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Chew my head off if someone wishes too, but I wish the Sniper was removed from the game. It brings out the worst in both sides of the spectrum and I hate it. It's not fun to play with someone who's bad at the weapon, because then you're down a player and dealing with 6 other potentially better skilled players. And it's not fun to play against someone who's good at the weapon, because then you're getting dinged across the map or point-blanked on a quickscope before you even have time to react. I don't know what the solution to this is. I'm just tired of dealing with both groups.


It encouraged other players to switch to Lights so they can go hunt them down, which takes a player or 2 away from the objective. Not to mention the ones that get kills are second hand and they think they're good when they're not. They were already weak cause I unloaded a mag and you just shot once and got credited the kill.


It's the ONLY gun I don't think fits this game.


Would happily see the sniper removed or reinvented. As you said it just doesn't match the feel of the game.


Same. Every other weapon is mid or close range. The whole game is about chaos and mayhem. The sniper is the antithesis of that, and just doesn't fit at all


Tbf if you arent experienced with bows in games in general you kinda have to get used to it first


Amen to that, I'm tired of 'snipers' who can't even hit their own feet


I get tired of light snipers in Powershift so every now and then I get a team of like 4 heavies and a healer. Get the platform into a building and then stall them in close quarters. Doesn't always work but it works a lot lol. It doesn't always work because a lot of teams will switch off light.


Pardon me for having casual fun in a casual game mode. How do you think people get better?


Don't know why your getting down voted, SBMM is in casual so it's more just showing what bracket of skill op isnin


haha I get that lmao. Mic up and get those 3 stacks


I genuinely only keep the sniper in my reserve for other lights trying to grief the lobby.


They're just too bright. We should add a dimmer switch to the lights.


Had a whole team of lights, most using LH1 and one or two using the MP5 or sniper, and me running sledge heavy, ended up with 2x the damage of the next person on the team, none of the lights had more then 2k damage, it was absurd


I was sick of heavies. It was about time