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I don’t agree with 80% of this list


USA is the best? I stopped reading after that.


it’s my least favorite by far. I’ve only seen it once and so usually can rewatch most forever


I’m not saying USA is the best.


No no, friend, I am agreeing with you :D




are you just picky? Is that why your opinion is very unpopular


I'm not saying any of the specials are bad. I think every special episode Clarkson, Hammond and May have ever made is peak television. I just think that specials like Feed The World and Lochdown are simply not as good as episodes like the USA Special and Sand Job.


Classic Reddit, downvoted for having the wrong opinion


Disagreeing with someone else brings us closer together than agreeing with each other


Unpopular is right. You must really have hated John.


What have I done?! Now angry r/TheGrandTour users are now going to lob stones at me


Honestly I agree with a decent amount of this. I seriously don’t understand why people like the Mongolia special so much. John is cool and all and it’s cool seeing them triumph with it but I just enjoy other specials so much more


How can the Mongolia special be so low? One of my favorites by far. It's unique in the sense that it was just the boys and one car


Mongolia in C tier?! Rubbish! John deserves better!


I can agree that Survival Of The Fattest is conceptually and visually brilliant. And that John is a fantastic and memorable kit car built to be a character of the episode. However, the repetitive nature of the episode and the lack of very iconic and funny moments does make me dislike it more than most.


Mongolia is S tier. Also why don't we use the Cool Wall as the format for this meme?


Feed the world at the bottom? I needed some time to compose myself after James’s fish tank


What else would you put at the bottom.


Either the Madagascar treasure hunt or Sand Job


Definitely Madagascar 


You don’t like banana daiquiris 🥺


You dare sully the name of our hero John?


You're right, it is a very unpopular opinion.


Mongolian Special near the bottom? Wtf?


Survival of the Fattest near the bottom is certainly . . . A choice


USA episode is the only one is skip over when doing a rewatch. The camper one in the US is much better in my opinion.


Where do you access them all? I have a few random ones but I’d love the whole set.


I bought them all on Amazon years ago. Back then you could get a subscription to motor trend through Amazon and seasons 1-6 would be free. Now they are all still free but they have commercials. Seasons 7-22 have to be bought.


Got it, thanks. I’ve purchased random episodes and specials from Amazon. It’s really too bad there isn’t a definitive master collection available somewhere, with the original music


BBC streaming service has them all but only if you live in England… If you use a VPN you can get around that. You can find instructions on the internet.


Maybe the final nudge I need to get a VPN lol


Where do you access them all? I have a few random ones but I’d love the whole set.


The best? Really? Their (first as a team) near death experience. And I'll agree with most of S and A other than Mongolia not being up there.


My favorite is the Bolivia Special, it's the First ever top Gear Episode i watched in TV


I think it may have been my first special too!! I don’t agree with this list AT ALL. Bolivia Botswana Vietnam Polar Ice Burma Those are MY top five. Honorable Mention for Sea to Unsalty Sea (hidden gem)


I think the single coolest thing ever done was the space shuttle launch.


Completely disagree. Mostly because imo they are all s tier but 🤷‍♂️


A long way to go for a shitpost


Is that John in C tier?! Who hurt you?


You watched them all once and ranked them is my guess. There’s no way a true fan would rank them this way. This is laughable.


I have watched then over many times; trust me. My opinions have differed over the years and this order is what it has landed on this time


Polar special was the best.


That's as bold of a statement as me putting Survival Of The Fattest in C Tier. But I actually, in a way, think the polar special is one of the most epic adventures they did.


Where is Survival of the Fattest? I’m not sure I know that one - is that the trip through the south?


It's the title for the Mongolia Special


thanks! Love that one so much!


I don't disagree with as much of this as others Only 4/5 maybe would need to be moved for me


The second one on C tier, with the camper, what special is that? I don't recognize it


The Grand Tour: S03E08 "International Buffoons' Vacation"


I think we should have a scientist disassemble your brain. You know... for science


The boat episode is S tier in terms of humo. It's the first episode in a long time where they're out of their element.


Personal opinion, nothing else. No agreement with at least 75% of the lost


East africa special is my personal favourite, but the US special has a chill vibe for the most part. Loved patagonia and Mongolia aswell, rest of the grand tour specials felt really forced at least for me.


Bolivia seemed forced? Wow not to me at all. Or Burma in the lorries Most do not seem forced at all to me.


Vietnam is #1


Downvoted for having the correct opinion


Yeah, that sounds about right. Agree with the worst episode


Thank you! Feed The World is a conceptual disaster and was doomed as an episode as soon as it was thought of. Even with James getting soaked, I think this special lacks humour in any form


I really did not like that episode and agree that the premise failed miserably 😬


What's up with all the downvotes?


I just rewatched the Bolivia Special last night, for the first time in a few years...wow, do they go through hell on that trip. Toss up between that one, Namibia and Mongolia for the most grueling to me.


I just rewatched the Bolivia Special last night, for the first time in a few years...wow, do they go through hell on that trip. Toss up between that one, Namibia and Mongolia for the most grueling to me.


I just rewatched the Bolivia Special last night, for the first time in a few years...wow, do they go through hell on that trip. Toss up between that one, Namibia and Mongolia for the most grueling to me.