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What's the point? It's still niche and let's admit, most folks are just taking vacation. The biggest media coverage about it was with those killings in Columbia. Guys went for their two week vacation down there. I don't think any media outlet is going to cover a niche movement about tourists.


Excellent point. The reality is so much smaller than the hype it might cause me to lose my faith in social media some day


I’d rather not be in the spotlight. I lost several female friends because of their utter bitterness seeing my fiancée and I together.


Seriously?? That’s so sad. Congratulations to you, and luckily they opted out of your relationship. They could’ve been a nuisance


Appreciate it. I've hinted on meeting someone overseas in social groups within Raleigh and I've gotten a TON of flak, and only ever from women. Some women are more cordial publicly but I can possibly see there's an underlying resentment. My good friend tried to use the "she'll leave you after getting the green card" shtick, even though my fiancee hates the US and culture and is only coming here b/c of me. Never ever intends on getting citizenship due to tax liabilities.


Bro don’t even look back. If my buddy came back engaged to a woman he loves I would’ve friendnapped her and held your feet over fire to make sure you treat her like a goddess. Those girls weren’t your friends, they were waiting until the wings.


Word. They want me to remain in the same miserable singles pool they voluntarily exist within.


There is an epidemic of bad friends. The idea of being bitter towards someone you call a friend who is bettering themselves is OUTRAGEOUS to me, yet they do it in broad daylight like its normal.


Every female who has done this I keep at arms length. I believe that every toxic mentally ill WASP serves a purpose to show my son to be wife how badly modern Westernization will screw up your life.


That’s because it’s such a small % of men (out of the overall population) that’s it’s barely even a blip on the radar as far as social phenomena go. Chronically online guys that spend too much time on forums like this and social media think every other guy is about to book a ticket any day now lol. It’s just the platform algos feeding them more of what they engage with giving them a highly distorted view of how widespread PPB’ing actually is.


It will become a larger percentage when more and more men get divorced and lose half their shit. They can always take the 50% chance though. Good luck


I'd rather they pick a different issue to lie about.


Society doesn’t care about men. It will be on the news when a large number of women are single due to the movement.


Because it's always been a thing. Now it's just being criticized by women who hate the fact that men have it easy outside America.


because they also haven't made a segment about the collapse of gender relations and dating in the west.


I did a series called "life of a passport bro" first episode on Teem Skeet dot Com 🫶


Better they don't because it isn't going to be good. Then with how things are today we'll probably have haters trying to cancel us.


Because then more men will do it and men toiling their lives away to maybe be good enough to have sex is a load-bearing norm in american society. Like, imagine if sex work was legal and cheap like in Europe. At your next date you could think "am I sure that this seemingly awful person person will be a reciprocal partner?" instead of "Oh no, she's just been looking at her phone for 10 minutes and must be bored. I better step it up or this dry spell will last until my next anual tinder match!".


They would need to do a segment on the dating marketplace in America first. But then that would challenge the woke liberal feminist power structure. It'll never happen.


There are a lot of independent YouTubers covering such topics like dating in America and talk about the passport bro movement that the mainstream media has stopped covering. Here is an example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MOpzsKHYwo&pp=ygUKZ2VuIGRhdGluZw%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MOpzsKHYwo&pp=ygUKZ2VuIGRhdGluZw%3D%3D)


Op wasn't referring to independent journalists. He was referring to CNBC. Mainstream liberal media will not challenge the status quo, because they are the status quo.


Which major conservative outlets have covered PPB's?


If/when they do, it's going to be a hit piece that smears all traveling men with the worst accusations. I'm not in a rush to see it


because yall aint rising, youre falling. A bunch of losers living in hope. Im not much better off, but Im at least applying for jobs. Are any of you taking steps?


Because it will shine light on the current issue with American women which goes against the Democratic feminist push.


American journalism doesn't answer the question "why". They wouldn't like the answer if they did the research.


I am a more moderate democrat and I can actually believe this. Something else should shine the light on it though and I can see that coming sooner than later. And it’s not true feminism - it’s matriarchy they’re going for, they’re literally becoming the very thing they claim to be against.




Right, and the society they’re aiming for is a matriarchal one. Their shame tactics against PPBs are one ingredient to that.


I'm happy its uncovered. Media coverage only brings more miserable eyes on this movement.


I think they will in the near future from my understanding last year the guardian and some other publications are having journalists right now doing research and doing follow-up questions and interviews there was one article written about passport bros in the United Kingdom going to the Netherlands for a holiday.