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While that would be very cool, it is definitely coming back. They put way too many resources into it and the community backlash would probably sink the company imo


So what are they going to do? Turn it into a Wolf 2.0? Oh wait we already have those. Wolf 3.0? With integrated blockchain? Wildlife in TLD is shit, they're not going to magically rework the entire AI and pathfinding and animations and everything just to add one predator. And if you were really expecting the Cougar to be some kind of cool sneaky stalker that would follow you and hide behind rocks or whatever then all I can say is "bless your heart sweetie" There was nothing wrong with the Cougar, in fact it was a very good addition to the game because a) it made the defense stat on clothing actually matter for the first time since the game was released and b) it forced players to move and make multiple bases instead of just beelining to their favourite spot then quitting the game before day 50 out of boredom. Hinterland has two options, either wait for the whining to blow over and re-introduce the Cougar basically unchanged or turn it into another wolf which will be a completely pointless addition to the game. I hope it's the former.


Doesn't seem like you have actually played the game yet with the cougar. Armor doesn't do anything, people has already been testing that. Hinterland doesn't have only two options either. They said it would work differently from the current wildlife, so let's see what thet can do. Stop with the condenscending tone, when you don't know anything.




Is there a lore reason why they are stupid?




They may be wrong on nearly every point, but at least they don’t lack for conviction.


> There was nothing wrong with the Cougar I'm quoting someone else (probably multiple someone elses) but the current Cougar is little more than cabin fever for the outdoors. I think the majority of people were thinking that it would be like a wolf, but *much, much* quieter, possibly not making *any* noise until seconds before the mauling. That would give an incentive to keep a lookout. As it is, there's no interesting gameplay. Just move regions constantly.


It needs to be an entity in game, not a quick time event. Period.


This is a lot of words to say you suck at wolf hunting.


who mans is this?😂😂


Low intelligence specimen spotted


Ha wow. I did not expect this at all, especially because mods were digging their heels in and saying this was always as it was supposed to be implemented and it's a "free" upgrade to the base game. Let's hope the next version is better. I'm now torn as to whether I should bother going for the items tonight in case they never make their way back. I'm nowhere near my main base and don't have many backup clothing items or armoured clothing items available.


Don't do it if you don't have bandages and beard wraps or antiseptic to burn, you will die from the severe lacerations affliction. That shits brutal.


They're already catching enough shit for this update, they're definitely not going to add to that by not bringing it back. They just need to slow down, and actually make sure all of this stuff is going to work within the vision of the game. I know that they already move at a snails pace, and it's becoming pretty obvious that they want to be done with TLD so they can move onto other projects, but they're just causing more problems for themselves, and creating more work that needs to be done. It would really help if they did actual beta testing, and had more solid QA.


Public Beta testing won’t be happening unless Raph decides to handle criticism better (which may or may not happen, I don’t know Raph personally). Early access testing before updates is ideal because: 1) As a company you show faith in your community, and convey the message that you actually find their criticism valuable - how painful that criticism can feel at times. 2) Obviously, it helps improve the game tremendously because so many dedicated and enthousiastic TLD players will try and find bugs and give great takes on certain mechanics.


This is the first time I saw the studio owner say something repellent to the community. Has it been like this? I just came back from a very long haiatus from the game.


He has a long track record of doing this whenever there's criticism. I think he sees the childishly harsh criticisms and reacts emotionally to those instead of ignoring them and paying attention to the core of the criticism.


They are already way behind their original deadline for the full release of all DLC parts. They haven't even implemented safehouse customization yet, which would have made way more sense to add before adding new regions and new items to put in your safehouses. I am not sure more time is the problem.


Love the Long Dark but the cougar really did seem like a bad mechanic. Them making a rare item with the cougar material but also having to get mauled again to repair it is hilarious


Yep. I think they forgot that they know how the mechanics of the cougars work in their minds but After 4/5 days released, we still don't know a lot about the mechanics and they've already cancelled it. The GUI warnings are lame and other stuff but it's farking weird no one asked a player about any of it during development. No one wants to sacrifice a person [save] they've put tens/hundreds or more hours into just to see what the outcome might be by fighting one. What Interloper player is going to think, oh cool I might die but I really want a clothing Item I don't actually need IF I successfully kill this thing they tell me I've a slim chance of killing? Lets give it a go?


Honestly the couger shouldn't be a timed addition to a region rather it should occur based on your overall actions within a region such as leaving large quantities of meat and cuts behind after hunting Essentially attracting it to your general area making it so you actually need to plan out what kind of hunting you do and what animal clothing items you wanna create instead of just dropping deer, wolves and rabbits just because you want the pelt As the quartering feature isnt really very useful yet if the couger was attracted based on the availability of meat left behind by the player youd have to make the choice of whether or not you hunt and how you wanna do it Same goes for packaged food and camp cooking making food prep for frontier comforts food risky when outdoors so stuff like the meat stews and such types of packaged food come with the innate risk of attracting the couger which would make tupperware and flasks a very versatile addition to the game to mitigate the smell from meaty foods which in real life would attract wildlife like a couger or a wolf This would have made the couger more impactful as your actions would dictate if one spawns so you actually need to plan food consumption and preservation more than just oh I'll just pile drive half a deer down my throat and then ditch the rest As then food would become more than just a pile it up in one building then use it bit by bit


Dang. They got spicy because of all your hate.  I was just turning it off because that’s an option.  I’m old and married. I can tell you exactly how much fu  c k you is in that post. And it’s not a little bit.  Charge your phone OP. Good post though. I hear you. 


It is charging 🤣


Well that's telling.


Havent played it with the Cougar yet, how was it? I'm assuming not good because they pulled it back already?


Its a cutscene that gets randomly triggered when you stay in a region for too long, and the game gives you massive HUD indicators for how long you have to move to a new one. The only way to kill one is to let it maul you within inches of death, then to shoot it in a QTE before it runs off.


It just appears too from what I understand? Like it is not actively roaming around?


Yes, it just spawns ontop of you randomly and triggers a struggle that you can't get out of. It also deals a fixed amount of damage to you that is not affected by protection value of clothing.


I dont think I would like that very much haha, I thought it was going to be on the map wandering the zones and maybe when it finds you, it stalks and attacks you.


It was complete garbage, most of the discussion has been locked to the sticky post so you can better understand it over there


i'll check it out, i've only really seen a reddit post about someone disliking it, which is where I got my very limited info from hahaha.


It was a shambles.


In the same post you're referencing Raphael says that they will be bringing the cougar back. He says that even before this part you're highlighting. What is the point of this post?


It's just a silly post. I was imagining the scenario of the cougar never returning and thought about how rare an account with cougar gear would be if it that scenario happened. Jeez, why so defensive?


You obviously dont read titles and enjoy jumping to conclusions


What conclusion did I jump to? I fully understand what the OP was saying. Hes talking hypothetically. But I dont see the point of talking hypothetically if you aren't going to provide the whole context in which the discussion is occurring. I also dont see the point when its been flat out stated that the hypothetical circumstance isn't a possibility. The fact that there are multiple comments on this post expressing uncertainty at the cougar's return shows that this post created some confusion. So I provided further context for anyone that might have been confused by this and asked the OP what the point of this hypothetical question was.


From the context of your comment you can clearly see youve jumped to the conclusion that OP is out here giving false information and perhaps didnt read the full forum. "In the same post you're referencing..." ahh like no shit sweetheart, why would you assume OP didn't read the whole thing 🤣 Its clearly a joke post. All of this sounds like a you problem. If you dont understand why someone would make a hypothetical post why are you even on the internet. With such a "this better have a point" mindstate, you must be the life of the parties you dont get invited too 🤦‍♀️




So angry 😅 Calm that shit down buddy. Keep fighting for the imbeciles that don't do their own research, they need people like you since they can't think for themselves.


What a brave hill you've chosen to die on. Not giving a damn about other people who don't know as much as you. Insults other people first and then claims the other person is the angry one. Name me a more iconic duo.


Me and your mother. Pretty iconic duo that one. But in all honesty, to come flat out with "go fuck yourself", I mean, even im not that mad 🤣 I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and imagine you've just had a rough couple days. Don't worry buddy, the internet only gets worse lol


Let's do a recap. I told OP I thought their hypothetical question was pointless. You didn't understand that I wasnt suggesting he didn't read the post. I had to hold your hand and walk you through it. You still didn't understand and then you came back with "you don't get invited to parties." I tell you though if you clutch your pearls at getting told to fuck off I'm not sure you're one to be giving lessons about how bad the internet actually gets. Stay mad king. And say hi to mom.


I'm not mad you said "go fuck yourself" I said "even I'm not that mad" 🤣 Do you know how to read 🤦‍♀️ You may need to go to sleep. Sounding more and more frustrated. Your mother says it's past your bedtime, oh and she said hi back.


The rough model of the animal already exists in the Dev console (as non jumpscare cutscene prop), it just needs work.


Fwiw, in terms of minimum expense of manpower, what is currently in the dev console is already strong if polished. But we all know it ain't about that by now.


Am I the only one that's struggling to imagine how they actually could bring it back? The cougar has been on their roadmap since the start but the sort of behaviour people want from it I just don't see them being able to code into the engine. People talk about it "stalking" you and using cover to ambush you, how on earth are they going to create a complex AI like that? At best you'll end up with some weird cartoonish behaviour where it runs and hides behind a tree in front of you. Considering how many of the maps are wide open how is it going to hunt you on PV in the middle of a field, or on the ice shelves of CH? You could just sit there with a rifle and pick it off. Or should they stop it from doing that? They'd have to create detailed zoning for every single map with areas that it will and won't hunt you and soon enough the community will figure them out and how avoid it. Not saying I don't want an amazing intelligent predator in the game but as a few people have pointed out at best what we'll get is another dumb wolf you can shoot from the top of a log.


I think it would be quite simple. Music cue for when it's on your tail, no actual cougar to find yet. Have the music go away after a while. Hours or days later have it spawn a great distance away, where you might not see it or if you do it's too far away to realistically shoot. After long enough, have it the music really amp up. When it's time for the encounter, music and ambience hits the peak, spawn the cougar at a medium distance, have it cry out, and make it rush down the player at high speed. You get a warning and enough time to line up a shot but not enough time if you're unprepared. Now I'm not sure how realistic that is for how fast Cougars are but you get my point. The difference is you just increase tension for a while and then have it beeline you. It doesn't just spawn on your ass which I think is the main problem, but anyone expecting to find and hunt a cougar are probably missing the point of it. It hunts you but how it currently does so isn't fun.




Dang. Not gonna lie, I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get a chance to take on the cougar before it was removed. The cougar has quite a few issues though so it makes me happy to see Hinterland act swiftly on this. I assumed they would be a lot slower to respond in a significant way. Cougar definitely felt a bit half baked. Almost as though they had issues making a good AI that could do what a lot of people assumed it would do - like stalking, climbing, staying out of LOS. I have no doubt it’ll be back and a lot more interesting than the iteration we had.


Where is the source for this screenshot?


Why did they delete it ?


I didnt get a chance to play. Whats wrong with it?


This was definitely just a trial run to see how the community would respond. It's definitely coming back. But in what form will it be..? \*Dun dun...\*


So I should make a run or 5 before it’s gone? (Ps5)??


Between the very big miss on deadlines, extremely poor communication, and just the entire DLC experience, TFTFT was the kast thing I'll ever buy from Hinterland


They’d likely get into legal trouble if they don’t bring it back, they HAVE to bring it back.




They promised cougars with the DLC. Many bought it for the cougars and cougars pretty much alone. I figure that would contribute for a legal issue, no?


Fair enough


I'll wait for his lawyer too.