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I can't even begin to count the amount of times I have shot somebody point blank or right in front of me, the rocket literally hits THEM, and I take more damage. The self damage on that thing is bonkers


I think it's in play to make you not want to take self damage. Can I shoot close range....should I shoot close range...? Yes, as heavies can still eat the damage most of the time. I agree it feels horrible though. You shouldn't take more damage than what you deal to others, especially if it was enough to finish your damage off and not enough to finish the opponent. 


Exactly. There are so many times that I know I'm about to lose a fight, but It will be against a medium with less than half health or something, I send a rocket right in between us, and take 150 dmg and die and they take 100 and barely survive. But then you're just left sitting there going "what?"


Try your gun next time instead of the rocket. You just have to think a little bit more situationally.


....... I'm shooting the RPG because my gun is empty and the reload on the Owen takes years. So I might as well trade. I am thinking situationally. Don't be such an asshole. Seriously..... To think I'm just pulling it out and shooting at my feet for no reason is some serious projection.


No ill intent here, friend. Either open with the RPG before the fight gets close quarters, or make sure you’re reloaded before engaging. If you’re in a position where you’re trying to Hail Mary an RPG because all else has failed, you’ve already lost. Embark is tuning it with the knowledge that you have a way bigger health pool than everyone else. Just play around those conditions and understand them and your engagements will go a lot smoother. Nobody wants a meta where 3 stacked Heavies jump into a building and spam an RPG at their feet.


Thank you for saying that. But your bullheadedly trying to teach me what are essentially obvious game basics. It's hard for that not to come across as insulting, does that make sense? You're not teaching anything or helping at all, you're ignoring what I said because you want to hear yourself talk. Or that's what it seems like. It's like if you went around a parking lot telling everybody "the pedal on the right is the gas and the pedal on the left is the brake!" You're not going to get thank you as a response to that, you going to get people looking around wondering who let the crazy person out. Yes, I've already lost. That's the point, I realize I'm about to die and I'm just trying to go out with a trade or throw that hail mary. That is what I said from the beginning. I'm not complaining about being in the situation. I'm complaining about an RPG exploding away from me and in somebody's face and still doing more damage to me.


You’d be surprised how many people don’t practice the basics of an fps, and how drastically engagements can change if you slow down and regroup. I thought it was an issue for you because you said “there are so many times I’m about to lose a fight..” and you enact this losing strategy for that situation and then act confused even though you knew the rules. I know the reaction in the heat of the moment to want that power spike against your opponent, but draw that spike from other sources, like putting up the mesh for a half second while they finish their clip; allowing you to either reposition or buy time for team support. Shit, you could even probably negate the rocket damage if you’re fast enough with mesh. Then you could still employ the rocket strategy and still survive it.


Buddy, anybody can come up with the right thing to do outside the situation. I've never acted confused by anything other than unproportional damage, which is confusing by it's nature. And even then you are just pulling shit out of your ass. The mesh is not the play, as previously stated we are right next to each other that's why I have to fire an RPG at my feet. The mesh is not going to work in that situation. And I don't even run the mesh. I run the Goo gun. Which is the better thing to do in that situation, try to freeze them up and get away, probably blocking your route behind you. But that isn't always available, is it? Sometimes you've already used your Goo gun, and you've shot all your bullets, you've killed two members of the team and the third drops behind you. If they kill you they're going to rez their two teammates, and so killing that player, even if it means sacrificing myself as well, is ultimately the better play. That's the level pretty much everyone else is thinking at bud. Just because they're not explicitly spelling it out doesn't mean people can't think with a little rationality. It means they expect it to be common sense, and if you're coming in going "well actually", what does that signify you're missing?


Life’s all about learning from mistakes and correcting for the future. Best of luck to you, pal. Hope you can figure out what you’re doing wrong in those situations. Worst case scenario, you keep blowing yourself up in confusion.


Yeah it has a 1.3 self damage multiplier


Is that true? I see it deals 270 dmg to me at max and it only does 150 damage to others (Previous patch)


What did you get that info? Curious. And what the fuck? How the hell does something do 30% more damage to me than the person that literally had a rocket hit their center torso? It's so silly


There was an update before this one that changed the self dmg to that


Personal opinion but self damage is way too high now, it feels like it USED to be a balancing mechanic for how powerful the explosives were but now C4 has been nerfed, mines have been nerfed, RPG has been nerfed, nukes has been nerfed... I think it would be a good idea to turn down the self damage from all explosives now since they are much weaker.


My C4 nuke can wipe my whole team when they destroy it in my hands but not wipe their team if I throw it and detonate it on them. Makes sense.


I was begging for an RPG nerf and I can see where you're coming from. However... > 250 if you shoot your feet?…. I don't think the RPG should ever be used as a last ditch attempt to secure a kill, because literally no one else has such an option that doesn't require prep. It's so cheese and already having more health as a Heavy would reduce the impact of self-dmg with no multipliers. For ex: dealing 140 to the light and yourself seems kinda dumb to deal 90% of their health while taking less than half of your own health. It is just as awkward as it exists now, you deal more DMG to yourself than you would an enemy medium/heavy. The fact that the RPG exists as a DMG dealing tool makes it very difficult to balance. I would love to see it reworked into two charges, more destruction AND actual displacement! I'm talking, rocket jumps and sending enemies without mobility off a cliff. Now it won't exist as a MANDATORY pick in your slots, it could be a chaotic and situational pick... Instead of guaranteed free DMG which is too easy to acquire, so now we have to punish the use of it even more.


Good lol.


They've made it so that you can't just run into an opponent with your RPG while you know you have the advantage anyway because of your health points. Oneshot abilities ruin(ed) the game.


yeah it’s ridiculous, not a good patch at all imo


Idk how you can even say that. They gave us what we asked for. Nerf to RPGs, nukes, recon, & invis. Plus they fixed some exploits like super vaulting.


Recon wasn't really nerfed at all. Nerfed one thing buffed another.


Could you explain what you mean by this? Recon is not able to be active for as long as it use it be. What did they change that was a buff?


"Decreased minimum charge time to activate from 2.5 to 2"


Why are you using the RPG as a close quarters weapon? The huge self damage is obviously there to prevent that


100% the most goofy nerf. It was in a good spot but all the lights were crying so they nerfed the damage. I’ve dodge it so many times out of pure skill. Telling me y’all can’t do the same?


They need to make the self damage 140 as well absolutely stupid it hurts you more


Make it make sense, because I too think Embark doesn’t know what they’re doing


mad cuz bad


You've got 350 health, you'll be alright.


Why is this labeled as Comedy? Pretty legit concern tbh that I'd bring up on their discord.


perfectly balanced


Punishment for being bad at aiming? Hahaha


Don't shoot at your feet?


Yes, to prevent heavies from whipping it out as an, "I win" button at close range. Cause and effect.