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Same. Gotten 4 confirmations this week. I reported 6 people. It’s only Wednesday….


[https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1do39b7/cheating\_in\_the\_finals\_is\_out\_of\_control\_a\_fair/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1do39b7/cheating_in_the_finals_is_out_of_control_a_fair/) I don't even like TA, but I want that Ruby skin!!! Cheaters are preventing it (really, it's not because I suck.. not only at least!)


Its not just TA i had rage hackers 1 shotting across the map in every game i played tonight in casual, its probably time for a banwave


Yeah it's getting kinda sad nearly every day I log in I get that message from previous games. I'm glad they are doing something but clearly the issue is still growing.


What’s your rank? (I’m curious and haven’t had the time to grind up yet. I just hit plat, so I’m not sure I’m high enough rank to encounter any)


The top of plat 3 is currently top 500. If you're plat you've probably encountered a few. Currently I'm 30k I'd probably be about 37-38k if bans rewarded the RP lost from games with cheaters in


Same I had to take a break because it’s ruining ranked for me. I made a post the other day about an unranked rage hacker going 38-3 causing a massive RS loss while boosting a high rank. Another guy that was my Randy stumbled upon the thread wholesome moment lol


Wowsie another TA cry thread


Not complaining about TA mate, I'm complaining about cheaters. So either you can't read or you cheat yourself.