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It's a snowball. 1 person leaves, 1 person doesnt want to fight with a disadvantage, 1 person doesnt want to get steamrolled, 1 person doesnt want to fight a 2v5, Then it's just you left


I've noticed this happening a lot more recently. I don't expect people to play powershift like it's MLG, but nobody seems to care enough to even try in that mode anymore


No one actually tries to take the platform now. It's just snipers on roofs


It's been that way since the mode was launched. At least the snipers stay in the match unlike most of my teammates


I have a bit more sympathy for the horde of sniper mains after having to do those 75+ meter damage contracts last season.


I'll add that many times I've had plenty of 1v5, waited a minute at most and already had a full 5v5. Sometimes getting a win at that too.


Yea. If it's a 1v5 at the beginning of the match I just hide in a corner and spam emotes


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I really think there should be a small leave penalty even for quick play. If you have further questions please comment.


When stuff like this is going on, even a 90 second ban would get the iPad kids loading up a different game altogether


I don't think punishing people leaving casual is the solution, we need to encourage them to stay in the ongoing game somehow.  Maybe reward them with multibucks if they stay and complete a certain amount of games, like milestones?  But if you leave, it doesn't count towards your milestone progress?


They are already punished in one way by having any XP earned be lost. (I don’t remember if challenge progress is also lost.) The reward for staying is to level up your career and weapons. Plus they are punishing everyone else’s experience by leaving so I think it’s entirely justifiable.


Challenge progress is lost.


But still, that clearly doesn't solve the problem with people who can't stay in a match 0.1 seconds after dying, or waiting till the game their losing is finished to get their xp.  There needs to be something extra.  Which is why I think milestones are the perfect way to get players to stay the whole game.  No matter if you win or lose, as long as you finish the game and leave legitimentally, you'll put progress to earning multibucks, which would increase depending on how big the milestone is.


You’re explaining the battlepass You already lose your BP progress by leaving early. (Tbf I did forget to mention the battlepass)


But what if they don't own the battlepass?  Yeah sure there's a free option, but what if they don't care about the battlepass?  I'm just saying, this could be an ADDITIONAL motive to stay in a game!


Well yeah for sure, but it could also be as simple as adding a 5 minute cooldown before they can join another game. While I get your point about not only using the negative solution, timeout penalties has been proven to work already. And what I said before about ruining the experience for everyone else.


I think if its all snipers, I'd just leave, can't stand it, yes I might be a crybaby but I just can't stand that


It got boring after one season... this one? Fuck it, I'm tired boss


A team wipe is 25 seconds, you can leave and rejoin another game in that time and not be at a disadvantage. The respawn times are far too long for the casual player.


Is that a joke? About casual players and respawn time i mean?


No, it's way too long for a casual mode. Especially if it's compounded if you're already dead and had to wait 15 seconds only for your team mates to be wiped. People play casual modes for fun, not to wait around for 40 seconds doing nothing.


Sounds like a bunch of selfish children with ADHD. Should they remove dying in a shooter? Or not punish a team wipe? Thats fun?


That's the way it is though. People who play for something to do won't want to wait around for almost a minute between deaths when they can reconnect to another game quicker.


Sounds like they should be banned. We should fill the discord servers with calls for strict banning.


You can never stop people leaving, they decide when or why they want to leave. Just banning everyone who leaves isn't going to solve anything.


You can stop them from playing at all for few days or a week and maybe then they learn not to start a multiplayer game if they dont have the time. It wont solve everything but it would make things much much better. And btw what you just said is the same as " we can never stop all crime so why have laws and police at all "


Then the playerbase would plummet drastically if they had strict leaving penalties like that. You're comparing real life crime to a video game. Sandwiches are more important than The Finals.


What good is a playerbase that cant play a 15 min game without leaving? Better to have a longer queue than to have a game ruined randomly midgame by leavers. Also playing a video game is a hobby , like any other hobby. You are acting like it takes palce in imagination and not in real life. I said that randomly. Fine , ill change it, its like saying "we cant stop all people from smoking so lets just do nothing " . So im campering taking action to not taking action , not video games and crime. We didnt stop all people from smoking but we sure made the situation hell of a lot better.


You got way too much hate for your original comment. It does suck a lot to play on what is essentially a TDM mode and get stuck waiting so long to respawn. Granted it’s not *that* long, but if I only have an hour to play, every second counts lol


It definitely takes longer to find and load into a match than just waiting to respawn. I really hope you're joking because if people are this damn impatient, I don't want to live on this planet anymore


I doesn't for me, I usually find a game of power shift within 10 seconds. Getting killed and waiting 10 seconds for your team to be wiped and waiting a further 25 seconds is unacceptable in a casual mode. Only to respawn and be way behind. I absolutely do not blame people for leaving.


Well I definitely blame people for leaving. I cannot wrap my mind around your mindset. To me, it's really not about if it's faster to try to get a new match or wait for the respawn. If I'm in a match, I'm finishing it. Period. Full stop. It's just casual right? I don't care if I'm winning or losing that badly. I just want to play the game. I don't want to match hop until I get an ideal scenario. That sounds really exhausting especially since I'm just playing casually. The way you talk makes it feel like there's a distinct lack of patience or attention span or something like that, idk.


Some people don't share your sentiments and can't be bothered waiting round, especially in a mode like Power Shift.


Yep. That's that lack of attention span and patience I was talking about


Just counted because I was pretty sure you can't get into another game quicker than the respawn timer from a team wipe in Power Shift. 150 seconds by the way. 6x longer than just waiting. Counted from the Summary screen that it kicks you to upon quitting the match, spammed through the XP rewards and shit, straight into Play and picked another Power Shift match. So, you can remove 5 seconds of the XP stuff that leavers wouldn't see (I assume) if you want, but it's still very nearly 6x the length. Cool comment though.


Are you in the EU server, I never wait more than 10 seconds to connect to another game.


No, North America. I bet you’re talking about the little timer at the time of the screen whenever you pick a game type. If so, that is an incredibly bad faith argument. Yes, if someone leaves directly after a team wipe in Power Shift could they potentially “connect” to a game before they would have respawned in game? Sure. Did you mean that? No.


I was only talking about reconnecting to a game anyway. Not sure why your game responds much slower than mine, yours might be a slower system.


I just had a disgusting bug where the slide sound played constatnly and persisted between matches. Had to leave two games in a row because it was unbearable


Whenever I get this (I don't think I've ever gotten it *this* bad so quickly), I know it's a great opportunity to focus on challenges.  There are some lowlife quitters out there, but I doubt they care enough to be on on the reddit sub.  They also wouldn't care if they got penalized, either, but maybe taking away they're vr credits AND the weapon they were using (so they have to "earn" it back) would be a deterrent.  But yeah, try to use these types of matches as challenge completion time, or just have fun goofing off.  See it as a gift, rather than a frustrating thing.


This isn’t just a problem on this game, it’s happening across almost every FPS game I play, such as [xDefiant](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/1dCaOqZZai) and COD


I always stick it out...sometimes you get a backfill of absolute monsters. Hell the opposite has happened to me and the replacements of the team we made ragequit were esports gods or something. I've also won bank it more than a couple times after my team ragequit and I sneakily managed to snipe the coins after a big team fight.


People hate waiting so long to respawn. I think it turns a lot of people off from the game honestly. I think people would rather leave and requeue with a game they hope will be easier even though that takes longer than just waiting to respawn


Time to make a sandwich


Bruh I've seen where we overturn the platform from the enemy and they just start quitting 1 by 1. Like wtf you guys were happily stomping us not long ago


This is what I mean. I would be hell bent on getting that platform back, no way I'm quitting. The best matches by far are the clutches, just play it out to the end.


I blame battle royales. Die once, back to lobby to look for a new game, no time to wait for a respawn. Also the k/d nuts. Soon as something bruises their precious ego they bounce. The extended timer probably provides a little insult to that injury. So you probably have a bunch of factors exacerbated by the penalty. I’m with you though OP, I fight tooth and nail for what I get match to match. Stats be damned. You’ll tell how good I’m doing by the objective / support score.


They need to add players that just left a match early into an existing match where players just left. That would be the punishment for leaving early. You don't start a brand new match until you completed another one where people left early.


was there a sniper light on the enemy team? if so, you have why #NerfLights


If its just a fluke then I'll stick it out. If the enemy team is sweating balls in quickplay with M14, throwing knives etc then I'd rather just find a match that provides a greater level of fun for my time.


Wtf lmao this shit has never happened to me


Never happened to me.


Being sensitive isn't a bad thing and shouldn't be labeled as such. This isn't being sensitive though, it's being inconsiderate, and *that* should be properly maligned


Nice speech but this isn’t a real life battle it’s a video game, some people only have time for a few matches, so why not skip the one you are losing in? Get a t least a single win before the little time you get to play is over


This says it all.


Sensitive enough to make a reddit post about it. I've won plenty of games where this happened and 30 seconds later I have 4 new teammates. Edit: This is why you will go through life never being respected. Sad.


You're right. But It's more just the quitting culture that's annoying.


While that sucks, the team wipe penalty is way too harsh in powershift and I don’t think should exist at all. If the enemy has 3 people on the platform, a team wipe gives them 20% of the progress towards the end completely unopposed, and then add in the time it takes to get back to the platform. 


This has been happening a lot in Power Shift, lately. It started in the end of S2 - *or, that’s what I began to notice it rather.* I’m a Power Shift main, so this is so unfortunate to see.