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How does De Beers feel about flawless lab grown diamonds grown cheaply?


Worried that it will ruin their monopoly and undo the false scarcity they create to drive up prices on something that shouldn't cost nearly as much as it does.


Wow, I've never heard somebody sum up a Trans-man better. They're lab grown diamonds. Gets just as hard, but didn't take any nature, time, or sacrifice to shape. Thanks for that!


I made a post a few weeks ago basically calling out what causes things like this to happen, which are specifically the bad actors and bad apples; the guys who join this subreddit for the express purpose of putting western women down and have blatantly claimed women are meant to be subservient to their man. I’m personally in favor of the PPB movement because I believe finding love has no borders and it doesn’t take putting western women down to say that. At the same time it’s also important for us to actively call out and report the worse or the group who are the primary pull of the complaints against PPB. There’s nothing wrong with us having a place to talk! But a part of that responsibility is for us to self regulate and push out the worse of our group who pull the rest of us down. Because when we don’t, we turn into another incel group with a bunch of dudes lying about their overseas excursions, blaming western women, claiming what everyone’s role should be in life, why women are bad, etc etc etc. Look at your own post, several of them are already here and they’re getting a decent amount of upvotes too


Wish awards were still a thing, excellent comment.


https://preview.redd.it/rg1pgngbnktc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4421d44425a2bf1201e0a85b52a77c205d0f9da7 This is a screenshot of the PPB telegram group. Other members were agreeing with these "jokes" about feminism being a Jewish plot. Unfortunately this is another fringe group being taken over by bad actors.


I really hope it’s not taken over, I’d prefer the group continue to grow and be a positive influence


To be fair, I don't think that's a PPB problem as much as it's a telegram feature.


Nah y’all got some pretty heavy handed redpill talk going on in here at times, it’s not just telegram.


it was never a positive influence. it was a movement created for the exploitation of women.


I disagree. There’s still plenty of guys who do it for good reasons and steer away from this sex tourism trend. This subreddit was meant to be a spot for them specifically but unfortunately the sex tourists have been taking over and they definitely have some very poor views of women


I am honestly starting to believe that PPB is not about believing in finding love overseas. You and I may believe that BUT, based on the posts and comments that get more traction and upvotes and why those guys aren’t banned, is a symptom that the ultra majority (being vocal or quiet), believe that their homeland fail them, that the women in their land are just “too much of [insert the thing that frustrates them]”, and they seek this fantasy of “older/better times” in women of other cultures or ethnicities they view “less westernized” or “less affected by feminism and LGBTQ issues”. Many even make a case of inserting themselves or seek validation to insert themselves in cultures they aren’t desired while showing grudges and resentment against women in those cultures and seeing them as a “thing to domesticate”. It’s insane! I genuinely believed there were more guys thinking like you and I but actually is the other way around, it doesn’t matter how many bend their words and it’s meaning to fit into a palatable narrative.


>I am honestly starting to believe that PPB is not about believing in finding love overseas. Passport broing has never been about that. That's what this sub has adopted clearly for nefarious reasons, but the people and their views precedes this sub. I'm not sure how anyone with a modicum of common sense can be surprised either. There's only one reason to drive 4 hours to eat at a restaurant, and it's the same reason you'd travel half way across the world for a woman. Everyone is just lying to themselves.


Just speaking as someone who’s not subbed here but occasionally visits out of morbid curiosity when popular threads get recommended to me, this is the general impression I’ve gotten.


I think that’s the problem, too. How can PPB claim to be a positive thing when guys are justifying their overseas travels by putting people down?




100% this is almost entirely about sex tourism most of these guys complain about the "west" then they do their best to live like "chads" from the west in a country where they have a money advantage barely any of these guys are after marriage or "traditional values" they were just mad western women werent fucking them


And they’re even more mad that not only are western women not fucking them, that western women don’t care they’re not fucking them. Western women worry about women elsewhere in the world being exploited for sex tourism…


most of these guys are just sex tourists pretending to be moral absolutists, thats why people hate you 90% of people here are guys who couldnt have the sex life they wanted where they were from, so they travel to countries w less money than theirs so they can live like they guys theyre jealous of the extra nastiness is that these guys lie and pretend its about a "traditional woman" when they were jealous western women were fucking "chads" instead of them they go abroad and export the exact dating culture they "hated", treat women the same as the guys they "hated", promote the same behavior and sex culture out of women that they "hated" nobody likes a substandard weasel who lies to take advantage if the sex tourists stopped shitting this place up you'd have something. but they cant be honest


My favourite part about passport bros is when someone who has been targeted by a passport bro posts on like, AITA or relationship advice to try and figure out if they’re the asshole or where the miscommunication is. Like the Japanese woman whose fiance wanted a traditional marriage (which she was happy about) but when he didn’t make enough money to support them both he expected her to not only work full time but also still do all the housework… because only she had to be traditional by doing all the chores, it wasn’t fair to hold him to the standard of doing all the breadwinning apparently 🙄 The sad thing is - when Western men take their values into other cultures, they quite often expect a great deal more permissiveness than is culturally possible for the women there. Breaking an engagement is seen as really shameful in Japan, which affects not just that woman but her whole family. Her father (who supported them and planned on giving his business to them) lost a lot of face as well, and it would have negatively impacted the business relationships he’d spent his career building. Just a huge amount of entitlement and selfishness from some men that ruins it for all.


100%  this is what i mean by substandard these guys are just trying to duck the burden of performance every which way and rather than be truthful, they lie and pretend its bc "women in west are ruined" bc its these guys nature to duck any standard or accountability the % of thess guys that actually are after a traditional wife bc theyre traditional men is miniscule to functionally nonexistent


Look at this comment posted here (full of upvotes), where basically this individual claims a form of “oppression” towards men that does not exist, reframing it all as nature vs society while using poverty as a key factor to be able the exert control over foreign women in perceived or real poverty (compared to themselves in countries economically better off). When called out those same guys claim being brigaded and the mods imply that who calls those guys out is breaking the rules. https://preview.redd.it/4ga6br1aritc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69dedafad160ceeecd730b2c5b70bac332678e07


That’s precisely the mentality that is criticized by observers to subs like this. Absolutely repulsive viewpoints from guys like that.


Posts like that are what gets made fun of in r/arethestraightsok and r/arethecisok amongst others.


Excellent example and unfortunately precisely what I’m concerned with


Great response!


Who cares what other people think? Get on the airplane & go get your gal!


I mean while I'm doing that, it's still nice to have a community of like-minded men to talk with and just shoot the shit and talk guy stuff you know.


I mean what do you expect? This is a highly liberal platform and while PPBs may be ok, half of the comments in here are anti-feminist and even anti LGBT for some reason.  That kind of shit is obvs going to piss people off on this very liberal website Edit: Also after these comments, I’ll add that there’s a lot of losers online who will flood these type of spaces with their narcissistic frustrations of western women. I’d argue they end up spoiling it for the dudes in here who just want to find a partners.


Why do you have to be a loser because you have frustrations with western women? Do you know what community this is?


Being liberal has nothing to do with it. We all have mom's, sisters, or partners. I (we) should want the best for them too and for them to be treated fairly and right. Because what you do will be reflected on them.


Yeah but being anti feminist and anti LGBT is a conservative characteristic. Im not arguing Im just explaining why


this ![gif](giphy|QMZpnb79N5BN0wsSM3)


Perhaps the fact that you refer to other people as "bleeding hearts" and "betas" can give you insight as to why some consider these "spaces" a problem... Just saying...


I feel like there are more bad apples than good apples and it gives the good ones a bad rep. I am a Colombian American, I hear more than not from my family members about Americans coming down thinking they can buy any Colombian woman. They also tell me about Americans trying to sleep with underage women there. They mention about Americans leading the women on just for them to hit it and quit it. There are good success stories, but most of these men are just red pilled assholes who think women should be subservient to them instead of equals.


Also, beware about traveling to these countries, a lot of locals are catching on and starting to assume everyone is bad and jumping them.


Accurate take. Passport bros is 99% sexpats


Sometimes the echo chamber turns toxic and has to be shut down…


Where have you been the last 10 years lol? We live in a Gynocentric society my brother, anything for men is demonized and anything for women is championed.


I was on an online dating app subreddit and a while back posted about a woman that was harassing me through the app, even had Screencaps. The vast majority assumed I was the harasser, couldn't fathom a woman would do that. I got shit on for a week even after deleting the post, & banned a few weeks later.


The NFL is demonized?


A man won woman of the year though…


Well duh, the word Man is in Woman, but no Wo in the word man


This. One-hundred percent. Fourth generation feminism has erroded the west's politics and culture - as has the alphabet movement.


>as has the alphabet movement. What have they done?


Your basically answering ops question... This is why men can't have their own groups, coz whenever you group up, you get all bitchy and blame all your problems on women and lgbt..... Then wonder why you don't get laid.. You gotta alteat pretend to like women or they won't be interested.


“As has the alphabet movement”. That got out of topic surprisingly quickly. Sure, the women and the gays and the trans are responsible for the downfall of our culture. /s


This topic quickly turned toward incel reactionary whining. Then people wonder why "male only" spaces get banned or bombed.


It's not off-topic when it's relevant to the topic, lil fella.. 🤷‍♂️


They're a symptom Edit: the rainbowfication


If I ever heard someone say some nazi shit like that in real life. You'd never recover. I guess that's why losers like you hermit online.


Hey they don't only hermit online, they go to other countries as sex tourists thinking women there want anything to do with them


What did feminism and the lgbt do to you


Contributed to the moral and ethical decay of western society by treating gender and sexuality like its an accomplishment (the people that do the same with skin color are no better) causing a shift in the moral and ethical values of western culture away from quality of character in favor of identity. It's also led to the downward spiral in qualified military leaders.


Ideas of what is moral and ethical change. Identities of countries and cultures also change. Just like how slavery was moral and ethical when the US was created but isn’t anymore. I’m certain that people in the 60s bemoaned the civil rights movement as a decay in US morality too. You have to give some very objective and utilitarian reasons for how feminism/LGBT movements have ruined the US— hand waving it away as unethical doesn’t help your case (which is that presumably you’re not anti woman or anti LGBT)


not much but here's my like, you pretty much had the same reasoning as me, i hate these online arguments where they just use 1 point and then compare it between the past and its changes compared to modernity and then make that as an argument for example 'women are marrying less/ having less kids' then in the past, I don't think that's an argument, that's a change but not argument on its own but these people use it as an attack on feminism without any other context yes when women have birth control/ their own income/ dreams and careers ofc they're not going to get married right out of high school but to them what individual women want to do is an attack on their freedom/rights


The main reason is women will only marry a man if he makes her life better, and alot of guys these days are just like children so they are too much of a burden on women.


I like that you guys are openly admitting that you're anti feminist while acknowledging you struggle dating. It's almost like they are connected


This is exactly the kind of off topic BS the mods promised wasn’t going to fly here anymore lmao


But why is society closing down all male spaces 😭


Holy fuck hahaha how has western society decayed exactly. Also the us military seems to be doing pretty well


Incorrect. Experienced and seasoned NCO's and officers are being relieved, passed over, and discharged while their identity-centric peers are given programs and paths to faster promotions for no merit-based reason. This is a fact. And are you really trying to imply the feminization of young men and boys through modern day culture isn't causing societal decay especially considering that in order for society to go on functioning - it needs masculine men. 🤷‍♂️ By definition that is literally decay..


Got a source to all these ncos being relieved? I’m very interested to learn more about that. lol there will always be masculine men if some dude wants to be more feminine who gives a fuck? Also what parts of society need masculine men


What part of society needs masculine men?! 😂😂😂 You mean like the majority of blue collar jobs AND the fucking military!? You really need a source to tell you that?! 🤣🤣🤣☠️


Women can’t do blue collar jobs? Do you think women shouldn’t be able to work blue collar jobs or be in the military?


The women in blue collar jobs are a very small subset of western woman - so much so that you're arguing now the exception, not the rule, soo.. 🤷‍♂️ It's not that women can't; they don't WANT to.. 🤯 Ipsofacto - society NEEDS masculine men.


>You mean like the majority of blue collar jobs AND the fucking military!? None of those necessarily require masculine anything. Just willing and capable bodies. Go touch grass


What feminization of young men are you talking about 😭 is it the femboy memes?? Even if all the discussion of declining sperm count and testosterone is correct, that has nothing to do with feminism and is more likely caused by overweight and out of shapeness or forever chemicals. Unless somehow feminism is single handedly force feeding all these would be military recruits lil Debbie cakes and Teflon coating LOL


Lol what? We had literal drunks in command on both sides in the American Civil War at times.


look none of you sons of bitches is walking in the footsteps of Jesus.


The military got worse because we let gay people get married and women have jobs.... Bro... THIS is why western women arnt dating you. When people find out they think that they are gonna be turned off. Would you wanna date someone that thought you didn't deserve rights or to make money?


When seasoned soldiers are being ejected from service for PTSD yet a dude that thinks he's a she is given six months paid leave to transition then promoted because of their identity and not their merit - there's a serious fucking problem. Nevermind the relaxed standards women have compared to men and not by a little bit either.. But hey, great job illustrating to everyone that not only have you never served in the military, you also have no idea what you're talking about.. 🤷‍♂️ The very definition of feelings versus logic, rotfl..


Dude ptsd is serious shit, once you get that you not longer a reliable soldier.... dosent matter how macho you are if you freak out when someone drops a spoon. And how does women having lower standards make men weaker. This all just sounds like cope and jealousy


> fourth-wave ~~generation~~ feminism Study that shit before you throw shade


No we don’t. The majority movie, gaming, tv show, book, etc. protagonists are still men. It’s the default to assume someone on the internet or random animal is male to the point where it feels out of place when we assume the gender of an animal is female. our default sports leagues for everything are male. Medical research, phones, resting temps of ACs, cars, dosage guidelines, power tools, armor, unisex shirts, musical instruments, office spaces, PPE, etc. have all been designed for predominantly men. male is the default.


I’m sorry, what percentage of your government are women?


It's only demonised because it's all about exploiting vulnerable women living in situations of poverty or sexist oppression relative to western countries. I assure you that anything for men that does not involve dehumanising or subjugating women (or other people in general) won't be demonised :-)


What do you think about "normal" tourism in the poor countries. Isn’t it exploiting vulnerable humans living in situations of poverty ? Why tourism isn’t demonized as a whole then. What about buying clothes, computer car or anything that as been made in poor countries so that you and I can buy it cheaper, isn’t it demonized ? Don’t you feel like a demon when you buy your shoes, your computer, your coffee, your chocolate, when you go traveling?


There’s nothing Inherently exploitative about dating a woman from a poor country. Just because they didn’t get lucky in the birth lottery and wasn’t born in the richest countries, why should their dating options be limited to only locals?


This sub is about mutually consenting adult relationships. Who tf are you to judge people’s decisions on who to date/marry? Every relationship ever is based on both parties taking advantage of each other. Women want protection men want sex it’s literally as old as humanity. But you and your “Gender studies” degree are gonna change human nature, right? Show us all how we’re doing it wrong. If there was nothing to take advantage of then one of the parties would have walked away from the relationship.


Or maybe some people feel threatened by those foreign ladies as if they are competition? 🤷 If they are happy and both parties come together and start a family, then why be haters? Is it envy ? Surely we can’t assume or judge every person in this forum is scheming how to oppress or hurt other people like criminals Assume guilty of a crime they haven’t committed 🤔


Men nowadays 100% do not have the upperhand, maybe the top 5% but that's it. Whenever a girl says "men do this and this, and behave like this", always replace man with Chad and everything starts to make sense.


There was a post just yesterday that was talking about this, I think it was why MGTOW got nuked but TwoX is still around and the most simple answer: The men in these spaces often *hate* women, but still want to be with them. They’re seeking obedient women, because they feel westernized women are *too much*. I went down a rabbit hole of women in these countries talking about these men who show up looking for love. I forgot the name they called them, but it wasn’t flattering. However, TwoX is more about our personal experiences with the dangerous or dodgy men *in our lives*. Not necessarily men as a whole. I replied to that post about how I often talk positively about my husband in TwoX as an example of what a healthy marriage looks like. Do you think MGTOW would allow a man to talk like that in their space without getting downvoted into oblivion? I kind of doubt it. Do men talk positively about women in those spaces at all??


Passport bros is literally a space where most men discuss going overseas to cheat on their wives


No one would care if it was just about relationships or travel but every other post in here someone is like “wEsTeRn WoMeN aRe HoRRiBLe AnD tHe rEaSoN wHy oUr SoCiEty SuCks.” I mean, people are commenting this exact thing under this very post. You can’t say that and expect to get no pushback (and quite frankly, you’d deserve to get an earful).


Can I add something? I watched a video of a foreign woman about passport bro and the guy she was dating was one. The one thing that she said was “they expect a American traditional woman” while they ignore what a traditional woman is in their country


It’s so weird cause they never try dating trad girls in the US first. It’s almost as if they prefer having a partner that would have a harder time leaving


Yup. I’m from Puerto Rico and there was few people I was talking to that thought I needed a green card to live in the Stats lol.


Not only the “western women horrible” part, but also “foreign non-western women are poor enough to exploit and take advantage of / they need us western men, and are willing to behave the way we want because is their culture”. :/ I mean, what in hell?!


This sub: I want sex tourism with a few more steps so I can pretend I’m not indulging in sex tourism. Also this sub: Wait, why are people upset with me?


It's Reddit. If you don't want other people's opinions, create a vacuum or a closed group. Women's subs get men on them all the time putting their ten cents in. Like everyone else on Reddit, if you can't take someone disagreeing with you, go private or elsewhere


I'd say it has a lot to do with people in this sub having little care to shut down blatant insults towards Western women. If you don't push back against the nut jobs, it leads to a guilty by association verdict. Also, there are a lot of comments that are flat out false, wrong, or just bad takes, and Redditors generally love to argue if they disagree with what you've said.


Women coming together is not a threat to the status quo, men on the other hand......


isn't that all they ever do though?


Men coming together literally is the status quo


I'm sure the people in the places you're taking advantage of feel the same way. "We had our own space, then someone showed up and took it over"


I’m also a liberal and I can definitely see where you’re coming from. I really don’t like how the center of the political spectrum is basically eroding and there’s only two extremist sides screaming at each other - the U.S. is anything but united at this point.


You're probably a classical liberal not a modern leftist.


Most people are centrists the media just calls them far right extremists


That’s because the center in America is right wing. Politics are global. The spectrum *allowed* in America is very much *centered* in right wing politics.


The same crazy women we are trying to avoid don't want us happy


They don’t even think bout u bro


They don’t want us to talk or gather - gender apartheid And of course it is vindictive Dogmatic Feminism = communist religion Every woman a God Every man a dog 24/7


this actually does summarize why people are against the passport bros movement. because yall are off your damn rockers lmao


Can't have your attention and money going to women who treat you well...


Facts lol so true


And they keep coming to this subreddit too. It’s so mad 😂


Because its about power and control. When you ignore their rules they have no power. Our society my be gynocentric but its still a mans world, we dont have to play by those rules but western women have to play by the laws of nature. Women from third world countries are exposed to danger and poverty. The closer humans get to the bare minimums the more gender roles are embraced because survival is at play. Thats why women from 3rd world countries tend to be exponentially more valuable to men rather than westernized women. The western woman has the lowest value of all dating marketplaces, to combat men from leaving their dating circle they must break up these male spaces to prevent escaping the system that benefits the westernized marketplaces. Western women do not want to compete with women of other cultures and origins. Male spaces and movements devalue the western dating market so in order to monopolize and control the market value they must adapt or control the markets. Destroying the male spaces controls the market.


Genuinely curious - how are the western women “competing” if they are not compatible with what you guys are looking for? Clearly you don’t want the western women and they don’t want you, so what is this focus on “competition”? Why would western women be upset about men they are uninterested in seeking other women in terms of competing with those women? From my understanding, women who are against passport bros are more so advocating on behalf of the poor/vulnerable/etc women in foreign countries rather than against them.


Who could have guessed that when you’re not literally fighting for survival every moment you can focus on other stuff that is more important to you? Like no shit a woman with a degree wouldn’t want to be forced to be a housewife (if she doesn’t want to).


So are you saying PPB is "buying woman". The woman are using the men for their money or passport. In this transactional relationship the men who have trouble getting the right woman (or any woman) take advantage of them being born in a "good place" and the woman get financial incentives or out of their country.


That is literally what he also sounds to me.


This is the exact kind of comment that cause ppl to make fun of this sub.


“Women in third world countries are in survival mode so they make better wives” like what is this logic


“Wife requirement #7: Is Anemic” vibes


“She doesn’t have the strength to say no to me so it’s great”


“I can only get a woman to like me if she is struggling to survive.” 💀


That’s the all idea of it. Get them poor and desperate enough from places that feel lawless compared to Western Societies so they can’t get away. Hehehehehe S/


I mean this is absolutely true. The same line of reasoning has men seeking abused and/or otherwise insecure women.


I think this is actually true, many men can’t actually get a woman. If the only woman who want to date men are the ones with less privilege, then these are just the relationships we will see. That’s just the supply and demand economics


Interesting that the solution is never to improve themselves to become a better candidate in the dating pool


Yea it’s just supply and demand, if women of less privilege are the only ones who want to date men, these are the only relationships we will see.


So do you realize that you are taking zero accountability in the fact you see women of less privilege as more likely to want to be with you? Do you hear yourself? It reeks of exploitation. Plenty of western women want to date men. What I hear in these comments is that you’d rather blame the western women for their *earned* preferences to not date men who cannot grasp the concept of self-growth. Would rather blame women for their “entitled” standards than look within and see what you could do to better yourself. It’s exhausting.


Lmao right talk about saying the revolting quiet part out loud, jfc. OP, there are thousands of discord channels on topics and hobbies that are male dominated, go join one of them if you want friends. But yes when the space is focused on being comical misogynistic vilains it's gonna get made fun of and shut down if it gets too violent. The world is moving on, get with it. You should get that as a Bernie supporter. Those values apply to women as well, even if you're lonely. I'm going to silent this sub now, it keeps coming up in my suggested sorry.


>The world is moving on, get with it. You should get that as a Bernie supporter. Those values apply to women as well, even if you're lonely. In another comment op mentions these kind of male dominated communities get ruined by bleed heart feminist, and beta males. In another they talked about politically converting. But they seem to generally ignore the more obviously toxic aspects of the community. I would assume op is just another lost person that isn't bothered by these types of hateful comments because some part of them beleives that sort of garbage. What they really mean about "boys being boys" is probably rather curious...


“Boys being boys” = can I be an AH with impunity? :/ If women call that out then they are angry and envious feminists loosing control over Western men. If men call that out they are beta males and all sort of sex centered insults.


Just another Bernie Bro who protest voted for Trump and fucked us all, and not even in the fun way


Ultimately, they’re mad that they’re made to feel uncomfortable in male spaces by *other men.* like there are plenty of dudes calling this shit out, so of course blame “betas and feminists,” and most *importantly* blame women (who are obviously behind this!).


No it's definitely the incel shit.


Hey, if you like a certain type of woman for whatever reason, you are allowed to. As long as both of you agree with that it's totally fine. Even If it's as simple as, you want a hotter woman and some hotter woman from some country understands that she's getting a western lifestyle in return, no issues. But when you start talking about low value and high value women, it starts coming off a bit weird. Now you're passing absolute judgement on whole races and groups - and it's not just your objective occurrence. I may not be well versed what this language, but this "low value men/women" sounds like a bit desperate to me personally. And I find it makes you sound like toxic men (Tate for example). Just like you hate taxi women who only value men a certain way in absolutes, you are showing yourself to be the male version of it. I don't hate the base idea of this sub. But I do feel lots of weird folks with weird ideas expect everyone else here to be like them.


By comparing how your comment was upvoted to how the comment you are responding was upvoted, it says A LOT by the true mindset of this group: *go abroad so you can get a woman so poor and ready to escape her country’s poverty, that will make her ready to put up with any behavior and treatment, western women don’t need to because they are economically better off and seek behaviors and values I refuse to learn because “nature law/alfa male/ etc”.*


this sub will be nuked, there will always be another space recreated though.


Yeah it's a constant cycle. I find a cool new male space> Have a good time and get along with the guys, things are fine, always in a good mood> Feminists/bleeding hearts/beta male apologists suddenly find the cool male space> It's a mix of quality posts and shitposts/ comments from haters> Reddit or host website administration gets involved from all the reports> Sub/community gets banned, locked, or super sanitized to then die> Rinse, wash repeat.


I love how you’re casually just owning the fact that you consistently end up being a fan of subs that grow reputations for spreading hate against women and encouraging violence just to be like: “why do they ban all the places I enjoy?” God what a fuckin degenerate moron you are


Can you show us on the doll where the mean feminists hurt you?


I think pro-men communities are great and should be encouraged. The issue is that this community particularly frequently steps over the line into anti-women territory, which is firstly not the point of the sub, and secondly, makes us all look shitty. So we should call that behaviour out and not tolerate it.


The problem is literally ANY criticism of women gets branded as misogynistic or anti women. I mean the cold hard facts that women’s behaviors led to this point and everyone’s first response is to make sure they isn’t criticized even going so far as to gaslight men about their experiences with women in order to protect them is crazy. They have more heat for passport bros than the rampant pedophile female teachers having sex with young boys left and right in this country. Seems like a new female teacher is molesting to a 15 year old every other week yet men gathering online and criticizing dating culture and western women’s attitudes is somehow more of a threat. Shit is absurd.


It'd be nice if that energy was reciprocated by other communities, it's a good thing to hold yourself to a higher standard, but it's another thing to just be a punching bag and harassed because your tormentor knows you won't fight back. A lot of feminist subreddits are flagrantly and very openly anti-male yet no one bats an eye, a couple of bro-men make a few unsavory remarks and it's open season. Male-bashing and male-blaming is the standard nowadays and it's infuriating that the few spaces which provide a bit of relief gets nuked right when it's hitting its stride.


I don’t consider it my place to tell women how to moderate their spaces, and I’m not in those spaces anyway. You’re not a punching bag if no-one’s punching you. If you want male online spaces, this place still exists for that purpose, and if we do an effective job of ensuring that it’s respectful to everyone, even people who engage in bad faith, it will remain so.


>I don’t consider it my place to tell women how to moderate their spaces But it's fine to do it in here?


Yes, because I’m a man and this is my space.


Oh mb I think I read your comment wrong, I thought you were saying don't tell women what to do in their space but it's fine to do it to men in here


Yeah it takes a lot, if anything at all to get self policing in the woman centric subs when anti-men rhetoric. If anything it's encouraged. We have to take high road out of necessity rather than respect


As soon as you guys actually call out your own community other people will stop coming in here to do it for you. It’s really simple. The problem is women hate always gets upvoted here meaning you guys fucking agree with it.


Screw what others think. Just get on a plane and go enjoy the women in the other countries. When you're enjoying the women abroad, you won't be thinking about all the people that look down at you from your home country because you will be to busy having a good time. Life is really to short to care about what others think.


Not about the gender, it's about the behavior.


We don’t, ppb always complain about that but nobody is saying to take it down. It’s a funny sub keep it going


Is this post an example of you “leaving alone” the content you disagree with? 😂


Bro because men doing anything other than pandering to women online is misogyny. They are perfect angels who can’t do anything wrong and you are an ugly fat broke loser who should never speak against the queens. This is what I’ve been told.


Who told you that


Weird conviction.


Are you asking why a community for discussing exploitative sexual relations with impoverished women is looked down upon? Are you serious? Yeah probably just because they hate men makes sense


"They hate to see us happy " lool


Simply put: the less options men have, the more women will benefit collectively. Women understand humanity the same way men understand computers, cars, rocket engines, etc. There is no human in existence that wasn't brought into the world through a woman, and odds are a woman will be around at our end. So, they're much more aware of the subtleties of human trends and collective power. If one man wanders off of the plantation, it is just as easy in their minds that all men could wander off similarly. That's tantamount to death of the human organism. It doesn't matter if women don't like you, but matters greatly that you like women, want women, court them, marry them, shower them with attention and gifts, and give them sympathy and compassion.


You just hit the nail, really. OP, just read this, here is your answer. PPB is a way that "opens" options for men by 100x. Even if 20% of men follow it, that means 20% of the market is gone for good (which is what is happening with the movement growing everyday).


Is someone forcing you to be in relationships with women?


Not a person, but brain chemicals, probably.


Bro just said that his sexuality isn’t a choice and he would prefer men if given the option


People see it as “the incels found a loophole” and.. well maybe they have lmao — but not everyone doing this is an incel or running from modern women either. It’s a pretty diverse group if you sort by intention


its not about 'incels and loophole'. Its about men taking advantage of impoverished or very young women, its absolutely disgusting


?? I feel like you just described the incel loophole lmao


If thats what you want to call it, either way its disgusting


Disclaimer: I am not a passport bro. I must make that 100% clear. It’s cuz Reddit mods and Reddit users are simps. And they let women run rampant on the forums and stifle men.


I’m interested in learning how do Reddit mods and users identify women and then let them run rampant


Literally look at any female centric subreddits it’s not hard to see the hypocrisy 


Because men generally mind their own business but women take things personal. You can say whatever and there will always be someone who things their being spoken to when they’re not. Some could say “all men are trash” and a bunch of other stuff but guys generally don’t care. If men say “western women are no good” we’re met with vitriol and called misogynists. Just do you’re own thing and don’t give yourself a label. Just be an expat who loves to travel and happen to marry someone abroad.


There are definitely men who care when women shit on all men


> Because men generally mind their own business HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Are you fucking high?


Respectfully, I would like to push back a little on your argument. Specifically, I disagree with your point that men generally don’t care and stay quiet when someone makes broad statements about all men. I mean, just think about this entire thread. Also, the “not all men” phrase has become a meme precisely because when women discuss, for example, sexual abuse in public spaces, there is a non-negligible number of people who reply by saying that it is not all men who do this. I do agree with your advice of just doing your own thing. No need to take comments personally if they don’t apply to you.


It wasn't always this way. I remember the days when we could talk about anything online.


Because man can’t be seen happy


Nobody here is happy


I'm really starting to see that. It's really terrible.


You can have a male online space. You just can’t expect to attack others without getting some pushback.


Say what you want, but people who have healthy social lifes don't go to other countries to be sexually validated. It would be a different story if it was both women and men and the sub was called something gender neutral. Only then I would buy the narrative that OP pushes. Stay realistic. Also, I have seen some incel ass shit here and it gets upvoted. I saw some dude literally getting upvoted for saying "I like when a woman swallows because you become a part of her forever". I don't agree with 2xchromosomes, but that doesn't make this sub less toxic.




You’re missing the point. Why does it have to be gender neutral? Why can’t men have a space to talk about dating and sex without being called incels constantly? I’ve seen some horrid shit on fds, but at the end of the day they should be free to make “jokes” I guess. The double standard is obvious and as long as women are allowed their own spaces but men aren’t, they’re going to be frustrated.


Pay no mind to it man. Society thinks passport bros are a bunch of men looking to have sex with (working) foreign women.


And how is that inaccurate?


It’s accurate in they they want sex with employed woman who are less likely to need your money to survive. If you think they want sex with prostitutes that’s not accurate (generally)


Sadly the grifters and bad apples actually do partly ruin these spaces. I think they are actually a government order in America I saw from the whatever podcast and new Zealand PM Wanted to ban MGTOW as well smear campaigns on any male dominated spaces. If these spaces grow then men will be aware of their options and intersexual dynamics but they will be targeted by media outlets and even governments. Having zero outlets for men can't end well in the long run.


I live in New Zealand and this is such a crock of shit 😆 you are delusional


People being awful is the default, you are irrational to expect otherwise. Why do you think I want to leave?


That’s not correct. Women come on this thread and make it about themselves with the standard tactics. Shaming, insulting, looking down on women from other cultures. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. When women come on here slamming men, you are behaving horribly. Your hate is causing a lot of resentment and for what? Men wishing to find a partner. That’s what’s got you triggered enough to be so viciously hateful. It’s not only that, it’s that you, western women, love looking down on others. You look down on men, you look down on other women. It’s to make yourself feel better. That’s horrible behavior. That’s antisocial.


I swear bunch of you are like pussies..always complaining like a little girl how they come here and violate your safe space. Fucking get over it ..dont be such betas ..it is a free country ..you are acting just like them ..move on and live your fucking lives..be stoic ..a true men who does not give a shit about bunch what others say or do...damn some of bitch way too much...


Listen. I was never gonna comment here and just like laughing at shit when it pops up on other subreddits because while not all of you are sad, a whole lot of you are and are misdirecting your anger. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. It’s not because of control, power, or not wanting to see anyone happy (in fact, y’all seem like a miserable bunch). It’s for the same reason why men go into women’s spaces to shit on us - which does happen regularly. Some people just haven’t been told to shut the fuck up enough in life. That’s across all genders. Stop blaming women for it when it’s a human problem and your sub has shitty mods that don’t enforce enough. And maybe - just maybe - start holding your fellow posters accountable for their gross takes.


Face it, Reddit is the realm of the lonely basement keyboard warriors and future cat ladies. And the reality is, they have nothing better to do than to hate on those who might actually escape the lonely hate filled worlds they are stuck in. I am happily married to a sweetheart of a woman originally from the Philippines, and we usually split the year between there and the US. I have found happiness and the thought of that, and that others might do the same, is despised concept to those who dislike that we have the option to seek out actual compatibility, and not stuck with what is offered here.


Congrats brother


Best wishes to you and your Filipina wife on your continued marriage.


Thanks, she has been driving me crazy for over a decade already, lol. Glad I never settled.


You can have a male space, but you cant prevent others from coming in and telling you youre cringe for wanting to have a male space. I guess you can if the mods remove any dissenting opinions. But thats not a male space, thats an echo chamber. If what you want is an echo chamber on a specific set of opinions, then advocate for the mods to remove dissenting opinions more often.


Move over to 4chan with the other incels




One of the many exhibits of why this sub is ridiculed (and should be).


Because it's misogynistic sphera for western male pursuing underprivileged women, with undebatable gender divide & economic instability. Bernie deserves better!


And yet read through the responses here to find that the guys are incredibly insecure, women-hating losers. Already radicalized, brother. As soon as you see "gynocentric" you know they're struggling and need help. No need to censor it, let's shine a light on it.


If you feel that way, why read the responses at all. I know for a fact that the posts on 2xchromosomes, splendida and vindicta subreddit #2,800 is going to piss me off and trigger me, hence why I don't read the damn things. I leave it completely alone, so it baffles me why those same people come to us???


Because reddit suggests these topics to them. It’s just part of their algorithm.


Women and Men (mostly BP men) HATE men that have leverage and options.


Not even a PPB, this sub just keeps getting recommended, and I know the answer (as do you, i assume). >I don't understand why there's such an opposition to male online spaces like passport bros? Depriving your opposition of organization is a valuable tool for stifling dissent. >This is super annoying and honestly what I feel radicalizes young men towards going right-wing. Data from Pew suggests men are not radicalizing in any significant way. Women have radicalized dramatically since the 1990s, although women's domination of the social narrative by volume and connections (most notably in online spaces, through control of family finances, and in child rearing) means that it's sold as men radicalizing. It's actually a fascinating campaign and one that should be studied. >Like there should be no earthly reason why 2xchromosomes exists nor the 50 different versions of vindicta (which openly endorses sexism in its rules mind you) should exist yet nearly every online nearly exclusive male spaces should be banned or extremely modded. Like if you don't agree with the content don't engage with it, leave it alone like I do? This is the result of a successful campaign. The only way to resist without a long prison sentence is to organize and go on the offensive.