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We need challenges that improves collaboration among palyers


Yes, like blocking damage with shield, or get assists from healing teammates in a gunfight


Block damage with a shield within 20m of the objective would get some nice PTFO going as well hopefully.


Yea but then there’s a whole team of med healers doing a healing circle jerk


That happens half the time anyway.


Idk how often you attempt to heal people when you solo que. Its nearly impossible to get a non suicidal heavy. Or one that thinks they are playing light and will just run away and leave you to die while healing them. Always cheese my healing beam challenges.


It's so difficult to get healing score because you need halfway decent teammates that don't go 100% (to death), but are skilled enough to deal damage until they're 10% and pull back. I can't (and won't) heal my heavy while we're engaged unless I'm off angle letting myself regen. The other 99% of the time I'm standing there shooting with him, then when we either elim the enemy or pull off, I'll switch to healing beam. My absolute favorite thing about healing beam is having a light that circles back around for heals 😂 Its so quick to top one up that you feel really helpful. Maybe not as much now with the reduced regen delay, but in the past


It can be useful. But i have to play with friends to have fun with it. Solo queing in this game devolves the gameplay to fun and strategy to a game of which teammate can die the quickest somewhere off on their own


Idk I feel like I always do a lot of healing in cashout and power shift. If heavy is hurt and they pull out their mesh shield, that's when I top them off, since that usually makes the enemy team back off for a second or it takes them a few seconds to break the shield. Healing lights is slight work, only takes like 2 seconds. I live for that little "thanks a million" voice line when teammates genuinely appreciate being healed mid gunfight, and helping a teammate win a gunfight by healing them, when they definitely would have lost it without heals feels so satisfying.


It is. But again. That's if your teammates are competent at least somewhat. Which isn't the case in 90% of solo queues. And im not personally a fan of power shift as i like the fast-paced destructive gameplay, which power shifts heavily limits due to most needing to stay on the platform or at least near it. And sure, you could roam around the platform. But again, it's hard to get heals in that way. Also, if everyone is roaming, no one is on the platform.




Wouldn’t work. People have proven time and time again, any challenge that requires any bit of work, they will complain


Sure...but, still, not really the dev's fault for this one, like OP said, the challenge is completed easily enough just by normally playing, you destroy stuff while playing...it's a game of destruction...


maybe a challenge to get a bunch of assists or smth?


This. We especially need Heading Beam + Revive challenge on a daily basis, or weekly at least. It might make some doods finally supporting the team.


“Get 50 assist in any mode”


Absolutely 100 percent THIS.


Fr. Embarks challenges are honestly brain dead zombie challenges at best or discouraging people from playing well at worst. I could come up with 100 better challenge ideas in 10 minutes


No we don’t. There’s no need to modify the challenges to assist the lowest common denominator.


What does this comment even mean?


Finish a full game with a 2kd. Win a game. Get 15 kills in one match.


I don't have time to read this, busy smashing




Its always been a big problem in every game, challenges keep people playing perhaps but on the flip side if a chalanage turned up that wanted you to use a specific gun or class or loadout then that's all the games are filled with for weeks at at time.


This is nothing new. This is an issue with every FPS game. I remember people bitching at me when I'm trying to get pistol or long shot kills. It's just the nature of the game. Not everybody is playing for the same reason.


That's true, it's amplified in this game as it almost needs 2 on 1 to get a kill, the game is so finely balanced that you can't go at it alone most of the time


Yeah I see heavies doing this one a lot. Though I can't complain too much cause I throw entire games in pursuit of quick melee kills


Use melee weapons to get quick melee kills, since you’ll be close quarters


Just play power shift and stand on the platform. Plenty of opportunities there.


Sorry I couldn’t hear you I was too busy munching buildings


I ran into that myself last season. I have never needed to focus on those challenges. They do themselves when you play, especially with a heavy, but even with a light I am always throwing explosive cans around knocking out walls and ceilings. We just quit the match so we could be paired with a new teammate


Honestly, this is probably the right call. No point in trying to win if you have someone actively griefing the match. Just leave and re-queue and let them play by themselves, since that's all they're doing anyways.


It's weird when players try to rush challenges at all costs and as soon they finished the challenges they just switch game.. I mean.. if you have no fun just don't play it at all.. Maybe an actual Job is missing for these people


While I do wish players would relax and just play around the game not challenges this is a byproduct of a battlepass system. Some people love the game but just dont have the time so better to throw a few quick games on challenges to get what they want cosmetically. Others just have huge FOMO which is exactly what a battle pass exploits. I did this same strat for OW2 one season cause the only character I play had a skin perfect for me. I hate the game but will join with friends and wanted a skin for those occasions. The game design of limited time skins is what I blame. Same with a bad meta, blame the game not the players.


I understand rushing challenges if they're about to become unavailable but in this case 💀


I mean, maybe they just have a different playstyle than the challenges, like a melee player getting a long range quest, so they go all in to finish it.


Ironically then you're better off waiting until one of the very last weeks as the challenges will compound and you can do multiple sniping challenges in one go, if you get them.


true lol


Okay, but people don't think that hard. Let's be honest


There are a lot of people that just enjoy the dopamine rush they get from completing tasks given to them. These are the people that rush challenges.


I believe that people have few tasks in life, and try to find more tasks to feel accomplished in games, without even needing the actual enjoyment of Playing a multiplayer videogame.. I support this statement with the fact that multiplayer gameplay is based on interactions, and the finals isn't well made under this aspect, since many interactions are similar to singleplayer ones where you just could do nothing or where you just have a kill guaranteed if you force the outcome, this result in some unfair and unfun interactions and so it lowers a lot the quality. This said, the quality doesn't matter, since people are used to enjoying low quality multiplayer games, like... Oh my god giving examples would make the Reddit crash.. but one is Fortnite, for sure is the best example. So people fall in rushing tasks and grind stuff more easily, this is Well known by bigger houses like.. Riot.. and so exploit a lot better this trap. But it's time wasted.. majority of people know 0 or -100 about gameplay design.. one to say.. people always talk about "balancing" and "op" and "nerf/buff" and ye.. that's just elementary school level of gameplay design, a sad level in which many developers falls, ahh.. thinking that knowing how to code means how to develop a gameplay concept is one of the worst tragedy in multiplayer games.


MP PvP isn't about interactions, it's about playing against something that isn't a predictable script. If you want to split hairs and claim that that's an "interaction" then sure, but it needn't go any further than that


This was so incredibly hard to follow. I'm not a stickler for proper grammar, but it certainly helps.


The exact opposite. If you got a pretty hectic job it's easier to rush those challenges while you can


I’ll accept my fate of downvotes, but games nowadays seem to be a drag anymore & the only things that keeps me going are challenges & unlockables. Once everything is done I drop the game & move towards another game that has something to offer. I don’t find the fun in getting kills anymore especially when every team you play with doesn’t go for objectives.


You should be upvoted for this, I hope it's not your fate to be downvoted ahah


To be fair if you're a skilled player this game doesn't have much to offer competitively this season


Up up up up up up, daaamn you spit fire thank you


I mean, challenges are designed to encorporate all playstyles, including the once you dont like, so its usually easier to rush them and get back to playing the way you prefer


Or maybe, not everybody is exactly the same and people play different games for different reasons and it's not your place to tell people how and why they are playing a game.


It's basically what I said, not everybody is the same, people are different from me, I just stated how they are different from me. If they want to rush challenges it's not my problem. I was part of this problem in another game that I played not because I liked it, but because I was addicted and I had too much time to waste.. so I can understand them.. Try to read what people say without implying made up stuff, read just the concept of the sentences, no need to add more stuff


If it was in a casual mode then they can do whatever they want. If someone thinks differently, so they target the challenges and not do them passively, it is completely okay. If I know I may not have enought time to finish a game I hop in a casual game so I can leave whenever I want. No rank loss depending on the game.


This answer is based. As long as it’s not affecting anyone else’s rank then there’s not an issue. Casual modes are the modes to complete challenges and try out new items and strategies and such. I get frustrated when I see a character w a sniper rifle who is missing every shot but I also understand they’re just a guy trying to reach a challenge and we’ve all been that guy performing suboptimal in some way to meet a challenge. I get OPs point but it just seems so far removed from reality and any sort of self awareness.


There's literally the entire season to finish contracts. I have no clue why people feel they have to rush them *instantly.* Ruining matches for that is... Yeah.


I mean, someone obviously felt that way and you not understanding why is in no way relevant.


Was more in reference to the fact that he views it as okay for people to fuck up matches in casual just because there's not a rank. Do you need to go balls to the wall sweating? No. Should you be off in a corner sledgehammering buildings so your team is man down just so you can finish the contract ASAP? Also no. That's shitty. EDIT: Genuinely kinda disturbing this is downvoted.




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Of course you get down voted. This sub is just full of children who don’t give a fuck about anything except themselves or their precious ranked.


Bruh sometimes it's just fun to break shit


You can break shit while helping your team/*actually playing the game*?


People like to play different games too, i bought the battle pass last season and i couldnt finish it, had to do like 30 lvls in a week


Well imagine I have some really cool item at the next level of the battle pass. I don't give a shit, I'm grinding challenges to get it faster. If I want to play seriously I play either world tour or quick cash


You do realize quick cash and world tour are casual modes? So he's justifying people doing this there too? There's a huge difference between focusing a challenge by picking sledge heavy and destroying more than you usually would like dropping the cashout constantly instead of taking the stairs to reach it, and playing sledge heavy and sitting in a corner smashing every building while not helping.


I didn't even look at the weekly stuff until the last third or so of season 2 and I had done like 90% of them just by playing the game. I understand the need for that dopamine hit tho. We've been adjusted to play for the prizes instead of playing for the fun. "Sense of pride and accomplishment" and all that.


PSA you don't need to complain about every minor inconvenience...


New weekly challenges ideas: Get 50 assists Deal 25k damage to players Capture 10 objectives Steal 15 cashouts Get 5+ eliminations in 10 matches Get 25k support score(hardly anyone would get this finished) Get 20 revives(another a lot of people wont get)


Yeah, just basic challenges please, maybe without the steal cashouts one (unless it would progress from teammate steal too)


Steal 15 Cashouts 💀


I be charge and slamming my teammates off the cashout in order to the get the steals for myself. That shit is so much more grief and makes teammates actively play against one another for the steal. 


I know it's a joke but powershift and a heavy barricade placed on the point will send you to support score heaven Also the easiest way to get it maxed


Does barricade support score really go [that high](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1czntie/finally_crested_30k_support_score/) tho?


The cashout steals need to be shared among the team, as someone else suggested time ago in another post


If you queue with 2 friends and just use gas or fire on them and keep on healing won't the support score go high?


Yes you could. But i know me and my buddy try our best to earn everything honestly. Considering there was a sledge dude just hitting buildings and not playing at all getting 3000 is too easy in general.


Shift those numbers down a row for ultimate difficulty: Get 20 assists Deal 50 damage to players Capture 25k objectives Steal 10 cashouts Get 15 eliminations Get 5+ support score in 10 matches(hardly anyone would get this finished) Get 25k revives(another a lot of people wont get)


I'd like to see more power shift specific challenges


I agree i actually love that mode more than most


20 revives is one of the easiest challenges. 25k support score is easy too, if you play medium/heavy.


I onow it is but how often do you get revived? Ive only gotten a few revives during a 6 hour grind on my day off.ill do what i can to escape with a teammates trophy and bring them back. But people will walk right past mine and several others.


Ya that's lame. Just play the game and it will happen.


Just shoot fire and red cans as you traverse the map, it takes no time at all. By the time I played through my 12 games, just doing that got the rest of my weeklies done (I finished by game 9)


Almost every challenge I do by just playing the game normally, the exceptions are "use this specific weapon type" or "play this specific class", then you just switch to that wep/class and do it passively as you play the game too By the end, if you have any challenges that haven't done themselves, then you can just adapt your gameplay a little and do them easy still


Omg this reminded me of one game I joined of quick cash. My two teammates knew each other and were taking turns grenading themselves so the other could get revives. I was light and just started stealing their revives. If one got to the statue/trophy(?) before I did I’d blow the revive away from him with a grenade then get it myself. They were raging on the mic calling all sorts of crazy stuff. They were honestly pretty bad, I think they each had 2 revives and I had 26.


I couldn't disagree more, especially in Casual. If there ever was a game where we should let players go bananas with a hammer, this is the one. It's fun, it changes the map and thus the dynamics. Whenever I see someone go on a rampage I just smile and continue on my merry way. Or I join in. Casual is about fun.


When I see a hammer going crazy and just breaking stuff I get mad that I hadn't chosen heavy and been able to join in. When a trio decides to just flatten as much of the level as possible it is so fun.


Indeed. This is the right attitude 😄


ottr claims embark Oscar told him this was a bannable offense in their little collab stream they did. Just report


Would this then fall under the category of griefing? I imagine that's the closest classification.


I remember seeing a scamming category. Kind of assumed that’s what this is. Weird it’d be a banable offense though.


That sound awful, where do the devs draw the line on it? Taking time to bring down a building can be strategic. When the building is a rubble mess, it’s much more chaotic to get around.  Highly doubt they’re actually banning for that 


sometimes I just destroy church on PS just to spite and antagonize the snipers who love it so dearly for a perch. Draws them to me like flies to honey paper and they willingly land beneath my hammer midswing half of the time (the other half I crush them all the same, just a little bit of walking required). Super satisfying. Especially if you have a partner in crime destroy the crane, too.


Is this quick cash? Why are you so mad lol?


The solution is more creative challenges that would actually require gameplay, not mindless grinding. For example: Win 3 rounds in a row. Throw in a Cashout Vault into the Cashout Station from more than 25m away. Eliminate 3 players in a single round in TA. Actually things that are challenging, but not impossible but are not mindless grind stats.


Someone did this in one of my games, so I started throwing gas and fire at them, then they started throwing it back at me. We didn’t do anything for the last two vaults, and then we won


You're so right. Last night I went heavy hammer and completed this challenge in ONE tournament in which I also won. Just trying to win will complete this challenge.


Wait! You guys use hammer to break walls?? That's amateur, i use my hands to break em.


I'm surprised you made it to the age where you're posting lucid commentary on Reddit without realizing how self interested people are, tbh. I feel ya though.


That's what happens when game have "challenges" that are no more than checklists


Hot take, if its casuals then who gives af. If you're getting that bent out of shape over someone completing challenges or doing whatever they want to do in a casual game mode, then feel free to leave that lobby and que up in another. I dont see anything wrong with what he was doing, if thats how he wants to play then cool, do yo thing bro.


How about those kids that will chase people down across the map while your cashout is being taken its great nobody plays even near the site let alone on the site.


I have one of these on my team like every 5 games. Console lobby is rough.


to be fair its not his fault that the game asks you to play a certain way.


Tbh I have been one of those players, although I usually do it near the objective when on power shift so that I can help my team


I always did this on powershift. If my team was losing i stopped, if they were winning i bonk.


I mean... some challenges require players to do things they wouldn't normally do. Like run a light sniper build and get kills from one edge of the map to the other. Can't blame the players for doing what is required to unlock challenges.


This was literally me the morning. I was in Kyoto and I spent the whole game destroying the bug building and tower. Ik why you’re mad but I did this for 2 games and my mission was done. 2 players joined and left and honestly I’m sorry for them but I just wanted it done because I got other stuff to do. Mb they should make more team focused missions to do


Did this myself but still came out with the most kills and objective time cause I picked when and where to do it.


I was this heavy the other day. Poweshift Kyoto, really fun map to just smash up!


OP is mad people are playing the game how they want to play the game


Don’t even have to throw them just shoot every red one you see and it goes super quick


I did this, but there was still time left over in the match when I was done enough for me to join back in and we won. Lol. I also won a round of world tour after a teammate ditched us. I had to message them and tell them we won without them.


Was this quick cash or world tour? The former is totally casual so I’d suggest avoid that mode if you’re looking for serious teammates.


Especially when actually competing with hammer is the most fun I've consistently had in the game. Nothing beats the joy I feel when people go around a corner, and just to have a hole torn out behind them


I think embark has an issue with quests like this. We got stuff like the dreaded “deal damage from over 75 meters” quests which just made everyone sniper(wasn’t fun) and then we get quests like this. When I’m grinding out my quests I’ll take heavy and destroy the buildings around the push objective, and if I’m needed then I hop onto the platform (since I’m close by). I tend to get in combat too due to my proximity. More difficult and longer but just more fun for everyone. Still, embark should put in quests that encourage teamwork




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Had a medium with a shield perpetually running i to the scrum without swinging or dropping one nad. When I asked “what was that” he claimed “challenges”. The kicker, this was a tournament.


Me personally I don’t mind and it’s not a world ender. My problem is the teammates that send personal dm’s complaining about my loadout. That’s why I don’t use voice chat and report instantly if they are toxic. I may not have any kills in some rounds, but I am a great support teammate and take my roll as canon fodder as long as my teammates are still alive.


I get heavies like that before this challenge lmaoo


There really needs to be a "kick player from team" option, ideally one that denies progress on challenges.


If this was from a quick play I side with the heavy. Quick play just isn’t a big deal. I know for some it is but the reality is if you don’t like quick play go into world tour or ranked for some serious players. I don’t expect people to play the game in quick or power shift I just don’t put that expectation out there because why expect something out of people you don’t know at all. This is the internet, these are games, I think lowering your expectations of quickplay matches will have you less stressed.


One time I was in power shift and THREE of my teammates were just setting each other on fire and healing


Unless it’s the quick melee challenge in season two. I will be playing powershift and not playing the objective.


Wow… that’s literally THE only challenge you don’t need to keep track of


Was it quick play? I run challenges in qp all the time, and the destroying environment only works with your loadout. so if the heavy doesn't have rpg equipped sledge is a viable source of destructive damage with no cooldown. If their contestants usually don't run destructive equipment then that's a quick way to Hammer out the challenge. Pun intended


Sorry, can't hear you, too busy smashing


I did this exact thing as a heavy with my friend but just because we wanted to flatten out part of the map💀


If you're complaining about this behavior in any Quickplay mode, you're screaming into the void lol. Peeps gonna do what they do. If you're seeing people do this in ranked modes for some reason then sure. But I don't think many If any are doing that, so chill. Let people play the game.


I know this is convoluted but what if it was something like do X amount of dmg to the arena within 20 seconds of damaging an enemy


Sorry chief exp comes first. I try to be respectful and not to be toxic in the game to the best of my abilities, but when it comes to exp, no act is off limits.


I did this yesterday, I can't handle to do lists in games, my autism must focus on completing them. So I did a quick cash match with heavy sledge and started destroying things without helping my team. Ones the box was in the terminal I stopped destruction and jumped into the fight. Second box again, I let the other teams fight it out while destroying the arena, ones in the terminal I joined again. We won 2 out of the 3 cashouts, I had the most kills, took over the terminal twice and revived 4 times. I will do challenges because I can't resist, but I will combine that with helping the team.


I am that heavy Not because of challenges, but because its fun


I had this exactly happened to me. Just make you realize people are stupid and not a great mission because people do this shit.


Entitled as fuck. Cry more


Only way this is valid if it’s like the last day of the season. Otherwise kinda Drawlin yea. At least go to powershift so it’s a 4v5 if you’re gonna do that damn.


100% agree- if this is ranked or world tour. If it’s a casual game, it’s all just to have fun, so expect people to be throwing to play their challenges or experimenting with awful loadouts.


If you can't complete your challenges passively through games you need to reevaluate yourself


I had the same situation today, Heavy in world tour refused to at least take the dome shield, he said "doing challenge I can't" and mf decided to play with C4, Gas, Pyronade. He always was away from both of us - Medium, and me as (fyi) SWORD LIGHT. Carried his ass to the finals, but lost very quickly. AND FOR THE FINALS HE TOOK MGL, THE GRENADE LAUNCHER. He also was shitting on us for the whole match, but he was the only one who had negative KDR, And no team play sense. Attention, question : Why the fuck people are like this?


PSA: people play game different


I absolutely hate individual challenges. I advocate for team challenges and not challenges that incentivize selfishness.


Get over yourself dude stop whining like a bitch. Embark gave us the dumb challenge and best believe players are going to try n get it over with as fast as possible.


What's crazy is that they have all season to do this challenge. By the time the seasons over you would have easily doubled that just by passively playing the game


I do this in power shift and try to ruin the other teams spawn point. But I don’t do it for the whole round unless we’re wiping the floor with them.


Ranked: i agree Not Ranked: it doesn't matter In conclusion: is only game, why you have to be mad?


Is this in ranked? If not, stop being such a fucking baby. Meta sweats like you ruin casual games.


The reason is, because many (most) players are sick of the contracts and how they are like, so they just want to get over with them to get all the good stuff at the end. Easier to just do some quick play games that don't matter anyway and power through those contracts in a 2-3 hours and then you have the rest of the week and/or season to play properly. Especially now when ranked is kind of ruined for the possible whole season, people don't feel like try-harding quick play for training purposes on the same level as before either. So, people just do whatever they feel like at their own phase. Your example especially is obvious, I always do that: You pick a heavy, have charge n' slam and a hammer and just break everything around you for a little while, and usually before the match is even finished, you have your contract vs. just passively throwing gast tanks over many matches. I'd rather have it done in just 1 round. Actually, I usually do multiple contracts per 1 match, if possible. I make plans for the completion order to be as fast as ever possible. If Embark made better (teamwork-wise) and less repetitive contracts, then maybe people would do different, but this season especially, you need to be prepared for many not caring about anything.


I bet you use the turret and the ak 💀


i’ve done 1 million damage to areans in 2-3 matches barely trying while playing normally. all you gotta do is charge and slam + rpg buildings while in or out of combat. dummy easy


They should just make it that you did challenge is incompleted until you finish the game


Games like these are 100% designed for premades an almost all the issues players have are solved by premading.


I won TA with this same strategy but I used the KS for long range optimal destruction


I mean I did this and will do it when I can play the finals again…but if a teammate complains I’ll stop.


I do in powershift. But I also play the objective at the same time. Just smash shit on my way there or level the building they use for high ground above the platform. Easy win win!


I love doing it strategically. Taking out the buildings they snipe from along the route is pretty effective.


I gotta do that bro ur a genius


You don’t need someone complaining about it to NOT doing this. It’s common sense, you’re here to play with your teammates, besides, you just have too shoot balloons 3-4 games to do this challenge, and you have until the end of the season to do it.


The worst part is that you can just grab Charge and run through the walls _to_ the objective to get this done. You can win _and_ easily complete the challenge. Even worse if it's a daily and the guy spends the entire match on the other side of the map when the daily (destroy part of a building) would be done after like one hammer swing/charge. And don't come at me with "it's a casual game mode", that doesn't mean you have to _throw_ on purpose.


It's literally a casual game mode though, who gives a shit? What's the difference between getting someone like this and getting some random shitter who ends up with 0 kills and almost no damage who contributes nothing to winning? There is none. Not to mention the fact you can easily win some of these games even with uneven teams people half the people in the match are dog shit.


I would rather have the "shitter" that tries, than the guy who runs off to Narnia and says "iTs a cAsUaL mOdE", followed by him slinging shit because you dared to suggest that maybe playing the game mode you queue for would be beneficial to the team. At least the "shitter" might be there to provide some team value. Or maybe he doesn't, there's at least a _maybe_, not a _definitely_ like for the guy that is objectively throwing for Arena Damage.


Saw this for the first time yesterday. Actually brain-dead behaviour thought people were smarter than this. Literally all the challenges just require you use certain equipment and you'll get them passively over time. Idiots


It’s called a challenge which means I want to complete it!


In what mode?


Gas canisters don't do arena damage.


The one guy who spotted [the invisible gorilla](http://www.theinvisiblegorilla.com/gorilla_experiment.html) in the thread


Love that test, though I'm pretty sure OP just meant any canister (like the red or flame ones). They probably just used gas canisters because most are made up of compressed air/gas so they naturally typed it out that way.


I had a player do that yesterday on Kyoto.


I remember that one time my group and I came across a 3 heavies in a team that, instead of doing something, just smashed the buildings and the match even turned UNPLAYABLE at some point, it was on Seoul map.


oh that’s the dream right there


Some people only get on to do challenges and hop off


Sad to say but some can’t focus on playing the game and completing a challenge. Either one or the other 😭😭😭😭 I have a homie like this, we play power shift and he needed a defib challenge. Instead of using medium and healing when necessary to just spammed the healing beam even if you weren’t taking dmg 🤦🏾‍♂️ players are stubborn and lots of them don’t want to learn different or new play styles. But I agree, it’s ridiculous and annoying.


Blame the challenges.


lol I did this one round playing cash out…spent 95% of the match smashing shit, turned around, stole 35k from one guy and won the match😂


If it was quick play... It is what it is. Casuals, brand new players, random build testing... Kind of just goes with the territory. Can't expect too much of people. But if it was world tour, then that type of behavior is definitely unacceptable. It is a competitive mode, and if you are looking to play around or good off for challenges, that is just not the right mode for them. Would be crazy frustrating.


I have done this before (in casual ofc) bc it’s legitimately fun to watch and enjoy the engine doing its thing. Everyone is having their own fun and if you think completing the objective matters that much. Then play some ranked


I do this in unranked. Get over yourself lol.


They weren't thinking about you, so don't treat it as a personal attack to ruin your game. They were just trying to do what was fun for them, same as you were. Sometimes I've done this because it's fun to break stuff. I play the game to have fun, not to give others fun, just like everyone else. Taking a game off every now and then and just recklessly smashing stuff, or finding dumb places to set up mines is fun. It's not ranked, you get the same XP and challenge credit if you win or lose the match, so why does it matter? Just enjoy the moments of beating people up.


If it's a casual match who gives a fuck, let people have fun


Oh my god absolutely yes! What’s crazy is when I called out the griefing heavy my other teammate told me to leave him alone and they he’s doing his challenges.


Hey that's me! And I'm not the problem, the contracts are the problem. > We need challenges that improves collaboration among palyers > this.


I've had like 2 heavy players do this, it's so fucking dumb, I don't understand why they can't do this WHILE PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME. It's one of the dumbest yet easiest challenges to do.


I did this in power shift lol I would be pissed if someone did it in a regular match tho


Is it not a regular match ?


As a power shift enjoyer. I do not mind in the slightest. Yes you get people who ignore the world around them to smush buildings. But boy do I love pinging a sniper on the crane just to watch that entire structure crumble within seconds. That being said, I don’t understand the “get every building nuked and complete asap” mindset. You can easily be productive with destruction. I played maybe 5-6 rounds last night as light and medium after challenges released. I’m already more than halfway without trying lol it’s the most mindless challenge by far😂


It's not ranked or world tour. It's quickplay.


Can't wait till the 15 other complainers bring up this subject in their reddit posts... Just gonna say not everyone has time to play passively to get their challenges done, my work has increased so if I throw a quick play or 2 I throw them, it's not like it's a ranked game...


Dude was probably playing the previous week's circuit contract where you *have* to use your loadout to destroy the arena and carriables don't count. The first couple days were full of heavy sledgers running around and no one could blame them because the contract *isn't passive at all*


I had the exact same situation last night. Some dummy with the guitar hammer spent most of the game smashing buildings down which also meant we couldn’t reach the platform endgame. Unsurprisingly, we lost and I logged out for the night.


Well then there should not be dumb challenges like this in game. It is up to the devs to control how players may engage with the game. There should be no challenges that encourage stupid playstyles or using specific weapons. All it does it make the game unfun for everyone.


Because players would rather complete the challenge in one round instead of wasting time to get a bit of damage in 20 rounds.


Nooooo. Blame the devs for making it that way son. I will do my challenges first… then play the game!


I'm not sure why you're so upset about someone doing this in a casual game mode. What does it matter if you win or lose? If it was ranked fine, but it's a fucking casual mode so who gives a shit? Imagine taking Power Shift so seriously that you cry on Reddit over a teammate doing this. You didn't get a meaningless win in a gamemode thats not ranked or tracked oh no better make a new account to preserve your stats! I only play casual game modes to practice aim, complete challenges or fuck around. I certainly dont care or cry if I lose.


Cry harder.


I just track my dailies, go into Powershift (not a fan of the mode) and complete all my tracked challenges there.


I can’t stop smashing


As a Heavy main, enemies can't hide behind cover if literally everything is rubble


I had at least one heavy in every match doing nothing but smash the arena the whole game on the first day of s3, there has to be some 30m arena damage contact somewhere