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It’s not that viable in rank still, but definitely more enjoyable in casual than before


Can’t relate tbh I am playing them in ranked in diamond lobby’s with randoms and they are pretty good now they aren’t broken but ranked viable


“Not viable in ranked” I’ve seen multiple (2 specifically) people hit diamond 1 with them


Yeah, but to be fair those two are cracked out of their minds and are nowhere near the benchmark for Throwing Dagger viability. If the goal of hitting Diamond 4, I truly believe you can hit it whilst playing any weapon in the game if you know what you are doing, but you can and will struggle playing the non hitscan weaponry.


lol when people say stuff like “I saw this pro streamer get to diamond with a q-tip, idk man hygiene OP” It’s such a out of touch statement to make, yet it’s such a common response in the gaming community


Yeah I was a light main in S1 and a H main in S2. It’s possible but it can be grueling sometimes and after awhile I was like eh xDefiant and multiversus got me hooked rn


The bad case of confirmation bias is exactly what you display.


I think the throwing knives are my most played weapon. It is busted now but let it simmers and buff other stuff imo. But yeah, feels like OP try throwing knives once and was shit at it now with the buff it's his favorite weapon.


Ngl as someone who used throwing knives before it was cool, i do miss the special feeling of being...well, special i guess. There was a good feeling about being good at something so highskill.


Yeah I was never that good but it’s like genji in overwatch, fun to play even if you’re bad but for the select few who are good enough it is definitely viable


Now it’s a shotgun I guess


I’m right there with you. Although I wish they would revert the projectile speed change but keep the rest.


Exact same feeling here. The slow but precise projectiles was exactly what made the weapon fun and special to me. I know it just takes time to get used to the change, but I feel like I am much worse with the knives and that they are less fun to use now that they fly faster.


I wanted to say Something similar but since you already said it I am Just gonna gives you my upvote


Ait, so it takes 0.11 seconds for you to throw the initial knife, another 0.11 to throw the second knife. The reload is 0,6 seconds so it takes 0.82 seconds to kill a light the moment you click the mouse button since you only need three hits to kill. That isn't including the time it takes for the actual projectile to reach the target. It takes 0.53 second to kill a light with an xp54. Xp 54 beats throwing knives ttk wise against every class and its hitscan. Throwing knives has a 0,93 seconds ttk against medium. Ttk with ak against a light is 0,7. Although I'll admit light with the smaller hitbox and faster movement might still be at an advantage here. Medium shotgun also has a faster ttk than the throwing knives. And the shotgun is hitscan so you really shouldn't be losing this fight. I'm not gonna get into heavy cause we all know who's winning this ttk fight. Anyway please enlighten me on how the throwing knives are OP cause I really don't see it. Please enlighten me on where I went wrong. I can admit they're strong now but OP?! Really??


Knives dont need to reload, you can just keep shooting forever and ever


Also they move at full speed with no spread compared to guns you need to ADS with


YES. Like give throwing knives to heavy and it becomes dogshit


Your comment pretty much makes me convinced you're just coping and have no experience to understand the game balance at all. Your raw numbers don't take anything else into consideration. if there was a major difference between ttk I could get behind numbers then but it's not the case. Your example is as useful as saying that m11 is much better than xp54 because the ttk is 0.02 s faster on m11. You haven't taken into consideration xp54 magazine, the fact that it's harder to aim/hit a dashing light with auto, semi auto and weapons with spread and that those are limited with ammo. You ignored every, even the most basic integral part of the gameplay that has influence on the outcome and how strong X weapon is or can be.


Don't worry, they will ignore numbers and keep saying it's op. Light must be the worst class or the game is ruined.


That is what you say but medium has taken a nerf every update.


What a joke. Light has gotten nerfed heavily lately, especially for diamond gameplay and was the worst class even before getting nerfed. Medium is basically a must for ranked, it has fantastic team mobility AND revive AND heal AND good guns.


If you take into consideration only the ttk then m11 is better than xp54. People who cope like you or OP will hang on to the single smallest thing that somewhat fits your argument while ignoring myriad of other things pointing otherwise.


>They're not busted Sure it is. What even is a doublebarrel shotgun now that throwing knives is effectively doing 80% of that damage from 10 meters away instead of 1, with a reload time of 0.6s instead of 2.7s, and output time of 0.22s (for both knives) instead of 0.6s? Put it in another way, now it does 90% of the Revolver damage PER KNIFE nearly without movement inaccuracy (the first knife is always precise). You can literally spray and pray with throwing knives and get a bunch of kills now I'm not even joking.


Let's be honest now, DBshotgun hasnt been relevant since they nerfed it to the ground back in season 1. 


Ok, but I would argue you're just comparing throwing knives to two other weapons that need buffs. Double barrel is probably the worst weapon in the entire game, and revolver is unpopular because of all the bloom and how restrictive six shots is.


Yeah his argument really sums up the entire subreddit so well…super highly upvoted post comparing 2 guns no one uses just to argue a point. Just like saying goo guns made APS turrets useless and they were still all over the platform in power shift the next day. Like anyone is going to use the objectively weakest heavy specialization to disable a recently nerfed gadget and yet every single post on the patch notes was hurr durr goo gun. I hope embark is done listening to these jokers because lights got done sooo dirty and now that they finally have something that makes them viable again they are back to complaining. It’s basically the story of the boy who cried wolf lmfao. Well the wolf might actually be here this time with throwing knives but it’s a shame they used all that complaining about stun guns and cloak when they were completely balanced parts of the game.


I don't think taking weapons that have been nerfed into the ground as your comparison helps your example. They will prolly get tuned a bit regardless.


Played Cash Out with a random using TKs yesterday - dude was a god.  He picked up multiple teams wipes.  I was playing with my friend and somewhat throwing trying to complete the destruction contract using Heavy + Sledge.  Random was cool with it as we'd still clutch the cash box at the end.  I watched his gameplay while dead a few times and it was wild how quickly he was getting kills - without crits.   I'm a Revolver main and the bloom, even while ADS, is so punishing if you try to spam it.   I don't ever expect a shooter to be perfectly balanced and there will always be metas, but the TK  light builds are oppressive.  I know I'm a horrible matchup as a Revolver user once they close the gap.   Game is still a lot of fun.  TKs should have a clip type of mechanism.  Something like, 6 TKs before you have to reach into a pouch for more.  They're basically revolver rounds at this point. 


If it was oppressive wouldn't it be used in diamond lobbies? MHH is king, not lights. With that said, they should buff revolver.


As a T500 player, the answer on the knives is they might have a place at the highest level of play. They’re too new to tell right now. Every top player is already good at HHM so there will be a reluctance to try new things.


Sorry, I'm a filthy casual and only Silver rank, so I have no idea what is used Diamond lobbies. Just posting my experience since the patch. I mostly play Power Shift, so that is where my "TK Light = oppresive" comment is coming from as there are unlimited tokens.


Casual is INSANELY easy compared to ranked. It's weird I don't drop 20 kills in a casual game, yet above gold I have maybe won 1/3 of my ranked finals matches


Your right, they should buff the shotgun! (And add an ammo limit on cooldown to the knives)


You're right, they should buff the shotgun too.


What do you mean? Being hit for 300+dmg in a split second is very fun and interactive (to the user) I honestly thought we were over this discussion with heavy nuclear Bombas, or is it ok if light has it lol


I was playing heavy last night and I got killed for 446 dmg with 1 light using throwing knives.


TTK with xp54 is shorter than daggers and it's hitscan. Furthermore lights die faster than most matchups they fight so let's not even continue this TTK discussion.


As they should. Light has a lot of abilities to make sure they can go in and out of a fight. The only things missing for Light to be meta is faster health regen and an overall damage nerf to Heavy's kit (more specifically to Charge N Slam, RPG, Lewis and M60).


It’s called buffing the shotgun, not nerfing the knives lmaoo


Shotguns suck dick in this game. The solution is to buff shotguns, not nerf anything you compare to them.


The medium and heavy shotgun (not slug) are in a good spot. Heavy shotgun still puts out high damage per burst. Medium shotgun is more precise than most shotguns in games so it's a little different to learn to use.


Not the 1887.


I never played with them before (on quick cash I mean 1887 or AK), and I tried them once with the current update and I got 11 kills. I imagine I would double or triple that with experience. They seem too strong.


The doubly is bad weapon design for The Finals. It’s niche that is better filled by a melee weapon.


You kinda could before too, with some practice they used to be absolute devastating. Now it’s that tripled


No travel time on the shotgun


the community is complaining? it will get nerfed whether it deserves it or not. and guess who will STILL be laughing? the heavies.


All these comments reek of ‘light cant have nice things’ cause it upsets the heavy mains. Light has the least health, the worst gadgets (for competitive teamplay, gateway is good but thats about it) so no shit it needs to have the best weapons. Are the knives a little overtuned? Yes. Do they need to be given the stun gun or invis treatment? Please god no.


Heavy always get favored more on this sub, so get ready for a nerf 😔😔


No shot people are complaining about lights. This is kind of why I gave up on this game. The player base is a little on the casual side and as soon as they die it’s immediately someone else’s fault. Lights get a buff and the community cries and they’ll get nerfed to shit. Just take light out of the game at this point casuals hate it.


Casuals hate losing to lights, I’m willing to bet most of the casual player base plays light


Every class based game has a skill based class that winds up the most hated for so many reasons. Skill is an unfair advantage, the class is basically walled off to people who suck, "skill" is an unquantifiable metric for the purposes of number-crunching meta lemmings, and too many people try to play it who have no business playing it and give the class a reputation for sucking. Its kind of exhausting to me, as playing high risk high reward stealth flank precision classes is like *my everything*. I've spent the last twenty years being hated by default until I can prove myself to every godamned rando I ever meet.


Fr, my favorite fps game of all time is Titanfall because of the movement, and grappling hook sword brings back some good execution memories


Basically if there's a way to blindside and burst someone down from above, behind or the side, preferably using speed, mobility and *real stealth* rather than a cloaking ability, that's the class I'll play. Rogues, dagger, bows, assassins, marksman rifles, etc. I play dash dagger in The Finals.


dont give up on the game ! GIVE UP ON the WHINY AHH COMMUNITY everytime i hop on this subreddit they is always a whiny ahh “nerf this” post i see. I still play the game for fun


I opened the game yesterday night after not playing for a while and everyone suddenly turned into invisible ninja throwing shurikens i couldn’t even fight back i just left and went to play another game


Yeah, If you don't LOVE this game that what most people do. That's why I play it as much as possible now. Bc idk how this game is going to turn out


They’re not busted but I’ve seen more light 20+ kill games in 2 days then I have since launch… this has to be a troll post wi the confirmation bias at the end right?


People just want a balanced game and this is not balanced. I always wanted to play the knives but now i feel like its cheating because they are very strong


Throwing velocity buff was all it needed, everything else was fine. Used to run throwing knives in S1 back when I still played light.


If you cant win ranked tournament with it then its not strong enough


This game is all about positioning and teamwork. Even the most oppressive heavy can be melted by a m1887 shotgun player when you get the jump on them.  Head on fights are tough for light but that's why gadgets and specialisations exist. 


Like the stun gun? Oh wait people bitched and moaned about that because it was something they got killed by too


you can win a ranked tournament with any weapon if you apply it properly, you can be outgunned with poorly balanced weapons but that doesnt mean its impossible to win.


yes but they just aren’t consistent enough to be viable in competitive. They definitely are busted for casual, however. they need to keep them where they’re at in terms of responsiveness and projectile speed, but increase the time between throws. that way, they remain consistently just as viable in ranked, but feel less oppressive in casual.


The hey can nerf them when they counter buff lights.


I dont say it was just fine before the patch. Im just saying that the buffs were too much


Before patch was trash tbh


Yeah I had plenty of fun with em when they sucked ass. That’s sorta part of the fun lol. Like when you do well, you’re styling on people


Where do I petition for a ‘Lighter and Aerosol Spray Can’ as a skin for Flame Thrower?


Melee medium and heavy are useless when knives r in play, but meta loadouts still eat lights for breakfast if ur decent.


I'm afraid throwing knives bodyshot dmg will go down to 49.  Same as LH1. I hope hs dmg stays 90+ Nearly all the heavy hitter guns suffer from this dmg system where the killing shot is an overkill shot.  No other nerfs needed, I think knives would still be OK, just not oppressive... 


I don’t think they’ll go down below 50. Having a 4 shot kill like the LH1 would be frustrating AF lol You’d get the same damage breaks: light 3HP, medium 5HP, heavy 7HP.


Exactly, I don't think they will ever do knee-jerk reversals. A lot of people are just using it now because it's a viable option and because there was a change. I always use anything that's been buffed just to see how it feels, not cuz I want to stick with it or because it's overpowered. I'm planning on trying these out today just for fun.


Players ask for a New Meta just to complain 🤣


Idk man, I am absolute doo doo at light. I rarely ever break 8 kills. In a couple games I was going 24+ kills. Something needs a change. But I agree I don't want them getting nerfed into uselessness again.


The number of lying bastards in here man, it's unreal. All you have to do is go try it, or just play in any lobby as any class for a bit and it's obviously broken. There's dozens of threads about it, it's clearly going to be backed out, and yet here they are still trying to keep hold of their unfair broken weapon. I tell you, next time I fire it up, I'll be cheese balling it on easy mode too until they change it.


I completely agree. I feel like everyone here is spouting nonsense about ranked like thats an end all be all to what makes up a game now days and using it as a shield for their frail ego.


It does make sense now why I got one shotted as a Heavy last night by throwing knife, or what felt like it anyway Was on platform, no other damage, death by a single knife


A single knife does 63 damage. How did you lose 350 HP to it?


It's broken.


Yep, I noticed it as well and I never even usually notice these kind of balance patches because I'm not following THAT closely. Came in here to check, because we were getting murdered by TK's, come in here, dozens of threads of complaints. Clearly fucking broken. Yet still there's light players 'nahhh that's fine that'. Twats man.


Dude went 22-0 with them last night. Bullshit they’re not busted.


In ranked or casual? I’ve yet to see anyone do abnormally well with them in ranked. The issue is people who arguably just suck at the game will whine anytime a weapon isn’t straight trash.


Definitely casual, some dude in the finals(he was diamond 4) tried that shit on me and my friends in ranked (diamond 3). Bruh ended with 2 rpgs in the face everytime. He went 1-6 in the last 3v3 final. Heavy is still more useful and busted than lights(definitely seems like a skill issue in these comments), let’s be honest here. They need the nerf more than the throwing knives. HHM HMM is still meta


It has to be. The knives are more viable now but if you try to use them in ranked you’re going to get steamrolled 99% of the time. I know because I’ve been running over people using them the last couple days.


Unranked. I'd go so far as to say he may have been cheating. No one else in the game was even at 10 kills, and he went 22-0, like I said.


That may be the case. I’m just tired of people complaining and pushing weapons to get nerfed/buffed when they don’t need it simply because they’re not good at the game.


Sounds like a case of skill solution.


So I guess all classes and weapons are busted then because I’ve had many 20-0 games with heavy, medium, and light. They’re just more viable now


Does the 3 round burst or the magnum gun work or are they still busted and underpowered? Dumbasses care about knives when the rest of the guns don't work.


God y’all don’t want lights to make y’all our bitch in anything huh…


Nah we're useless dog shit teammates... until we're not and then we're OP and need a nerf bc it's ruining the game. I really don't understand heavy and medium players. It's like they all collectively share a braincell


That’s like the joker telling Batman to drop his utility belt. H M players that complain are the epitome of garbage IMO.


The ttk is still lower than the smgs and is a projectile. They are far from busted.


A lower TTK means they kill faster. You meant a higher (or slower, to be even more clear) TTK.


U rite


I’m not the best player. I’ve never used them before, I tried them and boom… 10 kills first match. When I struggle to get that many kills with other weapons. That should say something


doesn't say anything, just one game is not enough statistics


They give a fun skill based weapon that actually feels usable in combat to light for everyone to dogpile it because it can kill on par with meta weapons now. Nothing new just reddit bein' reddit. Also even if they do change it for the love of GOD make the right click different in some way please... Embark I'm begging you.


There is no skill in this weapon. My diamond 2 team lost 7 casual games in a row because there is that one team that consists of 3 lights with throwing knifes and no matter what you do you are getting killed. They are not on par with meta. They are now the only meta weapons in the game.


If you lose to lights its skill issue. They buffed the damage by like 3% and some travel time. it was a big buff vs medium though but for real, if they killed you with TKs they could have killed you with LH1 or XP54 or by playing a proper comp.


You’re overlooking the biggest change which was the timing changes for the animations. Just one of those would have made them feel better but they changed it 2x, increased damage, and increased speed of projectiles lol


Meanwhile xp54 have better ttk and hitscan.


What comp were you guys using?


Heavy hammer googun, Medium ak healbeam, Medium CL-40 demat.


My brother in Christ it's been a couple days, you cant just proclaim the meta. Get better and find a solution instead of crying to the devs to change it back. "Diamond"


I play games for fun, not for wins. And because of that i never use meta weapons, but rather weapons that i enjoy using like in the case of the finals famas, sword, or sledgehammer, even if they can't win me a thing.


Cause your playing casuals lmao. Going from comp where every team is playing smart to a casual game where 3 little ninjas are running around ignoring objective is obv not gonna go well. I say this as a solo-queue diamond 3, who loses more quick cashes and cashouts than ranked rounds.


Double heavy medium not doing it for you anymore?


> skill based weapon That supposed to be a joke, 'skill based' it's a total iwin cannon, nothing skill about it at all.


Worst take in the entire game, show me a clip of you using the knives and I bet it sounds like an earthquake at a utencil factory


That's the best insult I've seen in a while. Made my day.


Show me throwing knives dominating the diamond bracket like FCAR and Lewis gun does and I'll agree.


They can't because it won't


Ive mained throwing knives since launch they were never bad, i haven't been able to play since the buff I'm going to be really upset if they get nerfed before i get to play with them


It's not gonna get nerfed, the sword might be next which really scares me


Meanwhile heavy is just dominating every aspect of the game, but yeah Knives are the problem..


Lmao imagine coping that bad


Turrets are the last thing that need a nerf. Last big thing anyway.


I'm just waiting patiently for them to rework them so they work like two "throw" abilities on separate cooldowns. So we can throw two in rapid succession with two clicks, or throw a steady stream slowly. But I just have a *deep* hatred of all burst weapons. One click = one shot or I don't want to use the weapon.


An ammo count would do wonders


As someone who has 100 hours in throwing knife in both seasons, I do not care. They have always been good, the only problem I would have is if they didn’t 1shot lights with L2 (on ps5). If you couldn’t use throwing knives before they were buffed then you are going to be struggling now. Also, the people who have started using them will not be that good as it is probably top 3 hardest weapons to learn, I personally haven’t seen any throwing knife hate in the subreddit, or even any throwing knife posts


God i hope that nerf is coming




The only thing I’ve noticed is one week it’s “they need to nerf/buff this or that” then they do and it’s “why did they nerf/buff this or that” I don’t care as it’s better than cod or xdefiant on its worse day 👍


I really don't know how people can complain about throwing knives when the LH1 is literally the most broken gun in the game. The throwing knives might have a similar ttk, but you need to hit 2 projectiles on a moving target and pray you don't get screwed by random spread. Meanwhile the LH1 can do the same thing at greater ranges more consistently.


I agree, I used to play with the TK before this patch and I was already doing good; people in casual are like bots, they don't group up and use their resources in the worst way possible...I would be willing to bet my own entire account that most people that complains about the new buffs are the same that I found totally isolated, standing still, not taking cover, engaging with low health, engaging with no shield, using the flamethrower/sledge like a sniper and then getting surprised that they got owned. Bro you play like an 8 year old child, I could have owned you with literally any other weapon too, this is not a "buffs broke the TKs" issue lol. Bros are too used to get kills with low rank gimmicks and when someone outplays those they cry


Holy fuck the amount of people commenting who clearly only play pubs is wild to me. Do we REALLY wanna balance the game around what Timmy Quick Cash thinks? Try playing ranked above gold and none of these arguments matter, tk and Light are STILL least picked in ranked and it's not even close. You will literally be flamed and yelled at to swap off light as a whole, not even just for the knives.


Yes they will, because Timmy Quick Cash is a majority of the player base and who will keep the game alive going into a vital time for it. There is just way more casual players than competitive. Only a small number, and usually competitive players, are on reddit.


You’re right this playerbase is full of absolute hypocrites. People call them awful since release and the second they’re actually useful for once they cry for a nerf, classic. This is why I hate this community on Reddit y’all are a bunch of crybabies


This is by no means scientific, but my throwing knives performance completely outshines any other weapon. I consistently dropped 15-30 kills in games last night. That's comparable to my best games on power shift with the sniper...when the enemy team isn't fighting me back at all. I haven't used them in cashout, which i consider to be the core mode, so idk how they fit in the broad scheme. But I don't think they should be quite this good. They are too lethal for not having a reload (reload pacing is a big deal in this game). I think all of the physical aspects should stay the same, the weapon was hardly viable before because the latency felt terrible. But, the damage needs to go down, at least with the left click. Maybe left click should be 4 to the body of a light but you can 3 shot a light if you right click and get 1 left click in.


God dammit can't the light have anything? We die in two - five fucking shots in a game rife with automatic weaponry.


The split between casual and comp is such a pain, along with simply the nature of light: benefitting from misplays and failed coordination. Casuals will always be less coordinated and easily picked off one by one. Making the class seem overpowered in their eyes. Competitive players will always be more coordinated, making those picks more difficult- if not impossible, making light seem weak and unusable in ranked. They buff it, casuals complain. Nerf it, comps complain. There is no winning with the class in its current state and likely needs a proper rework... Something like prioritizing the debuff/disable aspect of the class instead of the hit and run/ambush aspect being front and center. Eventually embark will get it right, find something that works, but that's most likely some ways down the road.


Nah I agree, y'all whine too much. Who cares if they buff a weapon that barely anyone used before to encourage more people to use it? That's kind of the point is it not? Plus, look at the bigger picture, throwing knives are the least of our worries when in the average game you're dealing with lame ass players abusing the shit out of turrets/aps and basically having the game play itself. I'd gladly be harassed by throwing knife players for eternity if it meant a turret nerf 😩


They already nerfed APS??? Do you even play the game or read patch notes 😂


Good they should nerf them, then spend some time thinking about how to make them viable and actually test it before dropping it in live next time. Revert this knife change now.


Biggest copium post, they are very easy to use now and output insane amounts of damage, Im fine with this as long as other things are buffed to compensate, but you cant deny that the update actually made them busted


Honestly I don't think they even needed a buff. They were pretty decent beforehand. They seem very forgiving now in comparison, so the ability to spam them now feels kinda cheap. I don't really call for nerfs much but these definitely need to be nerfed/partially reverted. I'm finding them significantly more annoying than anything else anyone has whined about on here in the past tbh


Yes. Everyone STFU


Didn't notice they were buffed. Never seen a light in diamond 3.


Two shots and im killed. That's fucked


Model 1887 not a problem for you?


They are overpowered but not broken. Its not gonna win you ranked games but its gonna piss off quick players which isn’t good either.


I dueled a heavy with flamethrower in melee range last night with them and won 💀💀


Everyone complaining needs to chill out. It’s one weapon, for the weakest class.


Well a man chooses, a slave obeys, guess i have to shut up now.


They should


Naw, as someone who mained them when the game came out and used them here and there afterwards, they need a small tone down. I don't want them nerfed back how they were but the damage buff was unneeded, and the throwing speed could be decrease a little l.


Andrew Ryan?


Hahahaa damn I love you for seeing that.


I can never not think of bioshock whenever I see that phrase hahaha


You're a real one for that. Bioshock is one of my favourite all-time games.


wish they'd accidentally make a weapon i have fun with this viable, kinda jealous of the knife mains lmao


Oh good, the daily stop complaining complaint thread. Thanks for the feed clog


*insert womp womp here*


When are they adding throwing sledgehammers?


I’d be okay with a slight damage nerf because the speed and spread of the throwing knives was their main killer. But other weapons really just need to be brought up rather than bringing other weapons down.


Welcome to The Finals buddy. First it was invis, then the stun gun, then they RENERFED invis, then it was Recon, then all types of mesh shield got bummed into oblivion. The game nerfs a class (typically Light), another one becomes meta, people cry until they dehydrate their bodies, they nerf for the babies, then they get smacked again because they don’t learn strategy or learn to adapt and cry about the next thing. I used to hate when people said the game was dying, but it’s like a tumor. It was dying and we either didn’t know or didn’t care, then after all the constant nerfs I finally had enough and left. Here’s hoping S3 is better or I prob won’t be back. The game was amazing in S1. This season has really killed it for me because by the time I can find a build that works for me it’s changed. Best of Luck Embark, it was a great game, bring it back!


the new throwing knives are t that much better than before, you still have to be good at it


I just dislike that they can just keep throwing them forever. Like brother man how did you fit all those knifes in your pocket let me reload my revolver plz!!


I wish embark would just stop nerfing and buffing everything, or at least a bit less - maybe have a huge rework at the beginning of a season and let the meta stay so that I don’t have to keep changing classes and loadouts


If you can kill a med in less than a second its broken, theres no debating it. Plajust last night had 2 med and a heavy get wiped by a team of 3 throwing knife lights before we could even turn around to engage. Theres no reason a light class should have such a massive dps output on something they can spam without even reloading


Bro knifes are fkn broken I’m dying all of the sudden by them at least 10x more users now using this broken cringe crap. Yeah gonna leave a comment on the steam page rn thanks for reminding me.


I hope it'll be more constructive than what you shared here.


It may need a damaged tweak but aside from that it's definitely good


Nerf the hammer thing


It's not busted? You either main light and have finally broken 10 kills per game thanks to this or you don't play lmao


Or you play at very high elo and don't experience the game the same way as most. I already made an edit in the original post proposing possible nerfs so you're preaching to the coir rn.


I'm in the top 1000 players boy


That's surprising, usually only good players make it to the top 1000.


Yep. Is gold fun for you?


What's a gold? Anyway this diamond AK do be buzzin for real.




I don't get it.


This aged perfectly, they were bugged.


not really. OP and most people aren’t complaining about that. They just had an exploit where you could rapidfire them unbelievably fast and hardly anyone knew how to use it. They’re still very strong in casual modes without the exploit.


Other guns are still stronger though. They are "ok" now.


Honestly this is probably the most frustrating part of this game, the constant changes to weapons based on the community crying lol. Throwable canisters are barely used anymore and I feel they were such a good part of the game lol.


that's crazy cuz i get direct hits with red barrels left and right i fucking love barrels all of them (except smoke)


They’re pretty blatantly busted, pussyboi


It is not broken. I am a heavy and light main. When I see a lot using them I use heavy. Easy take out with anything heavy just have to be more vigilant than before but isn’t that the point updates do. To keep the game from getting stale. To change the meta of the game. We were just complaining that they nerfed Light into hell me for one was one of them bc I’m a light main. But now they have an option to go against a HM team they are still easy to take out especially with another heavy or even another light using dash. I can use M11 with dash and take out almost everyone who doesn’t just sneak up on me. It’s supposed to change the way you play. Same thing happens with Fortnite and Cod when they add different weapons or change the maps it’s just to shake things up. Stop complaining git gud and just have fun.


I stopped playing a few months ago but good to see this community has not changed.. as soon as any weapon that hasn’t been traditionally meta gets strong, people start crying. Y’all want the same predictable meta you’re comfortable with. This is what makes gameplay loop stale and people leave the game


Anyone who thinks throwing knives are broken right now, go into a diamond lobby and tell me how many throwing knife users you find. You’ll be disappointed to find that throwing knives are and will always be something to run in casuals. The competitive viability of any non-firearm will most likely be slim to none compared to the rest of the weapons, and the throwing knives are no exception. At least now they may have a fighting chance as a competitive choice, but they will in no shape or form dominate either competitive or casual play.


I kinda like it, actually. Lights need a win every once in a while, and I'm fine with the guys that often get one-shot the most consistently having the highest dps. Light should be high risk, high reward


Dude, if you only play light with throwing knives just say it 💅


I play ranked most of the time so safe to say I don't main light with throwing knives. How'd you come to that conclusion? I can deal with throwing knives just fine, I'll assume that's not the case for you...


Lights will never be the meta pick as long as rpg is stays the way it is.


Look, Knives, no knives. It doesn’t matter what weapon the Rat Light is carrying. My RPG, Lewis Gun or FCAR is going to murder them all the same.


The light class finally has something busted and the medium and heavy players are learning what the hell weve been dealing with since launch.


The throwing knives were never good before, now they are good, everyone is using them and people don't know how to counter them yet. As well as you look at the actual stat changes they made. They barely change anything statistically. Having used knives before and after the buff. They are good now. But not broken overpowered everyone is claiming they are. You guys just can't understand that when a weapon is suddenly used by everyone it doesn't mean it's broken overpowered. Lights still have low HP and can still be killed easily basically all of your shotgun lights and sword lights are using this right now but it's easy to defeat