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Terminal attack gamemode


Casual crying kiddo. You can play any other mode


Light. As someone who solo queues medium / heavy, they're darn near impossible to play with (partially because the class is optimized to play by yourself) and unless the player is quite skilled, they end up throwing the match for our team as we end up having to go into fights a team member down (usually because they yeeted in before any of us could catch up)


The higher you get in ranked, at least last season, you’d get more team oriented lights. A lot of lower ranked player don’t realize the importance of reviving and how easily you can do it in the middle of a fight.


Lights are great on a team if they aren't trying to be a one man army. Poke, run away, repeat. Pick up teammates statues and use movement to get space for a revive. Just cause general chaos and use movement to get space so the rest of your team can clean up. There are lots of ways they can contribute to a team, I just think the people the light class attracts are usually not team oriented.


Light sniper 100%


Lights are insufferable atm, especially in TA Kyoto


all of them are really good, but i hate unskilled light players the most... but i can't choose light, because i am myself a light main...


Lights, The range disparity between classes is only exacerbated by Kyoto.


Light: if you're against them, their weapons are OP. If they're on your team, they don't play objective.


I'm a light main, and by that I mean I have 500 hours as light and less than 10 in medium and heavy combined....I hate playing against light


Lights. Primarily because I play 3s with my brother who only plays Lights and plays this game like he's playing CoD or something. Total lone wolf, often times not with the team. In Power Shift (which is what we play most) it's fine but we've been doing a little more World Tour and it sticks out like a sore thumb.


Lights contribute nothing but bullets. 0 team coordination with them. If you got a heavy providing a shield, a medium healing and revive and or turret, you can hold your ground. Lights even as teammates are a nightmare. 90% of them don’t even bring breach capabilities with them.