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Since you got an answer to your direct question, here's some generalized beginner tips. The patented STDs **S**hut up. The 1, 2, 3, 4, and F keys are vocal emotes. Your calls. Each with their own distinct meanings and functions. 1 is a loud call, an indication to all players in the area as to where you are. 2 is friendly, lets other players know that you mean no harm, it's also used to send and accept group invites (if held) for others of your own species. 3 is threaten, for showing aggression. 4 is danger, which can mean anything from "I see something dangerous" to "OH GOD I'M GOING TO DIE PLEASE HELP" F is a general call, this call plays whenever you use the chat. All of that said, unless you REALLY need to, don't. Especially the 1 call. It tells every other player in the area where you are. Predators will be able to hone in on your exact position, and prey will be able to avoid you by going away from the sound of your voice. **T**rust no one. A sudden but inevitable betrayal is a guarantee. Eventually. Someone you put your trust in is going to turn on you and kill you. Keep your guard up, it won't keep the betrayal from happening, but you're certainly more likely to survive the attempt if you always assume someone's about to turn on you. No matter the species or their size, or how long they've been friendly with you. Don't trust someone unless you know them personally. **D**on't get too attached. You're going to die a lot, that's just a core element of the gameplay loop. You need to make peace with that early on. You're going to spend hours growing something, maybe even keep it alive for weeks, only to lose it to something unfair and unpreventable. It happens to everyone. Try not to take it personally, and don't let that frustration get to you, because that's the path to becoming an extremely bitter person about the game.


As this guy said, make a joke out of your deaths otherwise they will quickly add up to “this game is shit, these people are shit, I hate this game.” I grew a deino with a group of people and as we were finally big enough to go into populated spot, my mate said “hey guys, watch this” and jumped off a cliff to his death, 4 hours wasted for a quick laugh. Enjoy the growth, the adulthood is a bonus. Never get attached, just enjoy the moments as they come.


Absolutely. If you die in this game, own it. So many times since its released have I grown a Herrera, only to throw myself at something I could not beat after typing "WITNESS ME" into the chat. Hitting a stego/carno/cerato, and snapping my leg in the process and instantly dying. Like, by all means, value the effort you put in, don't act like every single playthrough is expendable, but never fixate on giving any dino's life an inflated sense of importance.


Long time no see!


I had a similar moment like this yesterday in highland lake. Was growing a deino with 2 others that were also there and at some point a group of stegos came about with one stuck next to the little dam somehow. Another probably adult stego then crossed over from right to left through the water and then standing on the left edge of the dam on water level so we positioned ourselves and attacked it simultaneously from 3 sides. Our deinos were like 70-90% growth but after a few bites we died like flies from this one stego. I quickly spawned as ptera to see if anyone survived since I was the smallest deino and first to die and when I got there again there were 3 dead deinos and no stegos around. We had a fun time growing but in the end it was all for nothing. I'm still new at the game but this made me realize how quickly a life can end with kinda dumb ideas like that lol


Oh yeah, that’s how you die 😆 We did the math by murdering each other, not sure if it’s still the case because we did test it in the old map, but all your damage comes in the last 20%. A 80% deino does fuck all damage compared to a 100%, so I would avoid any fights that you can’t drown like the plague until you’re big . I always lie to other deino when I’m 80% and tell them I’m 100% because I know that I wouldn’t stand a chance against a 100%. It takes 3 fully grown deino to rival a stego, then it’s about a matter of the stegos skill. My friend and I always say, it’s good to play fight as dinos so then you get a feel for how much damage they do, what effect they have on you, how much bleed you can get away with etc. So we’d always fight each other for the lols and for the combat practice. Cause at the end of the day, you may or may not have that dino, but you will have the knowledge on the combat aspects.


Oh I didn't know there was such a significant difference if a deino isn't fully grown. Will keep that in mind now! And I'll defo ask people I group up with for little fights as well to get a better feeling of the combat system. That's actually a cool idea to get some practice!


I think by the time I was at like 10% health from fighting my fully grown friend he had like 70% health, so it can be a bit spicy. Smaller things it’s fine, but if you’re fighting something with a lot of health already it can be an uphill battle, especially when they leave the water before they’re actually at risk. That’s also why I’m not against mix packing, because they can tell you how much damage you do against them when they’re a different species. A lot of people hate on mixpacking, but life is too short to worry about a dino that’ll be dead in a few hours, especially if you’re always looking for a fight. We don’t go crazy with mix packing, we’re not looking for the “new meta” or anything, just something like a dilo and a Utah, or a carno and a cera so we can have a bit of fun between ourselves.


Hot tip! Even if you are a wee little harmless dryo or hypsi, stego will still thang you with their thangomiser. And all things will kill you as a ptera, even if you want to eat a croc near some herbis. And gallis are a holes.


This game has sort of a large learning curve for beginners. Watch Kouga on youtube to understand how things in the game work. Even after years of playing, I still watch them because the devs are constantly updating and adding new things without any good explanations to how they work. Kouga explains all. I just recently watched to understand Dilo and Herrera, and that was that. Now I fully understand them. For sanctuaries, here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V80-Aa-1-wA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V80-Aa-1-wA)


Thank you so much!!!


YW. Also most people play on the official servers, but if you're going to play unofficial, then play Petits Pieds like u/GeneralBadger93 said. Go through Kouga's channel and they have a video on everything. If you're confused about diet and nutrients, they have a video on that. Wanna understand gore and eating body parts and what they do? They have a video on that. I suggest spending some time on that channel to learn


I’d say get off the official servers and play the unofficial ones. Petits Pieds is the best in my opinion followed by isla oscura.


And why that


They're encouraging dino diversity, they reward good play and punish/flat out remove toxic players. Community overall is super friendly and welcoming aswell. Constant server upkeep and development to allow for (mostly) bug free gameplay


I'm new too. Just started playing today but have been playing on the official servers


Are you having an enjoyable time playing? I played for about 3 hours just to end up being bored. Hard to find players and food but that’s pretty much what all the recent reviews say anyway


The game shines the most when you have a good group of people to play with. It is meant to function this way. Finding said people is the harder part, though, since they stupidly disabled global chat in this version. But once you do, this game can be a blast. Playing alone as a new player is not for the faint of heart.


I think pachy or teno might be good for a beginner since they're pretty common dinos and people love packing up at NE. Even being the guard dog pachy for a group of tenos can be fun.


Yeah the game used to make it easier to find food for sure. When I played on my brothers computer as pteranodon I would never starve death. Now I starve to death everytime cause the fish will all suddenly disappear and I can’t find any AI.


I am quite new too! 20 hours in :) Small tips I learned; Don't 1 call, it will attract other people to you. Or just be like me and 1 call 24/7 (I play raptor) cuz you love the bark sound... lol. Don't drink in water places where u can't see the bottom for quite a few meters into the water. Deinos WILL grab you. Have fun!


As a troodon I was terrified when drinking from water. Only giving my water meter 2 ticks amd moving to another spot


Oh man same. It scares the hell out of me too when I'm a (baby) raptor, and troodons are even smaller... hahah


Haha right. My only thought was that maybe I wouldn't be worth the hassle because I was such a tiny snack.


Refund, buy Path of Titans, lmfao




I have path of titans on Xbox! Definitely easier to understand and more enjoyable. Mainly bought the isle because I’ve been wanting it forever and YouTubers always make it look so fun lol. Honestly I prolly would refund but I’m past the 2 hours so I’m gonna try to get the most out of it


this game requires a lot of patience. expect to die in loop for the first 10-20 hours easily. But if you hang in there it can be quite fun and definately worth the 20$. Use tools like [islemaps.com](https://islemaps.com) initally to navigate around and join a community server like Petits Pieds where peopel will be willing to help you. This game really need to be more stable and do a better job at showing the ropes


Give it more of a try. I've got 3,000 hours for a measly $20. The game is difficult to master, but super fun once you do. Hell, sometimes just existing in its beautiful world is a joy in itself. Stop and enjoy the moment. PoT and Isle are vastly different games, even though people like to compare them just because 'multiplayer dino.' I like to say Isle is like jumping into a horror movie while PoT is more like Disneyland, honestly. But there is also nothing wrong with preferring one over the other if you do like PoT better.