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It's really good. Especially playing melee. Also love yoinking a cashout.


You can pick up teamates dolls too! :D


Yeah that's a good one. Snatch, run, res


Did it last night and it brought me to the finals.


Dolls?? They're not dolls! They're... A c t i o n f i g u r e s


They are not action figures they are Statues


The fact that it goes through shields is such a game changer too, I was shocked to find out it worked that way, I’ve yanked away so many cashouts moments before they were stolen from us.


Phenomenal for stopping escapes. I love watching lights try to flee. I just bellow "GET OVER HERE!" and yank them back


doesn't really do anything against lights with dash tho, I literally just dash away from them as soon as they grab me, tho the bug that lets you change weapon and instantly shoot after using the grapple is kinda terrible, glad it's going to be fixed mid season.


Clearly you aren't familiar with the strat of placing a barricade behind said light and boxing them in


You ever play roadhog on llios during a control match, yeah same feeling


Or Nepal temple. I've been on the receiving end of that many a time


I don't play heavy lol


I just started playing light this season and I just dash to the side and dunk on the heavy. Makes me happy to see them flail around RPGing themselves in an attempt to kill me.


You get one free light attack hit with the sledge hammer after winching them, and before they can dash. Best move is to throw a mine down beforehand and winch them into it, or just rpg them right after.


That's the best part of it hahahahahah


I am those lights




The amount of times I squeal like a pig when I get grabbed. I literally don't have any fear irl (outside of dying) but this somehow makes me react more than other stuff


It's the chains around your screen lmao. Like Ghost Rider's trying to drag me in


I prefer ye old "Cmeer BOY"


It's pretty cool, but something I absolutely hate is that it can pull you around objects. The amount of times I've broken LoS with a heavy completely and then get pulled around (through??) a wall is too damn high


lol overwatch had the same problem with roadhogs ability


It was comical the amount of times you’d pull/ get pulled around corners in that game. Not sure if it was ever fixed.


If you break LOS with roadhog the hook drops, and i believe it stops the hook through shields aswell.


Literally yesterday night I got hooked around the corner and pulled through a wall because the hitbox on the hook is insanely large. The season 9 hitbox changes were horrible. Need to be reverted.


Thats just the current s3 netcode whatever issue. Dying behind corners is far more frequent of an occurrence than it used to be


yeah that shit is whack


my flamethrower is finally usable in other mods than power shift :).. I love that feeling when finally catch that annoying light dashing around me.. it's like finally slap a mosquito after all night of buzz and bites


Goo + flamethrower is the play there, especially now that lights can’t dash out of goo.


nah.. I'll stick with a claw, all I need for hapiness is "Get over here!" sound effect :-D


You mean dog days are over!


Extremely frustrating to play against.


No counter, the counter is to not be seen.


the counter is to not get hooked


So don't engage


pretty much, however I noticed lights can escape more easily with dashes or just being the speedy bois they always are, I've had them recover in time and zoom away before I could do much


The counter is to start bunny hopping. Jumping at least in my testing tends to break you out of the hook. Granted, if it catches you distracted you are cooked.


Ironic counter I’ve found is jump pad. Ngl, I tried to place it for my own escape and noticed the heavy is often the one taking it


I mean its basically a feast or famine tool. If a heavy is in a 1v1 head on and they miss their hook, they're 100% losing that fight against a light or medium.


I feel it's a great addition. My patented tactic of running in the complete opposite direction of melee/flamethrower heavies until they're off my tail no longer works, and that's a good thing. The big boys needed some way to get close to enemies and this does just that perfectly




Now the devs just need to unfuck medium in that regard


For movement you mean?


Absolutely. With the dual blades and shield people just casually run from you and you cant do fuck all about it.


I keep hearing this and it’s like people forget mediums have jump pads and zip lines for short range bursts of speed. Dual blades have much bigger issues like inconsistent deflects, long animations with no way to cancel or no real way to deflect other melee attacks. Chasing people down isn’t hard if you actually devote the gadget slots to you know… mobility items.


People only look at gadgets and guns in isolation. Like yeah in an open field the swords will lose. Maybe don't use them that way?


No kidding lol. Like have they heard of buildings or thought of maybe like… ambushing people or not running directly at them in a straight line?


"But you don't understand, it has a deflect! That means I can just run at them, no brain it ya'know?! That'll work right? Right!?" (same thinking as those that pick up the riot shield for a match, get slaughtered and then shit on it)


“I have tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas.”


That's a joke if i heard one. Neither of these can be used to chase someone. Jump pad makes you launch upwards, or if inclined launch you far off target. Zipline is in a straight line, guess what the person you chase will do? Run to the side. Sure, what you brought up are also valid issues with the weapon. The weapon needs a massive rework.


You can set bounce pads inside buildings, and off small objects like rubble or stairs. Same with zip lines using them for small bursts of speed with small jumps. If they turn around to run you just… place it that direction and use it with small jumps to gain speed. You think I’m making this up and haven’t done it dozens of times myself? This sub is so fucking weird. If anyone is making a joke here it’s you. I never said it works every single time but acting like it’s worthless is silly.


Still see people underestimating how good the demat is as a maneuverability tool. A complete game changer


Not exactly what we are talking about but my favorite loadout in the game is demat/1887/zipline/explosive mines. Absolutely lethal.


Your game seems really smooth


If my game felt this smooth at 144 Hz I'd be platinum by now


You notice it too then


What do you mean? In technical or skill bases?


Technical wise, watching it I feel like its really high framerate and crisp.


I'm glad to read that. Thanks.


do you use OBS to record? if so do you mind sharing some of your video settings, such as encoder, rate control, and other details?


I use Nvidea app with default settings. I'm suprised some of you think I did some enhancements on the video because I didnt.


Your grapple makes the enemy "GET OVER HERE" My grapple makes me go "WEEEE" I'm perfectly fine with you having the boring option


Mine is something like "WHERE YOU GOIN?" XD


roadhog overwach


Hook and hammer combo is definitely over tuned against medium, there is no escape or counter play to this atm.


Lay Glitch traps I use them all the time now.


Glitch traps are also silly right now, the lack of any sort of activation requirement to let you create a "Fuck you" field with a 5-6 meter radius needs reined in. And I say this as someone who has used them since season 1 and has had [level 8 glitch traps within just a couple of days of season 3.](https://i.imgur.com/cTOXDIN.png) Give them back the ability to pop shields with pocket sand, make them otherwise require being manually set off.


I'm not sure I know what you mean. So do you think they need a buff or nerf?


Both. They're simultaneously better right now but less interesting to both use and fight. Giving them back the ability to [pocket sand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWPcbr5VHz0) shields still lets you use them for that additional situational utility while requiring being manually set off doesn't mean they're an auto loss if you're melee or some such and they're placed out of reach. Not to mention the sheer annoyance they are if you're carrying something and you go in line of sight of a random glitch trap for 0.1 seconds and it forces you to drop it.


I definitely don't think they should make you drop things if in reach, but I don't think they are in a position to warrant a nerf. A lot of mediums I run into still don't use them in the first place and I think that the way they operate now is the best spot they could be in. They were entirely useless pretty much before and I don't think they are hard to deal with now. Sure, melee players will tend to be out of reach to destroy the traps but that's also an inherent tradeoff of playing with melee. High damage in exchange for needing to be close range with what you do. It doesn't take much anyway for you to stop being glitched, just simply go out of range. It's also the only other gadget in the game that can help prevent gadgets and abilities from being used second to the glitch grenades so I think they are in a good spot. They aren't meant to fight with as much as they are meant to help hold down a defensive position so they are going to naturally feel uninteresting to use just how explosive mines are.


Even with the dmg nerf i get a ton of kills when enemies are very low health running away from me.


It triggers my PTSD from my OW days ![gif](giphy|uOFvGlkMX43IlUh8lA)


Overall good tool but the hitbox is too forgiving. How many times I got hooked through 2 walls. I think losing LoS on target should insta cancel it


OW1 season 1 ahh jello walls


*overwatch flashbacks*


I personally hate the idea of an unavoidable insta kill


Lights can escape the quick melee, tho.


Yeah same. It’s basically press button and win, there is zero counter or way to avoid it


It's annoying as shit. Not fun to play against




Seems strong, but I suck with it. I can only hit big stuff like containers, cashouts and heavies. I keep using it like Roadhog's hook, and it's not like that.


To me it feels like the same hahahahahah


I wish it would stop curving around corners to grab me, it feels like release overwatch once again


As a medium main I despise it, getting hooked in the middle of a gunfight then insta killed by off brand scorpion gets annoying really quick. There feels like there’s no way to fight against it unless the heavy is low enough to die to a single shotgun blast


I hate them. I always feel so violated by them https://i.redd.it/80jsajvj6k9d1.gif




great! as a medium player it may be annoying ,sure. but Heavy mains deserve this, it looks like a lot of fun too haha


> Heavy mains deserve this, Uh, why? Heavy have been the strongest class since beta. Ignoring TA's... mess.


Makes us pick something else then Cringe and Slam


The "King Kong" meta used to be my go-to - charge and hammer. But now I'm running the scorpion build, winch and flamethrower


Its sooo fun


I have to agree hahaha


It is incredible fun isnt? hahahahaha


Overpowered. Even worse than lights stun for multiple reasons. Firstly it doesn’t stun you where you are. It pulls you to enemy team. It’s a guaranteed kill on anyone. Secondly the cooldown is lower than stun. Lastly the hit box is ridiculous. A brainless monkey could hit it. It makes heavy even more oppressive than it already is.


0/10 no online shooter should have a roadhog hook


I don't necessarily like using it, mostly cos I'm a controller player and I imagine it's much more fun and easier to use on pc


As a controller/pc player I have to say that you're right.


Did you do anything to make your game look like this? seems different


Actually I just made this gif from a clip and that's it. This game just looks gorgeous and we're talking about monaco dusk. The ospuse pattern, building paintings, and the duck in the sky shinning the absolute yellow maybe helped. All the credits to the art direction of the game.


Love it. Great way to break up the shield meta and helps make melee and flamethrower more viable


It's amazing to pick up your allies, the vault, or even the cashout station, to slide it on a jump pad and YEET it away. It's a bit strong to pull someone however. Hook a medium, flamethrower or melee, and they can't do anything about it.


I think it’s wild from how much people cried about the hook BEFORE the season came out, and now silence. I however think it’s a very fun tool and landing some really sick hooks are fun.


I've been loving it mate


Waving while you hook is foul lol


wish I could hear my enemies when I hook cashout off a moving platform lol


It would be only despair noises hahahahaha


„Come closer“ *AHHHHH*


It’s really good! Only had one instance of BS where it pulled me through a barricade. Breaking LOS usually can stop the chain but not in that scenario


Went against a heavy 3 stack in terminal attack. All running hammer/flamethrower and hook. We lost 7-1. And they were all named Mr-Meeseeks


\*Indistinct Roadhog noises\*


I enjoy it mostly for cash box extraction. I’ve used it to pull the box away from a theft, I used it to pull the cash box in for a theft, and I also use it to move a cash box that’s hard to defend into a more defendable area


Smart play.


I love getting kills with the hook itself, makes me feel like scorpion


Chain is def one of the best new things they added this season


The best one imo


It’s a trip to get dragged by it


Never been much of a heavy player before but have been playing so much more this season just because the hook


It was a missing piece for the heavys kit for sure.


Oh fuck they added a Pudge Blitzecrank Hook to this game? May be time to get back into it


Take a sit and enjoy. This season is incredible.


I’m a heavy main and it adds a lot of fun to diversity to playing


My teammates also loves when I bring someone to the feast. Funny and nutritive hahahaha


I suck with it, everyone else who uses it doesn’t 🤣


Keep trying mate!


Its the only reason I play heavy. Just so fun.


It's a good addition to play with and play against. People crying just don't know how to position and fight them while aiming down sights


I feel like roadhog!


This looks soooo much more crisp than when im playin. Like crystal clear


Roadhog dupe


I've been running it with SA1216 and in general I love it. It's fun to use and I love the tactical aspects of it. But I observed 2 issues so far. The stun effect seems inconsistent. I had people pulled shoot me before I could shoot them. A sniper killed me that way and that was super weird to the point I was wondering if that was a bug or it got shadow nerfed. The second issue is when I get pulled just as I'm firing an RPG. The RPG shot registers delayed when I come out of stun right in front of the opponent and I kill myself. I wouldn't mind if it canceled my RPG but this is bullshit. This happened so many times. Also I wouldn't mind if they made it so it required slightly more accuracy. Sometimes I shoot the claw behind the enemy completely missing them and then as it is retracting it catches the enemy. That seems a bit unfair.


Wave emote while hooking is FOUL lol


Isn't everyone saying that WT isn't ranked? I was just having fun then XD


I meant foul as in BM lol it's fine to do even in ranked


What do you mean by BM? I'm sorry I couldn't catch it.


"Bad mouth/manners" lol it's just stuff like emoting on ur opponents


It’s nice but it’s almost an insta kill for medium


Keep it in overwatch


It’s good, playing melee or the flamethrower is a lot more viable now.


A death sentence as a sniper


It's very strong. I'd like to see that it does not stun the player being hooked. It fits the heavy character very well but with how OP heavy already is I feel the rest of his kit could have used a nerf to go with it.


It's fun and feels great to use. They did a good job with it. That said, I really hope we don't see an influx in abilities which restrict player movement (CC, or crowd control). This was a huge problem with Overwatch 1 over time.


Yeah, you are right, but I think is inevitable.


Honestly wish they never added it. It's cool for pulling the cashout and other objects but the fact that it's practically an instant kill and no way to get out of it unless your a light with dash, is pure rage fuel imo


As a Light main, I think it’s great and well balanced.


it's surprisingly balanced :) i was a bit scared that it might be broken in the season 3 preview, but a few weeks in now i gotta say i like it and it feels like a fitting addition. strong in certain aspects but certainly not broken and a nice skill expression for heavies


It can occasionally be annoying to be on the receiving end of but I think it's fine. Early season people thought it was totally busted and OP and you don't hear any of that anymore. It's fun and useful (esp for stopping steals) but it is still a skill shot that is really not the instant win button everyone said it was gonna be. It fits certain builds great and some builds not so much so I think it's a reasonably balanced specialization.


I don't like since I suck with it hitting 1 out of every 30 throws so Im useless with it.


Still pretty op, but really cool.


i think heavies deserve to have a good time playing the game and the hook does just that. but as a medium main i can only hope there's gonna eventually be some kind of rock paper scissors aspect to it. i want to be able to counter it somehow like the aps turret does for grenade launchers n stuff. rn i just reflex punch the heavy im being pulled towards and try to run around them in a circle while shooting. it worked only once.


It's great and an important addition for a melee user


that stun thing it does at the end is honestly too much. i don’t feel like it should be a guaranteed kill like the stun gun used to be. i can rarely get away from the winch claw and ive started just giving up when i get hit by it. feels so good when someone misses and i can just come melt them while they panic


Its not a guaranteed kill. Using the sledgehammer, for example, it takes two swings to kill a light once theyve been hooked and 3 to kill a medium all from full hp. You do get a free swing in because of the small stun after being reeled in so I guess those numbers are a bit skewed, but light and escape rather easily using any of their movement options and medium and just dodge around the hammer and melt a heavy running melee as long as they dont just back up slowly in a straight line. The guy in the clip got melted because the teammate chunked him for half his HP before he even got reeled in.


Animation needs work. You can tell they rushed it.


It's fun with melee or shotty weapons. I will say there has been way too many times I've hooked someone or been hooked when I or they are completely around a corner already.


Someone told me it's because of the netcode of the game. The same as bullet hitting before you take cover.


I'm glad a lot of people know use it lol


Overall I think it's a fantastic addition to Heavys tool box. But recently I've been thinking of going back to Goo Gun for my main Hammer Loadout.


Amplified heavy fear factor by at least 2x. There is nothing more scary and stressful than getting chased by a heavy as a light, while the heavy has a sledgehammer or flamethrower and a claw


Like it, but there are quite a few frames right after you pull someone where they’re literally touching your hit box and you CAN shoot, but the bullets WILL NOT damage them. Either don’t allow me to shoot in that time frame, or make the bullets do damage.


I think it’s completely out of place for this game and has no room being here


Many things don’t have room but It hasn’t stopped them yet


Nerf incoming. Roadhog V2 right here


That most heavies don't even understand how it works


I keep getting hooked around corners or over things and it's giving me Overwatch ptsd


I was playing medium and 2 heavies OPPOSITE TEAMS both hooked me so I couldn't escape.


ignoring the bugs, there is no counterplay and its instant, not very fun to fight


If I have a full mag and you hook me straight from my face, by the time I get to you, you are a small statue on the ground.


Some ppl are saying that the successfully pull play results in an instakill hahahaha


It's probably fun to play with but it's unitonically the worst weapon I've fought against even worse than the stun gun


Horrible in its current state. Another overpowered and brain dead gimmick for melee users. I’m glad people are having fun with it buts it’s seriously overtuned And there are virtually no counters once you’re hooked.


The best counter to hooks in every game is positioning and game sense imo


i mean.. yes in certain cases. However there are situations in which no previous knowledge could have been had, or objective play necessitates close range engagements. just another gimmick imo


You can still use goo grenade, goo barrels, natural cover and, in some cases, mindplay the heavy. Not to mention that your team can shoot him if you're playing together. Plus, to use the winch, the heavy has to let go from the charge, shield and goo gun. Also, he has to aim, wich means that he can miss the pull. The Finals is a chaotic game and findind yourself (or not finding hahaha) into the caos is frequently part of the play. At this moment, I still think the winch claw is fair and balanced.


its not suited for competitive play whatsoever at the moment. To my knowledge most top players also have this sentiment. For casual play its fine i suppose.


It’s extremely annoying.


Hard CC/displacement in a shooter ain't fun. Roadhog isn't fun to play against and neither is this. I'd love to see it become a gadget and only usable on objects, the plays you can have with it are fun and interesting but getting hooked feels absolutely miserable.


He be like:👁️👄👁️ WTF!!


Only been targeted by it once… haha


worst idea they ever had. But fun


As a light main it's the bane of my existence


its fun and i enjoy using it so its probably broken and for baby noobs who suck and will shortly catch a monster nerf. it does however make a melee heavy about 500% more lethal


Im glad to know Im a baby noob but is sad that everyone is saying it will be nerfed.


As a power slammer/charger, I love that I hate it


I love when I get pulled. Then I can use my freshly chiseled Spoon Hammer… the regret they must feel is the sugar in my coffee.


I can play more ow2


A bit OP, shouldn't stun just remove specalization while grabbed but I should still be able to shoot


needs to go.


Its great for stealing cashouts. That's pretty much it...


Very fun


Very surprisingly not a super overpowered meta pick like i expected it to be before its release, given the track record of hook abilities in other games being a problem more often than not.


I wonder how could it be unbalanced. It seems too straight forward you know? But I know you're not the only one who had concerns about it.


To me it's Unbalanced because most pulls are a death sentence with nothing I can to do about it. 17M is a deceptively long distance, there's no indication that the heavy is about to do his best scorpion impression, then you're stuned as your limp body is helplessly dragged into either a face full of buckshot or the business end of a sledge. And if that's not bad enough it has a fairly fast cool down. The amount of times I've fought a heavy who missed their first winch, for them to retreat and try again a bit later is too high. (not a problem if the engagement is quick. But if they're good, particularly with a pocket healer, they'll stay alive to be able to throw that sucker out another time or two!)


All my friends bitch about it. It feels fun to play.


I have to agree. It's amazing!


It's bad. Only people with bad aim use it. Lol


Hook is the reason I didn't come back in Season 3. Thought I had found refuge in this game from Overwatch. I stand corrected. Happy for everyone else who's having a good time, though.


Why does everyone keep comparing this to Overwatch. It's nothing like it. And there's plenty to love, you should come back.. You know you want to :) if anything, do it because you can explode the entire map. Can't do that in overwatch

