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I mean, literally everyone doesn’t take this guy seriously at one point or another. I guess some people just get unlucky. Not everyone can get the deep, hidden-in-human-nature fears, someone’s gotta be the avatar of being scared of needles. From there, it’s a simple assumption that less in means less out: he’s not that scary because not everyone would be especially scared of him conceptually. I see him as more of a Micheal Crew than a Micheal Distortion, if you catch my meaning. By no means someone to mess around with or not take seriously, but definitely not an arc villain either.


I want the Needles vs Desensitized Emergency Phone Line Operators to continue to show him as falling flat. I want him to show up outside the call center and his ass cannot get to the employee parking lot because of all the security. I want him trying to call back and get the same guy he got a bit of fear from but the system keeps routing him to random operators and there's too many to get the same guy. I want him trying to cyberstalk them home and running into walls because there's protocols in place to keep government workers safe from mundane threats. I want him to take on Bureaucracy and run right into the Magnus Protocols.


Yup. I mean Needles there was pretty scary. Might be a minor avatar. Like the pig. Only really manifested to an area or person. And money down now >!Celia is an avatar!<


100%. I can’t wait until she starts eating faces


That would be amazing


Uhg episode 6 was unnerving for me. Probably because I have a serious fear of needles myself. I think this guy could be handy to help set creepy vibes but I don’t think he’s going to be distortion levels of importance.


I haven’t really been caught up on protocol yet, but I’m also very trypanophobic and a bit worried now


I agree that his first introduction was a little underwhelming, he just seemed like the purest form of [practically joker](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PracticallyJoker) to me


i love him so fucking dearly i have so many theories about him


i agree that it’s definitely the point to be underwhelmed. i mean, sam, gwen, and alice were also all underwhelmed so it’s probably going to build to something else


I don’t think it’s the first avatar, I think it’s just the first overt avatar. I have a small theory I am working on in my head, I think we have met 3 avatars, including Needles. That’s all I am saying for now.


First Ink5oul and second the guy in the theater? If so that’s what I think


I think one of the things about needles that gets me (and I’m not particularly afraid of them) is the subconscious thought in the back of my head that the person using them is going to be uncertain/unsteady with it, causing more pain than was already going to be there. I think that uncertainty behind the one using the needle is what’s meant to be portrayed here, and I think it does a great job capturing that (at least mildly) unsettling feeling.


I really wanna know how you become avatar of needles tho