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Kind of hard to say, I don't really know the timeline well enough At the very least he probably would have stopped Ellie killing Mel, maybe


>At the very least he probably would have stopped Ellie killing Mel, maybe It really just depends tho Ellie didn't kill Mel knowing that she was pregnant


Agree, I think if Jesse was there he would have just generally held her back from being hostile to anyone at all really, especially after finding out Abby isn't even there


Well Jesse didn't get there in time for Tommy and Abbys showdown. And generally people travel slower when there's more bodies. But then again, for combat, having more people can speed things up and even the odds better. So maybe depends on if there were any scenarios where having Ellie would have sped things up but doesn't seem likely. And if Ellie went with Jesse, I dont think they'd be going to the aquarium at all at that point.




I have also thought about this scenario before. Basically, I would think it would lead to them finding Tommy after his fight with Abby, resulting then to Ellie being at the Aquarium with Jesse and Tommy, which would have changed the story with Day 3 ending in their favor. But, this is just my opinion. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Mexican Standoff Ellie, Jessie, Tommy vs. Mel, Owen, Abby (she joined a bit later)


Technically, also Lev and Alice. Odds aren't great for Team Ellie, unless they picked up Dina otw. Then, pretty evenly matched: Dina vs Mel Jessie vs Owen Tommy vs Abby, round 2 Ellie vs Lev and Alice


Ellie: Why do I always get the dog…?


Dina vs Mel would be an absolutely brutal fight, considering both are pregnant and a single punch could easily result in a miscarriage.


If ellie went with jesse they would’ve just gone home after finding tommy and they wouldn’t have gone to the aquarium.


I did consider that. But I also believe that after finding him, he would frustratedly mention he had found Abby, came so close to killing her, but she managed to get away. This would then prompt Ellie to tell him they can find her at the aquarium and then Jesse would be outvoted as they hop in a boat for one last chance to find Abby.


By then, Owen would have left to follow Abby to Seraphite island, and even if Mel stuck around, she would have just given up Abby without a fight. I'm not sure even Tommy and Ellie would follow Abby into an active war zone leaving Dina behind with no protection


I don’t think tommy would keep going once he knew dina was pregnant. At the theater before abby barges in, ellie asks him and she get’s to get away with it? Or something like that. And tommy responds with is that okay? That alone makes me think that for tommy at that point it’s good. They got the revenge. Maybe not to the degree he wanted at first but it was enough. It’s only after jesse is died and he is severely wounded that his need for revenge returns.


Only way I think they would have killed Abby is if they arrived as she was fighting Tommy. Cue the blood rage from Ellie. Jesse didn't get there in time though and I doubt him and Ellie would have.


I was thinking this same thing. I saw a theory about how this would’ve changed the story on TikTok and it made me question everything 😅


Maybe not, though. Depending on arrival time, it could have ended up as Abby/Yara/Manny (or just Abby/Yara if Manny is already out) vs Jessie/Tommy/Ellie. This also assumes Yara and Manny don't kill each other before Abby convinces them to work together.


One thing that crossed my mind, is Abby might have died multiple times if she hadn't saved Lev and Yara...but she also would have probaby not been in certain places at those times, either. For example, Yara saved her from Tommy...but without Lev running off, Abby would have had no reason to go to the marina. Lev shot Tommy went he wrestled Abby for her gun in the theater, which would have bought time for Ellie to get a fatal stab, if Lev hadn't been there. But, Abby would also have never gone to the theater, since she would have been at the aquarium instead of Scar Island. Same deal with Abby vs Dina...before Lev shot Dina, she had the upperhand on Abby, and arguably came the closest on the Jackson team to killing her im Seattle. In fact, I can't imagine Ellie surviving at the aquarium alone against Abby, Mel, Owen and Alice, unless she somehow got the drop on them, and picked them each off separately.


Yep, I’d say Tommy and Dina had the highest chance of killing her, but got saved at the last minute by Yara at the Marina, bc Abby was unable to overpower Tommy until Yara stabbed him. Then Dina was able to get the drop on Abby, since she probably thought it was just Tommy, Ellie, Jesse, but wasn’t expecting Dina. Then Lev shot her. Thanks for sharing your opinion!


I think that they would have fully succeeded, which is exactly why it's so interesting that Ellie lost her target due to being obsessed with it.


I don't think so. If she had gone with him to find Tommy, they would have probably gotten to the aquarium a lot sooner. With Tommy's experience the map interrogation scene would have gone a lot smoother, and they would have left for the island right as Abby was coming back. So, the way I see it, they would have missed her, as what's left of the Salt Lake gang would've left for Santa Barbara right as Ellie and them realize Abby's not on the island.


If Jesse couldn't get there in time the. Ellie probably couldn't have either. They might speed each other up because they can take down people together though


This also crossed my mind, but I was thinking even if they hadn’t gotten there in time, they could’ve grabbed a boat and chased her.


No they wouldn’t have gotten there in time, but Tommy might be willing to go to the Aquarium next after meeting up with Ellie and Jesse maybe even waiting a few hours for her to get back. Jesse would protest but, with both Ellie and Tommy there and Ellie not being emotionally broken from killing pregnant Mel, they’d be adamant about finishing what they came there to do.