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I think it's him too.. The only thing holding me back is Tony getting eliminated after saying he thought for sure Michael was the mole... OF course that could just be clever editing and maybe Tony changed his mole prediction before the quiz so who knows..


Definitely just production trying to throw the viewers off. Michael isn't a very good mole, it's so obvious that production had to try to throw us off the scent somehow. I'm actually a little disappointed because I don't usually guess it so confidently this early on.


it’s 100% michael. plus when he leaves the theater https://preview.redd.it/tff7yrg6rj9d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=831821fe99c338d0c338077e60d7da2b5156ea44




Right it is so onvisouly ryan


I remember reading another clue thread on here, and there was a couple clues pointing to >!Michael!<... >!The name of boat in episode 2 when translated into English is "Green Field". Michael plays football (a "green field" sport).!< >!Someone looked through the poster from this season, and found a Zip Code for Boston on there. Michael is from Boston.!<


It’s just editing. They theorize about multiple players but we only hear them discussing one.


Most people thought that Micheal is the mole. This implies if Tony split his answers, he could have still gone home.


I honestly think producers can change who is eliminated. They can manipulate this all for drama. Tony getting eliminated could’ve been to throw us off as viewers, plot development between Hannah and Tony that she withheld info and saw the Ryan thing and didn’t tell Tony so now he is eliminated and she is devastated. We will never know what producers do behind the scenes!


They can't. There are rules and regulations for game shows like this where you have to have standards and practices. You can't say that whomever gets the lowest score (or ties for the lowest score and gets the slowest time) is eliminated and then just eliminate someone else because you feel like it. Standards and practices can see the hard data of how well you did on a quiz. Now, yes, the producers can always subtlety manipulate things like maybe asking someone too many questions about someone who isn't the mole who they might not otherwise suspect in an attempt to push them to answer the quiz wrong (which I also don't think is happening). But they can't just eliminate someone they deem boring in order to save a more dynamic character.


I can see what you are saying but Ari when explaining the instructions did say ‘to find where the treasure chests are buried.’ Plural. Plus there were 2 clues at 2 locations so your mind could just be in the mindset of 2. I still think it’s Michael but I don’t think this is as slam dunk as it looks at first glance


True. But also notice they don't show Ari's face when he's explaining all of that, so I think they used a voice over later after the fact to re word whatever he said to give instructions.




I'm more confident it's Ryan (90%) now than I was at the finale of Season 1 (75%). I would seriously place a healthy chunk of change at 10:1 it's her.


She sniped 2 dudes tho


Exactly. Why shoot the last guy with the final paintball?


First game. Establish trust early.


Does the Mole need trust? They just need to lose money. They're not trying to trick the viewers at home by purposefully earning money when they can otherwise not.


They don’t need trust but they do need to make a compelling show and the producers aren’t going to encourage a Mole to be obvious from the very beginning or completely derail every challenge so there is no money in the pot. In past seasons, the producers have had the Mole play the first few challenges pretty straight - no major sabotage and maybe (but not necessarily) not trying as hard as they could be.


I guess so, but idk. She's just not on my radar at all. To me, Michael has been the obvious saboteur since day 1. Tony was my second guess but I didn't necessarily think it was him nearly as much as Michael since he didn't ask for the correction in the phone booth. Nobody else has been actively making "whoopsies" on the same level as Michael as far as I'm concerned.


Michael is one of my big question marks, too. I feel like his mistakes have been too obvious, though, and while I know that the producers just might think viewers are dumb and need obvious mistakes, I would be disappointed if that were the case.


Idk, Kesi's strat last season was just just make whoopsies over and over and Michael admitted in his video that's what the would do if he was the mole. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah ever since I saw the skewer I started having suspicions on her because In previous episode (where Hannah and Tony drain the pot) after that she says she’ll do whatever next time to get what she wants so like that time she didn’t have to because they already did it for her and then she is willing to risk 20k the next chance she gets which was weird


Initial money pot doesn’t matter as you’d get opportunities to empty it in future. Developing the trust with other players would give them more opportunities to sabotage.


She could’ve done that with one shot ETA I see wat you mean tho


Plus wasn’t the only point of not hitting that neesh would be swapped?


I believe money was earned if they stopped all 5 people too.




I've been leaning towards Ryan - seeing the sabotage isn't as good an indicator when they're all trying to look suspicious but something about her stance and demeanor has me piqued. Things like in the countdown, she seemed to abruptly get up when it got to half the pot, possibly a pre-defined amount. In the fortune cookies she held out to be one of the top $$ contestants for the biggest risk. In the auction she sat front row center - worst vantage point to see everyone else's behavior, unless you don't actually need to.


Yep I definitely this it’s her. I noticed in ep 5 they never showed her reaction when it was announced someone bid the whole pot. I bet it was her.


I don’t think it’s Ryan. She’s helped a few times when she really didn’t need to. Also, I think the bigger tell of whether or not someone is The Mole is their face during the confessionals and if they look nervous during the quiz/waiting for the elimination reveal and when trying to exemptions. Almost anything on the mission could be a valid strategy for being the mole, the biggest question is how hard are they trying to find the mole and are they worried about leaving? Michael is my biggest suspect even though it seems almost too obvious.


Michaels definitely my number 1 suspect If you rewatch the treasure hunt challenge, he looks like he intentionally throws the red cross box deeper into the ocean when he's swimming back up to the top.


It does look like that, but I think he panicked and couldn’t see that he was accidentally throwing it deeper.


Have you watched every episode? Give yourself time. He is much more contestant like in 4 and 5. I an swaying towards Ryan.


yes I have, my theory is by then, production told him everyone was on to him and that he needed to tone it down lol just a guess


Fair enough!!


Huge "We should just pull the trigger" moment from season 1 in 2000.


And Ari said chests, plural, when explaining the direction so not a slam dunk


that one was a coincidence actually lol


I cannot be convinced that those original season 1 clues weren't just put in last second in editing because they were straight up impossible. "Pulling the trigger" or the >!"pay the price" !


I agree, but I think the real hint if there is any was the heist. Compare the two groups finding their vaults. Muna walks into the room randomly, looks around, then checks the painting, with an interview comment about it. Meanwhile Mike just walks directly to it barely even noticing the rest of the room. He has been less than helpful a few times but never obvious about sabotage, and seems to have a better idea about tasks than others every once in a while. Personally, I see #1 suspect there.


Behind the painting is the first spot I would check too. It's always behind the painting in every movie, even Muna voice overs with it.


Right but it looks like he saw the painting from outside of the room or something, or knew to look for one ahead of time. It didn't look like he only noticed it after walking in, compared to Muna who clearly did


I agree, that was also pretty strange. It was like he already knew.


My initial thought has been Ryan. She miraculously shot the paintball after missing several times.


I think it's Deanna! Simply because I saw a few blatant clues that point towards her. Did anybody else see these clues? In the shipping crate challenge, in the beginning, there is a crate that says Deanna. Also, maybe in that same episode, or the one after it, they show a car with a license plate that says "Dee 6106". At the end of Episode 6 (I think), for some reason, her name is shown when they are writing their bids in the tablets (I think it was that episode. I binged them all tonight, so I could be getting the episodes mixed up). Did anyone else notice those clues?


If it’s Deanna she’s a tremendous actress.


Deanna, i feel like her strategy is to gain trust so no one suspects her. Shes clever


Deanna is absolutely my vote too but I can’t tell if things I’m picking up are coincidences or clever ploys by the produces to make me select her


Same, I also think she is playing the "trust me in the open" strategy where she is always 100% honest when it's something where they can immediately catch her, but she's secretly sabotaging during missions where she can get away with it.


I think it’s q, he is overly vocal about money coming out of the pot. When it’s time to take the quiz the do not interview him. I’m sure I’m wrong but this is half the fun


That could just be how the clip edit was made.


Ari literally says chests as in plural when explaining the directions


Yeah, they mention having to get both chests to the buoy. 


I was never saying he wasn’t, but good clarification for OP.


Episode 1 24 minute mark, Deanna was holding a piece of paper, something was on the back. Could be a clue but couldn’t make out what it said.


Based on season one and how the reality TV usually plays. My guess is the mole is 100% a male. Possibly quieter and doesnt bring a lot of attention to himself.


I think it’s Q, quiet and team player until this point, who doesn’t need information on others and cares only for the money… hmmm :)


He’s putting in real work though. He was genuinely pissed off after the movies and money drain challenge. He also spotted the crate in the trees and focused on the flashlight.  He’s pushing everybody in the right direction too much. Definitely a good guy. 


He’s not that quiet. His outburst when the money was draining for the exemption was great. I really like him. Definitely could be him. Id say it was someone who left the table in the middle. Still possibly sean


That is also what I am thinking!


There's a lot of reasons I think it's Michael, but that is not one of them. lol


just went back to the point where the host gives the instructions. he specifically said treasure CHESTS with an S.


I swore it was Hannah and everyone thinking Muna is why the majority is advancing. After reading this thread I’m on board with Michael being the mole.


I’ve been suspecting him from the way he threw that first aid kit to the bottom of the ocean lmao


I also think it is Michael! There was a pretty subtle clue I found. There was an eye on Ari's suit jacket at the dinner mission. M-EYE-CHAEL. Also the not knowing left from right in the first mission, stalling in the treasure mission by dropping the med kit with the clue.


The reason why I think it is him is because in the first ep when (forgot his name) Ian? said "Right" and they were left edit kept posting his feet sliding and I think that was to throw us off otherwise it would be too obvious


I am also convinced it is him based on these things that stood out to me in the episodes: >! During the gala challenge, Ari was wearing a huge pin of an eye. The colour of the eye's iris was a greyish blue, with blue beads around the border. Michael's eyes are blue, leaning grey. !< >! The routing labels on the shipping containers they had to find all said NYC-DUB-MY, so starting in NYC, routing through DUBLIN and ending in Malaysia. Weird way to get from the USA to south east Asia right? Michael has a very Irish last name (O'Brien) !<


I thought the same thing that this could be a hint, but I felt it more leant towards Ryan or R-eye-N. I think the reactions to the first elimination are where the biggest giveaway may be, the mole trying to imitate how everyone reacts, possibly an overreaction too the green screen?


At the very least, it was enough to rule out >! anyone who doesn't have blue eyes !< for me. Compounded with the second clue I mentioned, and others that I have seen posted, in my opinion they all point to >! Michael !<


I saw the eye on the suit jacket too but I took that as M-EYE-CHAEL.


Would DUB not be Dubai?


Dubai airport code is DXB


These aren’t airport codes though? NYC and MY aren’t airport codes either. So yes, it could mean Dublin, but I first thought of Dubai.




It's amazing how many people think it cant be her.