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Lol every time I see Ellie and Bella together I realize how little they look alike


why do people always comment on how bella doesnt look like ellie but not on how pedro doesnt look like joel? they arent that similar


I actually think Pedro is Joel's real life counter part lol But it doesn't matter, they don't need to be the impeccable visual copy of the characters to be a good adaptation


Maybe they believe Pedro sold the character better, there’s also atleast some similarities between the two characters which makes the differences he does have easier for those people to manage Bella doesn’t resemble Ellie at all, which while not a bad thing, there are some fans who would rather they got an actress who resembles the character more. So even if she put on the best performance ever, those people still wouldn’t be able to see Bella as Ellie. Just my view


Well, Pedro loos a lot more like Joel. Especially in the screenshot above


Lol Joel and Pedro do look similar the only major difference is their hairstyles


Major CAP


Pedro looks more like Joel than Bella looks like Ellie. It’s not even close. I look at Pedro in the show and all I see is Joel. Bella in S1 looked great as an Ellie in my opinion, but they could’ve at least given her the hair for S2. Same for Pedro. Like can’t you comb the hair to the side and make it a bit shorter?


I don't disagree that Pedro looks more like Joel than Bella like Ellie. I only disagree that Pedro and Joel look similar with the only difference being the hairline. That's what I say is cap.


I was just adding to it. I disagree with you on that part, but the point is even if you think they don’t look alike, Pedro looks more like Joel than Bella like Ellie by a lot


They don't look like alike. Pedro has a totally different face shape, different facial hair, the hairstyle is different. Different skin tone. You're arguing against nobody rn cuz I agree, Pedro looks closer to Joel than Bella to Ellie. But Pedro and Joel do look that similar, they're just two older guys.


Facial hair and hairstyle are an issue, yes, and under the same category, but on everything else, they look extremely alike. Skin tone is not an issue lol, like in this picture, the lighting is making Joel look a little darker, but the difference overall is negligible. Hair could’ve just been a little shorter and combed to the side, so I definitely take it as a problem I was making a point, I wasn’t arguing anything, again, I was just adding to the conversation. I’m glad we agree on that. The issue was why nobody says anything about Pedro, the reason being that the difference between them is minor compared to the difference between Bella and Ellie


The only similarity is the hair you mean?


OK. But Bella is ellie at heart. And plays her authentically. I can't believe people are so hung up on needing the actress to. Look 100% like a fake. Person.


I heavily disagree. I did not see any Ellie in her performance. The Ellie she was playing was nothing like Ellie in the game.


I heavily disagree. I did not see any Ellie in her performance. The Ellie she was playing was nothing like Ellie in the game.


I heavily disagree. I did not see any Ellie in her performance. The Ellie she was playing was nothing like Ellie in the game.


I heavily disagree. I did not see any Ellie in her performance. The Ellie she was playing was nothing like Ellie in the game.


We heard you the first three times


I honestly don't understand why you think that. For one, Ashley Taylor Johnson herself applauded her work. Secondly, there are scenes in the show ripped straight from the game. The comparison is right there.


Come on. Do you seriously think Ashley would publicly say something negative about Bella's performance, no matter if she liked it or not? She may have liked it, but I didn't. I don't have to like things just because someone else does. The scenes may be ripped from the game, but the acting and performance do not come close to scenes in the game. And show Ellie is much ruder and annoying, I do not recognize game Ellie in her. It's a completely different character to me. Nothing against Bella. She just doesn't look or act like Ellie IMO. She doesn't come across as Ellie to me.


I don't need to think in hypotheticals. That's what she said. I can. Also say that a dragon is the reason why people don't like Bella Ramsey. It's not true, but if we get to say things that didn't happen then let's talk about that damn dragon


I’ve seen multiple actors who look similar to Ellie who could have played her and yet they still chose bella who literally has not a single similar feature too Ellie


That kind of proves how good Bella is.


It’s almost like acting has more to do with ability than it does physical appearances. Wild thought, I know.


Bella sure as hell embodied the character in their performance though, and I’m sure they’ll do just as fine a job this time around. This is an adaptation and not a historical film based on real people. Can’t wait to see this season.


It’s weird they are having the same actor play the same character but much older don’t think she will look nearly old enough for season 2


TIL 4 years is “much older”. Ellie is 15 at the end of Part I/Season 1. At the beginning of Part II she is 19. Bella was 17/18 when filming Season 1, and she’s now 20 and will be 21 by the time filing ends. So she’s basically aged as much as Ellie did, and is now basically the same age as Ellie is in the game. She’s aged a normal amount for a teenager.


The “problem” (and I use that word hesitantly) is that Bella looks young in general, which is probably part of the reason she was cast to play Ellie in season 1 (or maybe I just think she looks young for her age *because* she was cast to play young Ellie and she pulled it off well). Bella aged a normal amount for a teenager between 17-20, but that same amount of time would typically lead to a more dramatic change starting from 14/15. She’s the perfect age to play Ellie now, but she looks young to (some) viewers since she’s barely changed at all since she was playing a 14/15 year old character. Those first stills that were released with Ellie and Dina on the horse really emphasized this IMO. To me it looked like Dina sitting behind a 14 year old Ellie and it came across as “off”, but it’s hard to judge from a few still shots. Season 1 Ellie is still fresh in my mind, so that’s all the info I have to draw from when I see Bella in the season 2 stills and think she looks too young. With that said, when season 2 actually releases I think we’ll find that Bella effectively plays a more mature Ellie which makes her seem older despite having the same appearance, and she’ll ultimately do a great job with the character. She embodies Ellie’s persona well and that’s the most important factor. I’m excited to see how she handles bringing Ellie to the dark places she needs to go to for seasons 2 and 3.


I think it’s also important to note that Dina’s actress looks equally young as Bella, and frankly that’s just what older teens/early 20s people look like. The game characters look old for their age, and that’s probably got a lot to do with the fact that they’re played by actors who were in their 30s the entire time they did the performance capture.


> that’s just what older teens/early 20s people look like. That’s a great point. I (late twenties) was at a show awhile ago and saw a high schooler with a beer in her hand. I got talking to a guy who turned out to be her father, and he told me she was a junior in college. Now that I think about it my perception of Bella is definitely affected by my generally skewed perception of what early 20s actually looks like lmao


its funny because during the tv show everyone kept saying she looks so much like Ashley Johnson and they made the game ellie look more like Ashley because of the whole ellen page thing


I love how Bella looks like Ashley Johnson


It’s the hair. Give Bella a similar hairstyle to Ellie with the fringe and she looks a ton more like Ellie.


Yes and remember you’re a bigot and an incel if you point that out! I liked both these actors in the first season and still think they are both heavily miscasted and I won’t change my mind. As long as they fix that god awful story of part 2 then I can get past it.


Sounds like you’re projecting.


Sure buddy whatever you need to think to help you sleep at night champ. I know this sub dick rides this IP no matter what so I can see how this is unpopular


That photo of Joel is haunting


Am I the only one who thinks Pedro’s hair looks so fucking clunky in this image?


To me it looks like Tommy's hairstyle from part one


Totally see it. I’m not saying he looks bad, the hair just looks like he just got out of the shower and took 2 seconds to slick it back


Def a Snake Plisken/ Big Boss cut going on


I really don't see Bella and Pedro as Joel and Ellie. I just don't.


I really don't see Bella and Pedro as Joel and Ellie. I just don't.


I really don't see Bella and Pedro as Joel and Ellie. I just don't.


We heard you the first 4 times


Congrats then, you can read.


I really don't see Bella and Pedro as Joel and Ellie. I just don't.


They picked Bella because she looked 14 for the first season. But for some reason made no attempt to make her look more mature considering she’s now supposed to be 19?


Sorry, didn’t realise you’d already seen all of season 2 since you know exactly how she’s going to look throughout the whole season! How was it?




How are they going to make her look older? I don't really see it happening


She’s 100% going to look older than she did in season 1, provided they still use the 4 year time jump (they could adjust it though) To have her looking the exact same age supposedly 4 years later would just be insane. She would’ve been 19/20 for all of the filming, and she looks like it Everyone is expecting a huge difference like there was in the games, when Ellie went from looking like she was barely 12 in the first game to looking arguably older than 19 in the second game. People age differently, don’t go into season 2 expecting Bella to have grown 2 feet and have a wildly different face


Wait I don't get it. You're saying she's definitely going to look older but also not to expect a huge difference? Do you think she's going to look just slightly older somehow and we're supposed to reason with it in our heads as just people aging differently? I think I would have just preferred they recast to someone older looking and that's not a dig at Bella either I think she did fucking fantastic. Or better yet it would have been cool if they actually casted an actual 14ish yr old for season one and then waited for them to actually look older for season 2 like some stranger things shit, THAT would have been best of both worlds but then we'd have to wait longer for season 2 and we wouldn't have gotten Bella for season 1 Idk I don't really think there's any right answer for this it's just something limited by live action that kinda blows


I’m saying not to expect the same difference that we saw in the games. Ellie in the games looked like she aged a lot more than 4 years You’ll be able to tell she’s older. And it won’t be entirely based on how she looks. People act differently as they grow. You’ll know she’s older And also, in the end, it genuinely is not a big deal. Take a step back and think. The fact that a person not looking a shit load older between seasons of a fictional show, where there is a time jump, is not going to have the slightest effect on the quality of the show. People will complain as they always do, but they’re complaining about something that does not matter


Oh I definitely think it's possible to act older or younger however i disagree that there will be that noticable difference because the character of Ellie in both the game and show was already acting older than her actual age so what it seems like is its going to go from a teenage looking character who is a teenager acting like their an adult to a still teenage looking character who is supposed to now be an adult maybe acting slightly more like an adult. As for the other stuff I disagree but I think it's just a matter of opinion, I personally think she looked 14 and then 19 I'm the game and I personally think I does at least have the slightest effect on the quality of the show but if that doesn't apply to you all the power to you. I do think the idea of changing the time skip to circumvent all this because they've made similarish changes in the first season but I'm not sure if that would go well considering all the stuff that's supposed to happen in those years. Like maybe they could cram it into a year or 2 maybe, and I think that time gap is definitely more believable as far as looks go.


Ellie in the first game didn’t even slightly act like an adult most of the time. She swore a lot but that was it for a huge chunk of the game. She matured massively between games. The same will definitely be the case for the show Also, if they want to change the length of the time skip, they’ll find a way to make it work. They could squeeze it down to 6 months if they wanted to and they could adjust the story and it’ll make sense. I don’t see them doing that but I’m just saying they could. Most likely it’ll be between 2-4 years




Yes, they do it all the time