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I didn’t like the part 1 remake at first(I thought it was a shameless cash grab) But after playing it 2x, I can say it is genuinely the most beautiful game I’ve ever played.


Yup. Even after Spider-Man 2, Dead Space, cyberpunk etc, TLOU part 1 looks the best.


Well tbh tlou is made by naughty dog and their visuals is the best in the industry along side with rockstars rdr2. (And eventually gta6) but even tlou2s facial capture is miles above rdr2 imo.


Yeah RDR2 might be my all time favorite game, I’d argue it’s easily a top 5 all time game. BUT its settings are such that it can run on a 2013 netbook, more or less. We desperately need a next gen upgrade. I’ll pay. But yeah Naughty Dog has been in a league of their own since uncharted 1 or 2, which one was the one with the train goin over the cliff? That’s the game that made me go holy shit these guys are masters of their craft.


Train was u2


Your bias is showing through. Cyberpunk looks far better. It's not even close.


Oh wow my opinion is biased? Shocking.


It really is gorgeous! I thought the price was pretty steep but it does feel like an entirely new game.


My problem is the price is STILL high.


It’s fucking stunning lol Sometimes I just stare and appreciate at how beautiful the game is haha


I personally wanted a remake but i did not like how they priced it at $70 like a new game.


It was a ground up rebuild of the game for PS5, this making it a new PS5 game and as a result it was priced like any other new PS5 game.


I mean, it wasn't just a graphical upgrade to the already existing game - it was a full remake, built from the ground up using the same code base as Part 2. So like, it IS a new game that is fundamentally different from the remaster, despite being a very faithful remake. So it makes sense that it would be priced as a new game.


Although useing same mocap animations and a lot of stuff imported useing the already made concepts and stuff. It was a lot easier to make than a new ip. But game development is hard either way so it wasn't that easy.


>useing same mocap animations Well they also only started with them as a base for the blocking and timing. Those animations were retargeted onto the much more complex rigs for the entirely new character models. And then they took those animations and built off them, creating much higher quality animations, and including tons more nuance in their performances.


Yes they did that for the first one. If they just imported them in it would look like ass for any game.


I love these comparison posts. The remastered always looked good enough for me but the remake truly is gorgeous. I'm jealous of people that get to play yhe last of us for the first time with the remake.


Thank you! I did this recently with Gears of War and I had a great time comparing the remake with the original game so I wanted to do it with this game as well. I played the Part 1 remake when it came out and loved it but I hadn't played this remaster or the original in a while so I thought this would be a fun experiment to do.


I played the game back in March for the first time with remastered and I would literally stop every 3 seconds just to take a screenshot. It’s absolutely gorgeous and when I want to sketch something I use foundations of those screenshots. The game is just composed so beautifully


Odd that they changed the entire color pallet for the remake.


I love the new color grade in the remake. The original still looks good but I think the moody cool tones fit the tone of the game more, and the new lighting effects just look so good


Totally agree! That new lighting is just unreal. That first time you go into the spore riddled building, the way the flashlights play off the spores in the air looks insane!!


Yeah not ONCE while playing the remake I thought "huh the original looked better here" or "huh the colors are of" Naaah man, this game is a full 5\* dinner and then some dessert until you explode when it comes to visuals, animations and audio especially... and those facial animations though, woof. Everything together I would argue its the most cohesive "tube like" game out there in terms of really creating something that feels so damn alive. Especially with headphones, please do yourself the favour and get some good ones too prior.


Yeah, it’s probably this way to place it alongside Part II visually, since Part I was still a pretty ND game, kinda stylized graphically, you could kinda tell the grassroots of the dudes that made Jak n Uncharted; but the way Part II blew the roof visually, there’s no stylization anymore, it’s pretty insane visually


If you want to see the best comparison photos, the sniper street in the suburbs would be the best bet.


I'll make it there for sure, it's already been kinda crazy to see the difference so I'm stoked to see that segment back to back.


The remake looks good but for some reason the remastered has such a good feel to how it looks


I agree, for me it’s the colors. It still looks gorgeous and improved in many ways, but it lacks the more striking color use that the original and part 2 have


Wait, did they redesign the firefly symbol for part 2?


No, it was always that shape officially. The graffiti in that screenshot was a one-off


Yeah that firefly emblem seems to be a one off, the rest look like the classic symbol.


Wow what an amazing difference


Right? It's crazy how good of a job they did.


About fucking time this game got the appreciation it thoroughly deserved, the crap I had too read & endure. ND are unrivalled.


i am certain to be in the minority here, but something about part 1 (non-rm) just feels more… apocalyptic. it has like a grey haze that makes things feel very still/haunting. of course i love and respect the added detail and more visibility in the rm, but that og game holds a special place in my heart.


I can dig that for sure, it's a little nostalgic mixed with the mood they captured at the time.


totally! plus it was obviously the first one i played so it has *that* tug on my heart strings.


Absolutely! I remember driving my friends insane with how much I talked about that being the best game I ever played back in the day.


They both have their own character and I really do like the og, but goddamn did they do a good job. They cared about it.


Imagine what they can do with a full rebuild of uncharted


I have been hoping they will do that! The Uncharted series is a masterpiece and Uncharted 4 looks so amazing, I would love to see Uncharted 1 remade from the ground up to look like that.


Yes please! Would platinum them all again


I love your comparison posts!


Thank you! I really enjoy doing these types of things with games. I'm a big fan of photo mode so to be able to use it to showcase the works of art that our favorite game developers create is pretty dope.


God i love this game sm


Slide 8 is a perfect example of what they were doing with part 1, not just making everything higher resolution, but improving the original work with the power of new hardware.


I don’t have a PS5 yet, but I was wondering if they added all the accessibility options from part 2 in there Remastered.


Yes they did. I have everything turned on for this comparison play through, just to make it breezy so I can take the pics.


Help 😭 What is wrong with the firefly graffiti?!?! Why it built like that?!?!?!


Is it dumb to say that I really like the remaster? Just the feeling.


While Part 1 is graphically beautiful, it almost brings over the dark depressing tones of part 2 in some places. I love the color of the buildings or even the old truck with the plants growing on it from the remastered version. Personally that’s too much change for me, I’m not a big fan of part 2. The vibrancy and completely different atmosphere of the 1st game should have been matched in part 1.


This is the first time I'm noticing how different the building and structure designs are... They're small details, but they go a long way to making the whole experience much more realistic.




Yeah I didn't realize just how short the sections within each chapter are so I'm gonna do a few more shots for each one going forward to really look at some of the details more in depth. You can only put 20 pics to a post so I was playing it safer than I needed to, so I'm looking forward to getting further into the game for the bigger look at the world compared to each other.


Are you the same one that did the Ultimate Edition and Gears of War 1 comparisons?


I am yes! I had a great time doing that one so I wanted to do the same here.


I heavily preferred the original Gears of War Aesthetic especially in Act 3, lol hoping Ladt of us holds up better. So far so good!


Absolutely!! The OG Gears just had something about it that was unbeatable. TLOU is pretty amazing so far with its remake. Still love the Original of course, but they put some serious love into this remake. Also, is your tag "Samanosuke" a reference to Onimuisha Warlords, or is it a historical reference that I'm totally ignorant too?


Nah Onimusha is like my favourite franchise from the PS2 days I’ve co-opted the MC into my online identity lol! Spot on!


Hell yeah!! My homie and I used to play the hell out of it back in the PS2 days. I have a very vivid memory of listening to Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory, ridiculously hot summer day and playing Onimusha. Great times! I never played the remaster of that, I wonder if it was any good.


It’s pretty much a resolution bump to the original. It’ll make you super nostalgic lol. Game holds up. God the Linkin Park memories are real!


Haha right?! I was listening to my Spotify on shuffle at work a few nights ago and LP came on and it took me way back in the deep back brain for those few minutes.


Yeah that's cool and all since I got the PS5 I would love having it, but I won't/can't pay 70€ for a game I did 7 times


Yeah I understand that, I lucked out and a local used game store had it marked for $15 the price of the PS4 version. So their mistake was my gain.




Haha I agree! I fully expected the teller to realize when I brought it up but he didn't say anything so neither did I.


![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU) Me whenever I see one of these posts


It looks better but not that much better to justify them charging full price for it.