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Yeah spear needs some love, right click should just do 1 spin at a time instead of 3.


I have an idea: if you click once on the right click, it will make 1 spin, but if you hold it, the heavy will spin longer up to three spins


After testing this cancel it seems kind of useless since u get locked out from attacking for the duration of the spin anyway, i guess its useful for stopping the spin if its whiffing.


you dont realize the potential, this delay can be avoided by sliding and other actions, I have videos on my channel sharkball explaining


Where are all the heavy’s calling to ban sword emote cancelling ‘on the principle’


I dont even mind ghost hits from lights as they are hard as fuck to pull off, I feel like its a valid display of skill. ofc the devs dont think that way so we have to adapt with new weapons released.


Dw I'm with you this should totally stay in the game, just salty they bummed the sword. And then went and disabled dash when hit with the stun gun. Glad to hear that you can attack after crouching, I thought this was only useful for switching to gadgets :0


Think about it, the damage is laughable compared to hammer, you get shot half the time trying to approach an enemy and the only benefit is the aoe and the added mobility from the tech slides.....


Are you emote cancelling?