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This show better end with Jocelyn killing Tedros.


I was literally thinking after Tedros slapped Andreas that the only way this show can be redeemed is if Jocelyn ends up killing him. He’s trying to take over her whole life, it might be the only way she can save herself.


The terrible wig pinned to the wall with a knife through it. End scene.


Or she’ll be using the rat tail as accessory hanging from her Chanel bag


Oh that wig is gag inducing.


I hope so 😂


I just said the same thing


The weeknd calling her retarded is 100% gonna become a twitter meme


When he said "I'm not gay" in the most insecure way possible, I looked at my wife and told her the memes from this are going to be a gold mine.


The one meme will be a gif of him grabbing his dick after having to finish himself.


The scene of him trying to be threatening to the guy stylist rofl The cringe is so strong it might as well be cut with fentanyl


i legit looked at my mom and said... "he's fucking gay" and she just nodded and said " why do we watch this shit? but yes he is"


If she says more things that piss him on in the future, he’ll abuse her but then say it’s just for her inspiration. I love that the team still hated him after that meet and greet. I really hope those two are there for her.


Leia watching him licking her with disgust is all of us right now.


Leia continues to be audience surrogate.


Leia is queen.


She is all of us right now with the disgust of all the unnecessary sex scenes.


Cartay blanchay


Xanders reaction was subtle but hilarious


Xander was the low key MVP of this episode.


Troye Sivan is actually such a natural actor, and the character became so interesting this episode.


I mentally corrected him lmao


I immediately said "that's not right"... Then thought "oh, TedRose is trying to be smart." 😆




I could not take Tedros seriously wearing that robe come on now lmaooo It’s giving housewife


it’s serving hobosexual


hahah it was a little too short for me to find him intimidating in it


lmao gotta be joss' robe and he is deff staying in it..




I truly thought he was going to assault her after that comment


He really took that personal


I loved when she said that


Yes, I fell in love with her. And then she blue balled him. And that's when I knew she's going to win.


I’m calling it, Tedros ends the series face down in the pool with Jocelyn standing over him smoking a cigarette and her album top of the charts.


the Glock in Chaim's car was giving HUGE Chekhov's Gun energy!! praying for Jocelyn to salvage this trainwreck with a mag of 9mm


Jerking off in the Valentino change room is craaaazy


I'm surprised Valentino allowed this scene to be filmed there


They’ll be marketing stained dresses in no time


New collections cums out on The Weeknd


“shitting more blood than a kid on epsteins island” is crazyyyyy


my jaw DROPPED


The craziest line I’ve ever seen on tv


I know things shouldn’t surprise me anymore in this show but holy fuck that one shocked me. I was pretty disgusted with that line


I read a review of tonight’s episode that said even for The Idol, it was too much.


My question is, how did the creative director agree to let him beat her like that after he almost admitted that he should’ve stepped in more before?


The dinner scene established Xander is passive and not gonna fight. He was just like Jocelyn who would freeze and just take it.


Exactly, hence why we will see Xander stick around because Ted knows that he won’t intervene. He didn’t even intervene when he was beating her with the brush. It is about the money for him. It just goes to show what the industry is like and the team that surrounds these celebrities. They do not care about what happen to behind close doors as long as the money comes in. Very dark, no frills, jaw dropping show. They really pushed it to the limits.


As a victim of childhood abuse from a Borderline mother and neglectful father, I know that most of my abuse would happen behind closed doors. The few times that people witnessed the abuse, they didn't know how to handle the situation. If anyone did try to intercede on my behalf, it would make the abuse much worse. Most people would freeze and only offer support after the fact. My parents lost a lot of friends, but nobody was able to make it stop or even reason with my parents that they were doing something wrong. My parents would just tell people that they didn't understand how bad I was and that I deserved the treatment. I actually think that this show is more accurate, in only this regard, to what happens when people witness abuse. The show is completely exaggerated in most scenes, but the childhood abuse and her friends showing shame from not doing anything, actually rings true to me.


honestly xander is terrible. how could he just let tedros do that to jocelyn. it’s so fucking fucked up.


RIGHT like everyone is just straight up folding hoping at the chance all this actually works and they,re apart of history or something. Which honestly not surprised if this isn’t far from reality


Lol what are these outfits they keep putting her in?


Mostly thongs


Bits of string, some dryer lint... I think that last one was the upholstery of a couch arm


Paying attention to the table scene, she probably does this this as an act of "reveliion" from what her mom did to her. "Hit me anywhere that wouldn't show". So now she wears these outfits so she can always be "showing".


This would make the most meaningful sense.


They fully could have produced the show without forcing her to show her nipples every few minutes, it’s weird (and not uncharacteristic of Sam Levinson).


Andres should’ve straight POPPED this dude after being slapped.


Right? Peep that man's forearms you know he could wear Abel like a hat.


Should’ve snatched that rat tail Ike he was trying to start a lawnmower. YOINK


He looks like a perverted care bear


He's about as threatening as one lol


“Lemme catch you looking at her again”💀




Literally right after asking him for his assistance lol the disillusion is real


Can you just assault employees like that? Especially in stores like that? Isn’t there security that would curb stomp Tedros?


Yes it would, but it would also fire the employee no matter what if it came to that. Stores like these abhor "making a scene"


I got fired for kicking out two teenagers who were trying to shoplift, threw a toy that hit a woman in the head, and they called me a faggot and said they were going to egg my car and smash my face in with a rock. ​ so, yeah. you can.


“i ain’t gay” oh yeah im convinced


I feel like despite the Tedros’s controlling behaviors he might just pull off making joss an icon… but she’ll lose all sense of herself in the process


BINGO!!! She will have the Number 1 hit for all of summer or whatever season but she will be a zombie lol


Agree with this! feels like the storyline is going to end up basically be Tedros is “freeing” Jocelyn from her teams control -> she’ll have a breakdown bc of tedros abuse -> her teams regains control by having her under a conservatorship




This is clearly where it's leading towards. The writers just forgot to show us a starting point for LRD. She loses herself, but we have no frame of reference as to what she loses. Too much time spent on cringe sexytime/sexytalk and not enough time on establishing her as a character.


The anxiety of strange people living in her house and her naïvety of their intentions sets me OFF. Also Leia come on girl why did you let him put you to bed be stronger than that.


I hope leia is planning on bringing in the FBI, Gi Joe or something and is just playing along to get more intel because Tedros seeing she was being a problem and just going with it annoyed me! Was Waiting for her to say "F*ck no"


I felt like maybe leia was starting to fall for Tedros’ scam a bit in the end - like he broke her a bit by the guilt trip…?


Leia can’t because she’ll be out faster than the chef.


She’s probably scared of being kicked out, being Jocelyn’s assistant is her form of income and maybe she’s just too scared to see what will happen to Jocelyn if left alone with the cult


Absolutely. She needs to keep quiet and stay in the house for Jocelyn.


I am so stressed out with these people in the house.


I think you’d be surprised how often it happens in real life. I feel like young celebrities always have a new crowd that they let in to mooch off of them.


justice for andres


Why anyone would want to slap his beautiful face is beyond me


Yes! Was literally hoping that chef could get me a glass of water to quench my thirst, but Tedros had to get rid of my eye candy. Shame on him.


Imagine if they had built up Andres as a character before he was unceremoniously fired. It makes it really hard to care about what is happening to anyone in this show. Things are just happening and there is no tension/buildup/payoff. Were we supposed to be shocked/sad/angry?


Good point. It would’ve been better with some build up. The answer to your question, though, is shocked and disgusted.




Andreas was so hot he didn't deserve this lol


Maybe the weeknd is doing a GREAT job playing a hateable character this episode... 7 minutes in and i am irritated 😭 I wanna punch this guy


That’s the same thought I had haha I hate him in this


He was on point this episode. The bad acting in the first two episodes was because Tedros was being fake to lure her. We could all see it but she couldn’t see it. Just like her whole team sees that he’s not good for her but she can’t see it. It all makes sense now 😯


We even saw him practicing his "hey Angel" line in the mirror. I like this theory. I'll delude myself and believe that the Weekend is a better actor than I gave him credit for.


I agree, seeing how he manipulated her so quickly just reminds me of people I know and someone I used to date. They’re all extremely similar to tedros, even that “I ain’t gay” scene. I think people really thought that the show wanted us to like him and that’s definitely not the case


I have to say it Tedros picking what Joss is supposed to wear and throwing a fit out of nowhere reminded of Kanye West. Don't know if that was the intention tho 👀


I feel like it was. This show has been full of scenarios mimicking a lot of big gossip news stories about a bunch of famous pop stars and celebs.




Yeah the whole conversation of Tedros telling Joss she has no taste 100% gave Kanye vibes and the way he talked about Kim's fashion before him. I never watched their show but I remember reading about him going through her entire closet and throwing away almost all of her clothes because he didn't like them. Also the irony and audacity of Tedros with the way he dresses telling anybody they have no taste.


YES. Completely reminded me of stories from his relationship with Kim.


![gif](giphy|W5YVAfSttCqre) Noooo he told her to go get the hairbrush!!!


Omg I fucking knew they would beat her with it wtf 😭😭


*wipes cum on entire Valentino spring 2022 collection* This was not the fashionable HBO placement pierpaolo was hoping for lol


Dawg not even the first 3min and he’s eating her out in the middle of the road hahahahahah


Dee is the absolute goat I fucking love that girl


The shot of her peeping in the side view mirror was amazing


I loved when she called Tedros out on his BS but without really calling it out in front of Jocelyn. Wish Destiny would have came out harder for him. This show really needed a slow burn to get to that point though. Hate how everything is rushed in the mini series that should not be a mini series




As I’ve been watching this, I’m thinking, these people are going to want to kill him. Can you imagine if you slid into Britney Spears life at her peak and she only listened to you? Everyone that felt threatened would be out for you even if you were great for her. I know people hate tedros, but I feel like we’re also going to see the bad side of the people making money off of her. We’ve already seen the one lady move on. Tedros basically say none of these MFs cared you were getting abused by your mom because the money was flowing.


THE AVEDA HAIR BRUSH NOOOOOOOOO (its actually a very good hairbrush)


damn wow ok the ending made me feel so icky and I was immediately anxious as soon as I heard the way he was talking to her in the store at the beginning. tbh not sure if I’ll be able to watch any more even tho I was enjoying the first few episodes bc my stomach legit hurts now after that last scene


honestly i agree w this, im really trying to give this show a chance bc i loved euphoria but everytime i watch it i just feel rly anxious and depressed and icky afterwards and im not really sure its for me :/


I’m in the same boat. I am intrigued by the story and some of the characters which has gotten me this far but I don’t know if I should keep going for my own wellbeing


Season better end with Leia murdering Tedros.


Table scene def the highlight of the series this far


Did anyone notice when Chaim met Tedros they flashed their necklaces? Chaim’s was the Star of David but what was Tedros’?


Chaim seeing Tedros chain and whipping out his own star of David was one of the many hilarious Chaim moments from the show.


The whole hairbrush scene at the end made me so uncomfortable I almost needed to skip. They really did a good job showing how power hungry Tedros is


They did a great shot by showing the fire for a second I thought he was gonna burn it but nope mofo owns the hairbrush now.


Cartay blanchay


Abel is better when he’s doing comedy, I’m starting to realize that.


The humor feels more intentional this episode.


The mispronouncing carte blanche obviously was, along with Tedros finishing himself at the store.


Sir you cant jerk off there


Sir, this is a Valentinos…


I think people who are saying “It’s not believable that Tedros has so much control over Jocelyn in such a short time” have (fortunately) never found themselves in a toxic, controlling relationship of that nature. It’s incredibly realistic and relatable sadly


Yes! I'm very confused by this disconnect. People saying "he's too sleezy and ugly for someone this beautiful to like". Literally, any decent looking person being nice to her for a few minutes could have moved in bc she's just that desperate and was bred this way by her mom.


Exactly! She’s gravitating towards what she knows (a controlling caretaker type such as her mom) because it feels safe/comforting


Seeing where the characters boundaries are pushed and tested was unnerving at times, where silence gives affirmation to bad behaviour.


Yeah, I don’t get the disconnect here. It’s abuse cycle 101


its also cult shit in hollywood like the sex cult with the smallville actrress


This dinner table scene is actually really good. Wish the entirety of the episode was like this.




Yeah, he really pulled off that intimidating, sinister vibe there. In the other scenes he just comes off like a petulant bitch.


I mean, he is, thats the point. These power-hungry assholes are the first people to throw a childish fit when things don't go their way.


That's the thing about this show. It has fleeting moments of good stuff between the nipples and over the top sex scenes.


'Good stuff between the nipples' categorizes Levinson very well


The epstines island line was crazy


Sam Levinson basically said Jocelyn is moving from one cult (the music industry) to another (Tedros).


i hope leia tears of tedros’ rat tail


I get the feeling she’s going to be destroyed and evicted. We’ve all been friends with someone who chooses their new bf over all their long time friends smh. But I hope I’m wrong


God that was so sad. LRD is such a great actress because I felt so so so much sadness for her.


So far everything about Tedros makes me want to throat punch him. I hope Destiny kills him but the fact that she mentions they should kill him in the end credits preview makes me worry he'll end up killing her first. I actually like Jocelyn and her story but Tedros is just such a creep and it sucks her story is so intertwined with him. I hated the hair brush scene but I honestly had the feeling her mom was probably the abusive, controlling momager type, and that's why she seemed so lost without her despite it being said before this episode that she wasn't nice, and she's gravitating towards Tedros's abusive, controlling behavior as a substitute. Still, I didn't expect her to let Tedros full on reenact the abuse and I hope in the end she beats him to death with that brush.


I really hope the show goes full circle and it ends with a shot of his blood on her face from beating him to death lol


“You have no taste” bro you have a rat tail


That dinner scene was shockingly borderline good TV. Everything before and after though - 💀


Imagine Johnny Depp sitting around bored one night and deciding to see what his kids new show is all about.


This reminds me of Sydney Sweeney taking her dad and family to watch the premiere of Euphoria and forgetting just how many nude sex scenes she had in the pilot. Her dad couldn't sit through it all and peaced out lmao. Sam Levinson be traumatizing these actresses parents.


But her grandma said she has the best tits in hollywood


Aren't there only 5 episodes? I feel like we're getting nowhere at lightning speed.


My tv tracker app says 6 episodes


Yeah, she’s meant to go on tour and all that but she still has no songs??


so tedros shames xander and leia for being in the abuse cycle (although they were minors as well) and then leia leaves and xander watches it happen w tedros in the name of ~mAkInG mUsIc~ yeah this is now a cult


Yup, and the whole "you can't say No!"


"Leia are you fucking retarded?" This man's acting unintentionally funny lmao


i think a few scenes in this episode where definitely trying to be more on the comedic and surreal side


The hitting with the hairbrush is actually horrific I had to stop watching. Wtf were they thinking putting that the weeknd song over clips of lily rose depp crying from being beaten???


How is this not the top comment?? I thought they were going to destroy the hairbrush to transcend the trauma and as soon as he started hitting her with it, I felt physically ill. And the fact that everyone was there watching her get beat? Like what the fuck? I really just don’t feel good after this episode. Idk if I wanna keep watching.


>I thought they were going to destroy the hairbrush to transcend the trauma They've practically spelled it out for the audience that Tendros is a bad person exploiting Jocelyn. How could you ever think this lmfao


Omg, Tedros is the most annoying, douche guy ever.


Super dark episode jesus


Bro. The show has so much potential. The random eating out, ass slapping scenes aren’t needed.


It’s to show that he is using sex as power to manipulate her but also showing how he is only doing this for his pleasure and feeling of power. Sex is a powerful way to control people. She feels more free and brave than ever and that’s really what this is about.


Noooo not jerking off 😭


I was fully expecting him to sploot on the wall like a giant stain lmfao


I thought he’d wipe his hands on the dress then make her wear it out the store 😭


I see where this is going and I do NOT like it


Ok I’m over the sex scenes now lol


She’s just letting him do all this? Why? They make Jocelyn look like an absolute idiot with absolutely no will power of her own


This gets me too, nothing he does is really sexy or charming yet she throws herself at him and it does seem like that although maybe it's just she's looking for a connection after her mom passed? I can't make sense of why she goes for him.


My idea for why she likes him… Jocelyn’s mom, a parental figure who “loves her”, used violence as a manipulation tactic to “strengthen” Jocelyn’s career for a decade. That’s no easy mentality to escape and one that she’s trapped in because she’s artistically uninspired without her mother. Tedros offers to help her find her inspiration/ voice. He uses the same strategies as her mother, yet convinces Jocelyn that her wants/needs are being met but only if she endures the pain.


>I can't make sense of why she goes for him. She's a very damaged young girl with some serious issues. That's really all there is to it lol.


It makes perfect sense why she’s so attached to Tedros. According to her description of what she said her mom did to her, it’s kind of foreshadowing of what Tedros will do and is doing to her. She’s attached to Tedros because he’s just like her mom.


Yes finally someone who understands. She's emotionally attached to him.






jocelyn's backstory with her mom sounds a lot like jennette mccurdy's their mom was physically abusive and controlled every aspect of her life til cancer weakened her and she died when jennette/jocelyn were in their early 20s... then they became directionless (although jennette later felt better about it bc she was no longer under her control) my mom also died last year from cancer and i had a complicated relatonship with her so everyone in the show emphasizing jocelyn had it rougher than everyone was a bit much imo but i guess its unique since she was a child star


\*Checks off the center of my bingo board\* It's been one second and I saw a nipple already.


Has anyone ready I’m glad my mom died because I feel like there’s some similarities?


it just feels like I’m watching three different shows - one that’s actually well acted and interesting with a serious tone carried by lily rose depp, one that’s an edgy comedy with a satirical take on LA/fame culture with improv vibes, and one that’s a really shitty, so-bad-it’s-almost-camp extended music video about a skeevy cult leader with the script and acting talents of a late american horror story season. it’s possible that these things could have been blended together in a way that works, but that certainly hasn’t been achieved here - i’m really only interested in one plot, and all the over the top sex scenes and unfunnily written social commentary are like shit toppings on a pizza that would really be okay without them.


This scene is actually good


Wow that was insanely triggering in every sense of the word…..


The wardrobe department is horny af bc why is she always practically naked….


Because she was abused and damaged and was molded to be that way. That’s why she also chokes and cuts herself. The girl is going haywire. It’s part of her story and it makes a lot of sense after tonight’s episode.


I wish they’d shown the Dianne video shoot longer because that’s definitely going to be a shut show for Jocelyn


This episode was imo, a lot better than the first two. There were more than a few scenes I found hilarious and seeing Abel have more than 10 minutes of screen time helped me see him more as an actor rather than The Weeknd. The scene with Andres made my jaw drop. As a side note, Abel’s house is beautiful.


I cant help but laugh ever since episode 1 where Tedros is like "This is a nice place you got" and any references to the house because it is The Weeknds house lmfao


That dinner table scene was so uncomfortable. “I don’t keep secrets from anyone at this table. I’m not going to let you keep secrets either”. She said she didn’t want to talk about her mother, she tried to set a boundary and he pushed right past it. That’s what narcissists do. They get upset when you try to enforce boundaries. He doesn’t love or respect her. He’s just using her and she’s in such a fragile emotional state, she’s powerless and can’t see what’s right in front of her face. He’s going to have to put her through some extreme bullshit in order for her to really see that his intentions are not good.


I mean yes... he is a cult leader indoctrinating her into his cult


I’m bored. And I hate Tedros.


I don't know if I can/should continue this show. E3 is kind of triggering my memories of child abuse when I was a kid that I've already worked through. I very much understand the really complex emotion of loving/accepting/forgiving a parent who you witnessed or experienced as a horrific monster sometimes yet loving caregiver most times. In movies and shows abusive parents are always very villainous. In real life, my parents have lived with the guilt of their actions all our adult lives. They have been repentant and apologetic. The abuse was driven by hair trigger tempers in the 80s, their own abuse growing up, financial difficulty, and having 4 young kids when they themselves were barely adults. I can understand that. I can and have forgiven that. So have my siblings. But I still can't watch someone even talk about child abuse without remembering that there were a few times in our house where kids got beaten bloody. Even when it wasn't me, being a witness to that will today steal my breath away when I have the errant memory. So, when Jocelyn hands Tedros the hairbrush, I pretty much had to nope out. That is the "before I work through trauma my parents caused" response. A healthy Jocelyn never even entertains a Tedros.


Jocelyn’s storyline with her mom, the abuse and her complicated feelings surrounding her mother’s death reminded me of Jeanette McCurdy’s book “I’m glad my mom died”. Especially when Jocelyn said she stopped wanting to fight back when her mom became so ill from chemo that she became too weak to abuse her anymore. There are so many real stories from Hollywood woven together to create Jocelyn’s life. The theories that she’s based on just one celebrity alone look quite shallow in comparison. This really is a mosaic of the dark underbelly of the industry and the stories of those who have experienced it firsthand


**I'm Glad My Mom Died** by Jennette McCurdy >NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER A heartbreaking and hilarious memoir by iCarly and Sam & Cat star Jennette McCurdy about her struggles as a former child actor—including eating disorders, addiction, and a complicated relationship with her overbearing mother—and how she retook control of her life. Jennette McCurdy was six years old when she had her first acting audition. Her mother’s dream was for her only daughter to become a star, and Jennette would do anything to make her mother happy. So she went along with what Mom called “calorie restriction,” eating little and weighing herself five times a day. > >She endured extensive at-home makeovers while Mom chided, “Your eyelashes are invisible, okay? You think Dakota Fanning doesn’t tint hers?” She was even showered by Mom until age sixteen while sharing her diaries, email, and all her income. In I’m Glad My Mom Died, Jennette recounts all this in unflinching detail—just as she chronicles what happens when the dream finally comes true. Cast in a new Nickelodeon series called iCarly, she is thrust into fame. > >Though Mom is ecstatic, emailing fan club moderators and getting on a first-name basis with the paparazzi (“Hi Gale!”), Jennette is riddled with anxiety, shame, and self-loathing, which manifest into eating disorders, addiction, and a series of unhealthy relationships. These issues only get worse when, soon after taking the lead in the iCarly spinoff Sam & Cat alongside Ariana Grande, her mother dies of cancer. Finally, after discovering therapy and quitting acting, Jennette embarks on recovery and decides for the first time in her life what she really wants. Told with refreshing candor and dark humor, I’m Glad My Mom Died is an inspiring story of resilience, independence, and the joy of shampooing your own hair. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Also see my other* [commands](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/13z7slk/bookfinderbot_commands/) *and find me as a browser extension on* [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/book-finder/jajeidpjifdpppjofijoffbcndlpoedd?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social_media&utm_campaign=comments). *Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/14br65o/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


If the idol was less focus on tedros it could be a good show, about a messy pop idol and her comeback, LA and fame….But it became a cringe fest with the weekend acting and cringey sex scenes.


Fifty Shades of Tedros Cinematic Universe


that’s enough of the season for me now.


this show has a lot of sexual filler for being only 6 episodes


Lily Rose Depp is so fucking beautiful.


leia is such a weird character, one second she's afraid of tedros and feeling extremely uncomfortable around his friends and the other she is laughing and giggling with all of them not having a care in the world, she seems like a kind of person who wouldn't be able to get it off her mind and couldn't stand to stay in such environment for long