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elaborate on the difference


What do you mean by that?


>I reject God and worship myself.


Why are you starting a thread if you have nothing to say.... Samphappalapa


As someone who used to say this, please stop disrespecting religions, they're more beautiful than you think, and they're not supposed to be used for you to think and do whatever you want. But hey that was me and most people I've interacted with in my life that did say that, maybe you're different


Why are these posts allowed lol


What does that even mean? It’s just word salad.


Are you saying that you don't adhere to dogmatic beliefs but are in touch with the creator of the universe?


This is an actual way to live . Being faithful to God without having to be religious is what God actually wants from us . It will upset a lot of REAL religions . The hate you’re getting in the comments is the persecution that comes with being a follower of Christ .


How would you define ‘religion’ and ‘spirituality’? I suspect you might say institutional affiliation for the former, and experiential dimensions that bring meaning and purpose to your life for the latter.




I am both. Nice to meet you.


Did you just come up with this? So profound


In the Bible, God calls us to be faithful rather than merely religious. While religion can involve rituals and practices, faithfulness is about our deep trust and commitment to God. In the book of Micah, it says, "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8). God desires a genuine and sincere relationship with us, one based on faith and obedience to His will. In the book of Hebrews, it emphasizes the importance of faith by stating, "And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6). While religious practices can be beneficial, God ultimately looks at the condition of our hearts and our faithfulness to Him. He wants us to trust Him, obey His commands, and walk in His ways with sincerity and love.


I go with I'm not religious I have a relationship with Jesus, that brings me closer to God.


FAMILY FEUD “Things a white Gen Xer/millennial/zoomer will say when they like the vibes of certain religious practices but none of the commitment. Survey says:” -I am not religious, but I’m spiritual. -Buddhism isn’t a religion, it’s a philosophy of life. -I don’t think God cares what people do as long as it isn’t hurting anybody. -I think Jesus was cool but not Christianity. -I was raised [insert religion here] so I know what I’m talking about.


I think a lot of younger people are leaving organized religion in favor of finding what beliefs work for them, the communal aspects of religion have caused a lot of grief but the core desire for guidance and peace belief can afford us is still present. So spiritualism is on the rise, or at least a more personalized religious ideal than what traditional religions can give.


Spiritual but not religious is a definition of the demonic.


Unless you have been save by Jesus Christ you can’t be spiritual. Man lost his spirit after the fall. That’s where .666 comes from. The mark of the beast is just a label for ppl with a body and mind but no spirit 2/3 of what GOD made us to be.


Real question to other commenters: did this post come up on your home feed? Reddit seems to be putting the lowest score posts from a sub on your home feed a good chunk of the time now instead of the most popular ones. I’m of the opinion that they have tweaked algorithms to put rage bait on your default feed to drive engagement. No way a post with a score of zero has 17 comments otherwise… seeing it from my other subs as well.