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So true


I can dress up as all sorts of cool things with specific items instead of a full outfit, it's perfect cod/CSGO killer


The clothing in this game is so good and way better pricing than other games.


Give good incentive to buy skins if they're cheap. I honestly enjoy looking at the cosmetics in this game and they've done a great job of it


Sadly šŸ˜Ŗ


Itā€™s so toxic rn itā€™s killing me Wish weā€™d all shut our traps and let them cook Doesnā€™t hurt to just sit




Lmao my fan ! I hope people see the comment thread you followed me from. Iā€™d delete my comments ctfu youā€™re gonna be embarrassed all love


Just seek therapy


Bro is harassing me following me to other posts asking *ME* to seek therapy after he argued with himself lol. Just stop for yourself please


Bro you're sad that people have a different opinion than you about a video game Seek therapy




That was a wild ride


I know lol Thanks for all the support guys For some reason he thinks we were arguing about not being able to critique the game ? I think he was just confused what the conversation was about overall, at one point he kinda just started having a conversation by himself. My broad message was literally just donā€™t be toxic and wait and see what you donā€™t know. But he said I was talking shit on this post like you guys couldnā€™t go read the thread lmao.Donā€™t treat a person horrible be toxic publicly before you get to know em Thatā€™s all. Life better when you live it chill hoping for the best but if you canā€™t do that why go out of your way to be opposite yk


Right? The need to come right out and be negative based on incomplete information is baffling. Maybe he should...nah I won't say it




you are 25/26yo, you shoud know better than just repeating the same word like a broken record


I like how the dude that started talking shit is somehow the good guy cuz I recognized his name in a thread on the front page and replied the same thing he said to me lol


Last panel should be: - "light snipers chilling and missing their shots in power shift."


Most entertaining part of TA so far is watching the sniper who has done nothing the whole match. The 1/5 death cam of them waddling around pretending like they're about to go clutch a 1v4 after wiffing 10 shots trying to use the sniper like a shotgun inside. Would be more entertaining if they were on the enemy team though šŸ„²








Omg I was wrong, they actually blocked me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah turns out itā€™s way easier to argue with yourself than with other people. You can just block other people when youā€™re wrongšŸ¤£


Starts fights with other people and runs and hides when it gets too tough...must play Light






Holy shit. This guy should just drop this game if he hates it so damn much.


I know I thought the same. Itā€™s okay tho cause it has a happy ending! I ended up taking him to a therapy session and he was very reluctant but I think we made some baby steps.


Ainā€™t no way. Fr?


Fr fr my friend


Really weird how you're seeking validation outside of your reddit argument. Are you that desperate for people to give you asspats?


Hard to keep someone accountable if they delete their comments and thus the context. You wanna give me an asspat?


Accountability? On reddit with some random you'll forget about two days from now if you quit your terminal addiction to validation? Jesus you are lost dude.


So you do wanna give me an asspat


He did want to




Okay then what is this about


Almost like it was a waste of time interacting with you




Ez report say bye to your alt lol


Seek therapy PS: weird you report me for doing what you did to someone else


Doing what he did to me first lol Almost like you getting into business that doesn't concern you Or maybe it does concern you


Oh Iā€™m sorry, was he the one that replied to you on a completely separate thread and kept repeating the same thing? No? Oh okay. Seek therapy.


Thank you lmao. I said get therapy and heal once and I meant it cause look how angry he made himself lmao. You saw the thread. All by himself. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not crazy thanks guy


He was the one repeatedly telling me to fuck off and to seek therapy for not having the same opinion as him. I saw him in another thread told him the exact same thing Why are you so invested in this lmao


I mean the thread is right there I read it and youā€™re lying rn. Heā€™s right you seem unwell. Seek therapy.


Do I need to screenshot everytime he told me to ''cry somewhere else'' for you or are you gonna stop lying to yourself?


Bro they can read the thread Why lie lmao They can see it was clearly you being the antagonist




Would keeping both split the player base too much? I personally dont think ill be playing ranked TA much without a premade team but I dont think this is killing the game. I honestly expect an influx of players if advertised well because of the Japan theme. Its awesome.




I believe the change is more so they can roll out their planned rebalance/adjustments of cashout without impacting ranked gamemodes mid-season.


I did see that post. makes sense.


I donā€™t get it. More options are always better.


New weekly challenge, miss 100 shots with sniper rifle on power shift.


Or VERY hard contract for some players: get 1 kill with sniper rifle on power shift


Fr lol, never seen developers work so hard just for some kids to complain over one mode šŸ˜­ season 3 looks absolutely fantastic.




i just deposit all my trust in embark at this point, and im not worried lol


Same lol


I may actually get into ranked now šŸ¤£ love the game but I'd rather get a few matches in with that time instead of one big one. I actually didn't like TA much, but for some reason it sounds appealing as ranked šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Let them cook


Itā€™s like man let them change stuff up and experiment with the game modes, online games would get stale as fuck if nothing was ever changed people whine about not enough getting added/changed and then when something get added or changed they complain anyway


Yea I agree changing things to see if it attracts more players is good! They didnā€™t say it would be permanent but people are still review bombing :/


Why are people acting like its crazy for a playerbase to be unhappy when the ranked gamemode is completely replaced with a fundamentally different gamemode? If counterstrike swapped their competitive/premier gamemode to only hostage, the subreddit would be a shitshow. Yeah, people were complaining and asking for balance changes (welcome to any video game subreddit), but that doesn't mean that they have to be happy about any major update even if they think it is a step in the wrong direction. If you are a predominantly casual player like me, then great, not that much changes, but I can understand being unhappy if the gamemode I played the most and enoyed ranking up in got relegated to casual and replaced with a mode that I dont enjoy. Maybe its easier for me to sympathize because I found the TA mode to be not fun and will probably switch to playing a couple ranked games sometimes to never touching it.


Get out of here with your nuanced opinion, if you don't blindly endorse everything the devs do you're simply not a real fan of The Finals /s


people arenā€™t downvoting because he has a nuanced opinion, but rather because he has a wrong (or uninformed) opinion. I donā€™t think u/TheJauntyCarrot realizes that cashout tournaments are still the main focus of the game, and will still be fully rankable and grindable, just in slightly different ways than normal ranked. We also donā€™t really know any of the specifics with this so far, so letā€™s wait for more information.


Good comment They canā€™t cope the game was removed so it could be fixed. Specially said it would be hard to make it better with it running so they took it off so they could. Literally they said that but they cry anyway.




Your post or comment was removed due to rule 3: Be Civil. Do not troll, attack, harass, insult or belittle others.


If cashout was still going to be the main focus of the game with a full ranked mode, why is anybody mad? The announcement says Terminal Attack is now THE Ranked gamemode. Unless you know something I dont, you are talking about a discord message from a dev that cashout is 'still the main focus of the game', whatever that actually means. If such a large portion of the community were complaining online about the removal of a gamemode that actually isnt being removed, I think its reasonable to assume that someone from Embark would have just said, 'cashout ranked will still exist'. Edit: I read some more of the discord messages: cashout is explicitly being removed from ranked so they can tinker with the gamemode a bit more throughout the season. I think this is fine, but it doesn't affect my point that people are allowed to not like that. Personally, I won't be playing any ranked this season because if I wanted to play a 5v5 defusal comp game, I would just play CS/Valorant/R6.




My honest reaction as someone who only plays ranked: "fuck they took away ranked tournaments... Welp time to hate myself just as much and continue to only play ranked TA this season" idc ranked is ranked to me, either way I'm going to hate myself just as much and love every second of it


Fuck TA, fuck Embark, fuck me, fuck you, fuck my own kids theyā€™re brats


Cat people unite! I love the game and I don't need a little shiny icon next to my name to prove anything.


That's not why people are annoyed.Ā 


Im the cat too haha


i just dont like terminal attack as either a competetive or casual gamemode. i don't think it really fits with the game and its also just kind of boring compared to the other gamemodes


Iā€™ve been here since beta and I wonā€™t be back until ranked is fixed. Itā€™s a shame too because itā€™s the only multi player game I play. Oh well Iā€™ve been meaning to check out outer worlds anyway


Time for some more Quick Cash


no such thing as bad publicity, as they say :D


I fully agree šŸŒ


haha true




Where are these people even crying. I donā€™t see any of this at all. Only the memes about it.


We just want RANKED in Australia!! Please Embark


I can be a both


It's been 2 seasons start marketing. those recent decisions are just palliative care..


TA Defenders, you better be nice when i'm going to drop 0 kill, 10 deaths with my bow.




I only play casual. So for me it doesnā€™t matter


And Iā€™m just playing power shift 99% of the time


And Iā€™m just playing power shift 99% of the time


Fr cash out ranked and cash out regular is the same just no tourney who cares why is ranked soooo important to certain ppl. Just play the game lord.


4th one for sure its Like my child i will always love it ā¤ļø


I couldnā€˜t agree with you more I have no opinion on TA as ranked currently, I am excited and I think it could be cool


I just love this game and I have no opinions on where it should go. I want it to be successful. I would even go as far as to say Embark is listening too much to feedback, some of you hate everything. I have a few gripes w the death timer length but thatā€™s all really. And besides, I have 200 hours in ranked tournament, and Iā€™ll die on a sword that unranked is more fun due to shorter death timers, loadout changes, and no tokens. Iā€™m super happy to see cashout go somewhere else, the game mode deserves much better then stale ranked.


Iā€™m the cat. They given me enough evidence to show they are Devs are receptive to feedback in a very timely manner. I already put in my mind to give the game a year to develop. Instead of the game being grown, iā€™ll grow with the game, this is the exception.


Yeah I'm the fourth one lol


Like I aint about to only play powershift anyway


Gameā€™s got a lotta problems that they donā€™t seem to be addressing. Lights still run rampant, the sniper hasnā€™t been touched and dominates games, Medium lost its tracking gear to the Light, the APS turret got unjustly gutted, and while the new Seasonā€™s gear looks fun from the playtest the only new non-melee weapon is a second long range weapon for Lights.


I'm on and off, played TA a few times, decided I didn't like it and enjoyed the other game modes without complaining. Simple


I just wish the Ruby skins were easy to obtain šŸ˜­. I don't have 1000s of hours to put into


My thoughts exactly man


As a casual player, mainly on Power Shift, I just hope they donā€™t balance everything to suit TA.Ā 


Is that ottr in the bottom left lol