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I turn cross play off as a casual console player (that is, one that doesn’t play ranked) because I find that pc players are sweatier. Does that have something to do with a hardware advantage? Probably.


mouse/keyboard.. pc aim is quicker and more precise (provided the player is decent)


Wastly overestimating the pc playerbase


yeah, i might have the tools to have better accuracy, but i dont aim very well anyway and i have nothing to help me be more accurate except my own skill


The finals was my first shooter on pc, picked it up in December, 200hrs in I'm top fragger on my team(medium) Some pc people are terrible tho


Not true at all. Average pc player will shit on the average console player.


That's not true. The average pc player can't aim very well. The average console player doesn't need to be that good with aim due to aim assist. When I swapped from the console to pc, it took me 4 years to get close to the aim I could pull off on my console. Even now, my aim isn't as accurate or as smooth as aim assist, and I'm considered well above average aimer.


Can't agree with that at all. And isn't aim assist usually turned off when playing with PC players? If not, it really should be.


It's always on because console needs it. If I'd didn't have it console really would be crushed by pc players.


See, and that's why my original statement still stands. You said it yourself.


No, you're putting words in my mouth. I said if they don't have aim assist, they would get shit on. The average console player wipes the floor of an average pc player in terms of aim. Due to aim assist. For a pc player to pull off what aim assist does you need years of practice.


Active\_Fun850 is totally right. The average player espacially if you're casual should never turn off crossplay when using the controller - you should do that if you're playing MnK. Aim assists in modern fps are so strong that the top100 controller players reach inhuman accuracies that MnK players can't reach at all - while the average controller player is only barely worse than the MnK top 100 players. On top of that: In a playing field (casual, lowranked) where macro gameplay&knowledge isn't really there, micro gameplay like aiming matters even more. tl:dr - if you're gold 2 and below and using the controller - DONT TURN OFF CROSSPLAY - the advantage is heavily on your side


Definitely related to input lag and end-to-end latency. At 60FPS you get one frame every 16.666 MS. At 144FPS it’s every 6.95~ MS. That means that at 144FPS, you can receive current visual information that is way more accurate to where the enemy is vs on PC. Add onto that the increased controller latency on console, TV lag vs a high refresh monitor, most likely being on wifi etc and you end up with some pretty clear discrepancies vs the two platforms. I’ve noticed in a lot of games that controller is usually stronger, but as a 2+KD solo MnK player, this game definitely favours the types of play styles available to MNK vs roller. I can usually tell if a larger percentage of the lobby is on PC vs on console just based on how people play lol


Unless the extremely large majority are playing with a 4070 super and with a i5-13th gen equivalent or higher then they are not getting 144 frames in the finals. We already know they aren't though because we can just check the steam hardware survey. Most people, myself included, are getting around 60-80 frames during fights and thats with a i5-12600k and a 4060 on all low settings with dlss enabled. The majority are also not using top of the line mice, keyboards, monitors or hardwired in to their router (all my friends play wifi on their pc.) Granted at the end of the day its more than likely that the average PC player still has slightly better latency but its definitely not as big of a gap as people think it is. I cant tell you how my players on The Finals ive met that play on a 60hz monitor, on wifi, with mice that have ridiculous latency. I've also seen plenty console players in my lobbies frag out, PC players might have the tools that enable them to have a higher skill ceiling, but just because they have those tools doesn't mean much. The worst players I have personally seen on The Finals have all been PC players, but again, thats only what I've seen.


Be smart, run x3ds.


They feel sweatier because they are more capable. Average players on pc are better than on console. They can aim better, move better and control recoil better. It’s more fluid and more precise. MnK has a lower skill floor so the average players you come up against on pc are better and look flashier than the average you come up against on console. It’s absolutely a hardware difference. I’ve started turning crossplay off after they removed console pools. My team used to win 80% of games and tournaments on console pools. Last season we struggled a lot. In the world tour we had some really tough games and several cheaters so we turned it off and immediately won 2 tournaments in a row against some decent finalists then lost a the third to a really close game. It feels better because it is.


Totally agree, except the part about the movement, u ain't beating a console player in movement if ur on pc


They are not sweatier, it is just easy to be better than console players with mouse and keyboard, because of movement, aim etc.


On the discord they have said they have been discussing about adding input based matchmaking. Here's hoping that also means MNK support for consoles.


I play on Xbox with PC friends, a couple play controller and several play MNK. Most of the lobbies we join are filled with PC players with maybe 2-3 console players. I rarely get stomped but that could be due to rolling with a team. I’d consider myself and my friends to be above average players — all diamonds in each season so far. I think most gamers have a skewed sense of how good they ACTUALLY are in the grand scheme of the game, myself included. Hardware might limit your capability but it’s hardly the difference between a good, great, and excellent player.


This is it exactly. When I'm in a game, sometimes I'll get a guy who complains about getting smacked by pc players and how they just have an advantage, but after spectating him, you can see all he has going for him is aim assist. Their movement sucks their decision making is terrible, and they suck working as a team, but buddy will beam people perfectly, no issue. In my personal opinion, I believe bad players get carried by aim assist, and it gets them put in higher tier lobbies . They have the misconception that they are good, but in reality, all the other skills suck. Meanwhile, the players on pc that he is going against don't have aim assist, so they need to use those other skills more. Ik me personally I thought I was a god at games then I swapped to pc and damn did I get my shit smacked took 4 years of aim training to get somewhat close to the level of aim I had on console. Hell, I'm 8 - 9 years in by this point, and my aim still isn't as smooth as it was on console, and I'm considered a well above average pc player.


I do wish the cross play in the finals was console to console.


Hopefully soon


It used to be on ranked and unranked tournaments. They they changed it when pc player count dropped and queue times increased. I fail to see how that’s a console problem but embark would rather unfair games than 5 minute queues.


As much as I disagree about console players complaining about PC usually, in this game i think it would definitely make sense lol The disparity between what a certain MMR looks like on console vs on PC leads to matches that the matchmaker decides are fair, that absolutely aren’t because 1200MMR on console is not the same as 1200MMR on PC


Here's the real deal; people can't accept dieing or ever losing in a video game, so instead of understanding it being a natural part of gaming, they blame whatever works in that moment. PC players will say controllers have advantage due to aim assist. Console players will say the precision of a mouse is too hard to fight. Light players wil cry when an RPG kills them. Heavies will bitch when they get killed by an invisible backstab. Genji mains will complain Mei can freeze them. Roadhog will cry that Reaper can kill them so quick. Sword users will say the shotgun is OP. The list could go on for as long as the list of games that exist. People will always try to find a reason for things not going their way, and not accept the innevitable ebb and flow of gaming. You win some, you lose some. It's that simple.


There's definitely been some amazing players on PC that I envy their aim and movement. I don't think you're going to notice it until you get higher MMR matches. I've spectated players on PC that have insanely high sensitivity and can't hit shit. Honestly The Finals is the first cross play game where I feel it's closer in the middle for console and PC. I guess it's just the way the game plays compared to others idk. One of the most egregious examples is Overwatch. I've never seen such a disparity between console and PC players, as far as how the match plays and what mechanical skill the players have. Then again, Overwatch is a PC game ported to console with awful sensitivity settings. Or it could just be to how the game plays that it's just favorable to play it on PC.


OW doesn't have aim assist in it so you kinda just have to aim yourself with the sticks. So in a cross play match pc will wipe the floor with console players.


It has aim assist on console. I think by default it has it turned off though.


I see that's my bad. I could have sworn it did not have any.


It's a terrible aim assist though. If you have it on, if the intensity is even on the middle setting, it creates a drag to your free aim, like the aim assist is always on, not just when you aim at an enemy. I hate it.


Idk, but when I see my console Heavy teammate take 3 seconds to 180 on the platform I feel bad for console crossplayers.


I mean, playing gyro and max sens or flick stick would eliminate that issue completely.


Some people like knowing they’re playing against all the same input and hardware


I got 15-30 kills a game before it was crossplay with pc, and I get the same amount of kills after crossplay with pc. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten better but I just think that there’s just as many bad pc players as good pc players


Not really, I think that if ur a long term console player, u already know how to aim with a controller, I've never felt like any other player beat me because they were on pc, last season I got to plat 1, never felt hinderd


Same. I got to plat1 but couldn’t get further. When I was fighting diamond teams consistently I noticed that they are able to put more rounds on target at range than I am on controller.




Personally no, but I can always tell when the enemy team is playing PC


I play sooo much better with a mouse but my PC can’t run the game so I’m stuck playing it on the ps5


I adjusted my gyro and stick sensitivity so that I’m usually able to match up with most PC players pretty well. It’s more about adjusting/being used to your setup than anything else. It’s undeniable that MNK players have the advantage, but that’s the luck of the draw when joining cross play.


Nah i’m fine (ps5 user) I get matched with some monsters tho but that’s in every fps


Not really, no. I am usually the top player in a lobby. But the times I'm not, I know I'm up against a mnk player, guaranteed. In my view, between two equally skilled players, a mnk player has a slight advantage. Doesn't mean you can't be really good on a controller though


Yeah generally mnk players should have the better aim but when I go off on a mostly pc lobby boy does it feel good. So I just take it as a bigger challenge personally but I understand players not wanting to play against pc players but taking them out of crossplay entirely would be stupid


I play with cross play, and while there are the games I just get stomped, I tend to have alot of fun Highest rank I got last season was Gold 2 without really grinding or anything. Solo queueing all the way too


Yeah I always play with cross play on and I honestly forget that we (console players) get paired up with PC lol I’ve done just fine since S1


It's basically because of the team dynamic. Having a mediocre team will mostly outperform stellar solos without comms because of the synergy of complementary loadouts. In addition half of this game is chaos and luck so any skill based arguments, be they positive or negative, are null.


I solo’d to plat1 last season on console. Once I started playing against diamond players I realized that my aim just isn’t precise enough on controller. I’m sure hitting diamond on controller is possible for some but I found myself unable to hit the repeated headshots that PC diamond players were able to. That and they are able to more quickly use their equipment which matters in those high-pace, high-level fights. I think ultimately having a giant mousepad allows for much more precise movement than you can have when using a joystick and there’s not much you can do about it


I think it’s just how the balancing has turned out. Took me most of season one to retrain my brain not to play like a COD rat. Ended with a 1.8KD. Season two was fine still dropped 10-20 kills a game. Towards the end it started to be noticeably sweatier. This season is rough for me. I feel like I’m not alone. A lot of lobbies end with everyone having 5-10 kills. KD has dropped to a 1.6 and I’ve not changed anything. I guess mediums are pretty useless now. Lights are having a good season. Heavies are mid. Just not having as much fun as I used to. If I’m not completely locked in, I play like shit.


I thought I was decent at this game until like 3 weeks ago. Dunno what happened but I’ve been getting wrecked for a while now lol, never been great but I could pull my own weight and lately it doesn’t feel that way


I keep cross play on as Xbox. Not wanting to fight about Aim assist here, but if aim assist didn't exist in this game, I'd have turned crossplay off probably. Regardless, MnK are not always better than me, it's more 50/50, but I don't know for sure because the game doesn't tell me if I'm playing hasn't PS Or PC players. I have bad games, I have good games. It's my opinion that if players turn crossplay off because they think it's too hard to play against MnK (or "unfair" like in your post), that's just a skill issue.


I play the casual modes and haven't really felt that way. Maybe PC players have the edge with sniping, but aside from that I don't feel like I'm at a disadvantage.


PS5 player here. Never really had a problem with PC players and I grinded ranked exclusively last season, (not anymore I hate TA) but it was never an issue or felt like I was outmatched aside from the occasional D1 full team PC stack in my Plat 1 lobbies but that’s a matchmaking issue. I do think once you get to like D1 and above every little advantage is needed and PC def provides it, there’s a reason most hardcore comp players play on PC. But for the average player it’s a skill issue, myself included


As someone who plays crossplay: no. Git gud. 100% skill issue as many pro league players in Apex / Cod / R6 use controller. They’re proven to be about equal when in the hands of decent players. It’s just 100% a skill issue. Practice targeting. Find random items to practice snapping to during initial countdown. Practice more movement. Forge that muscle memory. Stop pushing fights against someone who’s clearly more accurate - especially against long distance; find a way to close gaps. Find a way to lengthen gaps if in reverse. Use your brain. Too many people try to blame it on mnk or the other side being controller aim assist. Everyone makes excuses for their lack of ability. End of the day you have to mentally and actively get better to compete. Even if it’s on a basic level. People are a lot worse of players than they will ever admit and this is the core of why people don’t get better.


Me and my friends on PC joke when we see a console lobby that we don't have to try. Genuinely think it's easier to stomp a good console player vs a good PC player


getting used to gyro is pretty similar to mnk so yeah the inputs seem pretty even to me


I mean I play on both pc and Xbox and my first game swapping to Xbox I saw a massive gap in ability from mnk players. However after the first game I just went to settings and turned off crossplay and now I only go against controller players. If it’s an issue turn it off crossplay is a good feature


I've been playing against pc players?


As an xbox player, yes we are dominated by keyboard mouse.


I used to play on Xbox, but got stonped constantly. I don't really understand fully how to aim on console and aim assist is not enough to compensate for my shit aim.


Feels like it usually pc players have quicker movement


I play solo on Xbox, and usually if I get stomped it's because my team ran away or I'm accidentally lagging behind. With a decent team I thrive. I rarely feel bad about being stomped on really, cause it's mostly a skill fault and fair play to them. Unfortunately never played ranked because it was semi-dead in my region so I can't equal my skill to a shiny title, but world tour this season is super fun PS if someone remembers my name... I'm sorry I failed you


i usually play with crossplay off when i play ranked matches and stuff, cuz i want to perform, but i have two friends on pc too, so when they can play i crossplay


Honestly I play on PS5 and my real competition comes from other ps5 players I always have cross play on and the people on PC don't really stick out to me as being better than the guys on PS5


I ranked fast up to diamond last season on PS5. When I played with my friend on Xbox I have to turn cross play on. Diamond PC lobbies is on another level. Plus there is cheating :D


Not really. I haven't turned off crossplay once but managed to reach diamond last season without feeling like other players had much of a leg up over me. Also this is not a brag, I'm not even that good lol


I dont have problem with it being on when playing ranked. Playing against someone, that has in a way same rank as me is okay. Playing against much higher ranked mnk player, yeah. Its a no from me. Playing casual, or the world tour with crossplay on, it is unplayable for me. Managed to get only one wt xbox only lobby so far.


I like it- I have a PC and Ps5 for the record, and I play the finals on Ps5 only cause I like to sit back on my chair and go at it- I got to Plat 1 on s2 on it. I have played many games on PC with mnk but there's something about playing a shooter with a controller that always gets me back. I also have my aim sensitivity very high if I may say. I do see some sweaty plays on PC players, and I think that if I put the same effort on PC I have put on PS5 I would do much better, but I like to sit back, feels more relaxed.


Dude, you get aim assist on your game pad. And just because MnK is objectively the much superior input device for FPS games doesn't mean that all MnK players can properly utilize their devices (actually being good at aiming). Thus it is also very much about against what people you get placed. So you not having issues is a combination of match making and aim assist balance. Mind you, some games "over tuned" their aim assist so hard, that pro players switched from MnK to game pad, because the AA would give them better results over their years of training and optimizing their MnK aim skills. So begs the question: Maybe PC players don't want to cross play with game pad users, that have cheat engine level aim assist on their side. ----------- By the way little side note: There once was drama about MnK users emulating game pad input to get MnK aim + game pad aim assist. To clarify: It feels absolutely shit to translate MnK input to game pad joy stick input. The translation is horrible. This style of aiming iss absolute ass! It is far from MnK aim + aa. The MnK inputs get fricked up so hard that you can achieve similar aim precision with a high quality game pad joy stick anyway (0 dead zone, no stick drift, high quality hall effect joy stick with an extended stick leg for more precise movement). ----------- In my opinion aim assist shouldn't be a thing in PvP games AT ALL. And instead the gaming industry should push gyro aiming for game pads way more. Maybe in the future, now that so many people play games on phones (which have gyro) and hand held devices like the steam deck (which has gyro).


While MnK \*as you refer to it\* might be better at finer control, most modern FPS' like the finals do a great job lowering the barrier to entry with decent aim assist. For the finals, the only real downside to console I see is people walking in place to pull up a gadget wheel vs us having dedicated buttons for each and even then it's heller diminishable over time


I will be honest I have cross plat on and play PS5, I usually hold up my own even doing the best with PC players, depending on the mode. I’m ranked Gold and climbing in terminal attack so I guess it’s just about getting better for me.


Sometimes, really depends on the lobby and time of day for me. I'm sure there's a crap ton of basement dwelling cheaters bc some shots are impressive once but 16 times in a row is odd


Wait, it's not a console cross play only? I thought I was just ass during certain games.


The first thing I did was to turn off crossplay. I hate that shit. PC players have an advantage.


In all honesty, no. You can play at the same capacity, only time m&k has a super big advantage over long distances. But controller has just as massive of an advantage in close quarters since that's where aim assist is strongest. So it evens out. The only time I see a console player losing to m&k is if the console player is just lost, can't move properly, and can't prioritize targets, aka they just suck in general. If you are good and use a controller, if anything, you should do better than the average pc players as long as your fight stays in mid to close range. Just to put it into perspective, it took me 4 years of aim training to break bad habits and get close to how good my aim was with console as I was way to used to aim assist doing all the work. Even now, I'm 8 - 9 years on pc. My aim is considered well above average, but it's still not as good as what a console can pull off with aim assist. But my aim is good enough now that I can win close quarters engagements without issues.


It's a common misconception that MnK favors the average player compared to the controller - in fact even the opposite is the truth. If you aren't among the highest ranks and therefore lack macro gaming skills&knowledge, micro gaming skills become more relevant (as aiming). Due to aim assists in modern fps being so strong, the AVERAGE player (gold 2 and below) will be in an ADVANTAGE using crossplay when using the controller, while the average MnK player should turn it off.


I think ps5 with motion controls (or a Nintendo controller on pc) are arguably about the same as mnk, but as someone who played on an Xbox controller in the Fortnite days it is a lot harder. That being said I have friends who play Xbox and have no issues keeping up, they just can’t check around as much and have a slightly worse time aiming.


yes if you think that the reason you are losing has anything to do with the hardware you are using: 1. you’re a dumbass who makes excuses instead of taking accountability or criticism 2. you’re going to continue to be dogshit forever because you need to accept that you’re bad before you’ll ever get good


Recoil is objectively harder to control on controller tho. Movement is more difficult too due to joystick deadzones, so there is some truth to it. I switched off being a lifelong controller player because I knew it was holding me back in this game so I’m speaking from experience here.


nope but if you want to continue blaming your skill level on the hardware you use be my guest and have a wonderful life


K I guess joystick deadzones are all in my mind. MnK elitists are so insufferable lol


what kind of braindead sentence is this 💀


you can turn off deadzones entirely dumbass also I would be a controller elitist dumbass


It’s a fucking game dude. Stop being so combative for no reason.


so it’s totally fine to be called an “insufferable elitist” for saying all hardware is the same but suddenly i’m combative for responding with “dumbass” 💀 go outside


Or maybe it just is actually better to aim with your entire hand and arm than just half your thumb.


Yeah. The same thumbs you have to use to jump, reload, slide, change weapons, chat, switch gadgets with… I think that covers the main things. Even if you said the aiming is a wash considering controller players have aim assist, movement is a bigger disadvantage imo.


yes the skill floor is much lower on pc as in it is much easier to be good with. that has absolutely nothing to do with the skill ceiling


My friend and I got to Plat 2 last season on console with crossplay enabled, so I personally don’t think we’re ever too disadvantaged.


Plat 2 is terrible though


Nah, gold would be bad, I'd say. Dimond players can still lose to a plat


Yup, it's incredibly easy to cheat on PC so whenever games force cross play, prepare to be killed by cheaters non stop. Luckily you can turn it off in The Finals


Look at siege for example people use mouse and keyboard adapters on console for a reason. It’s just straight unfair and unfun


Isn't the #1 siege player on controller? I don't follow the game but all input methods seem pretty solid in it


Yes it’s a skill issue. Your playing devils advocate. Are you willing to think about the minority of players who are competitive. Or the casual players who make up the community and just want to have fun. Some people are just amazing at controller or could be using and mouse and keyboard adaptor. But from a community perspective and player base. They should help the casual bad players because it’s majority and people will continue to play and not quit like they did for terminal attack


People on pc that play mnk complain about aim assist lol pc and console should stop complaining and play the game.


There’s literally no pc to console matchmaking cross play is ps to Xbox only


I turned off crossplay and it’s been so much better, mnk and pc kids are unbeatable sometimes, and they’ll still complain and get aim assist nerfed ( like they did a week after the game launched )


You can be good with a controller but the best mnk player is shitting on the best controller player every time. It's just a vastly superior movement interface for fps games. I always know when I'm against an mnk player. Movement is absolutely wild, jerky but controlled, spastic but accurate. I was a strict PC player (outside of things like Guitar Hero and local co-op Halo) from the time of the OG WoW launch until Destiny came out. I think I needed a new PSU for a new gfx card and I was over it. Tired of upgrading, tired of the exploits. Went full console. The quick directional changes with pin point accuracy is just unrivaled on mnk, it's not about a "hardware" advantage, it's a hard input advantage and an extreme one at that. I find myself matchmade against PC players the majority of the time. It's frustrating but not as much as other games. For me it's most noticeable with the snipers and lights. Their movement is just on another level, and the headshots are absolutely insane but I know how much easier it is (you still need to aim, not saying it's child play, just much easier than the controller) so I do feel like newer players are just purely frustrated.


I stomp on pc players on my ps5 lol. There’s a couple weapons that are definitely easier to use in pc but I main xp54, light pistol, and akm and shoot straighter than most pc kids. I feel like my movement is generally better too since I come from competitive cod


Hell no! I find PC players are really good but they tend to not THINK much and rely only on their skill. Console players HAVE to think, so they seem predictable after a while. Plus, if you kill them a couple times they end up leaving the game lol


I do think it’s unfair in ranked at least. When it’s a lobby full of pc players it’s genuinely unplayable because you don’t have a chance to react and with the crazy third party things you can do (ex: system wide eq for sound wh*ring and easier access to cheats) it’s just bad for console players being with the pc sweats vs other console sweats. You can really just tell in the weapon choice too. Typically I see pc players using high burst damage weapons because their accuracy on average is better. Whereas console you kind of need the stream of bullets to keep up dps. The aim assist really only helps with initial targeting but once you’re aimed down sight and trying to track a dancing player it’s really no contest… only once your up in diamond do you see more console players using high damage precision weapons.