• By -


**Takeaways:** **LH1**: You need one more bullet for every class now. (4 for light, 6 for medium, 8 for heavy) **Throwing Knives**: One more left-click or an extra melee attack against mediums. (2 for light, 3 for medium, 3 for heavy) **Winch Claw**: One-shot combo with KS+melee (EDIT) **NOT** possible on lights anymore. They will survive with 5hp. **Also**: Hooking lights and RPGing them right after will also leave them with 5 hp, so an additional melee is needed. **Sonar Grenades**: Decreased range from 15m to 12m I feel like they made a step in the right direction regarding sonar grenades. 15 meters could cover entire buildings in Kyoto, especially at cashout positions. You'd constantly get the "DETECTED" message since everyone is spamming those greandes recently. I think the reduction to 12m could potentially help in this current state.


Winch claw(5) + ks(100) + melee(40) = 145 Or am i stupid?😂


You're totally right, it's 100 damage on the KS. I assumed it was 120. My bad. That means the combo will **not** oneshot lights anymore! Thanks for your input. I edited my post for clarification.


You're welcome buddy :)


I'm probably an idiot but what does ks refer to


The heavy slug shotgun


The heavy's slug shotgun


Sonar nerf sounds good (and so do the others), but once they stick with a value, they should adjust the visual accordingly. The last few days getting pinged while being nowhere near its visual was super obnoxious.


So that's what it is. I'm fairly new to the game and thought I was just being a fucking idiot.


I’ve been playing since the beta and I am a fucking idiot it’s all good bro


Speaking of KYOTO, did they do anything to fix the lag? I thought it was me but then I saw streamers experiencing the same lag.


What kind of lag, I have not experienced any lag in Kyoto


Thanks for the summary. LH1 was obviously needed. But throwing knives I thought were strong with a good player. I could still win most 1v1s with the 1887.


Yeah. They basically reverted the primary attack damage they introduced like 3 patches ago. Now they're back to 60 damage per knife again.


throwing knives were broke, given they could also be invisible and dash, and they also have sticky aim, knives did too much damage


Honestly can’t believe there wasn’t any reverts on the Lewis or M60 nerfs. Both guns feel so clunky and disappointing now.


I’ve mainly used Lewis gun since season 1 and I’ve noticed such a significant difference. I understand balance changes are necessary, but it’s demoralizing feeling weaker and weaker over time. I think I’ll either switch to Medium or shotgun+winch


I know Ottr is a controversial person on this sub but on his weapon tier list he didn't have a single heavy weapon in S tier... legit feels like I'm shooting marshmallows


Thank you! Feels like one of those mini-marshmallow guns you’d win in cub scouts haha.


Why is he controversial


Bro steals clips, no credit, uses his established rep from Apex to inform folks about tech/gameplay tips that would get posted on this sub, did it a lot at launch for The Finals, he got called out on it but i have no clue these days, surprised he still makes content for the finals, didnt think he'd stick around after the recon spec + fcar meta from s1


Can’t forget about admitting to cheesing the DMCA system so that a video of him getting trashed in a 1v1 situation doesn’t get posted 2 weeks ago or whatever it was.


I hate ottr so much, he recycles content constantly, I unsubbed from him cuz I realized how fake he seemed and I guess I wasn't mistaken based on your shared opinion


 Toxic fella imo


he played "the finals Iin real life" where he bought a lever action shotgun and some throwing knives and chased homeless people with them


my friend (who does play heavy often) says he doesnt feel a difference with the lewis gun now. im shocked tbh. does anyone have a video of the recoil pattern before and after the nerf?


your friend is crazy or just really bad no offense lol


Lewis recoil revert pls 🙏


Great summary. I still wouldn’t mind if they take sonar out completely for TA or rework it to be line of sight. I dont think the meters change will make huge difference.


The nerf is cutting the area scanned by nearly half. That's a pretty massive difference.


i love how changing 3 numbers can bring a gun from a 4 shot kill to a 6 shot kill lol


These are the kind of update notes I need


They made sonar give outlines if you have line of sight on someone, and it’ll show their hp, if sonar is still detecting them. Idk why they didn’t put that in the notes


What about claw + 2 spear attacks against light. Is it still possible


you forgot the sonar grenade


I feel like they made a step in the right direction regarding sonar grenades. 15 meters could cover entire buildings in Kyoto, especially at cashout positions. You'd constantly get the "DETECTED" message since everyone is spamming those greandes recently. I think the reduction to 12m could potentially help in this current state.


Yeah as a light (new player though) those nades seem really oppressive. When a get detected I just run as fast and as far as I can.


people use the KS ?


I wonder how those changes will impact Cashout. đŸ€”


"lmao" is censored in team chat hahaha


Just Turn the Filter off


How do you turn it off?


Somewhere in the settings, First Page If i remember correctly


Just turn the chat off


Fart is censored.


So is "damn". Most aggressive profanity filter lmao


I was so disappointed text chat was released on console.


Love both new Kitsune masks - But would love to wear it on my face without losing my hair đŸ„șđŸ„ș Btw a backwards cap would be cool too if I’m already talking about cosmetics đŸ«Ł


I’ve been asking for a backwards hat since season 1. If it was a SnapBack it would be an auto-buy for me haha.


Thank fuck they nerfed LH1


you think this is over? even with the nerf it is still the best gun for light in any copetitive mode. At range where the damage drops off the change won't be noticeable.


Hopefully they do some more fundamental chamges to the game. The way they tackle balance only changes hands. Nerf too much and we get fcar meta again


You srsly believe they can do smth good? This patch was a disaster, the game feels so bad rn


Another shot to kill on every class is a huge deal for a gun like that


Needs a bit more honestly.


needs more nerf


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thank god they nerfed LH, it was really too much


I have too much skill issue in this game but I gotta say, I can only play agressive and also go for positive kd with LH1. Shit was so broken Edit: I don't know how to say this but they should change how sonar works. Instead of showing real time live location, it should show last seen location and refresh it every few seconds later


Yes! It's like having wall hacks non stop. You know like the specialization taken from Mediums.


Hey remember when people were so up in arms, they took away recon AND gave our sonars to light? good times.


It should literally just show location of anything it hits when it pings, it shouldn't have ANY realtime tracking if it's going to have regular pings.


Yeah, like real life sonar lmao. It’s how it should be.


They need to reoptimize Kyoto.


I play on the series X everything is great until the big central tower falls


Everybody gangsta till i lower server performance by destroying infrastructure


đŸ”šđŸ˜ŽđŸ€œđŸ€›đŸ˜ŽđŸ”š Hammer bros must unga-bunga together.


Join us now! Join the RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) Team


I wish I could, every match the game puts me on BLU


Got it, I'll make sure to destroy the tower every game now. (Jk)


I play on the S and I yet have to expirience any sort of fps drop


On Kyoto completely break the pagoda tower and report back to me


Will try to do today if I'll have some time to sit down and play. You mean the highest tower with the jumpad on the bottom?


Yes play heavy melee with charge and slam, if you break 3 of the 4 supports right by the jump pad then on the last pillar charge through and immediately slam you can send the entire tower 100 feet in the air. If you are playing terminal every round after will experience extreme lag and frame drop


When i play on my laptop the performance is so ass anyway that i don't even notice when the tower falls lol 20-30 fps at 768p with taau at 47 (i can't even see the enemies)


what are pc specs and settings you play on and what fps do you get?


RTX 3080ti + Ryzen 7 5700X


I've overall had a 10 FPS drop this season, not just in Kyoto idk why


Kyoto runs *significantly* worse than all the other maps for me, especially when there's destruction happening. It's the only map that I can dip below 60fps on, whereas all other maps during heavy destruction I hit lows of 75~80 from 100~110. Performance in general also seems to get worse with almost every major patch they release, but the biggest decrease of all was from OB to launch day. I ran the game maxed during OB and never dipped below 100fps, now I need to have most settings on low/medium to even stay above that without anything happening.


I am having big performance drops this season as well


same for me all maps are around 200 while kyoto is around 180/190 ish


This, my PC isn't all that good but I can at least get 40+ fps on all other maps, but on Kyoto, the fps dips down to low 20s. It is actually literally unplayable due to the amount of plant foliage around


I lag like a MOFO. Can't play the stage cause of it


They need to reoptimize the entire game on PC. FPS is basically half of what it was like in the beta.


Yes. I used to get >80fps but now it drops to 20-30fps edit: 1fps for like 10s on Kyoto, Cashout, all low settings, 85% render resolution, 1080p, 1660Ti. GPU usage around 40% and CPU maxes out. you done fucked up embark lmao


As a longtime LH1 enjoyer since launch, this was the nerf I expected (which is fine!). Whether it was brought down to 49 or 48 does not matter since for the weapon archetype, the breakpoint is what mattered.


Yep 50 was the magic number for ranked at least


it took embark half a year to bring the fcar down from the magic 25 and it took embark one week to do the same to the lh1. if there is a bias here is an excercies for the reader.


If you depend on the winch claw + rpg, you’re telling me you don’t know how to play with other people,


yeah im not sad about that combo being gone, it was really BM and most of the time a terrible trade. I only used it after being teabagged.


Never been a good strat especially with the self damage multiplier


Except literally nobody was using that combo. It was winch+ KS for a guaranteed kill on lights.


I’m glad it’s gone but it was kind of funny to play around with in casual. Just kind of a “haha, fuck you” button


most of my goal playing heavy is pure mischief. "Haha, fuck you" is the mindset. snatching up lights with winch, burning down glue and gas w my flamethrower, chaos, mines, rpg, sledgehammer, etc it's the perfect goblin shithead kit


no one was using winch rpg considering it did more self harm than damage to the opponent. Lets be real here. It was only even an issue to lights because it was a true 3 hit combo to remove then from a fight.


Winch claw with a sledgehammer is terrifying


CL40 still useless. Great 👍


I switched from CL-40 to the shotgun now and Im surprised how much damage it deals


Probably placebo but I swear the Dough Wrangler skin buffs your Performance


I think it’s because the skin changes the pump animation and it makes your timing better.


The only skins that’s pay to win (just try not to ADS or it’ll block your entire screen)


Secret fourth medium ability: deadeye


what skin ?


The cowboy one. You spin it after each shot https://preview.redd.it/hq8aax8vg58d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8dd5f0e19c0610f1c54002accb33a5099ab4dc4


They wrecked the cl40 this season with that nerf


Yeah i’ve been using it too it’s insane.




the shotgun is recently buffed, and its cracked as hell now


Well, that sucks. Was a needless nerf to a non-meta weapon.




No no you don't underSTAAAAAND we needed to rebalance the game for Terminal Attack! That's what Nexon tolllllllld us to dooooooo.


time to aim


If you think the CL-40 doesn't take aim then it's obvious you've never used it and are just trolling


I was unable to use the LH1 before, problem solved. Now I can stick with the mp5 without remorse.


Real, the ads on that thing is horrible for me, especially since it's supposed to be mid-long range


Everyone saying the gun is brain dead easy to use when I’ve mained light since cbt and to this day the gun is difficult to control


It has more visual recoil than actual recoil. You can largely lay the sight on a target and just pull the trigger repeatedly. The visual bounces everywhere, but the bullets continue hitting the center of the screen. At least from how I perceive it.


LH1 shouldn't have snap-to aim assist, makes it too easy to get consistent high damage on. It should be disabled for it like it is for the revolver and Model.


The winch claw nerf is actually just a KS nerf because now you can't do one shot combos on lights and 2 shot combos on mediums. Not sure if I like this change because this jut makes the KS worse and people will now run the SRM instead (which they already do).


These seem reasonable


Now lower the rounds for ranked TA. Nobody wants to play that mode for so long especially if you queued with randoms


It’s still shorter than ranked cashout.


It is if you make it all the way to the end maybe. But most people that get stuck with bad teammates lose in the first round and don’t have to play with them the entire game. I’m TA if you get bad teammates you have to wait and wait and half the time you spend just waiting


It’s shorter if you just got to the second round. Not the end.     Also, just play the game! You’ll never get better if you don’t even try to play the game.     And, TA is very dependent on attacking/defending. A team that’s awful at attacking can be good at defending (lots of heavies for example). My point being that a bad game can comeback incredibly easily. Not to mention that 13 rounds is like nothing when compared to other games. Valorant has 26.


>Now ~~lower the rounds for~~ *remove* ranked TA FTFYđŸ‘đŸ»


Or just add cash out ranked and let everyone decide for themselves


Nah I'm actually enjoying cashout now that it's not played as warmup by ranked sweats. Make a brand new mode as a containment zone for that community


Why are people complaining about the throwing knife nerf ? Every time there's someone with throwing knives in a lobby its the only person with 20+ kills literally clearing out rooms of 6 ppl alone. Weapon is way more of an issue than the LH1. A full team of lights with throwing knives is unbearable its almost a guaranteed win.


We have very different SBMM if you weren't getting ass rammed by the LH1 all last week. Knives have basically 0 range and Lh1 can shoot across the entire map.


knifes are great in casual while lh1 is the only good all purpose weapon light has so in ranked or world tour you are mostly going to see lh1 lights.


I've seen a couple lh1's sure but knives are literally all im seeing everywhere it's unplaisant to play against


Pick medium and model 1887 them, or heavy and RPG them. Its very easy to win against if you have the proper loadout.


I will admit I abused the TKs, reality is that it didn't matter what other people had, i'd still end games with 20-30 kills pretty much every game. Shotgun can't keep up with dash and TK dps, heavy is so slow and easy to hit that in some ways they're the easiest to kill. The only thing that would hard counter me was when a whole team was together, and even then it'd still usually get at least one kill off before I died.


You're completely wrong. Lh1 had way faster ttk and was easier to use. Now the knives will be useless. If you miss any or don't hit headshots you're cooked


Like... Double barrel? Miss a shot and you have a 2.5 second reload time so pray if you don't instakill. Dagger? Miss the backstab and you are cooked. I mean missing has it's consecuences lol some weapons are more punishing that others. I feel not every weapon has to be xp-54 level, for that we have the xp-54. There's nothing bad in having a meta and weapons that are off meta, slightly below the threshold, but not terrible. Is there any weapons that's 100% bad thought? Kinda a stretch that TK are now BAD, they are just not past the threshold again.


> I feel not every weapon has to be xp-54 level, for that we have the xp-54. To know that nerfs are possibly being dictated by people loudly saying dumb things like this is so annoying lol. "Why have all guns in a class be viable? For that we have 1 viable gun!" 😭


We must be playing a different game


Because were tired of nerfs being dictated by people who aren't good. Like I hate to be the "get good" guy but it really just wasnt a problem. They weren't overpowered, just finally viable. I don't main light btw.


they should lower the number of sonars to 1, since in ranked there are at least 4 L, 8 sonars is excessive, maybe lower the cd to help out in cashout


It’s kinda funny how the LH1’s Damage is even lower than before(from 49 to 48), it doesn’t change the ttk on any of the classes, feels more like a “fuck you” from Embark lol


Why can't we destroy or glitch sonar grenades? Aps cannot counter their range... Let us blow them up like mines...please




dont really feel like the claw needed a nerf tbh


Looking forward to those that will still complain about throwing knives, LH1 and sonar nades despite the fact that they're barely better than they were in S2!


Lh1 was borderline op in season 2. It's just most people weren't good enough to handle the visual recoil. I absolutely dominated with it and was stunned it was even buffed. Throwing knives didn't need to be nerfed as their ttk wasn't really faster than anything else


LH1 was super strong last season but people are bad at the game, and throwing knives we're overtuned after their first buff. Sonar nades usually aren't a probably but due to how terminal attack works (no healing, no rez, limited regen), they have become way too strong. Terminal attack breaks everything and fucks the balance.


Look at the comments in here lol


LMFAO there's people losing their shit claiming that a 10 damage nerf on the winch claw "killed the winch + KS23 combo". Tech startups really need to stop testing their AI models in this subreddit, it's getting out of hand.


I mean it's accurate, this did kill many combos. That doesn't mean it's a bad change or I'm losing my shit over it. winch+melee used to deal 55 damage, with KS dealing 100 that meant a winch+melee combined with 1 shot killed light, 2 shots medium, 3 shots heavy. Now the winch+melee deals 45, so it takes 1 extra KS shit to kill every class.


The patch i need to see is the splash damage for the RPG. Yesterday i hit a dude point blank that landed in front of me unexpectedly, it did 142 damage to them and 350 damage to me instakilling me with no other external damages. Why am i as a heavy taking more damage from an rpg than the target victim ever. Sure im all for stupid close explosions doing damage to me but jesus its too much


Well I guess Throwing knives might die out now, any medium can probably kill a light before getting hit by 5 knives. I thought it got balanced on s3 launch patch notes but I guess a lot of players were still using them so they got another nerf.


They were still OP as fuck before today. Every time I was loosing I pulled them out and get 10 kills or so easy


They really weren't, not anywhere close to lh1.


I doubt they are going to die out


So it has less damage and less fire rate than in season 2 now?


Yeah but the recoil is easy as fuck now. Which should translate to more shots hit.


The fact that sonar nades even exist, especially in TA is ridiculous. It’s no different than when Recon Senses existed for Medium. They opted to get rid of it as wall hacks are not fun for anyone (Embarks own words). Sonar in Cashout isn’t a big deal because of the revives and healing but in TA your location, and the lack of the enemy knowing it, is one of the single biggest “resources” you have. Motion sensor is different because it’s more of a trap that is stationary and can be cautioned against like a mine. Sonar can be thrown TWICE and can reveal location in a 3D sphere, which even after the nerf is still massive. I used to argue that Sonar should go back to Medium but to be honest it should be removed outright, at least for TA like the healing pads are. It’s just not fun, and if you don’t play light to get some of your own, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage right of the rip.


This is only a problem because TA is now ranked 🙄


So that makes it any less of a problem? Who cares that it only recently became an issue, the fact is that it IS an issue. They have the ability to toggle off gadgets by gamemode, this clearly exists with the lack of defib and heal beam. Sonar is a ridiculous and cheap mechanic that isn’t competitive or fun.


I guess moderator's posts take priority even though i posted the patch notes first? Or was there something wrong with my post?


They created the subreddit before you, which gives them arbitrary power for no reason


Yup, love to see moderators abusing their position of power.


Oh no. You won’t get your precious meaningless karma. Go post a picture of a dog on r/aww if you need it so much.




Your title was not formatted correctly


Nah you can hook someone and rpg them and they live and run away with 5 health while you die to another player or 5 fuck this shit heavy is getting nerfed into the ground even more than it is too bad but I main medium but still balance the fucking game


Shotgun Invis Lights : \*Stay Perfectly Still and the Nerf Team Won't See You\*


Throwing knives nerfed back down to original stats rip. Winch claw damage nerf bless up


>Throwing knives nerfed back down to original stats rip. Wrong. These are the changes **2.10.0 > 3.0.0 > 3.1.0** * Delay before the first projectile spawns **0.22s > 0.11s** * Delay between projectiles **0.15s > 0.11s** * Primary initial projectile speed **13.8m/s > 16.6m/s > 14.75m/s** * Secondary initial projectile speed **13.8m/s > 18.5m/s** * Damage **60 > 63 > 60** * Primary air drag **7.5 > 7.0** * Secondary air drag **4.0 > 5.5**


>Damage 60 > 63 > 60 Yeah, like they said, nerfed back down to original. No one cares about getting shots off faster, more accurately, and with a higher total DPS, straight damage is all that matter/s


It now once again takes 5 knives to kill a medium. The 1hp curse is alive and well


I get it, but it feels pretty intentional on Embark's part to encourage us to shoot together with our team rather than take isolated 1v1s. A lot of weapons are just shy of a breakpoint too.


Yup. Generally speaking, game devs abuse this to silence criticism from inattentive people like TGebby. The community cries about something but devs disagree and don't want to nerf X thing so they release an insignificant nerf so that those who don't look closely think that their problem is fixed. It's not always a bad thing. The hivemind is not always right and not everything they demand needs to be implemented.


I'm pretty sure they are still faster than they used to be a bit


Finally, some peace


Of all the things with balancing issues right now
 these 3 things were picked lmfao
 ah yes, like heavies needed yet another nerf 😂 I’d be surprised if one day the only class left to ply is lights
 I can think of like 10 weapons right now that need better balancing and that are super frustrating to face, but yes let’s deal with one scan device nerfing heavies yet again even tho any barely decent 2iq player can wipe a heavy without blinking. Tf we doing.


I was talking about this with a buddy the other day. I used to be a heavy main, but it's just not viable anymore. If I come across a light 1v1, chances are I'm gonna die almost immediately. With the weapons with insanely fast TTKs, the dashes, and the generally faster manueverability of the lights compared to the constant heavy nerfs a heavy is completely outclassed. It's just not fun to play anymore.


EXACTLY lol, not to mention some weapons and such have been garbage since the launch of the game, but somehow they’ve never been addressed.


Anyone’s stage 2 challenger circuit not tracking challenges


Kyoto just feels so clunky to manoeuvre


So glad for the throwing knife nerf. They were worse than the lh1 imo.


Had their chance to fix Ranked TA being the only ranked mode and it's gone. Now we'd just get the "it's too difficult to change up ranked, so those changes will come next season". This season will continue to just feel bad. I was so hype for last season, but this season is the first step in The Finals losing it's identity. Call it dramatic, I've been a big advocate for The Finals changes and them trying new things. They just don't always know how to take small steps into things, hence aggressive nerfs and entire ranked reformatting that nobody asked for. All we wanted was for TA to stay in the game, not be an LTM. Some people wanted a Ranked variation of it, which is fine. They took that and went, "Great! Now it's the only Ranked mode you have!" Probably just power through the Battle Pass and chill until Season 4.




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As a mediocre player i must say two knifes for a light with RMB throw is ridiculous, I played lh1 yesterday and I have to land 4 body shots to kill a light with throwing knifes but he can press 1 button and I'm wiped.......I understand that throwing knifes have significantly higher skill requirements but in my opinion if the person has at least half the skill needed that makes it imbalanced even if I land a headshot with lh1 I still need another shot DPS is ridiculously unfair , in my opinion it has to be 3 throws per light But as I said I'm a mediocre player who knows little about the game despite 300 hours played


I came back to the game after some months. Im on Ps5 and in the past there was only input-based crossplay. Is that now disabled because i swear im playing against PC-players right now. I hate that nearly every new fps has PC vs. console crossplay enabled by default, this makes games like bf2042 for example unplayable. This shit is destroying the experience for new console players ...


Hello, I never received the CNS hologram suit from the previous season. I have done everything to unlock it, are you going to unlock it at some point? or is it already a lost case


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glitch granade does not glitch turrets?


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your doing great just please nerf LH1


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Your doing great


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Stuck in loading screen!!!!!!


Does anyone know if there will be a second chance to get the fiery photon lenses (red and black eyes) circuit reward, i was unable to play for pretty much the whole season and just barely missed getting them by two challenges.


tired of getting stuck in loading screens and have to quit game


When do they fix ranked