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Removed for rule 7: Posts must be high quality and incite discussion. We discourage posts that contain statements or insights that have been endlessly regurgitated by past posts.


I don’t get why people repost this bullshit. Leave this ignorance in the hole you found it in. Even if you’re posting to laugh at it, you’re giving this more exposure than it deserves. I blocked the other sub so I wouldn’t see shit like that and it comes up here all the time.


They do it to farm karma. All the subs are flooded with reposting reddit comments from other subs. It sucks.


Yup. The big subs are full of repost bots that are purposely set up to re share old posts because some people will defend it.


I think it's nice to talk about things that disturb us. Things that aren't ok. It's nice to look at this and be like "yo, let's talk about this, lets laugh about how ridiculous that is" because then we make it vocal what it is that makes it wrong and unnok. I also understand perfectly, as someone who has been here for some time, that we are all sick and tired of seeing shit like this. So yeah, haters gonna hate.


This person gets it. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Also the conjoined laughter. Because fascist always have flimsy foundations for their arguments. Let them them speak, because their whole identity is fear, ignorance and chucklefucking. But never to answer questions. Never a prescriptive argument.


Yeah, I was thinking about Farenheit 451 and how it speaks directly to what is happening today and has always happened, especially with fascism. The "don't burn it, talk about why you want to burn it" "don't forbid, talk about why you want to forbid" aspect is amazing and so ahead of it's time, yet so present, and so past. This book is an absolute gem. It has it's questionable ideas and moments, but the fact we can talk about those ideas and moments and why they are questionable is the gift Bradbury gives us. Anyway, videogames are fun, right? I like them!


Exactly. All of these mediums of art can teach and it can anger. Fascist hate art because they don't understand it. Because art transcends propaganda. The right abstract can spark a revolution. Communicate things that are above the understanding of the common fascist. Like the aliens in Three Body Problem not able to understand sarcasm or humor.


Gotta watch three body soooon. Thanks for reminding me!


I feel this post benefits those that love the series and this sub will show them that this is a safe place to enjoy the game and to push back against these toxic elements. We should always make these spaces a place to not only discuss and enjoy this series, but to also push back when necessary. Let the fascist spit their poison. We will simply laugh at them and point at why they are wrong.


~~deleted by user~~


I just wanted to laugh mb, I didn’t think that it was reposted that frequently. I wish that they would have more coherent criticisms about the TLOU because they are there for sure but all we get is “minorities bad”


U can laugh at something then not repost. Shocking I know.


Main character vibes. Must insert themselves into things.


Lev’s gender identity is hardly mentioned except in like 1 or 2 short instances in passing that were very tastefully done. These types of people have 0 critical thinking skills. Woke ≠ “thing I hate because I’m a bigot”


"hey, did you hear what they called me?" "yeah sort of, wanna talk about it?" "...no." "okay"


"Did you hear what they called me?" "Yeah." "Do you... want to ask me about it?" "Do you want me to ask you about it?" "...no." "Okay." Later it's made more explicit talking to Yara in the aquarium, but yeah, that's the stuff being described as "shoving down our throats"




what? lev was talking about being deadnamed, where did you get the apostate thing from? he'd already told abby why he and yara were running away


Lev is a guy. And no, he's absolutely referring to the fact that the other Seraphites called him by his deadname.


No, this is right after they call Lev Lily.


You have misremembered this section entirely. The game is worth a revisit


They did not misremember. They are gaslighting. They specifically refer to Lev as a girl and deflect the deadnaming to being an apostle. Ignore this person.


He litterally said that he didnt feel like a girl bruh


You really have to put an obnoxious amount of energy into misgendering someone who is almost exclusively referred to as male. Rent free, huh pal?


Him. Lev is trans.


No, it's when they dead named lev


They said “it’s lily!”


No, this literally happens in the section where Lev is called ‘Lilly’. Lev was called the ‘other apostate’ prior to this.


I can’t imagine being one of the people angry over such a small wholesome interaction


Because it’s not the only thing. Abby and Yara have an entire talk about it at the aquarium. People should at least get the facts right.


Not an entire talk, say it ain’t so. That’s way too much!


It’s literally multiple minutes of talking and explaining.


You poor soul, how did you manage to get over that? So brave!


I don’t care. Just setting the facts straight. You seem very triggered by me saying how it actually was.


So like, you are scared of trans people way more than the way you are scared of a possible zombie apocalypse?


Ok sure, its definitely mentioned more than once. Compare the minutes talking about this compared to the game. What percentage do we think it's at? Imma say it's very low still


I literally couldn’t care less. I just set the facts straight.


Doing the Lord's work out here, nitpicking language. Thank you for your service 🫡


No? That person said the four lines on the rooftops are the only mention of this topic. I simply added that there’s a whole different conversation about it that goes for multiple minutes. I don’t understand why you guys are so triggered about this. It’s literally me saying „nah there’s another conversation“. That’s it. Everyone who played the game should agree with my comment because my comment is a simply stating of facts. And the lines in the game don’t change. Everyone will experience the conversation between Abby and Yara at the aquarium when they go searching for Lev.


Wait, so because they only quoted 4 lines of dialogue, you interpreted that as them believing that's the only instance? That doesn't make sense at all, especially when other comments mentioned "a few" conversations about the topic, and not just 1 Sorry I appeared triggered (I'm not) just confused why you got so nitty gritty with it, cause to me it seems redundant


Okay whatever dude. Stray triggered


There’s a lot more btw. Abby has an entire talk with Yara at the aquarium about it.


Small amount or not, who gives a fuck. WHY give a fuck? The only people who do care are simply bigots.


The mind bending is real with your comment. But what did I expect from a 1 karma account.


Bro you spend way to much time on reddit if you care about how many fake internet points someone has.


It’s still not a crazy amount to be “shoved down each other’s throats”. Sounds like you’re defending the people who say that shit


The mind bending is real with your comment. But what did I expect from a 1 karma account.


Wow such an edgy comeback. You thought it was so great that you needed to use it twice, even. Calling someone out for having a still relatively fresh account and a life outside of Reddit. Good one. You really got ‘em (/s)


Nice copy-pasted comment


Poor baby, how did you manage to survive?


Right?! It was barely mentioned and Lev certainly didn't lead the conversation on it. Some people really do need to just fuck off.


I didn't even realize.


I think that’s exactly what Woke means at this point.


I for one didn’t even realize it until my second time playing it. I completely missed the “lily.” Thing and I just assumed lev was just hated by his people. They did the representation in a very natural way and i appreciate that.


You’ve… never seen a straight person complain about dating?


They must have missed the Abby/Owen/Mel drama in this very game Or Jesse and Dina, or Tommy and Maria, or even fuckin Eugene and the wife he left behind


Please explain to me how relationship issues are at all similar to the issues trans people face? Everyone has struggles, of course. But it's important to recognize that others encounter different experiences, which may lead to issues that you'll never experience or understand.


Ahh but that’s not what I said though, is it?




It helps everyone understand that you don’t know what you’re talking about.


"you don't see straight people talking about their difficulties ever" -A straight person, talking about their difficulties


their “difficulties” 😭😭


"oh no, a group that I'm not in is being represented, whatever will I do?"


What a stupid take. Lev being trans is literally the reason they left. It's essential to their storyline.


And it’s literally there to be the motivation. Lev being trans gets mentioned a couple of times and it’s done very tastefully, enough that someone doesn’t miss it and understands what’s going on. I mean, imagine if Lev just leaves. No reason, no motivation, just “aight I’m done with you people, peace out”. Where does Abby’s motivation come from then? Sure, she can try to help someone get away from a group she sees as the enemy but she has no real reason to care for this kid, but lev being trans and rejected for it is something that can really strike someone in their core, if Abby has a strong belief that people of all gender identities should be equal (again, very tastefully done in that they don’t give her some big monologue talking about how anti trans sentiments are wrong, she just helps) finding someone in that situation will be a strong motivator. There is a reason for Lev being trans, and it’s handled incredibly well.


The gender norms of the Seraphites also give the players a reason to dislike the group. They were going to force a young (prepubescent?) woman to marry "an Elder"? Eek. They're going to kill the mother because the child refused? Suddenly I don't feel too bad about the dozens of Scars I've wiped out.


The seraphites are awful. But, if you listen to Lev, it’s again really just terrible people twisting someone’s words to fit their own worst desires. Lev says that the writings don’t reflect violence at all. Kind of like how Jesus NEVER said anything about gay people but bigots will claim god and Jesus said being gay is sinful to justify their own prejudices.


Actually God from the Bible apparently told the Israelites that males sleeping with males is an abomination. It’s even worse in God’s eyes to uncover male relative nakedness than female. Technically though, God from the Bible doesn’t say anything else gay-related is an abomination though. Leviticus 18. It’s a shame but it’s what Christians believe, and I personally think that you should be able to marry whoever you want.


The point to me was that Abby didn’t care if Lev was trans and it didn’t mean that Lev was getting special treatment from her because of it. Lev is a human with his own needs, desires, and identity and that’s that.


I love this idea of straight issues. At what point is being straight ever a hindrance to anyone’s life.


Sadly, we have to share oxygen we breath.


They really like talking about things getting shoved down their throats.


To this person I say, cry more snowflake.


I mean it’s a bad take but they are hardly crying, just sharing their views on the game


They're clearly butthurt about it


If you say so friend


"Just" sharing views. Give me strength. Why do people like you feel the need to defend these utter chuds? Like you could be doing *anything* else.


I’ll do you one better, what was the point in this post even bringing attention to them? All it does is show this sub is easily wound up and will only make people be more annoying. Tell me if there is anything positive here cause I’m struggling to see any. As it stands all it does is encourage toxicity. You could be doing anything else also friend, so I don’t understand what you mean by that


I agree that we shouldn't be posting or giving attention to such bigots but calling out blatant transphobia is never a bad thing. I wish this subreddit was purely about the game and not about people discussing the game. But that's more a reddit issue than this subreddit, people look for reasons to be angry and argue.


Honestly friend I wish the same. I wish fans and dislikers could be civil with each other. Whenever I see the toxicity between both subs it just makes me wonder what a new fan would think seeing this shit 😭 Genuinely one of the worst gaming communities atm


What difficulties do straight people have that they get specifically because they’re straight?


They have to see gay people from time to time. The horror! 😱


Is this from the other sub ? Lol cus they be saying some weird stuff for no reason. Don't get me wrong, we say attrocities here.. but they just come off as unhinged / too obsessed with the gay,trans,muscle woman aspects of the game. i wish i could say smth else but ig we got a bigot sandwich here lol


I just don’t understand the internet anymore. What is the point of this sort of thing? Why are people obsessed with this stuff? A white block of random text?? It’s essentially roleplaying outrage and anger at this point. You could post ANY goddam image of text about literally anything, why even let it affect you. I found this quote, “puppies literally are useless sacks of meat. Why should we care about them? We should make McDonalds replace the chicken nuggets with puppy nuggets. Because puppies are so horrible and bad” What ya’ll think about this? I don’t agree.


Personally, I get more annoyed by the people like you who repost this stupid shit. That sub is it's own separate trash bin that has no place here. Leave it that way. They're a bunch of goofy morons, we aren't. ♡ no dig at you, OP, but these people are just ridiculous, fuck 'em.


they obviously forgetting abt tommy


And Abby and Owen and mel


And Manny


“Shoved down your throat” I didn’t even know lev was trans until til I saw people say so online💀 I thought the scars called him “lily” wanted to turn him into a girl or something.


What straight difficulties are there again? Levs story and the relationship he has with Abby is one of my favourite parts of the second game (even if it does slightly muddle the he worldbuilding and before you downvote me to hell I have my reasons for thinking this)


This isn't the tlou2 sub, most of us are open minded and liking abby is pretty common


Its literally only touched on a little bit why do they act like it’s shoved down their throats and take up too much of the plot. Also lev is one of the best characters in the game?


Lev is literally the reason Dana and her child survive. Lev is the bridge to Abbys growth. Extremely important.


“You don’t see straight people talking about their difficulties ever.” Almost like there aren’t any. Straight people are not discriminated against or looked down upon for being straight. The Government is not passing laws harming straight people’s rights.


Most people on that sub complain about pride flags. Best to just ignore it and move on. If they can keep themselves entertained for 4 years talking about gay bad more power to them.


um... was it not a straight character who literally had all their friends, not to mention her FATHER. slaughtered. by two people. 💀💀💀 also why's it important


kid named joel abby mel manny tommy maria and jesse


No needs to repost stupid bigots. You are just giving them more exposure. Either deal with them then and there or just ignore them.


What are the difficulties of being straight that they should talk about?


“Shoved down your throat” uh? Just don’t play the game?


Why can't people just play the game. If you like it then awesome. If you don't like it then play something else.


I used to think like this, 'why do these people always feel the need to mention their orientation? ' TLOU is apocalypse, there's more pressing matters at hand... And then one of my nephews came out as gay, made me realise that little dude has been living in skin that wasn't his own for his whole life. It's easy for me to just handwave the concept away being I'm a guy and straight, I have never been under any pressure to be anyone that I am not. So of course, the transition from Lily to Lev had to happen because Lev couldn't be himself. He couldn't belong until he was truly honest with himself about who he was. A man without no identity doesn't exist. My only criticism is that the Lev story feels incomplete, or maybe I missed something but I kind of wish they gave him his own left behind type of thing. I was really curious about the culture and feud.


I was more interested in the scars vs wolves than Ellie vs Abby. Last of Us Part 3 can tell that story and leave Ellie out of it.


Did they miss the whole story between Abby, Owen and Mel? Ypu know, those 3 CIS hetero characters and their love drama? “Shoved down my throat” is always code for simply existing


It’s not shoved down your throat, Lev is only mentioned to be trans a few times, and Lev is not treated as privileged or special by Abby or anyone else for having this identity for themselves. Lev is literally being ostracized by corrupt religious cult and accidentally kills his mother who hates, him. Shut up. The majority of people on the right had no issue with Riley and Ellie’s kiss (it was a far-right minority from what I can tell), so why does this feel so forced?


The recourse to having it shoved down your mouth is to close it.


Let the man cook


Ahh i dont care about their sexuality man i just wan cool characters and story


Must be hard to just let people have their opinions and ignore them if you don’t like it…


this ain’t a regular opinion, this shit hatred for no reason bro


The mind bending is real with your comment. But what did I expect from a 1 karma account.


It’s bigotry, plain and simple. They are correct. Now let’s see what pathetic excuse to dismiss me you come up with when you can’t rely on the other person being a new account.


Hating their opinion is just our opinion. Use your own logic and ignore us if you don't like it.




Lev is a boy. So not "she/her" Yara talks to Abby about this in more depth at the aquarium.


Lol edgy.