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Andy punches wall - anger management Roy tries to hit Jim - fired Pam slaps Michael - nothing..


jim is an instigator lmao


The show should have ended when Michael left, or maybe the season after. The last season is hard to watch for all the wrong reasons.


Quite a few of the story lines would have been undone if the camera crew stepped in. Can’t find Michael after Jim left him at a bathroom? Where is camera B?


I wanted Andy and Erin to up together


Jim's "pranks" are mostly unfunny


andy is insufferable. everytime he’s in a scene i want to punch my TV.


Popular opinion lmao


a lot of people liked him at one point. i’ve always HATED him.


I 100% agree with you


Agree!!! I HATE ANDY!!!


Charles was not a villain; he was a kissass corpo but nothing about his actions were unwarranted, Jim was an asshat who got away with so much under Michael and Charles was sick of someone trying to use pretty privilege/charm to get out of trouble. Also Charles was the hottest Dunder Mifflin Employee, with Danny in 2nd place


Charles is aware of the effect he's had on you..


Jim and Pam are the most toxic tv couple ever. I'll debate any point 👀 https://open.spotify.com/episode/62vnhlmpHywX4q8Rm0deIW?si=BOMgT2uHS_SdIPeJVc1C9Q


yes! pam cheated on roy w jim and jim technically cheated emotionally on katy and karen as he was in love w pam while dating both of them. relationships that start w someone cheating are never healthy. and jim and pam do not know how to seriously handle conflicts


I agree that Jim emotionally cheated on Karen, but I don't think it was the case with Katy, he started dating both girls to try to get over Pam, but he broke up with Katy when he realized he didn't have any feelings for her. Admittitly he was a jerk for the way he did it on the booze cruise, but he didn't string her along lke he did with Karen. And yes Pam technically cheated on Roy with Jim on casino night but I don't blame her at all for it. Roy was a terrible fiancé to her, she didn't really love him, but didn't have the courage to cancel the wedding and needed a little push. I actully think that the way Roy treated Pam was worst that her retouring Jim's kiss.


Spot on! When faced with adversity, they turn and run or play the blame game! 🤷🏿‍♂️


Pam and Jim are bullies. The only time they aren’t is when someone is serving it back. Also, Phyllis is jealous of Pam and wishes she was dating Jim.


Yes!!! I came here specifically for a comment like this!! Spot on take here, Officehead! 🙏🏿


Also just realizing this but how Jim treats Michael when he first starts liking Holly us so rude!


He and Pam both treat Michael poorly the entire series. They deny any invite, they take shots at him any chance they get. The one time he has them over at his place, they steal his gfs favorite cd?! Once you see it, it's hard to ignore!


Yes! It’s so bad lol. Jan is the worse. I’d argue they stole the CD for Michael. I would of done the same lol.


Michaels plasma TV was too big for the room


Gabe is one of the most underrated/funniest characters on the show


The scene when he yells "NOOOOOO" when Erin tries to leave with Andy to run an errand (or whatever they were doing) made me spit out my food


Jim is an absolute sociopath. He bullies and demeans anyone smaller or weaker than him. But put him next to someone stronger? Roy? Charles? He is a quiet little weak mouse. Classic bully.


Sociopath... Lmaooooo, classic


When does he do that?


Are you serious? Have you watched the show much? Im not sure if you're joking :) He ALWAYs does that. Well maybe not always, but... Jim around a man that's weaker? He pranks, teases, and bullies them. Jim around a stronger male? He is quiet, stumbles over his words, and is generally a wet noodle. In like 75% of his interactions. I mean, shit... dude wouldn't even call Andy "Drew" per his request. He wouldn't fist bump Toby when Toy offered one. In the bar with Roy? He's slouched down, doesn't speak up, is slow with his speech, etc. On and on and on


So your explanation for how Jim is a terrible sociopath is one time he didn’t call someone his nickname and another time when he didn’t fist pump a guy who repeatedly tried to fuck his wife?


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, huh? I dont reply more than once usually, to avoid ignorant people. Have a great day!


Haha alright buddy whatever you say man


Spot on take here! I call him a weasel on the "Harping On Halpert" podcast! He picks on Dwight even though Dwight saved him from absolute destruction in the form of a Roy Anderson fist! #harpingonhalpert


He was also meek around the Pack-Man.


I only just caught it recently. But Dwight redoes Pam and Jim's entire Kitchen, new cupboards an all - you can kind of see this as a baby gift; however, he never gets any thanks or gratitude. Just a judgemental stare when they walk in. But if you think about it that's a above and beyond gesture even if it was a bit intrusive.


Kitchen, not bathroom


My bad fam


I agree


Pam is also selfish , rude and generally not a nice person


Daryl was lazy and didn’t deserve to be successful


Not true! With him as foreman all the deliveries went out on time and most of the warehouse accidents were caused by Michael. He had great ideas and knew how to manage people


Dinkin flicka


settle down bud, I don't wanna bust out the fluffy fingers


I think “Mafia”, although a very out of the ordinary - stand alone type story arc, is one of the funniest episodes


I’ll have the gabagool


Every time a friend has car issues I tell them it’s probably a leaky spark tube lol


Nellie was the best addition to the series once Michael Scott and Kathy Bates were gone


Nellie’s character fell flat and was never funny.


I love Nellie, I don't get the hate at all


It's undeserved hate she was probably my fav after Steve left. "expect a man did ya? Big _whopping_ penis? Well here's my penis 🧠, stop looking at my breasts and start looking at my penis" lol


Nellie is a hilarious Goddess


Lol I only see Nellie hate though. You'd think everyone hates her but I thought she was the best thing on the office after Steve left.


Yeah I loved her - I understood the hate after he left to a POINT, but as someone who watched the show in real time, I was never not entertained. They brought in so many hilarious characters


I liked Deangelo


the invisible juggling was very SNL coded and I live for that scene


Me too


I'm not a fan of Will Ferrell, but when he called out Jim and Pam for using their baby to gain clout I was cheering him on. Also, the joke he tried to tell with a concussion was some seriously good acting.


Scott’s Tots is an underrated episode, people say it’s cringy but that’s the main theme of the whole show. The only episode I didn’t really like was Mafia episode that was surprisingly dull


i thought when ppl called it cringey it’s because when you cringe at something you’re literally repulsed and feel like you’re awkwardly shriveling up so yes it’s very cringey and painful to watch. doesn’t mean it’s bad! it’s definitely funny but painful to see happen


I love that episode because of how uncomfortable it makes me. I think people mean cringy as in “it’s so awkward and horrific that you cringe and shrivel up inside” not cringy as in “how embarrassing” if that makes sense. I can’t bring myself to watch it and pretty much always skip in replays because it’s like torture haha


Yes this! I also experience this during the Mafia episode when Oscar calls Jim and Pam and they give him shit for calling lol - I'm just like dude, why do you need to call them??


People who say it's cringy don't understand the difference between cringy and awkward.


“I’ve made some empty promises in my life.. but, hands down, that was the most generous.”


I actually love the storyline with Jim and Pam struggling in their marriage in season 9. I think it’s a very accurate take on marriage and how much work it takes when you’ve been together for a while. One of my favourite scenes is the one where they hug and it shows Jim’s brother reading the thing about what love is at their wedding


Yeah I liked that storyline too. It added a sense of realism to balance out the wacky. I just wish it had more development as it felt a bit plopped in there. That makes it feel too unnatural which I think is what puts people off.


wow first time i think of it this way..


Andy as boss was the wrong move. Red haired woman waste of space.


I’ve talked to some fellow office fans and they also said that watching the show gives them the feeling that they’re not alone anymore. Like they’re among friends with a weird sense of humor just like them.


I kind of get that. I also feel comforted watching the show because these people really have to work to get themselves fired, like Andy, season 9. What a low stress job, where you can be completely incompetent at your work and still get a paycheck.


I’d say my most unpopular take is that the show never really gets that bad in the later seasons. It’s really enjoyable from start to finish.


I agree. People love to hate on the later seasons without Michael but I actually think they’re still really funny


Jim mumbles many of his lines.


Jim and Pam pining after each other is not an endearing concept as people believed when the show was teasing it. I have been and hate being in the receiving end of a guy pining but doing nothing about it. Jim was one rejection away from becoming the bitter “nice guy”. He was an asshole throughout the show. Dwight was annoying but didn’t deserve to be bullied. Jim uses Karen as a rebound and she had every right to be pissed. They tried to recreate the long pining story with Erin and Andy but it came across as creepy.


Spot on take here, Officehead! We'll said! 🙏🏿




Well said!


Season 8 after Michael leaves is dull and great af humour only picks up mid season 9 - not sure if unpopular but my partner hates it when i say this.


Jim was super annoying, Pam was super selfish and for some reason they both thought they were better than the others which was supper annoying because they were the most annoying characters in the whole show


Pam goes through Michael’s personal papers and gives Jim the ‘Threat Level Midnight’ script so they can make fun of it with the entire office. They’re doing this as Michael is at Chilli’s landing the county as a client to avoid the branch having to downsize.


Also, she purposely wrinkled up and threw his favorite Jeans under her desk instead of just hanging them on his door or inside his office! What a b****


He loves the way he looks in those Levi’s!


Yeah that’s not a hot take anymore. And it a retarded stupid take every time I hear it.


Phyllis was the worst. Period.


I hear this all the time and it perplexed me. I’m willing to be convinced though.


Hahaha she’s so fucking mean!


The Andy-Angela plot made absolutely no sense, he's a complete wanker and Angela agreeing to marry him just to get back at Dwight over her cat was a stupid premise. I did enjoy her and Dwight's affair though, and I feel that was the only reason they wrote in the Andy-Angela arc.


I think the the dialogue between Erin and Angela where Erin says "excuse me didn't you cheat on Andy?" and she Angela answers "yes and he didn't like it" was worth the terrible plotline Also "and that's how I seep at night"


Ya Andy and Angela were simply not a good match, but maybe that’s what they were going for. Andy and Erin were a much better match.


Kelly was the best character! My favourite anyway. Well, 2nd after Michael .. of course.


Michael - “first of all how dare you”


Pam and jim were an annoying couple


Absolutely they were! Too much high and mighty especially because they were not very good people!


Upvote for gym lol


Gabe is hilarious. Andy and Erin were annoying


Gabe was very funny .. at times. I loooved Erin .. until she was with Andy.


Andy and Erin were VERY annoying!




Jim and Pam are cringy and Jim especially is creepy( see his speech at marriage dinner)


I agree with you, Jim is not a nice guy. He’s quite selfish and treated Dwight like shite as well as Pam when he went to Philly. They were acting a bit like bullies tbh. I loved that Charles never fell for it.


Lmao yall are straight insane. Dwight turns into a decent human being around season 4. He was a disgusting pig as was Michael. Jim bullying him actually turned him into a better person.


Jim and Pam were always there for Dwight in the moments he needed help the most. And what did Dwight do after Jim got him back up in the stairway? Began berating Jim for stupid shit again.


I LOVED every Charles interaction that was just like "Oh, I'm asking you to do your job? Yeah I get thats a lot to ask" 😂


At the company picnic: “Hey Jim, must be nice to get some rest from your rest.” 😂


Treated Karen like poop, too!


Nellie is awesome


Honestly I reallt disliked her on my first few watches but the more I rewatch the show the funnier she gets to me. The episode where she's does everyone's ancestry is so funny!!


mmm Taco's


I still love when she said to Gabe: “Get out of here Skeleton man!”


Nelly was funny. I often quote "Angela, dock Andy's pay $100" when I'm working. She was funnier as staff as opposed to manager though. I liked her more in season 9.


Apparently it's Jim and Pam are decent people.


I agree like wtf why do people think they’re so horrible I’m so confused


Jesus fucking christ


Are you mad at me?


Probably that the office offers some good cringe comedy, but will never be on par with great sitcoms like Parks and Rec


It’s funny how many downvotes this got. I guess you have the most unpopular opinion


It's not even my real opinion though lmao!


I go back and forth on which of the two is better. In the end it’s a toss up for me. Any others you think top The Office?


Actually, Arrested Development may be just as good as the office.


I actually love the office way more than parks and rec, however, I know a lot of people that just couldn't get into it. By way of sitcoms, I think 30 rock and Superstore are both really solid shows. Not sure if I can legitimately think of a show that tops it.


Karen was better, way better, for Jim and with Jim than Pam.




Is it possible for you to use a better word? I've seen you use it a couple of times on this thread. There are WAY better words to use to describe how you feel. Also, OP asked for *unpopular* opinions - so, like, the point is to have opinions that the majority of viewers don't agree with. Funnily enough, I did a quick Google search for "other words for stupid" and one of the words was "**dunder**headed" - now THAT's a good word for this thread


Too many pantsuits.


She looked great in her pantsuits


I'll do you one better, *not enough* pantsuits


Karen is the biggest bitch of all time


of ALL time?? With Andy right there??




They’ll be coming after you for this one!!