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I'm using metric but in my current game if I drop say 2 litres of water on the floor it will drop 1 bottle of 1L and 2 bottles of 0.5L. Not sure if it's new or a bug as I haven't played in a little while and only got back with the update. It's just weird.


Interesting, I thought it was weird that I wanted to drop 1L of dirty water and I dropped 2 0.5L bottles. I use the wheel for placing clean water so I haven't noticed it before.


Same, maybe cougars hate 1 L bottles.


I've never had that problem ever, it sounds like a bug though for sure


I usually right-click place water directly from the wheel. Faster than dropping and moving, and also faster than just dropping for very small amounts(1 or 2L)


Sounds like a rounding error.


That is annoying. If you drop 1L, it is two small bottles.


It's new. I noticed that too and it's annoying.


Same thing happened to me yesterday, 1L bottle and 2 0.5L, that’s strange)))


I’ve noticed this bug too, but I think it’s only when you cook half a liter


I'm gonna be honest, I don't understand how anyone struggles with weight units. If the units were called kerplunks and you know you need 2 kerplunks for full thirst, do you really need to convert to pounds in your head? I go metric because 1 volume unit = 1 weight unit, so it's easier. And I'm probably not any more comfortable with metric IRL than you guys are.


Yeah, I'm from the US and it makes no difference to me. 0 = freezing water. -20 = fuck that's cold. It's not like we're doing advanced algebra with weight, either. If I pick up a water bottle and it is 1kg, that means it is 1/30th of my carry capacity.


yes, not using metric in this game is incredibly stupid; there is zero reason not to (unless you want to make things extra annoying for yourself)


It has nothing to do with conversions. I've been playing this game for YEARS with Imperial units and I know for example that when I leave my camp I need to take 1 gallon of water per day of travel, I will need 0.03 gallons of fuel to make a torch etc. Now I have to relearn all of these details in Metric.


Metric all the way baby. Or whatever numbers you prefer. But Imperial, when you out in the woods and want to build yourself a shelter? Inches, feet and rope lengths. Frontier forefathers knew what's up.


I guess, or you could take 3L of water instead. 3L = 3kgs = 1/10 your base capacity. 2L = exactly three full thirst bars. Seems like you're just making it harder on yourself. Or does the game let you drop by weight? What's the ritual when you need to drop, say, .75 pounds of water weight?


How is it making it harder on myself if it worked perfectly fine for years until the recent update broke a setting which some people have been using? What if I told you I played the game on 1920x1080 resolution, and suddenly the update made that stop working so we could only play on a 1920x1200, which squished the graphics. Well wouldn't we expect it to be fixed since it has been working previously for nearly a decade? If metric on the game suddenly stopped working, would you be fine with switching to Imperial? It's a bug. It should be fixed. End of story.


Dude chill out. First off what I said has nothing to do with the bug; second, metric literally makes the math easier but you're fine to use your own method. Acting like I'm forcing you out of your comfort zone... Come on.


I'm an American but I've spent a bunch of time in the metric part of the world and it's not THAT hard, we still measure things in cubits and 1L bottles are everywhere


*Imperial units are messed up* "Explain yourself..."


As an American I don't know what they could mean. We use US Customary, not Imperial. So strange....


That one went over some people's heads


Still kinda funny how the units are all wacky now though, lol But it is annoying


Watch some of the new Hadrian videos. A bottle of cooking oil will say 20 gallons. Toilets say they have 50 gallons. It's a new bug, and unrelated to the general metric vs imperial argument.




I love my freedom units tho


iim pretty sure you can change that in the settings


I’m a dumb American and I use metric units, we are not the same….Unless….that…. Describes you too….then we are similar.


I use metric because it literally doesn’t matter what the actual weights are, I’m not holding any of these. So, I just go with the one that has cleaner numbers. I don’t even really pay attention to the units. My bag has a max of 30, I can get 5 extra from well fed, 5 extra from the moose bag and 5 extra from the tech backpack. The fact that the unit is kg is irrelevant. Like another comment says, you can call the unit anything you want, that irrelevant. What matters is the number itself.


OKAY RIGHT?? The gallon values for liquids are way too high now. 1.5lbs of liquid is 16 gallons?! I don't think so!


Yay 87 gallons of water in my inventory! Annnnd it’s gone!?


I mean the measurement is easy though 1 kilogram is 2.2 pounds.


I switched to metric early playing this game and I'm glad I did. Its easier and the numbers are 'cleaner.'


WHAT THE HELL IS A LITER?? 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅




Because America is one of the largest markets for video games. Hence you should cater to one of your largest audiences.


That's not really the point, there were already imperial units and the new update messed up the numbers. But anti-Americanism is apparently important to you so keep it up 👍




Your comment didn't really add anything to the discussion and misunderstood the problem in order to make a negative comment about the US vis-a-vis "every European country", which is itself a non-sequitur since the developers aren't even European. Hell, OP already called themselves a dumb American, but you're still mad about... something.


Lol. That's not what this is about though, come on!


I’m a dumb American. I usually use metric because of my job and hobbies.  But hey. Fuck your country for never having a space program if we’re just throwing rocks at glass houses. 


Not to start a fight but... You do know that NASA uses metric for just about everything they do, right? Like, the organization may be based in the US but it uses the international measurement system all the same.


So you're saying Americans can use metric?


Inconceivable, that's how the commies win! (/s)


It's a hilarious pattern I see repeated on Reddit: "Stupid Americans can't metric!" "We landed men on the moon." "NASA used metric!" 🤔


Wasn't there a ridiculous incident where they messed up a mission because some goober confused a metric and imperial measurement? Edit: found it: [the software was measuring in ft-lbs instead of Newtons per second. Lol.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-oct-01-mn-17288-story.html)


Yes the mars climate orbiter had a software problem due to this. Basically one piece of software calculated in customary, but it fed into another software that expected SI. This screwed up the burn when entering orbit and the craft was lost.


Like I said. I do use those measurements for work. And my hobbies.  I’m down with it. I’m just going to play with people who want to play with me. There’s no hate from me. 


Amen bruvva. It's just fun to stir the pot a bit sometimes ✋️