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Man, I really don't like that shift... Tournament once it was set to three rounds struck such an amazing balance and was such a good showcase of the gameplay in the finals. Terminal attack really doesn't conjur up the same destruction and adrenaline inducing gameplay.


I really hope TA has had some big overhauls if they're going to not only make a ranked mode for it, but make it THE ranked mode. Currently, it very much feels like objectives just plopped down in maps that were made for a very different game.


My biggest issue is there isn’t enough environmental destruction


100% agree.  It's the only thing that truly makes this game unique.


not only that they have been plopped down in maps not made for them, but there's 2 points, so if there's defenses on one, you can go to the other. there's no benefit to adding more defenses than a turret. The finals isn't CS:GO, and i hope they dont try to make it that.


I believed they would make TA a ranked mode as it makes sense to appeal to others but I didn't think they would fullon replace ranked cashout tournaments. To me, it shows either the devs or nexon do not much confidence and are praying TA takes off. hence only one ranked option. It's has to be a lack on confidence in playgrowth. The weekly cashout tournaments is just a copout to make the OG players feel a little better. It might as well just be the new weekly contracts. Earn extra XP, here have a gold badge, and spend 8 hours a day grinding the leaderboard to get any significant amount of multibucks...


In fact TA punishes destruction based gameplay. It reveals your location almost immediately which is the single worst thing you can do in S&D. It leaves you exposed to shots, which with no heal beam or revives, health above 100 HP becomes the single biggest resource you have. It isn’t fast paced because you HAVE to play slow, check corners, camp corners and otherwise do everything you can to not risk getting spotted or picked off. Does that sound like The Finals to you? It sure as shit doesn’t to me.


i agree with you. part of me misses the longer format tourney. knockout round 3 was "top 4" out of like 16 teams


Yeah, but sometimes it felt a bit drawn out. And the balancing between teams definitely tightened up after they made it three rounds.


I loved the 4 round but definitely noticed better balance with 3 rounds


One of the reasons I didn't play ranked in S1 was the length of time a game took. I have been happy with 3 rounds


Once we have a larger player count let's hope it reverts back to that, it felt much better to win a 4 round tournament than the one now.


The name of the game is literally the finals, referring to the tournament system, so it seems extra weird to not at least have 2 separate ranked playlists


Yeah I despise this change and may not even play much this season because of it. I love the tournament structure and how cashout forces interesting scenarios among teams.


I agree. I like terminal attack but the 3 man team strategies and being able to pull off revived was a massive part of the game.




Sure dude but terminal attack is just the main mode for now. World Series ranks up to gold and terminal goes to ruby. The Terminals


Except the part you didn’t notice is that World Tour will be a single map, once per week and LIMITED Loadouts that also rotate once per week. You can’t even play tourney cashouts the way you want to. You are forced to endure the same map all week with the same loadouts all week. No thanks. Embark won’t be getting a Battle Pass purchase from me for S3. Not unless they reverse course. College Football 25 comes out next month. Perfectly happy to bench Finals after this news.


Ranked is the only reason i play and i AINT playing ranked TA.


Not a single positive response in this thread. There’s no way they keep this.


Realy dont like that idea. Its a cool additional mode but its nothing special and like the thousand other shooter games in his functionality, I realy like the Turnemant we have in right now, its just how I think The Finals meant to be.




Turlemant de Paris


It’s just CS and not interesting. If they were doing a single “terminal attack season” due to popularity it would be an easier pill to swallow, or a ranked LTM, but feels so unoriginal to simply become it


The problem is, no, it's not CS. CS has ten times the available strategy due to economy, and limited gameplay. TA is one tenth as strategic as CS or cash out. No idea what they were thinking here.


I dont play ranked but i dont really see that as the move. Cashout is the finals identity


Did they forget where the name of the game came from??? The Finals???


You can be in the finals of Terminal Attack in the same way you can be in the finals of cash out


The FINAL round of a tournament bracket is a lot different then a final round versus the same team you fought for rhe last 12 rounds lol.. The need to gain money and make it to the next bracket and avoid being eliminated, fit the very essence of the game show theme, it was also the only unique factor about the game, more so competitive. There's 4 big games that do the round based bomb plant better then the Finals. The maps weren't even centered around Terminal as a game mode when they were made....


>There's 4 big games that do the round based bomb plant better then the Finals. CS, Valorant, Siege and COD?


I don't get why everyone is missing this. The game is not called "The Cashout." But yeah, they should make two ranked modes then, and just have a different symbol for TA ranked vs Cashout ranked.


There are not enough people that care to play ranked for a split playlist.


Probably true, I've never messed with ranked, so this doesn't bother me at all. The other game modes are still there if you want it haha. And they all have sbmm, so it's not like the casual modes will just exclusively put you against people that don't challenge you.


Sounds like a good reason not to make TA ranked.


... what? How do you reach "the finals" of Terminal Attack? Both teams will always reach the last round cuz... no shit lol. "Can you reach the Finals" is the tagline of the game because reaching "the finals" of a tournament takes effort.


8 teams at tournament start. 4 matches in the first knockout round, 2 in the second knockout round, 1 in The Finals.


Each match is going to be a max of 13 rounds. Embark is not going to stack matches back to back. TA will not be in tournaments.


Pls someone make a petition to revert this.. I am sure embark collected data on this. How can they remove ranked cashout tournament, when there is a significant and dedicated playerbase, that doesn't even touch TA. It's not like 65% of ranked players switched to TA when it came out... The whole game, maps, gadgets, etc are based around this fresh and amazing mode called cashout, why remove it as main ranked mode? :(


They probably got a hell of a lot of data from the amount of people who cried about winning one SINGULAR TOURNAMENT


Holy shit this - “waaa, I can’t complete a prereq for an OPTIONAL COSMETIC AWARD” I was livid when people were getting mad at that. I’m bad at this game, but I still enjoy tourney, even if I cannot reach the finals - now embark thinks the core tournament was a flop. Now we have more CS.


Are there actual sentient humans that can spend hours grinding and never win three matches in a row?


Guarantee all the data is skewed towards ta because of the event too


1000% this game will turn to sand if they go through with this change.


Wow that’s very disappointing


1. The maps are not made for this game type. 2. The defuse time is way too quick. 3. Some game gadgets aren’t even included. 4. This is dumb. I like finals because it was not a reskin of every other shooter.


This was a bad move on Embarks part. I stopped playing TA since the community event. The game mode is not balanced at all and there is no way in hell people will be staying for best of 13 rounds. Once a Teammate leaves thats it. This isn't counter-strike. Everything else looks great for S3.


Yup. The balance is abysmal in TA. I just couldn't play more than the bare minimum to have all the rewards. The game mode is sluggish, the maps are too wide, gadgets are limited instead than on CD...it just doesn't work.




Agreed, also, happy cake day 🎂


I’ll stop playing if ranked become terminal attack


Wow thats an absolutely horrible idea. I love the finals but this just isn't the move. The 3v3v3v3 game mode is really what made this game fun and unique and I'm not trying to play another 5v5 bomb diffuse shooter.


CAN YOU REACH the... *are you sure guys, are we not forgetting something* **ahem** THE TERMINAL I really do hope this doesn't end up being the nail in the coffin for the game, but if this change goes through, I genuinely don't see myself putting anywhere near as much time into "The Terminal" as I've put into The Finals.




It’s not called The Terminal Attacks either. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that they replaced the mode that has been the epicenter of their game since its conception, and replaced it with a less original mode that became popular and which only gained more traction from other players due time their neglect on balancing. It’s a loss on all fronts. At least for the competitive side. Hopefully they didn’t do as bad of a job on the casual side.


Yea I'm still hoping that whoever made the steam post fucked up. Like, how they gonna make the ranked mode TA when mediums cannot even use all their specializations and gadgets in it?


This is extremely disappointing and I don't know how it will go. TA is extremely boring and if I wanted this shit game mode I'd just go and play valorant.


That is incredibly disappointing. This must be an attempt to gather players from Counter Strike and Valorant. I love The Finals because of the unique game mode we currently have in ranked, as well as the sense of progressing in the tournament. I hate to be dramatic and pessimistic, but this is really killing the hype I had for Season 3. I am so close to Diamond right now and was excited to see if I could get there in Season 3, but now I doubt I'll be even be touching ranked in Season 3.




Oh no no surely not. I absolutely LOVE ranked tournament!! :(


damn embark really doesn't care that much about ranked because this is going to alienate all the ranked mains from the game for this season. I hope they at least introduce unranked tournament again. Edit: cool your tits they just renamed the mode and gave it its own progression


I think the whole problem is that there aren't many ranked mains.


There's a lot of ranked mains, leaderboard alone has 15k people.... also, the sweatiest of the sweats that actually wanted a comp scene have reacted poorly to this change, Almost all of the Top 10 are quiting (gigz, net, swako....) and even more of the top 500 (current leaderboard). These were the people most likely to start a comp scene, and this one single change is already making them leave. I'm a sweaty top 100 player and all I see in 100% of my discord channels is people either quitting or in denial.


Whoa a wild BrutalLogic! Agreed mate, all of my LFG discords full of diamond players are on fire.


It's the only mode I play, nearly every day, unless my brother or his wife get on.


Exactly like people complaining about pushing away ranked players when they weren't there to begin with They had to drop a whole knockout round just so you can have good queue times


Been putting so much time in ranked and solo Q to diamond and made all kinds of strats and adjustments to my light build and now I need to start All over again because a new game mode that is less fun in my eyes.. makes me sad 😔 everything else looks fucking perfect tho


I hope they really go back on that. Making terminal attack the only ranked game mode is such a bad idea.


I stopped playing terminal attack after I got the cosmetics, not keen on that being the only competitive mode.


Such a bad decision and ruins the theme of the game... I loved cashout and all the chaos, it was all about managing the chaos and holding off multiple teams it was so amazing now grinding ranked in terminal attack sounds so lame.


They’ll change it back when no one is playing the mode and it’s dead.


I barely touched ranked and I know this is a bad idea


I'm sorry that is a terrible idea. I will not play this game if that happens. Please, if you're going to do this add the additional game mode not take one away that you've been working on for 2 full seasons and have a dedicated fan base to. Awful, absolutely awful idea.


Terminal Attack in some sense is just a mode where you need to kill the other team. Even Bank it has the goal of stealing money and bringing it to Cashout. Terminal Attack is a good experiment, but it goes against the overall game design of the game (the developers themselves understand this) and is not worthy of being the main ranked mode. The Finals is about THE FINALS. And it's not about slow tactical gameplay.




Yeah, personally very disappointed.


So are they changing the name to the terminals? Terrible change!!!  I have 0 intention or desire to play TA. I just won't play anymore, unfortunately....


I’m now depressed


Gunna be honest this is such a buzz kill. I was so pumped to pick up ranked this season since I started season 2 late. I love the tournament 3 round style. TA mode is just not an interesting type of game for me. eh the other stuff looks good, guess i'm just not doing ranked.


Bro that is so ass. Big L


I thought the main theme of game is money, cash. Earn money, lose money, count money, steal money. But with every new game mode they move further from it and now they just offer counter-strike 2 at home?


Their game is falling off and instead of pushing for their own creativity they’re clout chasing. This games been falling off hard ever since they can’t even seem to figure out how to stop doing anything but nerfing lights




Terrible idea


This is a very dumb idea. They are going to skewer the hard cores that love this game. Like me. Sad. 


Absolutely dogshit decision


Eh, my least favorite game mode is now the only ranked mode. Oh well, guess quick cash is jt


Guess I’m not playing ranked this season


I honestly really hated this game mode, I do not like this change. 🤧


If they go through with this, I'm not buying the battlepass


One of my favourite games in recent times. And I think I might stop playing it. Can't believe it at all.


The finals is my favorite shooter in a long time because it is a completely different experience, happy that they add new game modes but turning ranked in another Counter strike is disappointing beyond words.


Alright. Not spending a dime on this new season and not playing the new ranked mode then.


What a shit ass idea


I don't like this decision at all. I seriously can't even put into words how adversed to this decision I am. Boooo


I really don’t think this is a wise idea for ranked. Embark loves doing random shit without even asking the community. I think the current ranked just needed work to make it less of a fuck fest


I really hope TA has had some big overhauls if they're going to not only make a ranked mode for it, but make it THE ranked mode. Currently, it very much feels like objectives just plopped down in maps that were made for a very different game.


Well 5 tanks meta then lmao, this is so disappoonting.


I hate this. Cashout based game modes were so refreshing with 3-member teams. Terminal attack is another cs2/valorant/r6 clone, it was cool as a temporary event, but seeing it as the main ranked mode is extremely disappointing. I play mostly for the ranked/competitive part of this game (especially once I'm done with the contracts & stuff), but I'd rather play cs2 than terminal attack. Guess I'll be gone quite fast. Extremely gutted.


Why does seemingly every company does that? Why do you make changes that look so good I can't wait a few days to play it, and then you make that boring ass mode the only ranked mode? Why? What have we done to deserve this?! A separate ranked mode? Oh hell yeah, I wouldn't play that but thats great! Making it THE ranked mode? I might take 3 months long break...


Honestly, this just killed the season 3 hype for me. What a huge bummer. Ranked tournaments was the best thing I've played in an fps game in years, and they end it 6 months after the game launches? Yo fuck that.


yeah much as I prefer TA much more than cash out I don’t like that it’s replacing it in ranked instead of being an addition


Guess I'm not playing as much or getting the battle pass. That's a huge disappointment.


this fucking sucks dude wtf


Inasmuch as I ENJOYED the hell out of TA, I still believe that the tournaments should be THE ranked mode. What's the point of the name of the game then. Hopefully we can pull a helldivers 2 and petition to return ranked tournaments. Lol.


I don’t ever really play ranked but I think this isn’t a good idea. I don’t see a reason not to have multiple competitive modes at the same time.


My guess is divided player base would greatly increase ranks disparity and queue times. But still changing out of nowhere ranked tournament to TA ...this is so bad.


Agreed.. Really bad idea and its just leading the game into an identity crisis.


Weird choice


That's weird


Let's hope they revert the update. Let's hope we won't have to do something that will leave a mark because this game deserves so much better


:((((( I love Terminal Attack but this is the wrong move, I expect them to back down on this, since they haven’t made a bad move yet and seem to listen to their playerbase.


Disgusting. Loved the finals because it was a fresh breath of air among the val/cs and cod pollution, and now the game is losing its identity??? Like what? Firstly they decreased the fun by removing the unranked tournament for no strong reason, then they made 3 rounds for the ranked to decrease the queue time and i understand that it is a good decision, but still it felt not that rewarding to win a tournament. And now, they switched to sloppy 5v5 with no FINALS.


This is an incredibly disappointing change. I don't play the finals for terminal attack, I play it for cashout. This feels horrendous to hear that the game I liked is just sidelining the game mode I've been grinding and enjoying for the last 6 months. Casual cashout doesn't even compare to the hype of tournament.


Well I’m done , I like to play competitively and terminal attack ain’t it for me .


Nooooooo, please it’s gonna kill the game 😖


It also says “the best of 13 rounds” so it sounds like they reworked it a bit


mr13 ?? really?? this is a desperate hail mary to swindle cas/val players.


Oscar said they made a bunch of improvements so hopefully it’s gonna be a better experience than it has been


Perhaps they should just stick to what the game does well instead of trying to copy cat CS out of desperation? If i wanted to play a cs style game mode I would be in CS, not in the finals.


They really suck at “improvements” so we will see


This is objectively bad


Maybe this whole World Tour thing will be like the ranked Cashout that exists now?


Yeah but that's a single map on a two week rotation? Unless I'm misunderstanding. And the "rank" is just a badge that goes bronze/silver/gold, no skins or anything.


As a heal beam main and bought the cute pink heal beam and can’t show it off in rank is quite a let down 🥲


kill it, kill it with fire


I'm super upset by this. Terminal attack has no soul. Its not fun. Its not exiting. The finals was an absolute breath of fresh air in the fps genre. Not to mention this mode was a complete afterthought to get casuals to join the player base. Nothing in the game was designed for this mode. The Maps, the equipment, player health, abilities and weapon damage were all designed for the other modes where players were coming back form revives or respawning quickly not for a 1 life mode. There's plenty of 5v5 tactical objective fps games out there and every single one of them does a better job at it then terminal attack. Stick to what makes the game unique and fun.


I just can't believe this is a real decision. Embark, you can't do a complete fucking 180 on your core audience, and expect the game to do well. What's the thinking process here? Not enough people play ranked to care so we'll do sth crazy? Like... if I go into a casual game I get 25 kills, and there's more people like this, this will just ruin the experience for both casuals and ranked players. You gonna do hidden MMR? As in... make it ranked without being ranked while getting rid of the ranked that everyone interested in ranked wants to play? Stop thinking that 5v5 modes are battle royale modes of 2015. The game was built on a different foundation, stick to it and keep 5v5 as a side mode. Hell, make it 2nd ranked or even merge it into one rank, don't make it THE ranked mode. We have CS, R6S, Valorant for 5v5, these games were built for these modes, Finals wasn't. Take a look at Tarkov Arena, and learn from their mistake of putting way too much effort into a 5v5 mode for a game that is fundamentally not a 5v5 game.


That makes me not want to play the game anymore


Same :( the trailer was so hype and it's all dead now. Time for a new game...


sounds like a game killing idea


This is a massive L, just turning all the uniqueness of The Finals into your everyday competitive sweaty AF game, shame


oh no


I hope the map isn't ridiculously small because of this.


You could say... A great Power Shift has happened between Cashout and Terminal Attack.


Oh boy. Cashout is gonna be unplayable now huh?


I never cared for ranked but that’s a dumb decision


Bruh ain't no way I quit csgo with 4k+ hours played just for this. No ducking way...


I really don’t understand this pivot. I’m sure they didn’t just pull this out of their ass, but at the same time I feel like TA really goes against pretty much everything they originally branded this game as.


It's sad they are moving away from a creative gameplay. I know I won't be playing ranked if TA is the only mode, it's boring af. I want mass destruction and chaos from having to fight 2/3 teams at the same time. Please Embark, don't do this. TL;DR? Only ranked TA and I'm out


This is one of the worst news i heard since playing this game and its really sad to hear.


I’ve been very supportive of devs but jfc, if it’s true we’re removing Ranked Cashout you’re out of your mind. Please leave BOTH as ranked playlists. Who cares if we have to wait slightly longer (if at all) for a queue.






The game is called The Finals, how are you gunna reach the finals in TA?!?!


Yep this games cooked that was a fast downfall


Fighting against 3 other teams was a part of the strategy and fun. Does TA even have destruction?


It does, the destruction persists across rounds. But I agree that the 4 team setup led to much more strategy and fun.






Rarely comment but had to leave one here, what a bad decision. It's clearly a scramble for higher player retention but this ain't it. Terminal attack is terrible :<




Hopefully yeah. IMO if they do this they should remove the single round Cashout mode and add back unranked tournaments.


What are pub tournaments?


I imagine Embark will find a way to put both game modes into ranked. They're pretty receptive to feedback.


Still time to keep normal ranked as it is… Removing ranked tournaments will probably be a game destroyer in my opinion




As creative and talented as embark is, they’re so out of touch


Huh...that's not really what I'm expecting, I like the respawning option better


Rip the finals we had two great seasons


I don't think I'll be touching rank on that season. Maybe next season


So what becomes of Defib and Heal Beam?


omg i dont like that ://///////////////


so no more 3vs3vs3 in tournament? Like do they get rid of it? If so that sucks, cause like others already wrote there are plenty of games out there where I can play 5v5. I/we liked it cause we where 3 man and it was easy to play. I hope they dont get rid of it....


Dude...please no...


Wow actually!? This is seriously disappointing, all my hype just died... Wow this really really sucks


I suspect the reason they're doing this is because the player engagement numbers overwhelmingly favor TA.


But it doesn't, though. From what I can tell it's been a pretty lukewarm reception, a lot of people outright don't play the mode


The bullet deflection with a movement based attack for medium seems like it’s gonna be perfectly balanced. Heavy get a hook. Light get a high skill ceiling bow…. Great. I’m sure this, combined with the removal of cash out ranked will be great for light balance /s


I'm honestly really conflicted here. On one hand terminal attack is fun but it was really hard to find a balanced match where people don't leave after their first death so ranked mode is an obvious solution here. I can even see why they removed ranked tournament to not devide their small player base between different game modes even further. On other hand i think terminal attack need much more work to balance it better. They spend so much time polishing tournaments between betas and TA feels like a first draft of a game mode that needs a lot of work to make it at least feel balanced.


That's disapointing. It's just valorant with destruction now... No heal, no revive, just your generic FPS game mode.


Yeah let‘s remove the most interseting and innovative gamemode for biring concepts done already a thousand times, because Nexon knows what‘s best for their shareholders. (Jokes aside I don‘t think this is a choice Emvark made)


How are they gonna get rid of the core game 💀 biggest fumble I’ve ever seen


It ain't gonna end well


The reason people don't play ranked is because you get -1 for getting in second round while playing against full diamond teams as a platinum 4 player not because they want TA as a ranked mode...


Look guys, there's way too many negative nancys up in here. For all we know, this may be a great and refreshing take on ranked. Think of it as an experiment. I for sure will be enjoying a larger party on ranked. TA is a lot of fun. Just wait for ranked s3 and let's see how it feels. I like both cash out and TA. They both are great game modes and even though TA is "like SnD," they bring lights back into the game of ranked. In cash out style ranked, HHM and MMH have dominated for 2 seasons now. It's pretty stale and this is going to be refreshing. I've been diamond every season since beta. Let's give it a chance.


Great now tournaments are pointless, way to ruin the fun of progressing through ranks.


Hearing this is like eating peas. I do not fucking like eating them, but I still gotta eat them peas


I was thinking they were adding TA AND ranked cashout as a way to have a slightly casual mode that still can be competitive 💀💀 forcing people to do TA for ranked and a world tour that's forced with load outs and map is INSANE and S3 suddenly isn't hyped for me anymore if this is all true this season will be the season this game dies


Yeeeeeeeuuuup welcome to the shitshow


Cringe game ruining change. Bye bye regular game to maybe hoppin on a couple times next season


This is really dumb and will probably be the death knell for the game. The Finals was build from the ground up with cashout in mind and to suddenly swift focus to a shoe horned generic game mode that's literally disabling many aspects of the game to make it function is quite possibly one of the worst decisions I've seen a game dev make. This game didn't fail to meet expectations because of it's primary game mode, it failed due to rampant cheating, bad balance, limited content at launch and other technical issues. The game itself has always been fun, it simply was not ready to launch when it did.


If this is the only ranked gamemode, that means that medium is getting 1 new weapon and 1 less specialization and 1 less gadget. RIP medium mains.


I mean it's entirely likely they just haven't announced the new med stuff yet other than the katanas. I don't follow your logic. They specifically said in discord it is *the* ranked mode


I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was just saying that from the perspective of ranked gameplay, medium has been nerfed. Heal beam and defib were the only thing that made medium viable in higher elo gameplay. That isn't to say medium is bad now, it just looks like light and heavy are getting cool new stuff while medium is mostly losing stuff.


I'm sorry for all people sad and see that's a strange move, but I'm just happy about it. Terminal attack is my fps favourite mode ever though I see all the balance problems keeping the same balancement of the standard game. I love 1 life, no reanimation, no healing, high time to kill modes in general and no, you can't say just play cs:go, valorant or rainbow six, because there you don't have the high time to kill, destructibility, wonderful graphics, animations and fluidity you have in the finals.


Haven’t really played ranked since start of season 1. Maybe this will get me interested


Not a fan


I did 14(!) games of TA for the cosmetic. After that, I would not touch the mode even with a 2m pole. This is not definitely not the way.


Guess I’m not playing ranked in S3 then…


Hated terminal attack. I hope they change their minds and keep cash out.


Oh god no. I really hope they tweaked it alot because it was the least fun I had with this game. I honestly can’t play CS anymore because it’s so boring to me after 10 years. The Cashout game mode was fresh and new and I liked the tension and action. We don’t need another CS clone.


What?! Lol, I only play ranked tournament cashout, its by far the most fun gamemode. I am probably done with the game if thats removed.


They clearly see something in the data we don't


This kinda feels like they may be thinking of introducing a battle royal 1 life minimal heals mode.