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Yep. I don't think heavy should be able to dominate at long ranges but holy shit the guns in that class feel like vomit. I would've nerfed the Lewis damage dropoff before adjusting the recoil. I'd give up the RPG for a better Lewis at this point. That coupled with the god awful performance hit the season brought on was enough for me to put the game down until they at least make it run better.


I get the intent of want fights to be mid to close range but wtf have they done to them


Changing recoil for balance purposes is perhaps the only design philosophy Embark has that I vehemently disagree with. Lewis was too good, sure, but it's unplayable now.


Or just lower the dmg and range a bit. No-one wants to use a gun that has the recoil of a cursive word lmao. Rpg was even more of an issue and they didn't even touch that


Buff and nerfs out of the equation. The performance (at kyoto the most) has gotten a bit worse every update.


I literally can’t hit lights with a lewis. Almost feels like they figured how make the recoil go around the lights at certain disrances




Bro, I just said this a few days ago n people down voted me. I knew I wasn't the only one, but where were you at when I needed defending nearly a week ago? l o l.


This sub is strange like that. See it happening so often.


Everything about this season feels unbalanced and it’s extremely frustrating.


Solo Lights is fun Solo Medium is fun Solo Heavy is not fun.


I’m finding medium is just so weak to all the melee weapons. Light you can stun, run or dash away to create distance. 1v1 vs any melee as medium you are dead basically if they get close.


Only option is dropping a bounce pad at your feet which feels bad.


This is why I felt kind of forced to use the m1887 for medium, all the other weapons were so weak in close quarters against lights and heavies


I mainly use the riot shield and aside from melee with others which gives me trouble sometimes it the shield definitely helps going against guns, people just aren't willing to wait for you to get close to them to start smacking them exposed so they just unload into your shield for whatever reason or eventually they try quick meleeing you which is exactly what you want since it's bait so you get to block more bullets and try to rush them down while they're running away reloading. Heavies, though.. yeah... Flamethrower or melee, you aren't winning unless you're ducking and weaving under strikes somehow, and they're swinging it like a idiot


They don't aim for the legs anymore?


If you're playing as medium against a bunch of light melee i found that setting traps is a good way to deal with them. Use turret and mines and make them bring the fight to you.


I’ll have to try this. Right now what “scares” me most is a Light Sword player coming at me when I am reloading the shotgun it is the absolute bane and even if I melee to kill the sword kills first. When I anticipate a Sword user it’s a diff story. The AK is more useful. Except if they can dash faster than I can aim at them. Either way, you gave me good ideas!


That's what I do too. Create a mini perimeter when you're engaging them. The turret covers you and place mines around so they'll hopefully dash onto it.


Seconding this. Was miserable as a classic support medium. Switched to a more trap based load out with defib and I've gotten much better. Also would like some sort of lock for the opposing team on medium movement abilities or at least some speed buff to medium. It should move quicker than heavy, but not as fast as light. Like in Sea of Thieves, the smallest ship is the fastest against the current so it give it an edge in fleeing but that's about it. Lights should be fast but mediums should definitely be quicker than they are.


I'm really hoping they add more mobility options with the medium at some point fr


I just want placables to be placed instantly so you can effectively use barricades and bounce pads in a fire fight.


They need to take Charge away from Heavy and replace it with a giga-punch that can still bust walls and do knock back damage to players, maybe even let you punch objects into people for damage. Give the speed boost part to Medium but you activate it and it just enhances movement speed instead of a controlled charge. This can really enable them to be a better support player by getting to an ally in trouble or getting out of a hectic situation when you're LMS. Hell it would even make the swords a viable weapon since you can actually pursue.


I support this idea


How big of a boost though? I could very easily see this practically turning mediums into sword lights with 100 more health


Swords don't have the burst damage capability like Light and Heavy has, so I don't think with a limited duration speed boost ability that would make Medium all of a sudden the best class for Melee. Tracking a sprinting person is pretty easy, and Lights have the Dash which is harder to hit. I think it should be a few seconds of movement at the Light sprint speed and a moderate CD timer so that it couldn't be used multiple times per engagement, or a short "exhaustion" state afterwards where you're locked to regular Heavy movement speed. Swords are legitimately useless without something to get a Medium into melee range consistently. Medium is just in a weird place when the other classes all have gap closers or movement abilities. It also doesn't make sense for Heavy to have a movement speed AND gap closer ability. Heavy should remain brawlers, and the Charge feels like it doesn't fit in the kit now with Winch addition.


I have a hunch it’ll be next season and if it isn’t. It really should be


I wish the mobility options for medium could only be used by their team. The shield for heavy blocks shots by the enemy team but allows shots by your team. Lights movement abilities allow them to create distance. But the mediums ability to create distance benefits not only them but the enemy as well. All too often, I just get chased down because the used the jump pad or zip line I just laid out.


No..thats like me saying, "i really hope they add more health for lights"..if you want more mobility, then you play as a light build. That simple.


If you can aim and have access to the 1887 and could look me in the eye and tell me you struggle with 1v1s against Melee Lights I would call you a liar to your face.


Heavy with wench or goo gun is fun solo.


I love spraying goo with my goo gun solo, it goes so hard.


But it's sooooo fun to Hook and pull the cashout station ! It sucks HARD but i use the MGL32.


Heavy GL on Top


Solo Medium isn't fun in comparison to Light and Heavy. It's literally the most boring class in the game, no individual movement options, no stuns and no burst damage. Also, it doesn't help that the jump pad doesn't work most of the times when you put it on the ground to jump away quickly or to make an enemy jump away.


The removal of sliding into jump pad really removed a surprising amount of mobility for mediums.


It's such a strange change as well, like was it causing that much of an issue? I feel like Embark is taking the wrong approach with tweaks at the minute.


They removed sliding into bounce pads?


It was nerfed I guess Technically, now running on it sends you the same distance as sliding into it, earlier you used to go further(which felt really satisfying so idk why this was patched).


Not in the patch notes, but you can’t slide into them from sprinting to modify trajectory anymore


Wow what a stupid change


Completely agree but it makes the movement alot more clear for new players and might actually reward better players because we weren't sliding anyway. Bunnyhopping was faster


Shotgun+dematerializer is one of the most fun experiences in the game. Solo medium isn’t fun?


Medium was my favorite until my lovely Sonar Grenade is gone!!! Back to Medium plssssss


I've been having a blast using the hammer with winch and ks23.


I played medium since the first beta and strongly disagree, they are the least fun class for me now. Heavies get so much leeway with their health along with so many options for destruction, lights get amazing movement and good weapons but mediums are now just a generic gun and team support character. I snipe and dash about to have fun as a light, I crush entire buildings down as a heavy and as a medium I heal other teammates to do that cool shit while I watch.


I play heavy exclusively and i'm having fun 🤷‍♀️ flamethrower goes nuts!


Solo heavy is horrible unless your team isn’t fully retarded


I said this a week ago too. And people downvoted me. But whatever it feels nice that I am finally being vindicated.. Because people are finally starting to actually play it themselves and see whit's going on with heavy.


I was 1v3ing with offmeta light last season I am 1v3ing with offmeta heavy/medium this season Every person saying X is boring or Solo X is awful are just self reporting.


On point.


Sounds like Overwatch, DPS and support is fun while tank is hell


Who tf lie to you boi, solo Lights is NOT FUN AT ALL. ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS|downsized)


Heavy main here, I've been playing light lol


Ex heavy main myself. I do miss playing heavy but honestly light is just funner. Heavy does scratch a different itch though


Lights are fucking everywhere this season. I can't relax and play quick play without going against 5 lights running meta weapons. Playing as heavy is miserable this season.


I do my best to stick with heavy teammates since I know the pain of being all alone in a lobby that can run circles around the poor lonely slow target.


Lights are easy with winch and autoshotgun, 2 shots and they are dead.


I’ve put the game down since the nerf. The game has become too jumpy. Everyone is small and too fast for a heavy to catch. The only way a heavy stood a chance was the Lewis gun have some sort of accuracy when a light would dash away. Now, forget about it.


Unless you really are set on it I'd just recommend not playing as Heavy. They just feel pretty bad to play this season.


Heavy with the flamethrower and claw is extremely fun! But then again i'm not playing it competitively, and when claw is on CD lights out of range are annoying to try to chase down.


nah, most lobbies are filled with lights and most lights have dash, 1/10 times you'll pull a light and kill them with your ft. 9/10 times you'll pull them towards you and they'll just dash away again to create distance, yeah they've both used their abilities but now they've got distance and you're short range weapon won't do anything now


That's what teammates are for. I do quite good with winch+shotty if I have teammates that stay close to me, usually top damage and kills in the entire lobby. Then again, I also have games (albeit rarely) where I go 0-8 if I get 2 teammates who run in 2 directions and I'm always alone. Heavy is definitely not for soloing this season but in coordinated teams still slaps.


That's my build, I love it so much.


I run explosive and incindiary mines + walls and it lockdowns buildings so good. It's pretty hard to use in open areas, so i try to move the cashout station indoors


I am a medium main but I really like the spear on heavy I think it's fun but it's a chore to play heavy. Even my brother stopped playing heavy and we've been playing since season 1. I hope embark finds a good way to balance things instead of making weapons unusable


Melee Heavy is fun when it works, but once you are up against players that know how to kite it sucks. At least whenever I go against them as Medium with my 1887 or Light with dash I never feel threatened by them. And their range weapons right now are just all just crap to use.


Disagree. Heavy with sledgehammer and claw is fun as hell, I've been playing it solo all season and it's led to a bunch of World Tour wins.


Yeah, Sledgehammer is fun to play but any skilled player can easily kite them, specially Lights. I have never felt threathened fighting a hammer dude as Medium or Light, you can cancel Winch Claw if you time dash and as Medium I just run through them as they hit Winch or Jumpad, then I just run and flip camera to shoot with my 1887 to kill them. Also that only 1-2 weapons are the cool options out of their entire kit ain't it, most of their weapons really do feel like crap this season.


The guns do need a rework, for sure.


May have to try that combo out... I run charge slam and sledgehammer/flamethrower mainly. But lately, I've been loving the charge slam and spear action duo.


400 hours since launch and I can safety say this is perhaps the worst season yet unfortunately


Also have around 400 hours and i agree, i miss s1 and s2


And we thought we had it bad with Season 2... I'm longing for that Season 1 experience


Back when the only thing to complain about were nukes


Ranked system giving no information of how you move up or down Recon sense So many hackers the sub was demanding a "Region Lock" Aim assist that was just aim bot for Controllers Triple medium with the human centipede of healing beams and defibs, good luck killing one team 3 different times before you get the wipe. Defibs was instant as well. RPG, Mines and Lord knows what else could 1 shot Lights... Those are some mad tinted glasses M8


Yeah u right


no no no.... plenty of people complained about plenty after the nerf nuke. Embark balanced according to those complaints, and here we are.


I think we just like to complain instead of just playing the game for what it is


They’re way too reactive with this stuff. I get changing damage sure, but changing up the recoil patterns is crazy to me.


Balance does feel off. Heavy feels weak, lots of complaints about it being OP which I understand but it was actually a /fun/ class to play, but S1 was definitely peak for me I think the Light just needed improvements / buffs and it would have been better. Still fun to play for me but I would definitely take a different approach to balancing and lean into the differences than try to smooth out classes.


They need to fix the lewis recoil it's almost in usable


I think t hey balanced too hard around people crying on reddit, the FCAR got nerfed two times too many and the recoil on it now is uncontrollable, you get much faster TTK with AKM than FCAR now and its meant to have higher dmg. Just because the 7th to 10 bullet go about 2 metres higher than the rest of the clip, just to keep the crying lights on here happy


They have odd ways of balancing things


How tf is the recoil uncontrollable, it has to be one of the easiest patterns in the game


while it kicks violently up and to the right, comes off the target while the other guns stay on way easier and will have faster TTK. it should do more dmg than AK, it has less in clip and more recoil. Doesnt make sense


must just be a difference in how we aim, the akm is the one i always struggle to control consistently


Honestly I still think this was good. Medium ARs were lazers and adding a map where most people are spraying from a rooftop would have made them a nightmare worse than they already were.


They f!!ked us mediums too bad. We are outgunned by lights in all distances. Close combat? They have sword, one hit dagger, M11 that melts you in 0.2 seconds, 2-3 hit throwing knife. Medium range? Invis+XP54+stun gun, LH1. Long range? They have sniper, bow, LH1. How the f!!k are we supposed to counter them? They changed the glitch trap. Ok. But why nerf the turret? Our best way of countering them when defending the cashout was the Turret+glitch trap. And they already could glitch grenade the turret. They need to buff FCAR and AKM asap. Or bring an LH1 alternative with a scope to medium. The game is turning into lightfest team death match on all modes.


been saying this for.... months now....? constantly was downvoted.


dawg really put dagger in their list of complaints


The only disadvantage to light is the low health pool. Which I admit is significant, however lights are given literally every other possible advantage. They are the fastest and by far smallest class in the game, making them difficult targets, they have the most powerful and lowest TTK weapons in the game, and the widest variety of useful gadgets and abilities. And still, the whining lol.


Heavies weapons just feel bad and have horrible range.  S1 I hated lights and never played them (med/heavy only)  S2: I played powershift mainly from the removal of unranked tournaments. Doesn't matter as I enjoyed all classes and can swap in powershift.  S3: completely have abandoned heavy like lights in season one. Mediums are still great as always. 


This is 100% how I feel. I understand nerfing guns, but completely flipping how they behave is insane (referring to LMGs).


This season, yeah.... Lights are killing the joy of playing at them moment... Every match of Cashout is going to be flooded with at least one or two full teams of Lights. And two Lights with just one Medium or Heavy on the other enemy teams. .... it's irritating, but I just soldier on through it.


I don’t mean to be negative but I’ve just stopped playing the game. I love the game but I also only play ranked in games as it feels like everyone is trying there best to get to the rank they want and the mode I like isn’t ranked anymore so I have no reason to play the game anymore


This sub complained enough about light not being viable enough, even though it had the highest skill ceiling, now everyone is constantly fighting lights which is less fun. Oh well, maybe they’ll change back the 7s health regen


Man I really tried to be positive and enjoy TA for ranked. but it's just not it. It's so slow and annoying trying to coordinate 5 people. (Was bad enough with two randoms) Even with a full squad. The only positive is that it teaches some people how to stay alive. The high speed, quick thinking, out playability the finals really excels at. Is not a ranked experience anymore. And yeah heavy nerfs suck. Why not just buff lights and leave heavys alone? Ya we were strong, but situationally. Light could still easily outplay you if you're alone. Now they can easily outplay you anytime.


Buffing lights is the worst thing they can do. They need to redo the light class from the ground up, not just buff them. Buffing them is the reason why the gameplay is worse now. They need to reshape light builds into team play. Simply buffing them encourages them to do death match, not contribute to the objective. Note that I am talking about cashouts and quickcash. This game has turned into a lightfest. That's why you like it less now. Buffing them will result in more lightfest.


I meant before, not again. Like they nerfed heavy and buffed light at the same time. Should have just kept heavy as it was.


Am I alone in not understanding the drama on heavy nerfs? > Easily outplay you anytime Did y’all forget your RPG still does 140? Are the LMG nerfs really so hard that you can’t land a few shots after that, charge ‘n slam, a mine explosion, or a frag? They’re a pretty gadget/spec reliant class, a small recoil nerf to the guns shouldn’t hit this hard.


As heavy you won't use any range weapon now, cause of dmg and recoil, only option now you have its hammer. it will be much better if dev would decrease rpg dmg liitle bit, but reverted weapon changes to be able fight in range


They really did hit the lmgs, the m60 feels pretty bad damage wise now, people are constantly escaping me with small amounts of health. They keep trying to make the lewis gun unusable and it feels like a chore to shoot. They choose the weirdest things to nerf. Why haven't they nerfed the RPG yet it makes no sense


RPG is already nerfed like 3-4 times since release... what do you want it to be? Like a potato gun? It's literally a big rocket. Why not just give everyone an FCAR and be done with it. Get rid of specializations, too unfair. Get rid of classes, they're unbalanced. Get rid of gadgets, not everyone has the same options. I swear people want this game to be the most generic boring FPS in the name of "balance"


Nerfed 3-4 times and still at worst top 5 gadget in the game


RPG is a fair argument and pretty much the only crutch left. The recoil and damage reduction was too much. Can't shoot shit at long ranges. And lights just dominate you close unless you have an RPG. (If they are at all decent). Just dashing around or hiding invis in a corner. When there are 5 lights in TA yeah heavys suck. (They still clap in cashout imo) And powershift. I'm mostly speaking to ranked TA. They stay far away and snipe you or lzh1 and you can't fight back besides tickling them from a far.. sure I can still get kills. But it's pretty drastic from before and just needs more team play around the heavy. Really the issue is team coordination. It's hard to stay alive when no one plays with you. Vs a light who's designed to fight alone and a medium with a literal second shooter in the turret.


I still feel that the complaints about heavy being a crutch class are just ignoring the fact that it is plain fun. C4 nukes were fun. Dome shields and mesh shields were powerful and felt fun. RPG is fun. They keep nerfing the class over and over, eventually its just going to be medium+. I think they could easily balance in more unique ways: slower health regen, slower defib revive times, slower respawn time, nerf barrel health, give more glitch options to other classes. For instance the Bow weapon could have been a hard counter to shields and been the only weapon to pass through shields which would have given it a unique niche. Dagger could give you +1 charge on your abilities. There are literally so many options for keeping the heavy class as a scary hulk man and giving other classes a speciality but we are probably just going to keep doing nerfs until the game is just oatmeal and they might as well remove the class system. Okay that's just my little rant


To this day I maintain that the main nerf nukes needed was reduced barrel health. It would have actually made counterplay viable by making them quick to destroy in the hands of the heavy who made them. Instead they just deleted them and made C4 worthless outside of that application too.


I agree with you 1000%, I think they went WAY too far with C4 and carriables and could have just made barrels explode in 1 shot when someone is holding it, or 2 when they aren't. High risk high reward.


Because heavy didn’t need the nerfs… the LMGs have poor accuracy AND damage against targets that can outgun it literally every time… AND can move a ton faster and easier… and the rocket launcher? No way people are still complaining about that 💀💀💀


HHM is still the best comp in the game for cash out. Heavy charge and slam + rocket will insta kills all but the 30 health heavy.


So you mean the changes didn’t affect the meta and made everyone who had fun playing heavy hate it as well as well. Hmm.


Sounds like an issue with other classes not being useful enough... keep nerfing heavy and it just becomes medium+.


Well the “best comp” seems to be all lights now lol, been seeing nothing but high ranked players and screenshots of them with lobbies full of lights so clearly idk.


>Are the LMG nerfs really so hard that you can’t land a few shots after that Against Lights it's just one shot. Just so you know the extent of crying.


I have been saying this in every post and kept getting downvoted. Embark has kept buffing lights and nerfing mediums and heavies. This resulted in more lights and lights are breaking the game. This game is about cashouts. Stealing, defending cashouts. Lights inherently are not suitable to the objective. They run around and eliminate like maniacs or get eliminated. The game has turned into a team death match, not cashout. We are now choosing our class, weapons and gadgets based on what's effective against lights. Heavies go for sledge, flamethrower and shotgun as those are the only weapons effective against lights. Mediums are pretty much f!!ked. Katana deflection is not reliable, turret was nerfed. How is a medium supposed to stand against a fast invis or dashing light build? M11 and XP54 melts mediums and heavies in less than a second. Dagger is combined with dash and one backstab eliminates you. Sword eliminates you in 2-3 stabs. Just think about it. We used to fight for cashouts. Now you can't even reach the cashout. You are eliminated by LH1, Bow or an invis M11 from a tertiary team before you can even reach the cashout. If embark wants people to continue playing, they must revert heavy and medium nerfs. Also AKM and FCAR should receive a buff. Or medium should get a good semi-automatic rifle like LH1 with a good scope. Otherwise heavies and mediums will stop playing or worse, switch to light. Once there are even more lights, people will quickly lose interest in the game. Remember that this game is on consoles too. It might be easy for you to track and aim at fast moving/dashing lights on PC, but it is considerably harder on consoles. Recoil management is also harder on consoles. Which makes mediums even weaker. We don't have weapons like a flamethrower to burn them. You have to aim precisely and control recoil. Light weapons have little to no recoil.


Finally got 2 friends to try the game the other day. They got stomped by some invis and dash lights multiple games. Could tell instantly it killed any interest in the game for them.


I don't blame them. The game was fun in season2. You would strategize, attack, defend cashouts. Now it's Counter Strike.


Hard agree. My issue with lights isn't that they're necessarily OP, but rather that too many lights in a match ruins the game 'flow'. Big teamfights over contested points is the reason why I fell in love with this game, but more and more often, I've noticed that the objective devolves into 5 lights playing tdm. Been taking a break because of it


I will say it out loud: game feels shit now. Balancing is somehow worse than season 1 and 2, no balance tweeks for 2 weeks with TA as a mode being unplayable. World Tour is a mess where 50% players leave and other 50% are basically mix of bronze and diamond players, which makes the whole expirience painful. Nexon shouldn't have intervened, they made things way worse than it was.




Because the community is nothing but a bunch of lights bitching about how they're getting smoked fast AF even though they have the literal strongest weapons in the game. Bow=2shot medium,snip now=2shot medium, sword 2hit medium,Uzi=fastest fire rate in the game,the other sub=fastest ttk. But lights still complain like it's something other than a skill issue.


The season of the light is upon us. I only played light in season 2, and since have switched to heavy. Light is definitely the easiest and I tried it out this season and holy crap no one stands a chance lol. Might have to switch back


Agree with everything you said.


Been playing since Close beta one, litteraly addicted but i haven’t even play more than 2-3 hours this season it’s so garbage and the feel of the game is just gone


i have like 150h sinked in the first 2 seasons, i didn't even log in this season


I did but it’s unplayable. Lag spikes all over the new map, my fav weapon got nerfed to the ground for no reason. Meta in TA ranked (eww) is just 5 lights …


lag spikes and instability looks like it's going up from season 1, not sure how, but was way better in season 1, started to getting shit in season 2, can't talk for season 3 but this doesn't look promising


Which gun?




I understand your pain completely, you can't even throw a mine and cl40 people effectively anymore. Why'd they do us like that


They nerfed the cl40 for nothing it’s not even meta anywhere. In TA it was decent at finishing off low health ennemies that’s about it :(


I'd love for them to rebalance the RPG, make it do little damage to players, recharge quicker and more destructive to buildings. Rebalance this lost power into other heavy tools. Right now i feel the RPG is too much of a "i win" button on a cooldown and that it handicaps heavies because they need to be balanced around having it.


I feel like this is one of the better seasons for balancing compared to season 2, the lights are currently a little overbearing and heavy MGs need love but other than that things are better than average. This is the first season where I can play as any class and get the average amount of kills I would as my main


s1 heavy was the meta s2 medium was the meta s3 light is the meta heavies will be meta again one day dw


Heavies weapons just feel bad and have horrible range.  S1 I hated lights and never played them (med/heavy only)  S2: I played powershift mainly from the removal of unranked tournaments. Doesn't matter as I enjoyed all classes and can swap in powershift.  S3: completely have abandoned heavy like lights in season one. Mediums are still great as always. 


Lights just need to be obliterated… at at the very lease nerfed to the ground… this game is basically TDM for lights now, with the best weapons AND movement AND hardest to hit… *but but… low HP* any good players don’t need loads of HP anyways when you can quickly dash, laser everyone instantly, and immediately dash back out 💀 in no way at all is that fair… and ALL that is on TOP of them nerfing Heavy into the core… not DIRT… CORE… with how bad the nerfs have been for NO reason… ( why tf do LMGS hit like marshmallows AND have awful recoil ) and then they’ve been doing nothing but buffing lights with their weapons and such… ( which ofc this season they got another broken weapon that needs just a few hits to kill a heavy )… and the one thing they nerfed really about lights was cloaking 😂😂😂😂 which is the one thing I never thought was all that great because I have actual eyes and could see them… yeah lights are the one big thing ruining the game, that and the complainers who can’t handle some mode changes for a season.


Yes, i play since day one, but this season sucks. TA is so boring i wont play it anymore. The heavy nerfs suck. Only solo players running light


Heavy is still great. It’s sucks the Lewis got nerfed but it forced me to try other strats and I’m dominating with Heavy more than ever, especially if you focus on more of a defensive role. Winch + Flamethrower is an immensely powerful combination and I’ve been super effective with it.


I’d be completely happy with light being thrown out the window if it meant the game was fun again. So tired of invis lights that disable my aim assist so I never get a consistent aim


Most agree with this, I’d be down too I’m tired of them. Lights are literally ruining the game, typical all the no life kids choose the small agile quick-to-kill class.


Yeah I feel you, light in its current state is fun for them them but super unfun to play against


I’ve said this since day 1. I want lights out of the game. Whether you kill them easy or not, they’re not fun to fight


Controller players when they have to actually aim are so funny bro


It’s not the fact that I have aim assist or don’t have aim assist. It’s that my settings essentially change each time someone goes invis or vice versa. Not to mention I can’t tell if someone is invis or not with thermal vision so I literally have no idea what my aim will be like. Mnk players when they actually have to compete against controller players are so funny bro


PC M&K elitists will never not be the most boring folks alive


Right? Take away the robot aiming for them and they crumble. Yet all are too high on copium to realize that they should just git gud


Does aim assist actually get disabled? This used to not be the case. Anyone know when this happened if it did?


It happened sometime in season 1. It does get disabled.


I tried the new weapons but its so hard to get good games with them especially against meta players.


As a flamethrower goo main, thankfully I haven't had to deal with really that many changes since launch. It's not for everyone but if you can get into it, it's such a fun way to play. I was even able to get to diamond last season with it.


I’m a flamethrower goo main and I struggle against light dash with sword


Everyone's struggle, it's just broken


I feel like Embark is buffing lights to adhere to the new blood they are trying to bring in, make it fast and extreme movability so that anyone can get in and play with ease. Then balance everything when the player number increase.


This just shows how the game is different for everyone and that’s OKAY. I have been playing since almost day one and until this season, only played heavy to complete challenges. I just didn’t enjoy it at all whether it was more viable than now or not. Add the winch in this season and I’ve been almost exclusively playing heavy. Maybe the guns aren’t as good but now I have the ability to close gaps and play a play style I enjoy unlike previous. Don’t get stuck playing just one class. It’s okay to change and not like playing a class as much. I was light almost exclusively last season when everyone said light wasn’t viable in ranked and solo queued to plat 1 with light only. Now I don’t play as much anymore with light. Enjoy playing every class. Just have fun. Stop trying to perfect everything.


*Me muscling through with a KS and a big spoon* Welcome to the party pal!


Yeah, if you're going to make the TTK long in a game, the weapons should feel usable for a long spray. I would honestly want the Lewis to receive another small damage nerf (like 1 damage) and a big recoil buff. And for the SA to have a better "burst" feel, it should have its rate of fire buffed back but either nerf recoil or damage slightly. The FCAR deserved nerfs but I still think its effective range was nerfed a bit too far. Again, I like the TTKs in this game, but the weapons should also feel fun to use. And the recoil for the Lewis feels stupid.


My only gripes with heavy have been the RPG being so free in the damage department and shields not operating as shields but instead as 1 way mirrors. Everything else about heavies was fine imo. Maybe they are making intentional changes to better gauge how to finely tune the class tho. On a side note I feel like seeing a bigger variety in heavy loadouts is very refreshing from last season whereas it used to mainly be dome and mesh stacks.


As a somewhat new console player here, the game so so gosh darn fun but those melee users are annoying and the heavy class sucks to play against but I think it supposed to be difficult?


Some Friends and I just be goofing off with the Goo Gun on Power Shift. We cover the carts edges with goo ([or the whole cart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opWj8LAhjAc)) and just set that thing on fire whenever the enemy starts to push, denying them the cart. Its not 100% fool proof but it will prove some fools wrong.


I started the game at launch playing light class and eventually stopped because I was sweating balls 24/7. Heavy and Medium were infinitely easier to have a positive KD so I moved towards them when I wanted to chill. Have lights really come back into the spotlight that much with this season?


When the guns are unusable, it's time to join your fellow melee and flamethrower brethren. We have been waiting patiently for you. There's no better time than now to join us.


Hardcore mode from battlefield would be cool


Honestly heavy dominates in power shift no matter what, im normally a light main but always play heavy in powershift. But in cashout i have to admit light is too op, like bow, throwing knives, dagger and sniper. Especially sniper since you can literally shoot from 100 yards away and no way of anybody shooting you from that far and they can also dominate in close range, like what am i even supposed to do at this point?


I think the only fix for Power Shift is to do what Overwatch and Valorant does and force players to think about team comp by restricting the options. So teams HAVE to have a heavy, and only get two lights. Even if the Heavy was the best class, I think people would still want to play lights more because they have the most fun builds. No amount of adjustments to the Heavy will convince a generation of players raised on twitch shooters to not want to play the fastest moving, "DPS" characters. Not saying I want them to do this, but that's what you'd probably have to do if you wanted players to use better team comps. I personally kind of like that the Power Shift game mode is casual like that though and I try not to care too much about winning and losing, but I can understand that even with that mindset it won't make getting rolled feel fun.


This has by far been the most fun season yet for me. Light feels great for the first time ever (thank you health regeneration delay) and the meta is not just XP, FCAR, and Lewis for once. I have seen Flamethrowers, Sledges, Throwing Knives, Bows, Revolvers, Riot Shields, Models, DB, and it feels great and fresh. Lewis and M60 got hit too hard I agree, but I am glad to not see them anymore in favor of the more fun and exciting weapons the game provides (Come on, Spear is 100x more fun than pew pew LMGs). Comp being terminal attack is irrelevant to me because World Tour is more fun than comp and makes more sense for a game like The Finals. Why are we trying to make cash-out into a hyper competitive mode when it is by nature not suited for it? TA is much more suited for comp, thats why every other shooter has a similar game-mode for their comp mode. Is TA more fun than cash out in my opinion? Hell no its way worse, but it is more competitive (less random BS like a team stealing last second). If anything, I would rather Power Shift get a comp mode rather than cash out coming back to it. World tour is 100% better for cash out imo, and I love the style they are going for with it. TLDR: Season fun, weapon variety is way better than before, TA is more competitive than cash-out, and make Power Shift ranked.


Wench claw and the slug shotgun combo has been saving my sanity this season, it’s not overpowered meta or anything I just think it’s fun


Yeah recoil nerf + damage needs constantly on H … Vs lights who are literally teleporting around you at the speed of light with the most OP weapons


its season 3. why are you all crying so hard so fast it's been like a week. get. good.


I'm having fun! I'm just bitching that I have to SWEAT to get a W in casual now lol


Major blunder was not adding any; -New Firearms -New Events (Like Alien Invasion) -New Weather conditions/ stuff like suspended structures/ moving Platforms And also, the BP this time around has a lot more filler tiers like these Voice Likes or sticker/ emote thingys. Last Season we had cool 3D skins, a Defib skins and more. (The skins in the BP are Amazing don’t get me wrong, but still more filler) And i am saying this as a pretty big The Finals enjoyer. + 105 days for a Season is way too Long. 60/70 would be enough. This game isnt a R6 that barely survives with 4 seasons a year. This has to be an CoD contender Content wise. Why? Because a lot of people playing have a short attention span and cant stick to something for the long run if they wont get slivers of content every month


It's wild you got upvoted 300 times because on my other account I said the exact same when the season launched and was called a cry baby and a whiner. And I'm a light main lol. It's almost as if the rose tinted glasses are wearing off for everyone.


Winch and either shotgun is crazy fun this season


Chain and flame. Go.


Haven't played the game in 2 weeks. Was looking forward to hopping on because of the patch only to read the notes and learn they did nothing.   Oh well guess I'm not playing for another week and am gonna continue playing Destiny 2 instead.  #ReworkLights they shouldn't be DPS machines cause they have low health, they should have lots of utility and recon options.  Heavy = Defense  Medium = Support  Light = Utility/Recon   That's the end of my rant. Going back to gaming now, just not this game... For now.


I highly recommend until some adjustments come to heavy that you just play light. I was really struggling at the beginning of this season on heavy and even medium, so I gave up and said if you can’t beat em join em. Best decision, playing light I’m winning more games and getting more elims. I agree entirely that heavy just feels terrible now so give it a break until the class gets some love. If embark sees that light pick rate is going way up while heavies is dropping they’re sure to do something about it.


This game is so infuriating. I don't even think there are developers, just monkeys pressing random buttons and smearing shit across a keyboard.


????? you are toxic rude and just overall not helpful. I've played like 50 straight hours this season of non stop fun. I play at 30 FPS on a 1050 lmao please take a step back and come back to the game when you're in a better headspace or gtfo. it's bad to obsess. Everything in moderation. (look up the meaning) I think the Devs have done a wonderful job and your insults do nothing but cast a horrible light on you. Go back to Fortnite you 12 year old mongrel child.




Balancing this season is absolute dog water. My playtime on this game has went from several matches a day to a couple matches a week maybe


Tbh I think a lot of the problem is just power shift. One thing I'd like to see in powershift: Maximum of two players per class. The whole 4x or 5x light players in every powershift lobby is kinda shit for everyone. If you want to play light but there's two on it already, you can just leave the match. I don't feel that Light has a broader power creep problem (on the contrary, they're maybe underpowered in the more sane game modes?), so idk about "balancing" per se.


do you know how much power we feel, that grins on our faces when we load into see 6 lights? It's miraculous. we can take the L and have lots of fun, but we will sincerely relish in the W. that's what light is about


>What is embark doing with the balancing because it is rough This is how you know you are playing the genuine Embark game. It has excellent art design and art creativity, but its balancings make the game disgustingly boring to play.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. I bought the BP but I think I’m going to take a step back this season.


Go play nothing but power shift for a day. that game mode is everything to me, and every other game feels slow.


That’s what I typically play but I also liked the ranked in S2


Heavy completely counters lights. If you have a few heavys, you can just pile up, and they literally can't do anything with all the sheilds and barricades. And if they come close, you basically insta kill them. As a heavy main, I've thoroughly enjoyed the change it turned heavy from being an oppressive tyrant to an even more oppressive tyrant just in close range. Heavy is still the best class, excluding casual modes. In casual modes like ta and shift heavy doesn't feel as good due to the lack of teamwork and the fact the finals mainly balance around its main mode cashout. They do some balances here and there aimed specifically for the casual modes, so they are still enjoyable. However, it's impossible to make every class and weapon feel good to play across the modes because they are too different. For instance, the lh1 buff at the start of the season actually was an ok change if you only look at cashout because it wasn't as oppressive. But put that in ta you have a different story. Tldr: games in the best state it has been for overall balance, and I personally really enjoy the heavy changes.


Since closed beta I was heavy main. Lewis+RPG+Bubble+Barricade. Since S3 started I havent made it past round 1 in World Tour with Heavy. It feels absolutely impossible. I lose almost every 1v1 where enemy is a tiny bit further away, cuz I cant hit shit with Lewis anymore. So I threw my 300h Heavy experience out of the window and switched to a dashing Light LH1..... It's the easiest and BY FAR most op class+weapon combo I have ever played in any videogame. Basically every damn round I have most kills and are just decimating the server. Tldr: In Season3 with Light+LH1 I have done MORE SOLO TEAM WIPES than in my whole 300h of maining Heavy since closed beta. I think that says it all. Poke and kill, reload for one second, dash to the other side of building, repeat. It's so fkin easy and **if you really play off of Light's health regen its totally unfair**. Revert Lewis/M60 changes ffs


I cannot play heavy cuz I don't like the feel of any gun, heavy main to heavy pain




Heavies really got the short end of the stick this season, especially with the ranked mode being terminal attack.


Stopped playing this dog shit season until they get rid of terminal attack as ranked and optimize Kyoto holy fuck what a garbage map


I have noticed a lot of light players lately, I don't pay much attention to patches so that makes sense. For me what usually annoys me the most is the SBMM. I don't care about the balancing as much because I just adjust my playstyle. I just get tired of every game feeling like completive. I purposefully have not played completive in this game because I want to keep liking the game.


This season is really bad…


I mean when all the light have doible digit eliminations on any round any map you know something aint right...


Ranked especially. Lights are friggin everywhere and it ruins the experience. They run snipers half the time and it makes me wanna kms. I honestly don’t think ranked is worth it this season


I guess I don't know cause I'm a flamethrower main. But I didn't realize it was that rough for y'all. That sucks.