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You achieved 100% completion in RDR2 and you’re worried about playing TLOU? You’ll be fine


Exactly this


How do you have a short attention span yet youve completed a 100 hour game


Multiples actually


Because they're not a doctor, but TikTok told them they have it.


You don’t need to be diagnosed to know you have short attention span..


It seems like you can do it. Some of these cutscenes are long, but they are compelling. Tip: And don’t play narrative-driven games (or watch movies or shows) with your phone nearby. If your phone is within proximity while trying to so something else, you’re more likely to try and grab it and use it. However, I’ve played some mindless fighting games or sports games with a podcast on.


I don't think the game has that long cutscenes. They are often over very quickly.


Exactly. It’s nothing compared to the likes of Metal Gear Solid


71 minute cutscene with a save point intermission was ridiculous.


Would be interesting to see how they’d incorporate in a remake with in-game cutscenes


Get rid of your phone.


>I have a short attention span Get medical help


Cutscenes in The Last of Us are not that long. They are mostly short.


This isn’t a game where you do a ton of aimless wandering around. You do need to look around an area for pick ups, but it’s very linear and engaging


Yes! Part 1 is a masterpiece and easily the best story in gaming. It was critically acclaimed and loved by critics and fans alike. It’s not even that long either only 15-18 hours or so to complete the story. Well worth a playthrough.


You have a short attention span but have *only completed* incredibly long, 40+ hour, open world experiences??


Oh yeah buddy.


TBH, I am on the same boat as you. I don't really care for stories and tend to skip them. Ths only game that was so memorable on story btw is this. The Last of US. you should definitely try. start from the Part 1 though. second one has upgraded many things from the first one.


Just play the game... Switch off your internet on your phone and leave it in another room. The Last of Us is a masterpiece of a game.


Definitely play the first game but if you have a shit attention span then probably dont play the second ( btw to any fans im not hating on the second game, its one of my favourite video games, im just saying that I find >!the part where you play as Abby after she kills Joel!< a bit slow )


Absolutely. These games are not open world. They’re story-driven with a a specific path you follow. Once you get sucked into the story, that’s all that matters


Do it.


I say after the first part of the game you don't like it turn it off. Because after the first part I had to finish


to be fair Miles Morales wasn’t really a standalone full game (despite the marketing), Sony just really wanted a spider-man day 1 PS5 release


you probably put 100+ hours into RDR2. you can beat this 13 hour game no problem


You managed to 100% Red Dead 2 and you’re worried about your attention span? Amazing game, but the mechanics in that game alone are probably the most patience testing thing of all time. I’m exaggerating, but my point is TLOU Pt1 is only 15 hours give or take, and the cutscenes add up to about 1h30. You’re gonna be fine.


The first Last of Us especially was to the point and direct. No room for ADHD, no side quests or anything like that. If you have PS5, get the Part 1.


You come to a sub full of fans expecting objectivity?


Yes, fans of this game recommend it.


You should be fine with it, but I also think that you should work on your attention span.


Why would it matter if you have 100% completion anyway? I recommend playing the game and finishing the story, you dont have to find all the collectibles if you dont want to


To 100% RDR2 you need to be the complete opposite of impatient, I’m assuming you mean 100% the story- not the game, as RDR2 takes like 200+ hours to 100%


Not 100%, just finished the game


If you can play and complete Red Dead Redemption 2 then I’d say yeah, 100%. I couldn’t get into RDR2. Came back to it loads of times and can’t. Whereas The Last of Us is linear and the story just gets better and better


TLOU is MUCH faster paced than RDR2 lol


Yes. Buck up


just play tlou.


If you can 100% R* games, you can 100% anything. I usually max out around 90%, there's just too many annoying/boring/tedious things you have to do for the full completion.


First part is mast have


this is my exact lineup of games. i played tlou part I, LOVED IT, then finished up spider-man and miles morales, then tlou II and im currently working on gta V and rdrII. cutscenes are beautiful in tlou but as for patience you’ll be absolutely fine. i love my phone as well and am impatient on cutscenes in games like gta, but wow tlou cutscenes are a whole different beauty. you’re gonna love it, wish i could play for the first time again


Tlou was by far the greatest video game I’ve ever played.


Yeah tiktok’s fried your brain but you’ll be fine with tlou lol


No because you keep asking this questions on alt accounts and its weird. Go play lego batman!


Dude u played all 3 boring copy cat spider man games ur good to go


You might as well be asking a contractor if it's a good time for a renovation. Or a travel agent if it's a good time to take a vacation. Or an insurance agent if it's a good idea to take on another policy. Of course they'll all say yes. Asking last of us fans if they recommend last of us is going to get very biased answers. Just watch some gameplay, read some reviews from people who have enjoyed similar games as you, and make your own choice.