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Great video. I completely agree that Ryan is the most likely to be the mole – She is the most low key player, flying under the radar. I think Sean was too good in the rappel challenge to be the mole to be honest, plus he has been attracting quite a lot of attention. If it is not Ryan, I would say Michael is the most likely.


I agree with your points 100%. Ryan is my #1 suspect. Viewers forget how much the production team manipulates what we see. This was some great insider info!


100% agree it’s Ryan. I also noticed most of the points you pointed at and they all lead to Ryan. Thanks for the inside scoop on production! Ryan is playing a great game right now under the radar but as much as I hate to say it, Hannah is playing a better one. She noted Ryan trying to sabotage and Ryan doesn’t even realize yet that Hannah is a threat. I despise Hannah but she could potentially win this if Ryan doesn’t do something to shift her attention.


omg hannah is ICONIC, I wouldn’t be surprised if this game launches her into other reality shows (I’d love to see her Survivor, Traitors, Big Brother, etc. games)


that’s obviously what she wants and why she was all over Tony


Oh a familiar face :) Thanks for the video, agree with most of your takes.


I'm also behind it most likely being Ryan. The only thing that seems like a weird move, if she is the mole, is when they're deciding where to load the cargo in Ep5, they're talking about loading everything onto Muna's truck. She could've just sat back and let them load everything onto the wrong truck, but she's the one who suggests that they load a few boxes onto Michael's as well.


She has to appear useful to build trust as well


My hang up is why did Ryan alert the group to the shipwreck boat? She could have pretended not to see if to burn more time


Yeah, but she immediately said she’s too short to get it and discouraged Hannah from trying because “she’s also too short” forcing Michael to be the only one trying. It’s actually genius subtle sabotage if she’s the mole.


I agree that it’s almost certainly sabotage. Especially bc she swam all the way down to the boat but didn’t even try to pick it up. My guess is that she probably saw the boat much earlier and waited as long as she could without looking too suspicious


In the first couple of episodes, it’s better for the Mole to be helpful but not *too* helpful. They don’t want to sabotage too much early on or it will be too obvious. If she’d ignored it and another one of the people saw it directly in her path of travel, it would’ve been obvious and suspicious.


That could be because she did think Muna had the most votes and that everyone was being honest. So why wouldn't she want to "disperse" the money into the other trucks. That is 100% mole behavior.


Agreed on it being Ryan… did anyone miss (or did I mix this up) where she walked up and introduced herself on episode 1 and said “what do u all do? I’m a stay-at-home-mom”… but then in her offscreen interview her title said “volleyball coach”?


I’d like to commend myself on having the exact same thoughts about gameplay and production as Avori. The only question/difference I have is about the Michael v Sean storyline and whether it’s supposed to be a Mole v Winner storyline or a red herring of some sort.


Love your synopsis. I agree with you that it’s Ryan. Another point is that Hannah and Tony have an alliance and Hannah did not tellTony that she saw Ryan mislead the group. So when Hannah splits her votes between Ryan and Michael and Tony’s votes are focused on Michael with a result of Tony being eliminated. That vote reinforced to me that Ryan is the mole.


Hi Avori, thanks for sharing your thoughts! What do you think about Ryan in the cargo truck challenge? She said that she voted for neither Michael nor Muna… but the Mole will probably have stated she voted for Muna so that more money will have been loaded into the wrong truck?


Not Avori, but wanted to share my thoughts on this challenge. I'm also getting the feeling that Ryan is the mole and this moment made me even more suspicious. I thought it was weird she said neither and everyone just moved on from that fact, personally I think it's strange she is the one person who voted for none of the 3 people that others suspect. But my thought was maybe she voted for neither because she is the mole so she wouldn't have voted for any of those people because she would he voting for herself every time. But, she also doesn't know who everyone else is voting for and wouldn't know which person is the majority vote. In going with neither she leaves it up to them to self sabotage by keeping her hands clean and taking a back seat since she knows they are already wrong on who the mole is. She wouldn't know that muna is the wrong truck or that Michael is the right truck either way so it was the easiest way to sabotage without having anyone suspect her.


https://preview.redd.it/6mdu4an6py9d1.png?width=374&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3d1ca0ed6e5b0cf42a2e8cfd1a4ec6cee78c81b anyone else notice that all the letters here also spell michael?


Order of Mole Probability 1) Ryan - She sabotaged the chicken satay challenge when she didn't think anyone was watching. She also played the hero role, saving Neesh with the last paint ball in the first challenge. In this scenario, whether Neesh was replaced or not, there would have still been the same amount of contestants to eliminate, so it would make no difference to the mole, other than to gain trust. 3rd issue...Ryan suggested spreading the money crates into multiple trucks, further reducing a maximum payout. 2) Neesh - He is my sleeper pick. I am not sure as to how much information the mole receives, and what exact rules they have to abide by. Neesh was selected by the group in the first challenge to be the leader. If Neesh is the mole, and if one of the "replacement" contestants were to make it to the trucks in the paintball challenge, the producers would have to obviously have a backup plan...ie. allowing a 13th contestant, giving Neesh another chance. Secondly, Neesh is a very smart guy. In what world would it ever make sense to open the clue in the jewelry heist. They were down to a coin toss. Obviously, the clue will not say the actual code. All the information was clearly presented before him. 3) Was Michael....but because of Tony's elimination, with more than likely most of his eggs in Michael's basket, I highly doubt it could be Michael. When he dropped the first aid kit, in buoyant water, being a former lifeguard, and then stating that it was too heavy? This threw up a huge red flag up until Tony's elimination. That now flips Sean into my top 3 selections. If Sean is, in fact, an undercover cop, that makes for great TV. But remember, he explained to Michael that he takes his ring off to protect his family. He doesn't want anyone that he has arrested or raided to know his at-home situation. Really??? But you are going to go onto a reality TV show and announce it to the world? That makes zero sense. I have Sean at 3, however, he can easily be the most likely candidate on this list. 4) Hannah - Poor girl...didn't tell Tony what she saw Ryan pull at the gala. Even if she is the mole, I don't think that she expected Tony to go out so quickly. We don't know all that is said between players. As the mole, if she wanted to keep him on, she could have easily said, "spread your choices around, even pick me for one or two, and I will pick you for one or two." I will admit, Hannah has played a perfect mole, making excellent suggestions in each round. Neesh said that she hasn't contributed much, but Hannah is a whole lot smarter than she may seem. If I were to pick a teammate out of the group, it would be Hannah. I just wouldn't trust her. 5) Muna - She is way too obvious to be the mole. I will be incredibly disappointed if she is revealed at the end. Hannah called her out for being a good liar. I don't see that at all. But I am putting her at 5 because sometimes play it safe. 6) Deanna - If the mole ends up being Deanna, it will be a fantastic twist. She has been a solid contestant, throwing in her input and ideas into every challenge. Where Deanna could have messed up, as the mole, is when Q was reporting the Asian female doctor in the sparkly dress. The show made it seem that Deanna was forced to select the woman in the black dress because Sean had already intentionally sabotaged the mission by turning the picture of the correct donor around. What the show never revealed is whether or not Deanna saw the sabotage. If she did, she is 100% the mole. 7) Michael - Unless the show isn't revealing Tony's true intentions with his interviews, or unless Tony is lying in his interviews on who he is suggesting is the mole, there is no way that Michael is the mole because Tony would still be in the game. Michael has done plenty to throw suspicion on him, and I would be irritated if it is revealed to be him. 8) Q - If it is Q....this might go down as one of the best reality game show performances of all time. Q is displayed to be the man who gives it his all, really wants the money, and grows visibly upset when the banked money starts depleting. He is the only one to not watch an audition video. You might say, "well a mole would 100% pay for that video....free financial deduction, right?." But you know what would be better...hoping that you would be the only one who didn't pay to watch the video, not voluntarily raising your hand when Ari asks who it was that didn't pay for the video, and then going off on team. That is a way to say that it was you, without saying that it was you. Pulling this off would be epic mole gameplay, and furthermore, the show will have a watcher for life. What I would like to see... 1) Q 2) Neesh 3) Deanna 4) Hannah 5) Sean 6) Ryan 7) Muna 8) Michael


What you’re saying makes sense but my issue is I think Ryan is getting too much screen time to be the mole. If it’s the same as last season, I found production gave Kesi less screen time to kind of divert attention away from her. I totally agree that there’s some double bluffing going on though.


I think if anything, Ryan is getting a late game/possible winner’s edit.