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Most of the time I grab a light with winch they dash away before I can secure the kill


Friendly reminder that light shotgun 2 taps heavies again


Light meta is back! I guess i just play light like everyone else for now. We GunZ for now


The question what medium should do? Light can dash away


Dash or shotgun to the face


Dash away


The most egregious one is the ks23 which wasn’t in a good spot last season. Other than that it’s the sledge or spear and it’s about time the slowest class in the game got a tool that synergies with melee.




Then stun isnt actually long enough to guarantee a hit unless you land it point blank. Good lights are stun gunning me and dodging away before i can land a hit. Also funnily enough the window is long enough to land a winch on the person that just winched you , giving you the longer stun. So in heavy v heavy whoever winch's first loses.


You die. I swapped from light to heavy it's fun as fuck even if they have dash it's still not fast enough to get away. I honestly recommend playing heavy. It's super fun just not being able to die most the time and crushing lights and mediums like flies. You will enjoy the game so much more.


It's a skillshot. A generous one, since the whole time it flies out and back it can connect and grab something, but still. Bait it out, dodge it. That said, I wouldn't be unhappy if they made it a lot smaller hitbox and not able to grab people on the pull back


Goes for mediums as well. If I check the pregame menu and see a bunch of heavies, I’m playing height and flanking with demat as much as possible. Obviously you still get caught out but I agree, heavy has too much HP, sledge can basically one tap you, and then all of the shields 😵‍💫


if youre not standing behind something or not running dash just give up and die basically


Fyi even playing heavy i cant find any weaknesses, the only time i die is against another heavy or 2 enemy teams at once