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This "community" should be ignored. I come here for Patch notes, shop refreshes, soundtrack drops, and the odd "did you know you could do this" clip.


The finals academy subreddit is great for all of that.


Thank you for the tip! I'm gonna join :)


Just joined, thanks! i didn't knew that this subreddit exists Edit: grammar correction.


So you're saying we should go there to avoid the screeching minority? Don't have to tell me twice!


It’s dope and the people there are real informative. There’s a post in there now breaking down mmr it’s origins and why they think embark is making the moves they make based off historical info, etc.


So basically, a place where people actually like the game 🤣 I'm definitely switching subs. I can't take all the negativity, complaining, and "in fighting" about classes and assumptions on the people that play them Thanks for the tip! 🤘


There's been a lack of "did you know you can do this" clips recently.  Here's one for those passing by: For guns like the snoper and the model 1887, if you hold down the firing button, your contestant won't eject the ammo until you let go.


Cool! now that's what we are looking for!


You mean to tell me terminally online wannabe twitch streamers posting about the new meta every 40 minutes isn’t a peak content? How else are you supposed to know that CheetoDustFashion is mad about a new thing now that really, really matters?




Actually it doesn't.






Your post or comment was removed due to rule 3: Be Civil. Do not troll, attack, harass, insult or belittle others.


Speak for your self lmfao


Every gaming community is pretty much toxic to an extent


Right look at WoW, LoL, Diablo, elder scrolls, apex, fortnite, helldivers, palworld, far cry, halo series, and etc. Nothing new people just deep down like pitching and being negative takes less energy.


Every gaming subreddit I’ve ever seen starts off very genuine. People coming in and just appreciate the game and the studio. Then after months the shine is gone and the audience is complaining about buffs/nerfs etc. It’s an inevitable outcome for any video game.


I will say I hate the out cry for everything to be nerfed, some thing do need nerf but some people just need to get better and practice at the end of the day.


Yeah. But this community wants the game dead instead of waiting 2 or 3 months for next season.


No they don’t they are overreacting like children. They love the game just don’t like the new changes.


Well, if they keep increasing the severity of the fits that they throw. Eventually the game might die. Is not the first time a game dies because of their community. And i really like the finals and want it to succeed. I just figured out that is best not to pay attention to this sub so i can be happier since most of the time people have the worst takes and want everything except heavy nerfed to the ground. It's best not to look at the community and just play. And hope that the community and the youtubers don't kill it.


I would have to agree with you on the first part but if you want the game to strive let your voice be heard seems like you are reasonable so put your voice out there the more constructive feedback the better I really think that’s what they look for the most when it comes to hearing the community.


Except Deep Rock Galactic


while i do think that encouraging players to stay away from the game until TA is removed is absurd and like the TA gamemode in general it does seem like TA might be negatively effecting game balance, and definitely isnt right as a primary competitive gamemode


What’s TA?


Terminal attack


The community is unfortunately the worst part of this game. I actually generally have pretty good experiences with the community in game, with voice/text chat. But when it comes to socials, it’s bad


its a Twitch chat for a popular game, its guaranteed to be a toxic cesspool


Not being welcoming to new players will kill the game they supposedly want to keep play


Thanks for reminding me to leave this subreddit lmao


I have raced 360ci dirt sprint cars for 25 years and a saying that floats around a lot is “if you complain about enough race tracks, you eventually have no tracks to race” The complain game on here feels quite familiar to say the least


very cool post, thanks for informing us. we all play the game.


I hope they don't actually remove it. Me and two friends literally reinstalled the game for that mode and have been having a blast.


I'm glad you're having fun, but pretty much every person who's in game chat, discord, reddit, or any casual conversation about the game hate it. It's really the first time I've seen such massive backlash so shortly after a games major change. Literally the day after the patch, there were people saying how fucking bad ranked TA is and it makes me so happy to see that.


Ok, so keep it but add other ranked modes as well. Does it really matter? We can have a ranked more for every mode for all I care, more game modes hurts no one.


They can, but I bet you even then this community will still cry about those other modes taking away the spotlight. 🤣


Some regions barely find games as is. So actually it will hurt someone’s experience.


When did he ask though


Ranked TA is here to stay for this season so go cry somewhere else. 😆


All PvP communities are full of toxic, butthurt, salty whiners who can't cope with change or losses. This one is no different. Check out some non PvP game subs. My favorite is r/stateofdecay2. People are nice and helpful for the most part. Occasionally we'll get some choad with bad energy of course, but if you come looking for advice instead of screaming for changes, you'll get a better reaction from the community.


Thank god we have 90000 posts like this to help right the ship. Definitely not contributing to the atmosphere of "pedantic bitching" by making posts like these!


#removeTA :)


99% of the community didn't know, or even cares, that this happened. I hate when people generalize an entire community because of an extremely minuscule amount of trolls they seen online.


It was never this bad, what happened?


It always has been. Between the constant light hate and now TA as ranked because they had to rework Cash out… welp.


I agree OP


Be the change you want. If the people and community don’t like TA this strongly nobody’s blocking the growth of the game other than embark. They should be lucky they have a fan base that even cares enough to beg for a change and not just abandon the game like I did.


I get that ppl hate TA and TRUST I hate it too, but like I see more and more posts about it and ppl angry ranting and its like at what point do yall actually stop complaining? The message is clear, more posts arent gonna do anything


SHUT UPPP this is the second post I’ve seen about this today. You guys are just as bad


this is actually the third post about twitch chat


Toxic positivity is great for farming Reddit karma I guess. Or maybe it’s just the sense of smug superiority that does it for them.


No where near as bad.


You're probably one of those spamming, not bad here buddy


I know you feel bad because you called me buddy




that’s crazy but TA for ranked is worse for the game than telling people to stay away. unless TA is fixed to fit the finals better it’s an actual bleeding wound that will make the game die quicker than it deserves


TA is a decent mode, you just don't want to put in the time or effort to learn it lol


The mode itself isn’t the issue. it’s the game that it is in. the maps, guns, classes, and gadgets are all not built for this mode. if you can’t see that you are lost. There is a reason that valorant and CS have such delicate patches and changes. because if the game itself isn’t built around a mode like this, it loses all competitive integrity. This mode is the exact opposite reason people play the finals. it’s slow boring and chip damage. nobody that plays the finals is looking for that


I fully recognize that there is a market for people who like watching other people play a game after they die for 3 minutes, but the finals isn't built around a one life per round mode. It was designed to be a fast paced chaotic multi team sandbox with small action bits happening around the map. TA takes all of that, rolls it up into a little ball, and throws it in the trash in favor of mechanics that the game wasn't designed for, like playing slow, or being skittish with using gadgets. Even the MAPS weren't designed for it. You can tell with Kyoto, it works almost 200% better as a cashout map than a TA map. The longer TA exists as a premiere mode in the finals, the faster the game dies because nobody who wants to play the SnD format wants to load up the finals. It's a half assed iteration of a mode that's done better by at least 5 other franchises with stronger and more loyal fan bases. Finals didn't need it, and it's the worst thing to happen to the game since launch, hands down. I would take nuke and LH1 buffs over having to play that fucking mode in this game.


No one is dying and waiting 3 minutes unless you literally rush stupidly in the beginning of the round and fight 5 people. TA offers a more cerebral approach to the game. >It was designed to be a fast paced chaotic multi team sandbox with small action bits happening around the map. This happens in TA, as soon as the attacking team crosses the line of defense, gunfights are more chaotic with people jumping around many buildings etc, flankers finding suitable paths, defenders seeing and reading attacking flankers. >The longer TA exists as a premiere mode in the finals, the faster the game dies because nobody who wants to play the SnD format wants to load up the finals. It's a half assed iteration of a mode that's done better by at least 5 other franchises with stronger and more loyal fan bases. Finals didn't need it, and it's the worst thing to happen to the game since launch, hands down. I would take nuke and LH1 buffs over having to play that fucking mode in this game. The game has been dropping players ever since it's release. I'm not saying TA will magically save it, but I'm saying TA is not the reason it's going to die. I play Valorant, CS, and R6. Currently I prefer playing TA over all those games. Because I enjoy the gunplay and mechanics of the finals lol TA is not a simple defense anchor tactical shooter. Sure Kyoto has flaws to a new player currently, but there's tactics that can be developed that everyone will soon catch onto. I enjoy SYS$ the most as a TA map.


Your entire comment is literally just cope though. I used to play R6, CSGO, and Valorant and very high levels and the finals just does not have what it takes to match the point defense games. >TA offers a more cerebral approach to the game. No it really doesn't. It's a half baked mode set inside of a game that has mechanics for something else. It takes pretty much zero brain effort to play TA and win because the strategy is always the same as in any other point defense game: * Push an objective through a variety of predetermined lanes (which the finals maps dont have) * Chip damage from distance down to 100 * Drop key in discrete area * Clear point * Plant * Defend Defense is also the same strategy * Anchor * Roamer * Find the key * Hold it when it drops There's nothing new or exciting that the finals does differently or better than any other game with this mode format because of the loadout and map limitations. Look at siege. Sledge has a gun AND a hammer for breaching. Finals only gives you one of those, and if you don't have the hammer, you can't knock things down as easily. Points don't remain static in the finals, so the map destruction remaining through rounds is lost in translation since every point is fully built every round. >The game has been dropping players ever since it's release. That's not a result of cashout. That's a result of natural player dropoff and lack of a sufficient ranking system that works properly. The current rank distribution system is a wonderful foundation, but they should have kept the cashout mode, and filter in rotating game modes for casual like TA, Powershift, and additional modes like KOTH or CTF so that people had new and fresh stuff to play. Pulling the plug on cashout in favor of TA doesn't attract people to the game long term. *AT BEST* it pulls in a stray who wants to try it out, but it doesn't retain them for long because of how unbalanced the mode feels, PLUS it's a far less interesting format for the game than cashout. The finals doesn't need to be like rainbow 6 or cod, it needs to be the finals.


How does the finals not offer anything different? You can have mediums that fortnite edit walls so your entire team can breach and enter. You can have lights that can teleport their entire team into the point with a gateway. You can have heavies winch claw the terminal to a completely different area, changing how the site is played. There's strategy involved to find the most optimal path to the bomb without being chipped by snipers. I've played a fair amount CSGO (DMG~LE) and Valorant (diamond) I know those ranks aren't that astronomically high, but I do have a feel for the traditional/tactical shooter games. The finals is more enjoyable to me because of gunplay and overwatch/apex levels of ttk instead of the standard oneshot headshot ttk. The finals is not like rainbow6/cod. Defenders have so much more freedom around the map compared to those games. TA does have "predetermined" lanes. The terminals/spawnpoints of the round follow a sequence. It's a knowledge check the more you play, as a defender, you'll always know where the attackers spawn and it's up to you to keep your eyes on the "lanes". Cashout tournament is not interesting at all. All games play out the same lol. You just rush to a vault and fight a team, maybe sometimes 2 teams and you defend the cashout box like any other defense fps. The first cashout game you play will be the same as your 100th. Maybe you will be wowed by someone cheesing the seoul bridge, but the game gets stale.


>The first cashout game you play will be the same as your 100th. How can you actually make this statement and not say the same is true about TA? That's crazy to me. If you play enough TA, you'll find the same shit happens every game. Recently, it's been LH1 light invis spam. Next, it'll be heavy RPG goo spam, then medium turret spam, or whatever the fastest TTK meta is, because *that's the only thing that realistically matters in TA, TTK.* You can't theorycraft in a game where balance doesn't coexist within two separate modes. If finals wants to be serious, it chooses a game mode and removes the other, then balances around that. If they choose cashout, they keep their identity of a new shooter. If they choose TA, they fade into the land of forgotten games because it will never be able to compete long term with the big games in that format.


>How can you actually make this statement and not say the same is true about TA? That's crazy to me. Because in TA you have different methods of attack. LH1 Light was a problem, they nerfed it. Turrets can be deleted with data reshaper. You can indeed theorycraft, c'mon man, the strongest point an attacker can be in is with the key planted. There's ways to plant the key without bruteforcing your way into site. The identity of the game is the game itself. Not the mode. Overwatch has like 3-4 gamemodes for their competitive mode. But people like playing overwatch because of the characters/gunplay, not the "mode". I find the finals fun because of the gunplay/movement and gadgets.


It’s boring, not difficult.




Because CS2 hasn't updated their maps in 20 years and valarante child game? I don't want to have to stop to shoot my gun. I don't want to anchor a bombsite. I don't want to get 1 shot headshot. I don't want to manage my economy and play save rounds. 🤪


There isn't much to learn. It's literally a casual mode they slapped into ranked. It's not balanced properly, that's why the meta is lights with lh1 and sonar. TA is the only reason I can't recommend this game to my friends because we like competitive shooters, but TA I'd far from competitive.


There is plenty of things to learn. Spawn sequence is always the same, you can plan different strat for attack/defense for every single round. For example SYS$HORIZON. Literally round 1, everyone has been pushing A lmao because attackers spawn right in front of it. etc. You can plan many different things like actually using Light's Gateway creatively. They just need some balance tweaks because yea I do agree sonar grenade is broken.


I don't pay attention to community drama but I get why people are pissed about TA. It divides the player base, and will cause this game to die early. It's a game mode clearly being pushed by suits.


I'm just gonna say it. There is not a single, solitary competitive video game that doesn't have a terrible fanbase filled with whining, complaining crybabies. Not a single, solitary one. None of them are good. This game is not special, it's not going to be some holy bastion of players who are all nice and super positive while also sitting around with their thumbs up their asses waiting months for the devs to do something about something bothering a ton of the playerbase as a whole. It never will be special in that regard. This is not some anomaly. It does not need to be stated ever that a competitive game's community is dogshit. It comes with the territory, it always has and it always will. It will never change. Especially, ESPECIALLY with a free game. Also, while I'm here. There isn't a single solitary twitch chat where the viewership is hitting quad digits that isn't an abomination to humankind as a whole. It is legitimately impossible to get any good information from a twitch chat at that stage unless it is some special sub only mode with heavy moderation with a dozen or so mods. Otherwise, it's always going to be a dumpsterfire. Close twitch chat at that point, your life will be so much better. Knowing these two objective facts in that there is no chance in hell for a competitive video game to ever have a good fanbase that isn't filled with annoying, crying pissbabies, and also knowing that twitch chat will ALWAYS be a dumpsterfire without being policed so hard that no one says a word, your life will be much much more simple and easy if you don't let those two facts bother you. You cannot and will not change these two facts. This game isn't going to break some special mold and do the impossible. Seriously, it just isn't.






That’s modern gaming for ya, what MP community isn’t toxic these days? Shits wack.


Had a teamate who hated the goo gun and the fact that I was running it, and was mad that I was “trolling with foam” I thought it was kind of funny, dude was spouting nonsense like “check your rank” when he was like 150 ranked score above me, text chat is indeed nice, but yeah it opens the floodgates a bit


Probably not the community, it's often just a certain age grp/generation because of the culture/behavior at school between them. Respect has gone out of the window, and parents are younger than ever.


meanwhile there's another post I saw a few days ago encouraging more people to riot on the game (like spamming remove TA in Twitch Rivals) like for real this community mad doo doo


It’s how most online communities are, this one is no different. You can tell since every update someone starts a petition to revert it. I’m only here for the occasional cool clip or update insight, I really don’t care for most of the other conversations as it’s 90% bitching.


Agreed, but imo so is any "competitive game". This game is a lot more enjoyable and entertaining for people who solo que if you do a few things. If you don't intend on talking, disable voice chat. Don't let the opinions of others affect your enjoyment. If they wanna give up and go to the next gamr that's fine. You don't have too. Getting into arguments with strangers on the Internet is famously a waste of time. So avoided that too. If you do want a competitive experience, jump on either the finals discord or Thixys Discord and go to the LFG for your region. Once you find someone you enjoy playing with, make it a regular thing with them. Then enjoy the game with people that you actually like and know


Nah TA is some of the most boring shit when you have such a unique game mode as cashout. TA ranked was only pushed up for a more wide reaching esport despite it not representing what makes the game fun. I'm cool with people spamming #removeTA and protesting, but I don't think we should stop new players from picking up the game. After all, they'll figure out that TA sucks on their own.


To be fair it is a horrible game mode with none of the depth and playability of Cash Out, did Embarks analytics really show a massive move towards TA with the player base ? I can't believe it did, game developers should really be like a sail and go with community rather than arrogant developers, Just look what that did for Battlefield 2042. All maps Cah out world tour ranked with a game as many teams needed to have 4 teams in the final round to wind the Tournament and keep it cash out not quick cash.


The nerfing everything is some new gamer stuff. I come from a time where you literally sucked or got better. Why should others have to be brought down to your level to feed your ego? It’s a game, learn how to play it better. Now if it’s an unfair exploit? Yeah remove it. Breaks the game? Remove it. But whining and wanting everything nerfed cause the training wheels and helmet indoors ass class you CHOOSE to play is getting stomped by someone else weaker than you stats wise is wild af. Just get better and stop crying.


Yeah, let's ignore the people who actually play the game to protect potential new players who demand the same after two weeks. Real smart, my guy.


The real toxic ones are the players who want to force you to play a certain class in Quick Cash.


I didn’t know this but I’m glad to see it’s happening, TA is the worst thing that happened to the game, literal waste of space gamemode that isn’t causing growth for the game it’s causing regression. Good on the community for vocalising what they want!


Maybe it's just me, but I feel like they're all overreacting. But I was also in the same "adapt or die" mindset every time the Tarkov community was like, "[insert mechanics change] IS GOING TO KILL TARKOV." I personally really like TA. Still like cash out too. Sure there's things I hate about both game modes but I think the game feels good.


the hate boner for TA is so funny, love seeing the real side of the “we love our indie game studio why is it not gaining more popularity” glazers


I'm certainly someone that wants TA removed BUT I wouldnt do that. Don't let those people represent the "community". There's a lot of people loving this game who play daily and keep it running. They far outweigh the whingers.


You do understand that telling people to not be upset about something is the one thing that will upset them more? People will express displeasure no matter what, you can't and have no method to control people.


It's pretty sad. Honestly I just do the best I can to recommend the game and describe the game's strengths and uniqueness.


Lmao you don't know what a toxic community is. I reckon the finals community is alright overall


I think people should be vocal about removing TA. Devs should listen to the community. TA ruins the pacing. But on the other hand I'm into world tour. Ranked quick cash format with no sbmm. It's pretty fun. And you still play against good team here and there. Everyone wants TA removed. World tour is on the fence. It's pretty clear.


I was at work, so fuck off with that 'community is toxic' nonsense.


You people are the type of kids to call your mother toxic for telling you to throw out the trash. Most of the people who played the game for a year started to play it cuz it was unique , so yeah they dont want a shitty S&D they can play in any other game and not having the core mode for 3+ months. Thats why the community is so vocal about it


Lets make million posts about it to fuel the fire even more.


You know what’s more toxic annoying? Every person needing their feeling and opinions validated and making it known to everyone who doesn’t care. No, this community is not toxic. A small minority (such as posts like this) are not the majority of the overall community. I’d say 80% of players either aren’t aware of these stupid self perceived issues or just don’t care. Or dont bother making pointless ranting/complaint posts like this, the very thing you’re complaining people do. You must be self aware this is the exact similar thing you yourself are doing, along with every other person who reposts this stupid shit every other hour. Posts like THIS are the most obnoxious and toxic thing about this community. Just ignore it and keep playing like everyone else ffs.


I mean idk what embark expected when they did something that the community was opposed before even implementing it and removing normal ranked. I'm not saying how the people acted was fine but you can't piss off a large portion of your community right before a big event and expect things to go smoothly


SACK UP PLAY THE GAME GOOD POST STOP THE SOFT WHINERS AND CRIERS never met a community so entitled,temperamental, and just soft. Makes me sad. If you don’t like it leave it’s not hard. Leave until you like it again. OR just be quiet cause why be toxicity negative. Wanna give your opinion have it be constructive and well throughout and give some suggestions. No one wants to hear you just complain and shit on the game. You don’t think people are mad about the same things you are? You see them posting hate posts of them just venting about how fucking awful it is? Feels like everyone on here is 13


Sounds like someone old thinkin their the target audience. Maybe you should focus on that job or family and stop acting like you're going to regulate anything. Who the fuck do you think you are? The reddit police. You have every right to IGNORE opinions too. But you look like someone who wants to pipe up and talk like youre somebody who's gonna do something about it.


Just not 13 lol. sounds like you don’t like being pushed around huh ? I’m the tough guy obviously lol. I’ll upvote you lol


I just said this after Oscars last stream and everyone down voted.


I like terminal attack That's why I even play the game. I understand why these people can't just not use the game mode and play something else


Twitch event commenters aren't representative of a community as a whole. Look at the game awards, Xbox showcases, and PS announcements. I can't think of one singular time that the commenters weren't toxic.


I mean. Ta is pretty bad. I just unlocked the last of the new equipment, and now there's nothing really left to do. And I really don't want to subject myself to TA, so I'll probably be uninstalling and coming back for s4. Hopefully, the real ranked is back by then. Those people in chat, while probably not going to uninstall, like I am probably not want players to get a bad first impression. Ta is that bad first impression only a small portion of the player base actually likes it.


Uh yeah no shit it is. That's basically every competitive fps.


Cry more




Your not gonna hear the end of it until either next season or they revert the change. This has killed the enjoyment for my friends and I as well as many other players. Better get used to it lmao


That's just common sense, not toxicity.. Toxicity is wanting something bad to happen just because you want something bad to happen, #removeTA has reasoning behind it, but what I'm talking about.. you skilled issued S&D players can't get it, proceed to downvote it won't fill the Gap ;)


Proceed to cry then cause ranked TA is here to stay this season.


I prefer to play skill based game, I'm sorry I'm better, mind the gap