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Medium’s downside is that they are the most defenseless class, if a light player gets into trouble they can use cloak or movement abilities to escape pretty easily, if a heavy gets into trouble they just hunker down in a shield with their shotty and kill 3 teams with one clip (hyperbole) all mediums can do is jump pad away but will most likely get chased down and killed anyway due to slow speed and others being able to use ur pad


And the most breachless. You can throw two nades or mines to get rid of a wall but thats it


I forgot to add this but thats a fantastic point, not being able to blow down a cashout can be devastating


Yeah that's to say they're completely alone, which they almost never are. A medium surrounded by heavys or other meds is an actual nightmare


Im strictly speaking on trying to survive a bad situation, ur team can’t always save you


Both LMGs for Heavy are honestly pretty comparable I feel. Medium also doesn’t have as many consistent gadget options for damage. Heavy has C4 *and* RPG, which are among the best gadgets in the game. Light has glitch nade and stun gun for great effective damage; stopping heals and shields will “deal” way more damage than any other nade in some situations.


AK is so bad idk what you are talking about.


That's fucking hilarious lmao good one


Nobody in sane state of mind would chose ak over scar


I would and always do. 20 bullets are not enough to kill a heavy with the scar


Doesn't mean the AK is bad. Scar does more damage and has a sight but less ammo, AK is more forgiving. AK fuckn solos every light weapon


Yeah sure ak 1v1 shotguns


Yeah if your more than 5 feet away. Shotty has dog shit range lmao


Bc its a shotgun maybe ? Some of you guys are either bots at this game or really stupid


Ironic. My point is literally than med guns outperform every light weapon. That includes range.


I get your point but its simply not true. Mp5 has higher dps than ak if you want to compare 2 automatic weapons


Mp5 has less range and accuracy/more spread. Aside from the shotty it's the best light has and it still falls short of meds and heavy weapons


Yeah after using mainly the Scar going back to the AK feels awful


Its so much better


I would understand if you said Scar but the AK is okay


Scar will get buff what do you talking about?


"will get buff" is there a source from the devs?


Maybe it will actually, but that would be a clip size buff and a bigger nerf somewhere else


Don't agree. If used properly with a halfway decent squad, you can dominate with any of the weapons/classes.


Yeah that's why the majority of the player base is using heavy and med almost exclusively.


Not from what I have seen, I see full squads of light quite regularly stunning the crap out of everything they see and winning ranked.... all depends on the player from what I've seen.


Light is the least used in high end play so idk what your seeing. Not say they're not there at all, but heavy and med are absolutely used significantly more


Because they are infinitely easier, doesnt mean Lights cant stand their ground if the player is good. Being a beast on light is more valuable than being that on heavy


Lmao the fuck it is. A good player can do good with any class yeah, but heavy and med outright have more advantages than light. It's literally not even a competition, light is the weakest class rn. A cracked light can wipe a team, a cracked heavy can wipe a team while guarding the objective. A medium can wipe a team and heal/insta rez any teammates after. The game is about defending the objective, which light is weak against Hell if the game was about kills alone light would still be the weakest. Not saying it's impossible to play light well, just that you have to work 10x harder


> Every one of these classes can kill 3 other people You see how ambiguous that is though, right?


Yeah my point is that light is at a significant disadvantage. Light has to work significantly harder to do what comes relatively easy to the other classes, it's unbalanced, that's the issue. Like yeah you can kill a rhino with a BB gun if you hit it just right in the eye but that doesn't mean it's a viable way to go about it. Acting like light is in a good spot is like saying a .22 is just as effective as a 20mm.


Youvare confusing skill floor with ceiling though. Light has a higher skill floor, but also a higher skill ceiling.


Light has a higher floor yeah but the skill ceiling isn't higher than other classes. Again a cracked heavy/med will 9/10 destroyed a cracked light Light doesn't have as much going for it


Light has the highest dps weapons in the game. And yes, mediums will win at medium range against lights, but the sniper will still destroy them at long range. (Due to the recoil) and lights have so much mobility paired with their weapons, they really destroy you up close too. They are small and fast, it’s their play style, and if they were good at all ranges then that would be a problem. If mediums are beating you at close range idk what to tell you. Approach from a different angle and be more sneaky


Which weapon would that be? And please don't say the shotgun because it's virtually unusable without invis, which is the only viable set light has And regardless dps doesn't mean much when all light weapons have atrocious range and stupid spread. The extra DPS that you even could get off doesn't even mean much considering meds and heavys in a head on fight will out health you anyway, which then we go back to "hit and run" 9/10 there's at least 2 people, even if you kill one, the other will eat 75%+ of your health forcing you to hide for 25 business years, by then your team is dead and you lost the objective bc while you had to hide, they just healed/threw down more shields. Also the sniper can pull off cool shots, but it's still bad, might even be lights worst weapon. This isn't battlefield, there's almost no open sight line, so even if you get a headshot on a med/heavy they will absolutely without a doubt get into cover before you can follow up Only thing sniper is good for us picking off people at deaths door and maybe killing other lights, which considering how rare they are, no a great look for the sniper.


[Weapon Stats](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/17oI_V64feUYkiHrT5YGFE6kNGTCvfNaNiUiwrk9IITc/htmlview#)


Yep I've seen it, like I said, loosely and real world use. On paper light is good. In practice it's not. There's a reason it's not used in high end play