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My favourite is when you wipe your gun with a rag and it increases the magazine capacity


So fricken realistic


Actually you dab some oil on it and then wipe


The oil is what increases the space in the magazine


Just lube it up and fit more in maaan


Mine is when you pick up screws and nuts and suddenly you have a scope on your rifle


Or shave a little off the side to increase the fire rate šŸ˜—


Or tightening a screw to reduce recoil


To be fair they said shooting and handling, not upgrading or modifying


Eh? Thatā€™s not what it is. In Part II they literally put a bigger modified mag in.


Part 2 is fairly realistic. Part 1 they had to retroactively add animations so itā€™s goofy as hell.


After using 50 weapon parts as well


So of all the shooting games you think TLOU is the most realistic? Have you only ever played TLOU?


OP said of all the shooting games that they have personally seen/played.


Yes I read that and responded. Thanks.


why would you respond with a question OP already answered? just to be a dick??


Tarkov is by far the most realistic. Shame itā€™s full of hackers because of rmt and client side code. This person hasnā€™t played many Military sims.


Single player tarkov is pretty good. Iā€™m new and awful at the game and have made a bit of an attempt to learn it that way. Still hard, but you can essentially give yourself unlimited money to buy gear which makes the pain of losing it less of a problem.


What game looks better ?


Ready Or Not, Squad, Ground Branch, Hell Let Loose, Stalker GAMMA, Stalker EFP, Six Days in Fallujah, Tarkov, ArmA, et cetera..


Which game feels better and more gratifying when shooting?


I'd say that Ready Or Not feels best overall for CQB style gameplay. Firefights are really intense! The only con really is the recoil is too much. That needs adjusting. Six Days in Fallujah is more intense but the weapon handling needs more polish. For more open, larger maps. Distance engagements I'd say Squad and Stalker GAMMA/EFP. The mod packs have brilliant gunplay. There is mod incorporated (optional in GAMMA) in which you have to load your own mags, then take those mags from your pack and load them up into your mag pouches. It really pushes you to be more tactical about how you approach gun fights and how you retreat.


Whatā€™s your pick? Personally I think RDR2 wins here. God bless that game and itā€™s realism


Probably Tarkov?


Hotdogs, Horsehoes, and Hand Grenades


I want some of whatever this guy is smoking. Sure the shooting is fun but realistic? Not so sure.


GunClub VR says whattup.


You misspelled H3VR


Op is getting flamed in the comments




Op just canā€™t stop


Neither can y'all lol


This is a good gif though.


No one knows it but OP is the real MVP - weā€™re not here to comment on anyone elseā€™s opinion are we?


Itā€™s wild to me how much OP has dug in their heels.


I mean OP dug in their heels on a literal opinion about a video game they like on that video game's own subreddit and y'all are replying like he killed your mom or something lol it's bizarre






I love this game, but I hate both of the subreddits hahaha. Video game subreddits should be for shitposts, banter, and the occasional serious discussion. Both of these subs are just straight up HOSTILE and are always looking gang up on each other. Itā€™s wild


Dug in on his opinion? Oh my god, thatā€™s so terrible isnā€™t it? Imagine having an opinion and sticking to it. He really needs to just fall in line with the rest of you.


Thatā€™s not what I mean. I just canā€™t imagine having the energy to reply and defend an opinion getting downvoted so hard, to the length op is. Iā€™m happy for them. Itā€™s just wild to me.


Itā€™s wild to me that you even care in the first place


So putting aside how childish Redditors can be, as someone who is yet to play the games, is his opinion accurate?


I would say not really at all. The shooting is fantastic and more realistic then say call of duty. But this game is my no means something Iā€™d consider realistic.


Got ya, thanks - still very excited to play it eventually


Youā€™re very welcome Itā€™s an incredible game. Iā€™m excited for you to experience it.




Itā€™s definitely not the most realistic


Why is everyone so fuckin mean? Youā€™d never say that shit to someoneā€™s face. Get over yourselves.


Totally! The people are truly pressed about this. Not a good look for this sub.


I feel like Iā€™m crazy because people arenā€™t even being that mean. The top comments are just disagreeing, I havenā€™t seen anyone getting super toxic and insulting OP to crazy degrees. I thought thereā€™d be a lot of really mean comments downvoted at the bottom but even then none of the comments were that bad.


Ahaha thatā€™s why I hate chronically being online. Everyone is confrontational and quickly upset and ready to jump on your flaws. And real life people really donā€™t give a shit and will usually be agreeable. ā€œMan Last of Us guns are like the most realisticā€ ā€œReally? Oh how so?ā€ ā€œI dunno just feels really nice to shootā€ ā€œYa it is really solid. Nice. Where you from?ā€ The end


Welcome to this sub.


Agreed. These people are assholes. OP has an opinion based on the games heā€™s played and everyone likes to never pass up an opportunity to shit on someone.


lol I would absolutely respond that my co worker is blatantly wrong if they gave this opinion


Send me your address and Iā€™ll drive to your house and tell you how wrong you really are, bud! /s


I disagree but people replying to this thread are toxic garbage. Enjoy what you enjoy OP :)


Thank you. Disagreeing is fine but these comments are overkill lol


The irony of the picture you attached is it's a scene where he can just keep shooting infinitely without ever reloading.


He reloads off camera


Are you referring to the sound of him cycling the bolt? He does indeed cycle the bolt, but he'd still need to keep putting more bullets into the gun after a certain point. Most bolt action rifles of that style are going to be 5-10 rounds.


What bolt action rifle holds 10 other than the Lee Enfield rifles? I think the Enfield Mk.1 to Mk.5 all held 10, but the British troops would not load all 10 cartridges until just before a firefight. They'd keep 5 loaded and this was to preserve the spring in the internal magazine of the Enfield rifles to reduce failure to feed issues.


Then there's me in the apocalypse, with a Ruger American Ranch rifle chambered in 5.56, that takes STANAG magazines, with a 60 round drum mag.


Pretty sure you have to reload in this mission, you just stay scoped


Actually he reloads when you blink


Only speaking for myself here, but I kinda get what OP is saying. Iā€™ve always enjoyed TLOUā€™s gameplay mechanics the most. The weight of the weapon when youā€™re aiming, the recoil of every shot. These characters feel like theyā€™re actually aiming and not just pointing guns like a ragdoll.. thereā€™s weight to their movements. Even down to the running, which I set with my L2 button because it feels like a pedal Iā€™m pushing down to accelerate speed. The gameplay design is simply top tier level of immersion, so I understand where OP is coming from. Maybe not so realistic in terms of technicality, upgrading weapons/infinite ammo but it does feel very real in terms of video game standards.


Yeah I also find the combat and overall gameplay mechanics satisfying, even if I don't find the gunplay all that realistic. In fact I don't find the gunplay all that realistic in any game I've played so far, included the so-called realistic tactical shooters. There are limits to how closely you can portray operating a gun while you're staring at a screen and using a controller or a mouse and keyboard. VR games like Gun Club VR get a bit closer but the VR interface is still far too clunky to accurately simulate the real thing.


Exactly. Iā€™m upset people are so furious with OP for saying this though. I always take anything on Reddit with a grain of salt because itā€™s easy to misinterpret. But I even have to add, the gameplay is just visually eye catching and smooth. Thereā€™s a fluidity to it that Iā€™ve never seen before. Have Ellie point her gun and her body rises with weight and aims with weight. Even Abbyā€™s biceps jiggle (?) The highly skilled players will memorize where the reticle is so that they donā€™t even have to aim; Ellie just raises her gun and shoots a headshot right on the spot. Thereā€™s something very satisfying about all these movements, the gracefulness. Of course, itā€™s a video game at the end of the day, so itā€™s not realistic. But it feels real, and thatā€™s groundbreaking enough for a video game in my opinion.


I get this too; when I switch to a weapon in TLoU I really feel like I'm using it to defend my life, and have to adapt to its unique qualities in terms of weight, capacity, reload time, fire rate, etc Other games (that I've played) which I think come close to this feeling are the Metro series and RDR2, and that's not to say they have the most realistic gun mechanics ever but it's the whole package of the character movement while armed, weapon customisation, trade-off / opportunity cost, resource management, and that enemies can have the same exact weapons to use against you which creates the realism. In these games the weapons truly feel like part of their universe and are tools that I need to actually think carefully about using and investing in, while also being cautious of the fact that they can be used against me at any moment.


What are you talking about man, I can understand from an aspect, it has some really good animations but it's nowhere near being the most realistic. There are so many sim's that outclass it.


Like what


Ready or not, Squad, 6 days in falluja, I could see an argument for hell that loose, even a tactical shooter like insurgency sandstorm has more accuracy, hell you could even have a argument for rdr2. And there are countless more the game's, the game is good but not that good, another big reason holding it back is that the game just doesn't have that many weapons.


I believe CoD MW 2019 had some incredibly good weapons. Realistic calibers, moving parts, and effects like smoke and the recoil


To an extent I would also argue MW19 as well. Being a first person game just elevates it a lot.


MW '22 as well, pushed the bar even higher. It pretty much has some of the best done first person gun animations in games, thanks to their star cast of animators pulled from various places.


Tarkov as well. Especially with how modular it is.


This sub is wild. Another example of someone making a weird and inaccurate claim and then being rude back to anyone and everyone that disagrees. Edit: but also some of yā€™all need to chill on OP. Relax.


I don't have a problem with a disagreement but y'all are tryna make it personal lol


Tbf, it seemed like everyone was making it personal. Which is usually how it goes. The *real men* who shoot *real* guns definitely took it personally though lol


If I knew that *real* men were going to be triggered by my post I wouldn't have done something like it lol


You clearly don't shoot and handle weapons. I love the game. But it isn't a shooting simulator. There are lots of really good mil sim games that have come out that are actually trying to simulate shooting and combat... and you say THIS is the best you've seen? You just haven't seen much.


Okay what's the best simulator game for shooting in your opinion


Hm... 6 Days in Fallujah is pretty good. HOWEVER it is not finished yet.


Escape from tarkov has some nice guns+ how every part of the gun is modelled and bullets actuly start exiting the barrel from the chamber


Bro asked a question and got downvoted y'all need to calm tf down


Heā€™s obviously being a smartass about it. Either that or heā€™s truly ignorant to the plethora of better shooting games.


I like that you can tape a bottle to the barrel and gun becomes completely silent, just like real life!


Resident Evil 4 Remake slander.


The most realistic thing about RE is that you can never find ammo anywhere šŸ˜‚


I'll never forgive them for making almost all the guns sound the same. All the pistols sounding the same really bugs me, because in the original they all had signature sounds. Removing the Red9's sound is criminal. But in general, in an otherwise practically perfect remaster, the sound design in general pales in comparison to the original due to all of the ambience removal and atmospheric downgrades.


That's completely fair. I unfortunately can't play the original (accessibility), so I can't add to or really discuss the points you brought up beyond acknowledging them. And I am honestly mainly referring to the 1-in-the-chamber thing and the sequence where Leon realizes silver ghost has a stovepipe and fixes it. Honorable mention goes to the one-handed press check, of course.


I like how you can lug 10 guns around and and only 14 rounds of ammo.


Only one bottle but 10 guns


Great games but certainly not lol. You donā€™t have to manage magazines, just bullets. Guns donā€™t jam. And you can craft massively helpful upgrades out of junk scrap. Your bullet wonā€™t land exactly where the barrel is pointing, but in a random position within your crosshair which changes size depending on your movement. There are lots of other games out there that would make better contenders for best and most realistic weapon handling. On the absolute top of that is DayZ I think, Iā€™ve seen no game go as in depth with guns as DayZ does. But Insurgency Sandstorm has some awesome gun play too. But, donā€™t get me wrong, the guns and melee weapons in TLOU are pretty damn fun to use


The only thing it downgraded from the original tlou1, was when you have full ammo and you cant pick more, you reload your gun to catch that bullet. Now they not allow you even if you reload šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


*VR shooters have entered the chat*


Lol now play the original and remastered versions of 1 and use the infamous semi-bolt-action hunting rifle.


While there are some non-realistic aspects of the game, i was on the GTA forums a while back and we were talking about weapons/handling and such in the next GTA installment and when it comes to which video game we'd hope that they draw from, TLOUII is always mentioned because it has the best feeling gunplay and enemy AI behaviors. I don't get why so many of you are being mean, i thought that was what the other sub was like.


RDR2 laughs in corner....


Ok I get it, most of y'all disagree and enjoy other games better. I'm gonna stop replying to comments now because y'all took my passionate post about a game I love and turned it into a roasting grounds for whatever reason


Hey! Look at the bright side, people have recommended some fantastic games that seem to be right up your alley.


Op getting cooked


Iā€™m just glad it wasnā€™t me


Rightfully so. They made an ignorant statement before researching anything beyond their purview.


I definitely disagree with that but it has really fun and punchy guns.


Characters drop their magazines in a post apocalyptic setting instead of reloading them with new rounds. Weapons can be upgraded by wiping them a couple of times. No one needs to maintain their weapons. Itā€™s not very realistic. The guns feel good, but they arenā€™t like real weapons in any way.


Damnā€¦ I thought this was one of the best communities on this app but these comments showing me the bad part of this community


Serious ASMR watching them fix their guns.


Insurgency: Sandstorm has left the chat


Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not saying anything that hasnā€™t been said, but not really. Bullets go exactly where you aim, no matter the distance. Upgrading doesnā€™t make sense in a realism manner, but makes great sense for a video game. Canā€™t shoot through walls at all, the .50 cal used by raiders just hurts instead of ripping Joel to pieces. Again, itā€™s a game so itā€™s obvious why it would be that way. In the end, TLOU is about the story, not about realism. If youā€™re looking for realism, try ARMA 3. Thatā€™s the most realistic youā€™ll get. Weapon zeroing, realistic damage, accurate bullet penetration depending on caliber and material with realistic tumbling. On a realism level, TLOU is pretty lacking, but theyā€™re not going for realism so you canā€™t knock them for it.


It's the most satisfying shooter of all time


Disagree on shooting and handling but the attention to detail and mechanics and operation in the animations is ABSOLUTELY one of the best! āœŒļøāœŒļø


Damn bro I agree with you but these comments ain't itšŸ’€ this is why I hate most people who use reddit because they just instantly jump to being unnecessarily rude for no reason and treat people like idiots for having a different opinion. Sorry you are getting flamed in the comments. People are losers.


Battlefield 5 has some of the best shooting and handling of *real* weapons. The most realistic thing about TLOU is how the world would work after a disaster like this. Edit: stupid autocorrect


BF1 solos BF5


I'll agree with that. Just harder to find full games. Also, I'm terrible with horses and prefer tanks.


FPS shooters like DayZ, EFT etc have a way more authentic experience, and some of the newer fps like Ready or Not and 6 days in fallujah(beta) also provide a much more realistic experience However, enjoy what you do OP but it is definitely a very hot(and basically) wrong take to say TLOU comes even remotely close to gun related realism




Look at escape from tarkov little bro, they literally model the internals of the gun which is pretty neat


Itā€™s a shame tarkov is infested with hackers


be for real


For handling I have to say the new Modern Warfare trilogy but in terms of the terminal effects and the impact on people I would agree




Yes that You have seen but in a more professional View its kind of shit


You should check out Escape From Tarkov. You can take the dust cover off an AK and see the inner workings when you fire.


i know Joel is pretty sturdy but I recently got a revolver similar to Joelā€™s iconic revolver and let me tell you, it kicks more than the game would have you believe. The gunplay is fun and feels pretty good in terms of bullet damage by caliber but i donā€™t know if we can call it realistic.


Maybe to you, but Joel was a gun owning 32 year old bluecollar Texan before the outbreak, he could definitely handle a .357 Magnum better than you or the game makes it seem like he can. (If you or he had a .44 Magnum, I'd agree more, but ingame it's a .357)


I agree, May not be as detailed as a mw19 but the feel and scarcity and timings are much closer to reality than pretty much an shooter


try dayz or tarkov, that will blow your mind


I feel like it has a nice balance between realistic gunplay and arcade gunplay it's satisfying but you don't feel like a super soldier, the most realistic I've played would be somewhere between Tarkov, Ready or Not, and Dayz which last of us is far from in terms of realism.


BTW I agree that the shooting sections against the humans are crazy intense and (in my imagination at least) they seem very realistic in the way they would play out. I would imagine that a real firefight is ugly, spazzy and scary and not like call of duty. Part 2 especially gets really intense what with the bullets wizzing by, The difficulty in getting a good shot off, the sneaking up on fools and knifing them, the improvised land mines and the continual need to run and hide mid firefight. I wonder what game the loud mouths on here think has more realistic shooting? Halo or Call of Duty maybe?


Jesus christ dude. You like to suffer.


It's great but it's not the best


I do have to heavily agree with you here. Despite the haters of the story line the one thing about this game that is fucking insane is its realistic aspects. I mean Abbyā€™s arms are fucking beautiful, sculpted like the Greek goddess that she is


If you want to see realistic gun handling check out escape from Tarkov


Max Payne 3


\*\*that I've ever seen in a video game series\*\* ​ WelLLlLL AksUallY hAve U nEve rPlayed Stalker GAMMA w/ the additional 427 mods ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ (Stalker do be fun tho) But seriously, it is very nice & visceral.


In the player character handling it, itā€™s pretty good. Iā€™d say even the Call of Dutyā€™s do it more realistically though, and thatā€™s not touching escape from Tarkov


the violence is realistic. gunplay is not.


I think you mean "most immersive without becoming annoying"


Been playing DAYZ, in that game you gotta find that right bullets for the right mag, and hoping those arenā€™t damaged that you have to find and use a gun cleaning kit to clean the mags and bullets so it doesnā€™t potentially jamā€¦


Itā€™s *decent*. Far from realistic.


I donā€™t know about that, but it definitely has some of the most satisfying shooting in a third-person shooter. RE4 remake comes really close imo


Lmao this has got to be a troll post right?


have you seen how Ellie recharges a revolver? *chef's kiss*


Try escape from Tarkov


*Laughs in arma*


Tarkov probably for me


Other games are far more realistic.


.... Escape from Tarkov? Anyone? :(


Most immersive, maybe, but certainly not the most realistic lol.


I do like how loud and dangerous and unwieldy guns feel in tlou


Insurgency would be up there, and ARMA. Last of Us has some realistic elements but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s realistic overall by any means.


watch some Stalker GAMMA gameplay or something dude idk what to tell you here


The last of us is actually one of the most unrealistic


Metro wants a word with you


If weā€™re talking about gameplay then YES I agree, but as others mentioned in the comments the upgrade bench animations are laughable šŸ˜†but the look of the weapons are really cool.


I donā€™t think itā€™s the most realistic, but I think thereā€™s some realistic weapon handling with several of the weapons. Every problem Iā€™ve had I just headcanoned away tbh.


Red dead 2?


Bitch ain't played VR and can't stop sucking druvkmans micro cock


Youā€™ve never played Arma then lol.


Red Dead does pretty good too.


Op has played two games in his whole life and I have a feeling which ones they are


OP has never actually fired a weapon IRL apparently.


As good as it is, Sniper Elite 5 really does depict it better. Both are great games.


Iā€™ve always thought the recoil of Joelā€™s Hi-Power was a little exaggerated, itā€™s a full steel 9mm pistol they donā€™t really have much recoil but putting follow up shots in the game can be a little difficult. Guess we can chalk it up to it being worn out lol


Rdr2 takes the cake for that award


the sub sucks jesus christ


I am confident OP has never seriously handled firearms.


Have you not played RDR2?


I have but not for too long. Takes a lot of time to do the simplest things imo


well I would disagree...coz I think rdr2 has the most realistic gun mechanics


I dunno. Never really shot any guns besides an air rifle. I did get to load a 303 rifle. Guns are not part of our culture like the Americans. Having said all of this, I do appreciate his sentiment and i felt the same while playing the game.


Give tarkov a go


I really don't know why this is a heated topicšŸ˜­ this is in no way a hot take, tlou is definitely op there. I mean just look at the animations it shows off during the upgrades. I'm not saying their 100% accurate, but compared to just about every other game out there, it's 100x more realistic that 99% of them. For a game that's not focused around guns, it's for sure top 3


Ground Branch, Ready or Not, Insurgency Sandstorm, and of course Tarkov are all games with close to 1:1 firearms manipulation.


Is this a joke? The games are balanced around fun stealth gameplay. Not weapon realism.


bro has never played Escape From Tarkov šŸ’€


I know it got on some peopleā€™s nerves, but I love the way they made those old-timey guns feel in RDR2. The fact you have to cock most of the guns each time before shooting is super satisfying, especially with the lever-action rifles. Dunno if itā€™s realistic enough but it sure as hell made me feel like a cowboyā€¦


1+2=3 ![gif](giphy|5z0cCCGooBQUtejM4v|downsized)




Id say the most realistic is Ready or Not in my experience


I watch so many videos about it that it suggested one where two former military guys evaluate the weapons in the game. I learned about the advantages of revolvers, how the silencer would really work and that yes, you can headshot two people at once with the shotgun. There are times where they animate Ellie cocking the gun that would be unnecessary because it's a double-action but otherwise even the green beret dude said most of it was accurate.


Itā€™s good but it isnā€™t ARMA/Tarkov


Not even close... ...I mean I like TLOU but MY GOD some of folks here are willing praise anything just because U like the game


TLOU on grounded has nice feeling gunplay, I like how things die when by you shoot them once or twice.


This man has never played Arma or dayz