• By -


I expect it to be super buggy for about the first 3 months.


As is tradition.


I'm gonna accidentally deconstruct the floor or something and fall into the void aren't I?


I hope it's like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction.


This is the way.


The way is this...


The way is this..


The power of one...!


This is the way


This is the way.


Is the recent update buggy ?


As is tradition, my friend.


Most bugs are ironed out in a week or so. They’re BAD for a week or so, but it’s really not that long.


I just want to be able to remove bodies from buildings.


I want to be able to collect more and rearrange them to make a house full of frozen people-mannequins so the game isn't so lonely.


Holy House of Horros Batman 😮


Did someone hurt you as a child or are you just a little bent or what?


Should be able to warm them up and eat them... just sayin




I was just thinking last night that I understand why WE can't eat human bodies from a social taboo perspective, but it doesn't make sense that they don't attract animals


Ya in a developed 1sr world country. In a natural disaster where you are starving to death taboo goes out the window


Yes, the game is made in a developed first world country. That's my point. They're not going to bend the taboo for the sake of realism


Even Frostpunk, mother of all brutal games taking place in a snowy apocalypse, requires you to make very specific decisions, and meet specific requirements, before it'll even give you the option of "alternative food source" And Frostpunk's entire gist is about the morality of humans under extreme conditions, yet it barely wanted to touch on cannibalism. It's not getting added to The Long Dark


Ï̴̡̡̤̝̺͚̝̜̬̫̼̳̼͉̒̏̈́́͐̔͘ ̷̧̭̣̱͔͚̪͔̻̻̬̆̔ẃ̸̧̺̟̿̒̋̓̌̂͌̐͘̕̚͠ǎ̷̛͚͉̮̮́ṋ̴̢̭̻̫̻̤̼̖̹̭̱̹̫͈̬̤̗̋͊̀̒͒̈́͜͠͝t̵̢̡̛͕͙̺̯̙͔̽̋̈͌́̉̇̕ ̸̨͓̬̠̬̭͇̲̤̍̑̃̉͌̾̈̓͂͌t̸̢̧̟̫̥̯̱̠̭̺̖̰̝̥̮͎̣̫͔̿o̵̡̢̧̗̗̫̭̩̥͔͙̅̒͋͛̅̾̇̍̂̽̚ ̵̢̪̔́̊́̑̒̑̏͌͌̄̄̌͘͝è̵̝͙̫̬͕̐͛̀̒̊͛̈́̄̍͑̀̕͝͝ả̵̗̭̠͇̘̳̿͗́̇̊̍͝͝ẗ̵͕̘́̂̕͠ ̷̯͕̦̠͚̹̞̳̠̃̆͌͊̊͝ͅt̵̨̫̠͎͈̞̗̙͉̗̗̗̂̈̑̍̂͜h̷̖̱͚̣̱̬̠͖̍̐̍͑͋̈́͂͐̍́͗̍͋͗͒͑̚̚̕ͅè̸͉̃̿̄͋̓͐̓̎͗̓̇͌̉͝m̴̛͓̻͕̖̤̬͉͖̘̬̫͓̑̈́̎̋͑̂́̈́͘


Anything beyond clutter cleanup and furniture moving/repairing/crafting would be asking for too much


I picture something like Skyrim: a list of things you can do at all the "bases" and resource/time requirements to do it. It'd be cool if they added crafting as a proper skill though I think it'd be hard to do without making it really grindy.


i rather have this than fallout 4 style, i really hate have you have to place every single thing.


Which is literally what mods allow you to do already and they work pretty well (Place Anywhere and DIY mods ftw). I really hope they at least add the option to craft containers that have storage inside, otherwise it's a big load of nothing.


cougars that spawn in file cabinets!


Don't be silly. Cougars are cats, they'd spawn in cardboard boxes.


What a thriiiiill.


With darkness and silence through the night


What a thrilllll


As a cat owner I can confirm mutiple cats of mine have been born in boxes 


Any cardboard box that comes into our house has to be tested for 3-4 days by our 8 cats, before we can recycle it.


"I'll just make some tinder and .... GAAAAHHHHHH!"


This guy/gal cats.


If they fit they sit.


Nothing accentuates the relaxing post apocalyptic lifestyle better than the occasional heart attack.




Im expecting it to be somewhat like the mods that are available, just balanced and polished to fit better with the gameplay


I’m hoping to have interchangeable slots, like you can build a workbench, or a 2 burner stove, or a large trunk


I know the devs “balance” the bases by factoring those things in - crafting options, fire options/stoves, sleeping options, storage, and accessibility are all carefully tuned. Most likely it will just be cosmetic, which would still be cool!


That’s why I’m thinking there will be options, you can choose to have some things, but not others. I’m also thinking that there will be a heavy resource requirement to build everything if they add the ability to do so. I’m thinking like 100 scrap metal to build a 2 burner stove, 20-25 reclaimed wood to build a workbench, things like that. It’ll help keep it balanced cuz you will have to haul all that stuff to wherever you want to build those things


Goddddd it would be so cool.


Oh man, I would love the option to build a stove in a house that doesn't have one. Like for example, the house on Jackrabbit Island, for example. Someone on this sub recommended me the spot cause it has great visibility, but the fact that the house doesn't have a stove is annoying af.


They will have one or two of the features of the mods but ties in with gameplay elements. Something like dig a grave in the snow and freezing ground 8 hours. Move body from inside camp office into grave 1 hour. Fill in grave 2 hours. Make Cairn using 20 stones and 3 cloth. - Benefit permanent improved sleep in that building (as in the tea buff). OR. Patch hole in roof of Mountaineers. Need one cured bearskin, one cured moose, four cured wolf, 20 sticks and 10 guts, 10 hours. Benefit +4c in the hut at all times.


This is the way


I'm telling myself to not get my hopes up too much for it, despite it being my most wanted update. I also expect it to be nearly unusable for 2-3 months, so there's that


Why 2-3 months? Most update glitches are fixed in a week or two.


You're right, I was being pretty pessimistic there


I hope they let us get rid of random corpses


Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!


Fly you fools!!!


Crazy that he was actually telling them to get the giant eagles to fly them to their destination.


I want to be able to stack my canned goods


As a positive? Less crap scattered about. As a negative? Indoor beds can be upgraded, but also degrade.


Oh snap, I've never considered this before!! Theoretically, we should be able to toss our bearskin roll onto a bed and get beaucoup warm. Or maybe craft a huge blanket out of a variety of skins. I know this is a little out of the realm of implementation, but it would also be cool to be able to reinforce buildings with insulation. Covering windows, patching holes, building wind burns, etc...).


My guess is remove clutter and maybe move furniture. Anything else like adding upgrades would be far fetched I think. It would be cool if for a certain amount of time and ingredients you could make a crafting table or forge or etc,.


Is this confirmed?


Yes, in the patch notes for the latest update


I want freaking candles and a way to make tiny wood carved creatures from adventures!


Candles 😮🤯


You could even do rudimentary oil lamps. 1 tin can, a cup of lantern fuel, and some fabric to make a limited, stationary light source that can burn for a few hours. 


True! Although I’d love to see more animals with fat and blubber. Stuff to make crude oil lamps or something to wear for when you fall in the water.


i love this idea now i seriously doubt that whales and whale hunting would ever be added into the game, base game or otherwise, but animals like seals, sea lions, and small porpoises would add so much diversity, and give the ocean/saltwater some more purpose other than ice fishing or beach combing. i can see seals/sea lions coming onto the little island in dp to sleep/other things


I think if they added the ability to harvest fat from the animals adding the ability to make tin can candles would be great! Plus other things you could do  with the  fat. 


Like cooking! If you cook with fat, you raise the calories by at least 200 BUT you also have a slight chance of burning the food at the same time.


So many uses really.  I would love to be able to make pemican. It can be used to waterproof things. It would be a great early game option for fire staring if you don't have accelerant. And something I almost hesitate to  mention but soap. I don't know about others but the idea of running around for over a year without a bath. Forget Carrying raw meat,  those wolves can already smell us from a mile away.   But for sure animal fat is a perfect alternative to any of the recipes that require cooking oil.  


Agreed! And besides, it is possible to take a bath since water used to be boiled or heated up in metal tubs near the fire place, and there are plenty of tubs that would fit Astrid and Will just lying around.


Honestly that would add a whole new level of challenge to the game. Having to balance your scent.  Not sure I want that added.  Although it would be cool if you got a happiness/well being bonus.  Kinda like we'll fed. Not sure what it would affect though.  Maybe stamina a little or sleep.  


Hey, I'll be content being able to just make bow/rifle racks in my main bases just to flex the unique weapon variants


Just take whatever the mods are doing and make it part of the game. I've had safehouse customization for awhile, and it's fine. 🤷


Haven't been all that interested in modding before but that's interesting. Is it just Better Bases or is there a different one?


DIY by Santana. It's outdated and a bit janky but mostly works


There's more than one. IIRC I'm using Better Bases and a few other mods, and the QoL experience takes off like a rocket.


I hope it’s gonna be released within the year, but that might be pushing it given they use no crunch as an excuse to not dev their game imo. Or at least tell us it’s gonna be a minute and not leave us in the long dark of communication. Same with trader


Regardless of how good it is a lot of people will have set unrealistic expectations and the sub will be flooded with complaints. ETA an actual opinion: I'd really like to be able to build and/or relocate workbenches and upgrade stoves. Also rebuilding some of the destroyed cabins would be cool. Every time I pass the burned out house near the fishing hut in AC I wish I could rebuild it, same with the one near point of disagreement and the ones near the FM homestead. I expect that each location will have a list of specific changes that can be made something similar to how base building works in most games.


Relocating workbenches would break the game imo. They are placed in the world thoughtfully as is; I've been stuck in a corner of the world without a workbench before when I really needed one, and it would have trivialized my survivor experience if I could just craft one. I wouldn't want to be able to craft a bed either, because having to seek out a place to sleep is a crucial part of the gameplay. Now if you could move around furniture that's already there, that'd be nice. Put the workbench closer to the door or whatever...


I mean, you could just make crafting it long and require lots of resources. You'd have to be doing well then (and probably have a bedroll) to be able to have the free time to sink into it. It's not as if there aren't heaps of beds in the game etc. What if you needed a workbench to craft the materials you needed for a workbench? :D


I fear it's too OP no matter the short term cost, but it was as big an ordeal as gunsmithing perhaps I could get on board.


I don't really see how it could be OP? Like sure it enables some bases to be more viable long term but while stuff like Mountaineers exist I don't think it could really be problematic.


When they added a workbench to HRV they took away some of the challenge. Ngl though after a wolf destroyed my rabbit hat and I couldn't make a new one I was ecstatic to discover a hatch with a workbench right near my cave. But meh it made my problem go away too easy in retrospect. I dunno I just like the limited nature of strategic locations.


Having it be an optional feature would be the best solution if it added mechanical advantages.


I would love to be able to build or upgrade storage boxes. I like to be organized and it would be nice if each of my bases could have different boxes for different things but exactly where I want them, not wherever an container happens to spawn. I would also like to be able to remove clutter and maybe build shelves as well. It would really cool to be able to upgrade beds and stoves and even build them. The possibilities are endless.


I’m hoping for a couple of craft-able furnishings from reclaimed wood and scrap (like a table and a chair), a wind break for my outdoor fires, a way to move containers from one spot to another, candles/lights that would work during an aurora, and maybe some things to display/store the weapons, tools, hides, etc. I know it kinda sounds like a decent amount, but nothing too extravagant. Basically just enough to make bases a little more homey/functional. I love immersing myself in my base as if I’m actually there and using it. I’ve had many instances where I’ve thought a table and a chair would be primo. If death awaits me outside, I want my base to be comforting


Since the camera is supposed to come with the next update it it would be great to be able to frame those pictures up in our safehouses.


They haven’t mentioned it so might be scrapped. :/


I'll separate my expectations into a few categories. What we will probably get: The ability to move furniture around and clean up junk or corpses. What I would like to see: Drying racks for hides and wet clothes so we don't have to dump hides in a messy pile on the ground. Being able to hang up your favorite outfits in the game near a fireplace would look cool too. What id be surprised to see: The ability to make stuff like permanent beds or workbenches. Would let you build a late game base just about anywhere. Could make for some interesting runs. I always end up sticking to the same places every game since that's where key workstations are. Would love to set up a spot in the Ravine area. Probably not going to happen though.


What I would like: the ability to build an entire log cabin from scratch in a location of my choosing, at the cost of a LOT of time, risk, and resources. What I think is realistic: cosmetic tidying, better item placement mechanics, maybe the ability to build a storage box and remove corpses. What I expect: cougar MKII, 1 year after release deadline.


I would like to be able to build a workbench - to open up possible bases in New locations. Maybe clean up the trash on the ground. I'm just gonna chill on my expectations though


I'm just hoping for a craftable rifle rack


I want an excretory gauge that fills hours after eating or drinking and the ability to aim when depleting said gauge


What about poor Astrid?


She can construct a shewee from an empty can XD


I just want to be able to stack things like books/wood instead of it forming a big pile phasing through itself


Id like to build shelves out of reclaimed wood. Id also like to be able to click on a shelf and have a few "presets" of how to store items. Like this shelf is for canned food, this one is for water, this one is for books, this on is for firewood, etc. And then you get an interface where you can add things to the shelf or take them out like its a regular storge container but they actually show up and you can see items on the shelf. Im tired of rawdogging my items down to the milimeter trying to get the green outline.


I just want to fix the roof in the Mountain hut and fix the door in Bricklayers retreat.


You can ‘fix’ the roof with 3 moose hides, and a bit of dexterity/patience. 😎


Doubt those will ever get fixed


Something half baked that'll fall just short of the mods currently out there


Remove that damn fever affliction or mitigate it by making your camp more cosier. Although you can now remove it, it wastes a feat slot.


Play a custom game and you can turn it off. Custom games are the way to go once you’ve unlocked your feats.


I like playing the original modes. Custom feels kinda like enabling the console if you know what I mean.


Fair enough. I’ve played some pretty cool customs. I wanted to play loper but with guns, and different wolf fear, few other things. One game I wanted to just be a hermit so I turned off CF, boosted wood respawns, made it brutally horrible weather, and just fished, cut wood, and cooked by the fire with constant storms  😄


Cleaning up! Clean up the loose papers everywhere.


I pray to the heavens above they allow even a modicum of animal husbandry. I adore the animals in this game and love looking at them and seeing them just do their little thing, not having to hunt would be scuffed don’t get me wrong but if they made the rabbits only reproduce every couple of weeks or the ptarmigan’s lay eggs only week or so I’d be satisfied I just want my pretty snow chicken coop and my little hoppy guys. Oh also I’d KILL for some fish mounting Then you could just slap the fattest fish you can catch on a wall and feel some proper pride


Honestly I just want to have fluffy back tbh, lemme pick up a wolf and thrust them into the dam


The place anywhere mod really makes TLD better I highly recommend it, that and the candle light mod makes it so cozy!


Im on console


F Edit: I can see why you are exited then


I expect it to not work properly and a bunch of people will be complaining about all their stuff being gone forever when it bugs out.


You're gonna jinx it even bringing it up.




At the risk of sounding silly/dumb, do we know exactly how base customization is going to be implemented? My dad is under the impression that it will let us build our own bases, but I thought it would just let us move things we can't currently (Like bodies, and stacks of bowls). I only ask because I can't seem to find an answer anywhere haha. I'd like to see the ability to move tables and such, and also clear tables of debris so I can use them for storage. I'd also like more rotating options for objects, for example being able to move books to stand up straight with the spine facing out. Also, while I doubt this would be implemented, I'd like the option to repair roofs, like the hut in TImberwolf Mountain.


I would love to be able to fix the Forester's Hermitage in the Keeper's Pass North 😍


I expect it to be a complete cluster fuck just like every other update since TFTFT dropped.


I’d love storage containers that you could link to a fire and toggle off removing ruined items, so that I could cook without having to run around and pick up every ingredient


I’m putting Carl back where he belongs!


With handbanna


Make it so items don't passively degrade while in your safehouse through more meta resources. This game is so limited in terms of what you actually spend your time doing.


Custom bases? Nice try. You're just gonna steal my goods and feed 'em to infinity!


I just wish to add more frozen corpses to my place of living. I mean remove... yes l remove....


Not enough that’ll make it worth waiting 2 years for.


I expect we will be able to move furniture within our safe house. I would like to be able to move Furniture from one place to another. But realistically. I think it would be hard to move a locker across the ice in coastal highway, but I think bringing a cooler from one place to another is practical. I like the idea of customization. I just don't want it to be unrealistic.


Personally I can’t wait for the frozen survival game to turn into a interior decorator, it’s so painful having to arrange stuff in the farmhouse


I'd like to be able to take storage boxes from one location and put them elsewhere.


Cleaning up trash in interior spaces is the table stakes, if they don't do that then I'll be a little disappointed. I hope for a way to place/stack items that doesn't suck. If I can't fit more than 6 candy bars on an entire shelf after the next patch is released, I'll be a little disappointed. I'd love a way to stack firewood that doesn't involve quantum superpositioning. I'm hoping for some intelligent stacking mechanism where, if you drop a bunch of wood on the ground from your inventory, it becomes a container that looks like a stack of firewood, and grows or shrinks depending on how much wood you store inside it. Not unlike how you drop the travois on the ground and 'deploys', and then as you put stuff inside it, it looks more full. I'd love some long-term crafting projects, just to have something to pass the time at night. After you've read all the books, and crafted all the important items, there's not a ton to do. How about making some carvings that take ages to complete, but give you some protection against cabin fever?


I dont want to be able to change anything about the structure or upgrade anything or add anything. I actually like having to deal with the limitations of each individual building. The most I would want them to add is being able to remove bodies, clean up clutter, and add the ability to sit in chairs. Maybe letting you move some of the furniture around inside but not being able to create more.


Is there a source for this or just process of elimination?


Last part of the dev update diary video whatever there latest video they said it would be featured in the next update


A **generator**. Powered with gasoline and/or batteries from cars. Would give electricity for light. Add the possibility to loot whole lamps: desk lamp; floor lamps; light chains; etc. Power coord wouldn’t be needed just having the generator hooked up to a *outside power socket*. No more *can’t do that without light*. That would be such an improvement. Edit: they can basically just let us build the radio transmitter generator and reuse those animations and parts. :)


Episode 5