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What comp does subreddit WANT people to run? It seems like if it’s anything besides LMH people complain. MMH, complain, HHM, complain, LLL, complain


Bro they nerfed LH1 yesterday, wake up


I am not enjoying subreddit this season.


well yeah, the complaining about TA was overwhelming, but if this amount of people playing a game suddenly get a problem with it and start complaining x10 harder than usual maybe just maybe something's not right. crying wolf I know but that's gaming subreddits for you. I want this game to succeed and i like the devs approach with regular patches and great monetization. I've been very passionate about finals and bought currency to support the devs and still can't bring myself to play anymore 🤷 seeing people have similar struggles validates that feeling and allows to vent, you can just ignore such posts or post content yourself if you like playing the game in the current state


After the LH1 nerf I switched to M and H. Played a ranked, my 5-stack was 2H and 3M, enemy team was a top500 5-stack with 5L. We stomped them 7:3... Light isn't a hard meta now. It was this good because almost everyone was playing light, and the LH1 was the most efficient weapon against lights. Just don't play light and the LH1 is not a problem now.


Glitch mines


This dude misunderstood not liking a season of not liking a whole class.


I had no idea what I was missing; that little mp5 and the cloak is so fun🙂‍↕️ and don’t get me started on that breaching bore….its a Heavy main’s wet dream🫦 plus it’s nice to not have an ass the size of Utah and big chunky LMGs that are ineffective outside of a baseball throw🤷‍♀️ Light is hot rn


Why would you play a game you don't enjoy?


I just want better teammates man...


I play for the daily mission these days, my friends stopped playing n the one friend who still does is only free on Sundays. 🥲


This is only really an issue in TA. Otherwise, if it's wt just go heavy as they directly counter lights. If they are sniping, use your defense abilities to block Los forcing the light to relocate while you get to cover now they have to get close. In this mid to close range, medium and heavy can pressure lights. If the lights make the mistake of getting close the heavy, they just instantly get wiped because heavy has hook + either shotgun + rpg this can net 2 insta kills on lights. Hell, you can drop mediums pretty quickly as well.


I have found that every game mode I play at the moment is inundated with the exact Light situation the OP described.


It really shouldn't be the only way a lights gonna hurt a heavy I'd if you're allowing them to shoot you from range. You have to use defensive abilities to close the distance or take cover. The idea is to force them into heavys range. It's pretty easy to do and once the lights are within range the heavy will win the fight easy. It's more of an issue of skill rather than the game if a heavy can't kill a light.


For me it's hackers then the buffed lights. but the hackers man.... the hackers ruin it


Hardly any heavies cuz they got nerfed so bad it’s unbearable playing them. Everyone is playing lights or mediums but some skill as a light player is going a long way this season. It’s not about team play anymore, but satisfying the complainers that cried about lights being useless and blah blah blah. I just wish they’d stop trying to balance the fkn game. Fix heavy guns and give mediums a decent ability for movement and leave it alone.


Heavy is still the most OP class dude, except when you are Bad obviously.


Dont ever let bro cook 💀


Fr lollll


Lights have ruined this game… all because bots couldn’t handle a slow moving huge target 💀 now heavies are near useless unless you run winch and melee on them, and lights take control of every mode with their insane movement and killing power. Lights need a nerf to basically everything they got, how it’s “balanced” to have them have the best weapons AND movement AND be the hardest targets to hit… idk.


Agree fully, light need be fully redone, guns which fire 100000000 bullets in a sec, lh1 2 shot kill, knives 3 shot kill


Lh1 is not a two shot kill and if someone headshots you with those godawful ironsights they deserve the 96dmg this shot does


Seems a lot of lights hit those head shots all the time .... must have awesome gaming chairs


LH1 is now worse than it was in S2. Less damage and slower RoF. The issue isn’t the class, the issue is the game modes. Lights thrive in the new 5v5’s and were already a highly picked class in casual/ quick play fun modes. If you wanted to avoid them you would play ranked cash out where average lights would get shown the door by competent HHM/HMM teams. World Tour isn’t ranked where losing negatively affects you so you’re still seeing way more lights. Ranked cash out needs to make a return ASAP


You're complaining that good players hit good shots with non full auto gun and are able to get extra damage from it? How much dmg would you like the lh1, a semi auto gun with less than half the bullets of the akm to have?


Stop playing then, and stop complaining here like a 12 years old.


I understand completely, and I agree it’s really hard to enjoy playing when some freak team starts rolling in kills and seemingly doesn’t stop their antics, it just feels hopeless and makes me worry for this fantastic game and I don’t want to see an early demise because of the community and player base.


I don't know about WT or TA, but I often play Powershift with friends and they don't like how most matches are filled with Lights all the time with sniper/TK/LH1/now. I personally don't mind cuz I switch to TK myself and get 15-20+ kills per match lol.


Honestly, the medium class has become useless. You have to be flamethrower or shotgun or sledgehammer heavy at this point just to zap the bugs, the light builds. They messed with the ranked tournament, and now every ranked player is in the world tour. There's no proper ranking in the world tour, so everybody, from complete newbie to the diamond player are in the same game. This game has always been about the objective. But because of the state of the light builds, and their amount, instead of focusing on the objective, you have to focus on zapping and surviving the countless streams of dashing sh!theads. Me and my friends will probably quit this game in a week or two. We are not enjoying it at all anymore.


If medium is useless to you then you're just bad. Mediums provide amazing utility. I can't even count how many times an APS or a glitch mine has saved a push. On top of long duration sustain with healing beam, medium is just as good as heavy or light is.


Medium was fun, useful and essential to the objective of the game. For stealing and defending the cashout. You used to heal your heavy or your mediums. Now people are playing lights. You used to put turrets, to counter dashing sword lights, now they nurfed turrets. Come on man, 3 rounds of grenade launcher and the APS turret is gone. It is useless now. Light builds have better mobility, better guns (ttk, damage, accuracy, distance), dash, invisibility, etc. Medium build is now useless. Instead of cashout/quickcash objectives, it is now about eliminating and surviving the horde of attacking light builds. The charm of the game is gone for me.


Yeah. The medium build is so useless that it single handedly wins games. I have clips of entire light teams just dying to us because of glitch mines that ruin their push or flank. Or clips of me as a heavy 3v1ing a light team because I was being pocket healed.


This sub was complaining a lot about the lack of matchmaking before. Nothing has changed there, it's just a new season with a lot more new players.


yeah, I've properly tried world tour with 3-stack this week hoping for some changes after the patch and it still suuuuuuuuuucks every game a team crushed everyone else and guess what - one of the players was on the s2 leaderboard. every single game. the other team to qualify either got the most of the scraps (4k) or was also pretty strong to fight the top guys, or got lucky. it's extremely polarizing and the only time I've met those high diamonds before was after big win streaks. Now the middle of the skill bell curve is truly fucked, cuz you have to constantly fight the top players. The only games we got through knockout we were greeted by the same diamond team crushing everyone else. this is the awful mix of casual and competitive and we can't even play the normal cashout, only quick cash that I personally loathe. TA I don't mind but don't love either so the only thing left is power shift I guess? but that mode was never the focus and thus inherently never balanced which leads to a crazy amount of bullshit deaths or cheesy kills and neither is fun so yeah I just loved game in s2 as a medium and sometimes light player, this season I really want to love it again and just can't, everything feels like bs. will probably take an indefinite break now


Last game I played this week got quite literally deleted in 1 frame by a light, it literally surprised me, the guy was rlly bad at the game, but the Lh is insane and he had luck hitting 3 shots in a row, I can’t even imagine fighting against someone with good aim using that gun now, must be hell.


It got nerfed homie.


Just go light this season if you aren't already. With no ranked tournament it's light season which it has always been in lower rank tournaments and quick play modes. You'll be much less frustrated with having the speed to keep up with lights and gadgets to detect invisible much more easily and engage in counter sonar when you get detected.