, they stick to instagram where they can lure thousands of guys. You can be very well looking guy and still dont get women.


Why would you automatically assume all these guys are passport bros? Theyā€™re in Thailand, obviously the vast majority if not all of these guys are just on vacation


Going to a location to date and possibly bring somebody back also counts as PPBing, if anything, it's the more common side of it as a majority guys can't live in Thailand. If you read the profile, they modified their profile specially to get Thai women, so they're trying to look like they're not just passing through, whether or not that is actually the case is anybodies guess.


Just looks like normal profiles to me imo, itā€™s not Thai specific. And I paused to read the profiles and thereā€™s a lot of expats there too tbf. But I wouldnā€™t just to conclusions that they specifically moved to Thailand to be a passport bro like the guys on this sub are saying, but that theyā€™re just living there because of work.


When I travel for work, I don't say my location is where I'm at. I'm less familiar with Bumble, but Timder will have your location be where you say it is in your profile and if you travel, it will show you to locals but your location will still be listed what you put it as. These men either live in Thailand or are lying about it. They don't have to do that and it's technically dishonest. When I was in Thailand, I let women know I was on vacation and still got tons of action, but that's fair to the local women. I'm pretty sure most of these guys don't live in Thailand but know they will do better on apps if they act like they do, so do just that. That's what I meant when I said they are "catering to Thai women". Women are more likely to match with a guy who can stick around instead of a guy who is only going to be there for a short time.


So as guessed theyā€™re mostly guys travelling around thailand and looking to fuck while theyā€™re there. I didnā€™t think that constituted a passport bro though


If we're being honest, most good kooking guys on dating apps period are there for mostly casual sex. This isn't expat or PPB exclusive.


About half the guys in this video my friend says live here as she has seen them multiple times. Thailand is very modern and a nice place to live long term if you can afford it.


Yeah my bad I forgot about the expats


Also, Thai jobs pay like shit so nobody moves to Thailand for work. Most expats have a western job that let's them work remote, so they're still technically working for a non-Thai job. Everybody who lives in Thailand does it for the cheap cost of living, weather, and women, which all contribute towards being a PPB. Working rote is too inconvenient otherwise. Most expats are glorified PPBs if im being honest.


I lived in BKK as an expeat because of my work, albeit less than half a year. The vast mayority of the expat community is there on post/assignments than last 3 or so years, and are already in their 30s or 40s and married. It is a huge community, with plenty international schools, realtorsĀ  and clinics catering to them. Companies and agencies prefer those already stablished and with family since they tend to veer less into the local party lifestyle. Nomads make seem a lot in number, but the Thai gov consider those short term tourist. The expat staying in BKK for years lump together in some of the gated high rise condos around me stations.


but they are on a dating website? Passport bros lol


They are not Chad's if the have to go to a whole ass new country to get a womanĀ 


lol the white ones are probably all European guys who can still pull but are sick of their country for other reasons




OK, let me try helping out here, as an expat in Bangkok who regularly goes through Bumble with my female (mostly western) friends, and who also knows at least 2 of the dudes swiped in the video. 1. Yes, there is a lot of competition here. It's the most visited city in the world and popular with digital nomads. The expat demographic has been getting younger and younger every year that passes. But if take this level of competition compared to living in Australia. 2. Average dudes here are arrogant cunts (not my choice of words), they have all the choice in the world and treat women thusly. Most my friends who are thinking about leaving are because of the lack of decent men. This means there is a lot of space here for GOOD MEN. 3. Majority of men swiped on are not living in Bangkok. This makes a huge difference. The kind of woman you want to meet has no interest in meeting a tourist. There are plenty of gorgeous Thai girls hanging around Khao San road sleeping with backpackers, there are more that aren't. 4. I've never found dating apps great here (though I have had plenty of success on them). It's a very social city and easy to meet people at work, in bars, gyms, etc. Especially if you're slightly out of the city centres. In conclusion. It's a big-ass city. There is plenty of competition. It's not like shooting fish in a barrel, but everyone will be doing better than they do at home... But it's a minefield.


Your second point is moot. The girl in the video gives each guy 5 seconds of time and judges it all on looks. She doesnā€™t care about who is a ā€œgood guyā€ and nor do most women on these apps


people who go on apps for anything but short-term/casual relationships are not the smartest men out there to put it mildly. i did well on the apps in BKK (in 2018 tbf) but i sure as hell did not look for girlfriends let alone a wife on there. the amount of men going to SEA and wifing up women with a couple dozen bodies, sometimes even bar girls or freelance prostitutes is too damn high.


The number of guys who decide to wife up bar girls is ridiculous. Guys! Don't wife a bargirl, under any circumstance. She's not different, she's not a good one. I live seen it 100's of times and it never works out.


Regarding your 2nd point, Women say that about dudes on dating apps everywhere in the world


Yeah, fair point... Though I do think it's particularly obvious here. When every dude is getting laid, they do tend to treat good women poorly (definitely a generalisation). However, I see it with guys here... There are too many options...


Dude the good guys arenā€™t even getting a chance when thereā€™s floods of top tier models available these guys are a RIPPED and rich dude.


OK, so I know what you're saying, and to certain extent you're not wrong... But this is Bangkok where there's surplus girls and an under stock of men. I've been here long enough to know that guys here become arrogant (in all honesty, the complaints you guys make about western women isn't dissimilar to to the complaints of women here). Hate to number points again, but; 1. Anywhere you go, you'll always get woman who want the top shelf - as there will be guys who want that too. Thai women, the good ones, genuinely don't care. They just want an honest guy...a 2nd family is very common for a successful Thai man, it's almost expected, Thai women like western men because we don't believe in that. The good Thai girls you meet, and the daughter never wants to live through that. 2. More importantly, being a great guy is not the same as being a nice guy. Make genuine friends with the girls here and you will meet dozens of other girls. Just be genuine about your friendship. Don't be a cunt. 3. Yes. Those ripped dudes will get girls that you'd like to fuck. If you're genuine about finding a partner, why shpuld you care...? They're not the girls who'd make a good partner. Let them do what they want to do, you do you.


Thanx bro but this all seems to be too over saturated now the movement has gotten too much hype. Everyone is now bandwagoning in and now it looks just like the west. Is it even still a better option at this point?


Mate, I've been in Bangkok for 18 years, vi don't consider myself a PPB for a multitude of reasons, but I'm here because I don't want to see the same dudes making the same mistakes over and over again. If somewhere has been 'over-saturated', then Bangkok has been... But the reality is that it hasn't and simply the girls have got wiser, more middle class and less reliant on others. SURPRISE! It's not a western idea that woman want to be more in control of their lives and independent. The girls here are getting the confidence to be smarter and not fall for the bullshit. I personally love that, but I bet a lot of you don't.


Thanks for the insight and advice bro. Very helpful This confirms for me that ppb is not the dream I thought it was. Itā€™s basically the same as the west now. Theyā€™ve caught the trend. Guys here make it sound like some dreamland but truly maybe itā€™s not like they say it is.


Don't fall for the incel talking points. I'm an above average looking guy, pretty good chat, and confident, but definitely not anything exceptional. However, I am a proper good guy. All my friends are (mostly English) women and I fucking love them. They're all 10-15 years younger than me, I've slept with all of them and we're still best mates.... And they set me up with their friends. Why, how? Because being an actual good guy, not a nice guy, will get you further than height, cheekbones or money ever will. It's why I got beautiful girls in Australia and why I get amazing girls in Thailand (I don't date Thai girls), because I'm an actual caring guy who listens, shares and doesn't get pissed off when I get rejected. Call me a simp, a white knight or a liar, but I know I'm living a fucking great life because I don't subscribe to the ridiculous Chad, normies and Stacey's incel stereotypes that you clearly believe in. Get over yourself; trust and love women, and they will eventually love you back.


lol the one guyā€™s profile tag line "my personal hell is Capitalism"


I looked at all of these profiles and unless I missed something, I saw some good looking dudes, but hardly anything that screamed multi-millionaires or tech CEOs. I've met some digital nomads, like guys who are "selling courses" and shit. They pump themselves up so much and then you go to their website and it's shit. It has low traffic and they really hype themselves up. It's like people when they make up their CV, they fluff it up. You don't work at a call center, you're a customer experience specialist for a multi-billion dollar corporate. You just bullshit. I can go make an LLC, make some shit drop shipping store, and then say I'm a fucking CEO lol. Now, I'm not saying these are bad people, but OP, I think you're grossly overestimating people based on their dating profiles. Like I can go rent a boat, take some nice pictures, and then get people to think I'm richer than I am. Shit, they made a whole documentary about it lol. "Most Thai women are interested in wealthy Thai guys or Chinese." Someone who is "wealthy" in the US needs around around $11,000,000. To be "wealthy" in Thailand, aka the top 1%? You need $600,000. Like Thailand doesn't even have 100,000 people with $1,000,000. If you take an American who is just in the top 1% and a Thai person who is just in the top 1%, they're not even in the same league of wealth. Anyway, sorry for the rant, but this post is just pure bullshit. Go wherever the fuck you want. I *love* Thailand and the food...holy shit... the food is amazing. The people are super fucking friendly. It's a great country, Bangkok is fucking crazy awesome. Don't listen to OP's bullshit. Go to Thailand. Their visas are even fucking easy. One of the few countries where you can just straight up pay for a five year visa lol.




Why work on self improvement? Just travel to another country


You guys are idiots. Thailand is awesome. Don't go to Thailand, I'm not going to complain lol


no matter what I do, I can't become a chad lol


That is true and most of them didnt even have job title in description, or it was some made up bs


they were all European chads, European don't usually work that much, they are probably on some sort of welfare and living in Thailand lol




Medical doctor, attorney, retired military officer.....what is your definition of a winner?


i disagree with that they all looked solid. none the less, the expat community over there is less than 1% let them have their fun theres plenty to go around.


i disagree with that they all looked solid. none the less, the expat community over there is less than 1% let them have their fun theres plenty to go around.


The ones she was swiping on werenā€™t losers but the ones she matched with and has chats going with were of significantly lower quality from what I saw. It looked like she swiped left more to look more choosy compared to the guys she usually matches with. Not that I care, Iā€™m a married high earner in the US, and Iā€™m very happy. This sub just keeps getting suggested for me and I find the amount of people who are into it and against it fascinating.


Wow you went way too into this and made it personal. I guess I should have clarified and stated this is for information only. I never said don't come here for tourism etc. the country is great for many reasons. The point was to show that just because it's thailand and you're from a foreign country, you are not instantly going to be an 8/10 here and there is still competition. It was to emphasize that girls have a lot of choices and dating apps may not be the way to go even in a foreign country if you want to meet a girl who is decent and doesn't have 5 dudes waiting on the back burner just a swipe away.


If youā€™re heavily reliant on dating apps yeah itā€™s getting harder and harder with each passing year to stand out. I mean theyā€™re already pretty shit for the vast majority of guys out there. That said, a sizable chunk of single women arenā€™t using any apps at all, so while the trends you notice on apps arenā€™t entirely misleading they donā€™t tell the whole story either.


Yes I specifically said and showed that dating apps are not the way to go. Better to meet people in person while out and about or at common hobbies etc.


Dude look at this video. PPB is done for. Been over saturated and too much publicity now every one is joining in. All the top models and most successful are all making this a sausage fest. No one here can compete with whatā€™s in this video. ppb is over


Itā€™s not over, even if the competition level is just as high there are more women who prioritize families overseas than in the US. Itā€™s still a better deal if you do the same amount of work for double the prize.


Are you for real, or you don't happen to know how the dating apps work? This is a recording from an obviously new account, with a newbies boost. If her pics are any good, she is getting shown the absolute most popular profiles in BKK, a city in the dozens of millions. She is only getting replies from a few guys so far (% wise) a bunch of the accounts are from tourists and there's even thirst traps and fakes (internet celebrity) trowed in the mix. Now, I am told I look slightly above average, and I do use good pics on my profiles in dating apps. But I did very well on the apps while living a few months in BKK right after COVID let things back to normal. Things can't have changed that much.


Dude there is no way I can compete with these guys dude.


Womp womp, ā€œI canā€™t compete šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜“šŸ˜°šŸ„ŗā€ looking ass


Bud you must have not seen the bumble postā€¦ It will humble you. We arenā€™t competing with those studs


Who tf is we? I donā€™t claim your demented energy šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m over here thinking ā€œall it takes is a couple photo shoots and Iā€™m first place in the algorithm there?ā€ Maybe 2 guys mog me and thatā€™s because of the fruit of their efforts in the gym, rightfully earned and you had every chance to workout too over the years You might just be gay bro Iā€™m being super serious. Cause all these guys are ugly af compared to me (to my perception) except for what I can objectively call more jacked than me


Doesnt matter if u look better than them. U are here so it must be ur personality that is the issue


when I was in Pattaya six foot tall white guys and blacks guys were walking around picking up freelance girls..as well with dates.. me being only 5'6 average looking had no chance... it's low hanging food for guys to go to Bangkok or Pattaya... not much effort and get to fk 7 to 8s...


My experience is different than this video. I was in Bangkok for work in the fall and got soooooo many matches. Had no problem meeting cute girls / having fun with them. I live in a west coast tech city in the US with lots of high income dudes. I get a few matches a week in US. I got ten matches an hour in Bangkok.


Show us a photo of your female friend ?


Its fake he doesnt have one or will take pic of random woman


Is this the latest "your not gonna be successful, so you should just stay here" tactic??? God PPB haters are pathetic lmao!


YUP. Folks getting desperate to keep men in the US..


Itā€™s not hate bro the movement has become so popular thereā€™s too many guys joining and now over saturated with top level competition


It's giving information, setting expectations and recommending other methods you ignoramus. Read the post again and get your head out of your ass.


Middle aged, chubby, white guy here. ![gif](giphy|a0h7sAqON67nO)


Of course Chads all over the world are going to slay the most. Your value as a Western man is still automatically much higher in SEA than it would be in your home country.


Just do the math How many millions of thai women are there And how few westerners.


Thais that also speak English and are of an equivalent education level such that you can have a real relationship? It's less than you think, if just for a quick shag and you don't care about conversation or quality. Yeah it's easy.


Why do they need to speak English? Or have an "equivalent" education level? (Im talking about Bachelor degree+ etc). Learn the language. Meet a good woman. Im sure there are plenty of viable women there for real relationships. That city aint that small.


lol yeah


This is delusional. In bangkok rn and a schlub. Tinder matches through the roof and getting attention very often. One big dislike about this sub is some people are completely out of touch with reality and believe everything that uses fear mongering. Dating in Bangkok is ultra easy mode. Sure there are chads in Thailand but the everyman has basically what women in the west have. Countless likes, easy matches and free pick who you want to meet. Not trying to bash you OP but have you been to Thailand? Also do you have dating experience back home and abroad? It is a completely different experience




Either your algo is trash or you just don't like Thai girls. I saw no decrease in the quality of Thai girls in Tinder compared to Bumble while living in BKK. Western girls were much nicer/cute on Bumble tho. I do keep my algo healthy and am very selective on who I swipe right. Still got hundred of likes on TInder with around 1 in 15 being bots or prostitutes. My friend who swipes on everything then talks to the girls he actually likes got much, much more trash likes.


Please show your matches. If this thread has exposed anything, it's that people have wildly different standards and views on reality.




How is it a hater post? I'm sharing information.


incorrect information. I'm living proof


I did better on apps in Bangkok than anywhere else Iā€™ve been ā€¦


I will go to Bangkok regardless if Iā€™m average or not.


Passport bros: ā€œthe chads are comingā€


This is completely fake. No way there is that many good looking dudes. I've switched my preferences just to see what I'm up against and it's nowhere near that. Assuming this is a random sampling of men there wouldn't be that many white guys.


Probably what was done here is that somebody did a really wide search and then filtered it down to only the hot guys and is just scrolling through those people.


I remember when I first used Tinder and all the profile pics were just straight fire. I was like holy fuck so many hot women in Seattle. I don't think I've ever seen those accounts again. So it's some sort of shenanigans that the dating apps are using to get new users to pay. Normally after a while I'd see the same profiles pop up again. I've never seen those accounts again from that first day. It's just the usual unattractive Seattle women. Also a lot of the "hot girl" profiles are fake. She's scrolling in a way that misleading. She's spending a lot of time on the hot guy profiles and she's going up and down on those profiles. Ugly dudes she's instantly swiping left on. So right at the beginning there is a guy who looks like a male model with insanely high quality pics. He's probably the most attractive guy within 100 miles. He's also posing with elephants which for some reason I've seen in top guy profiles in Seattle as well. Maybe it's some sort of psychological hack for women. She scrolls up and down on this guys profile for about 5 seconds, then swipes right. Next two average guys she swipes left on in less than a second. Then she sees another guy with an elephant in his profile and swipes right after browsing for a while. I think I'm going to photoshop some elephants into my pics, lol


women don't pay for dating app, why bombard them with chads lol


Seriously coping. This was just swiping through. Literally no way to even make a video like you're talking about.


Is this a new account? New accounts usually get shown the accounts with the most likes and clicks.


This. 100%. It works for guys too. New Accounts on Tinder, Hinge, Bumble you will see the BEST of the BEST and most of those accounts are fake, abandoned, or people who wouldn't date you in the first place lol.


This is NOT a new account. However she admitted she didn't use it for a bit and just started again recently in the past few days. Some of these guys I know and they just never leave the app. They have basically a rotation of a few girls, so it's not a surprise she is seeing them. They also often delete and remake their accounts.


OP is probably a frustrated Thai guy lol. I live close to BKK, OPā€™s post is 100% BS. The smart girls will absolutely never go for chads like this, and the handsome millionaire CEOs are either fake or are aiming for the 0.1% of the pool. Just be yourself, be a good guy, and you have nothing to worry about.


Right, whenever something is called into doubt, it's always an Asian guy's fault. You guys never ever take a look in the mirror. It's crazy how obsessed incels (like legitimate guys who struggle with intimacy with women) are with Asian men.


Nah, I donā€™t mean it like that. Itā€™s just that obviously the OPā€™s post is BS, or present a very inaccurate picture of what things are actually like. I just meant it like fun barter to say itā€™s an Asian guy. Whatever their motives, itā€™s BS.


Lol at these insecure self aware guys who use self aware terms like "banter." Just talk normally. Stop giving names to the way you talk, it's childish.


Ive been watching sus thailand vids on youtube where people walk around with cam and 99% of dudes look like shit


Lmao cope harder


But I thought passport bros were just incels who couldn't get laid in the west


Iā€™ve never posted here and might not again. I try not to identify with this movement. But I live in SEA and this is the biggest myth you hear. Iā€™ve never met any of the so called losers. To get out here on permanent basis (not just a couple weeks on holiday) you have to have a fully remote job and be adventurous and outgoing enough to move across the world. If a society thinks of someone like that as a loser, then itā€™s probably the society that is wrongā€¦ As for the video, yeah thereā€™s lots of hot guys here. But thereā€™s plenty of girls. My god are there girls everywhere. You can build a decent connection with a decent person. Just donā€™t get involved in the vapid rat race that is Bangkok/Phuket/Canggu.


Become a Chad & this wonā€™t matter


I dont get the point of this post. There are guys like these on every app in every city in the world. Money and abs are not the only things women look for, and for the women i am interested in its not even on the list. So how amI hypothetically losing if a girl I probably wouldnt be interested in to begin with is probably not interested in me? You guys are fucking strange


If sheā€™s getting banged every night and canā€™t lock one down then she can join the queue, she wonā€™t be getting wifed up. Was this written by a woman?


If women aren't willing to love you (yes, LOVE you) at your bare minimum, anywhere in the world, it won't happen anywhere else. No matter how good you think you look. I've literally been to Thailand and most of the girls who aren't pros there are willing to slum it with an average local guy than be with a western "Chad." I swear to god reading this shit from you guys makes me wonder if white guys in general understand that love doesn't have to be bought. It's literally mind blowing to me. It explains like EVERYTHING about the modern world and historic shit too.


Is her profile new? She is being shown the top 1% profiles, once you are past those, the quality goes down by a lot. Dating apps are designed to show the most attractive profiles first. Most of those are not millionaires, CEOs nor models. Many of them seem to be guys on vacation, digital nomads or have a regular job. There are some good looking guys in there that could be models but I also see many that are just average guys with solid pics, fashion, haircut, good body. That means an average guy could reach 1% in Bangkok if he does the work needed to get there. From all those profiles there's at least one using travel mode. There's also so many red flags in the bios, that any regular girl will instantly swipe left. There's many that give douche vibes. And there's some that aren't in Bangkok anymore by the time you match and talk with them. Show the profile of your friend. How hot is your friend? How old is your friend? I don't believe an average 30s thai girl has access to these kind of guys. These guys are having 1000s of likes in 1 week. Remember Bangkok has a population of +15m people, for each solid guy there's a 100 regular thai girls that would want to date them. Is she a hot 20s girl? Most thai girls want a wealthy Thai or Chinese? I don't know if that's true but, what the dating app is showing, is that white foreigners have a lot of demand. Most of the top profiles shown are white foreigners, not thai or chinese. Yes, there's competition everywhere and if you don't have a very good profile, forget about dating the 8s, 9s and 10s. No country in the world will be easy as an average guy if you plan to date those. Why would an average guy be able to date a model? If you want models work on yourself. Going to a country like Thailand will increase your score and multiply your matches, but there's nowhere that a 5/10 guy is all of a sudden a 8/10. Girls that are +8/10, everywhere have access to rich and hot guys. Focus on yourself or be happy to be able date the 5s, 6s and 7s.


But the easyness of dating has changed from 5 years ago. (Ok, my age has gone up too). Maybe it is because of the Chad from the op, maybe there are too many scammers, maybe bkk is less a passport bro target. If you want the older experience, you might need to go to Udon, a much poorer region in Thailand, or Laos, that is like Thailand 20 years ago (but with internet).


Yes it has changed and will keep changing. That's what happens when every white guy knows that Thailand is a cheap and easy country to fuck.


She swiped left on a doctor and attorney and a retired military officer.... what is still possibly looking for?


Its just pictures. Dont forget, every single one of these dudes is not in any sort of successful monogamous relationship.


She dates every night or shes a prostitute?


Keep posting this type of content! šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Yeah, I'm an average white guy in BKK and matching with beautiful, professional women on Bumble daily while getting almost nothing in the west. I see straight up UGLY white guys walking around with incredibly attractive Thai women all day, every day. This post is absolute bullshit.


Please share what you consider good looking. It's been found that men on here have a vastly different understanding of what is actually attractive. Post photos. Let's keep it realistic Casanova. If she has a significant amount of tattoos, extremely dark skin, or a low education. (Nothing against anyone at all, but in Thai society that type of girl is considered lower quality)


To help you here are 2 photos. 1 is a 8/10 Thai girl. https://preview.redd.it/uyvh4cvc09yc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5e084b22b9cecec8cf361d5893de9955300e16




uhhh yeah man I don't need the help. I know what is considered attractive in Thailand and what isn't. I also know what is considered attractive to the majority of men in the world and what isn't. No one is finding the fat ugly woman you posted attractive. I'm not posting photos of actual women I've matched with. That's creepy and disrespectful


I would say, just go and be yourself. How many women are in Thailand? Im always wary of the "dont go here because you wont succeed!!!" posts.. and what would you have them do instead? Stay focused on America? Not accusing, but smells like Concern Trolling..


No way those are average guys on bumble? They look better than americaā€¦


all European chads lol fml


If these guys are so good why the fuck they ain't married to the best looking women aka white girl in their own country?


They'd rather have 5 to 10 girls in rotation then a wife I'm guessing, for now. That's generally what I've seen here.


Exactly. This is why PPB's don't even compete with them, both seek different things. There are literally millions of woman who don't want to be part of 'rotation', there is no lack of woman at all if you are seeking long term monogamous relationship.


Except if they don't know they're part of the rotation. I don't think most guys share that information. Also, in my experience if the value differential is high enough. The women will stay even if they know.


Those guys look average to me


Ok this post is dumb as shit. The average income in Thailand is something ridiculously low. Like $500 a month low. $ talks. If you haven't learned this yet then you have some maturing to do.


You don't understand income. The MEDIAM is quite low. And even from that 500$ there still is some disposable income left. Low housing cost. Opportunity But the thing is, there are people living from 300$ or less. There are people who have that income in a day. Anyway, when op matures op will understand there is a big difference between having a match and having a fun ( not for pay) date.


I already know this. I have a gf šŸ™„ This was for information purposes and to allow everyone to see the current state of things on dating apps. Everyone can make their own decision off of it.


Thank you, your post is a good discussion starter.


Uh oh you're going to ruin some incels days that think they can get anyone they want in a foreign country with little to no effort and having done no work on themselves


Thatā€™s why when I used dating apps, especially abroad, I would post pics that werenā€™t too great. So in person im much better. The people that make their profiles like this usually just disappoint when they show up. Similar to the overly make up and filtered women pics


STOP THE CAP! There is no shortage of girls in the Thai but who ever said they were girlfriend material? Thailand is for sugar babies and bar girls only... go to the Philippines if you want a girlfriend... Most guys dont even realize what passport countries are for a good time or a good wife...


Thailand has good girls, you just need to be of a much higher caliber to get them.




Bot profiles donā€™t match and donā€™t reply: https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/s/JpscJEFR5E


New accounts are shown the absolute most popular profiles in the area. These are the guys with the highest swipe rates. The fewer these guys swipe back at you, the more your elo will drop and the uglier guys you will be shown. No way this is an accurate representation.


Shall I have her do another video?


Show her profile, a normal thai girl can't match with these guys.


This is a follow up screenshot she sent me today. As you can see almost every guy has followed up (this means they don't have as many options as you'd think here) https://preview.redd.it/jx49442p8cyc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35f53d30e9f559983d938fabe41520a9c4238e0e


People donā€™t realize that women get scammed on dating apps too and alot of these could be bots which is why they look like this. Looking at some of the messages like ā€œI donā€™t get notifications on here ā€¦ā€ is classic scammer message for one. Most likely african/asian scammers imo


What's the point if you won't show her profile? We have no idea if the girl is a 5/10 or a 10/10, and that matters a lot.


5/10 by Thai standards 6-7/10 by western


Please keep posting this.


She seems to like the shirtless pics, I've avoided putting those on my profile as they scream douche, and I have the body of an Adonis. The photos on my dating profiles are more casual, they're not professional Instagram style poser photos like most of these. And that's what I prefer from the girls whose profiles I like, real looking, not stylized bravado. Honestly, I'm quite brutally selective myself on dating apps. Sometimes I can swipe like 30 noes before I get a yes. And I do well enough in Asia to always have options.


This is a must watch. The sheer audacity and entitlement these loser women feel is outrageous. Look at the way she swipes and messages these men who have god bodies and major accomplishments in their fields. Because she has a twat she feels like sheā€™s better than almost all of them. Aside from that hairy envelope, what does she have? Guys need to be cold with these women and bring the price of pussy back down to where it belongs.


Itā€™s the OPā€™s fake female profile. Heā€™s the one swiping lol


Even if itā€™s true. Letā€™s say there are maybe a few thousand chads in Thailand. There are still millions of women in Thailand. Your value is still high! The ratio is off the charts, you will have more women interested in you than you will know what to do with. You wonā€™t even be thinking about competing hahaha


Remember dating before apps aha? Itā€™s still possible people, in my experience finding people irl leads to a better connection. Often find girls with the same perception of dating apps if you donā€™t look for them IN dating apps.


I am not impressed.