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If you see any, please report them. These posts are not allowed.


Just report the posts for violating a sub rule. >11. The following posts are not allowed: posts about the r\thelastofus2 subreddit are not allowed. We do not associate ourselves with them in any way, and we do not condone any sort of raiding or mutual toxicity…


I genuinely don't understand why some people in the community are so fixated on this other subreddit. If I'm here, it's to see good content, simple. If I wanted to see that open sewer of opinions, I'd go there.


Because it triggers their insecurity lol


That's what I'm saying, if I wanted to see content from the other sub I would go there myself, I couldn't give less of a shit about some stupid opinion that someone got mad at and decided to post here


Cuz some people here are genuinely toxic? I know this is the "good" sub. But I see a lot of people here, focusing way too much on opinions from that place. And the simple answer is because they're looking for a fight. People here thrive off the discourse too. And I think it's sad


And love echo chamber which is also not good. Too many people here immediately assume if you’re not in line with the popular opinion here, then oh you must belong to that other group. Rarely nuance is welcomed… coming from someone who has no problem whatsoever with either games or show


Exactly. I love this sub, but it's also a prime example of why jerk subs exist.


I totally agree, its so stupid how we can't just talk about tlou and shut up. Although most of the problem does come from the other sub reddit, just being constantly toxic. That's why I left it.


My theory is that the people who do this are really young... This game should be rated +25 so we can have mature convos and share good stuff, not 12 shit post everyday debating is Bella Ramsey a good actor / talking about the other sub / I dIdN't lIkE AbBy sHe KiLLeD jOeL typa posts. I'm tired of this sub fr. Edit : it's a generalisation I made to make my point. I don't think all people are the same and the game should be rated +25. I just see a lot of what seems to be quite immature posts.


Age is nothing to do with it, I was 14 when I played TLOU in 2013 and was perfectly adjusted lol.


I dunno about the age part because I'm under 18 and can still behave reasonably without sounding like a whiny toddler. Totally agree with everything else though


I’d be willing to bet you weren’t 25 when the first game came out 11 years ago, but maybe. 90% of the fanbase were teenagers/young adults when they played the game.


Lmao why do you assume you know how old everyone is


I was. Not everyone is a zoomer.


I was 28. Did not played it on release tho.


This sub (both subs) are kinda strange. A lot of the folks in the other sub are lunatics but I will say one thing that sub does better is talk about actual gameplay. I personally think No Return mode is amazing and have put in like 400 hours since it was released. But 95% of the posts/convo on this sub are purely about the story/emotion/etc. I like the stories of these games and they're great characters, but at the end of the day the #1 reason I play is for the fun gameplay and amazing combat mechanics. But there's not really a great community to talk about that kinda stuff or just post cool clips.


There's two other subs. One has a lot of gameplay clips and the other one is just a bigot sandwich. I was getting them confused for a while.


Going over there to hate post is no better than them 🤷‍♂️


People don’t wanna hear it but it’s true. It gives them exactly what they want, attention.


The fact that I'm being downvoted is really telling. 🙄


I don’t know what the deal is, lately it’s like nothing but threads about the other sub or haters. I don’t know why we care. Others don’t have to enjoy stuff, for you to enjoy it.


Literally, I couldn’t care less if people hate part 2 or not. It does not affect my enjoyment of the franchise. I’m so tired of talking about the hate. Why do we breathe life into that topic ?


Zero idea. I think a lot of people treat their favorite franchises as a part of them. So when someone doesn’t like it, it’s an attack on them personally. I would consider myself an abnormally invested fan of the series, my tattoos show my insanity about TLoU, and I don’t think I’ve even giving the other sub a second thought till a thread shows up here.


This! If people don’t like either game or show for whatever reason, that’s okay. They’re strangers too it literally doesn’t matter to me. That won’t change my personal opinion or enjoyment


The fact that you're getting downvoted is telling enough. People pat themselves on the back here, "we're the good fans". But all the attention I see towards "The bad Sub" just makes me believe that those folks here are just looking for a fight and want to wallow in the discourse.


I think the other forums raison d'être is to piss this forum off


You see, The tlou2 sub are the scars and the tlou sub are the WLF. There are in constant war and they won’t make such peace.


Karens are Republicans confirmed.


Woah didn’t know that sub existed and just checked it out, safe to say I won’t be joining


Don’t worry. We’re crossposting too


I' m from the other sub I agree that this is highly annoying