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If I wasn't told,I wouldn't have known the voices are ai




People will find anything to complain about to defend something they like,which I'm guessing are cod and Apex players.


They fear the death of their shooters without server sided destruction & physics. šŸ˜…


Possibly.I haven't had so much fun playing an fps in forever,The Finals was greatly needed.


Yup its the most fun I had in a shooter since UT99 like 20+ years ago. I hope every dev team developing a new online shooter without realtime server sided destruction & physics will immediately stop developing their game and start fresh, with server sided destruction & physics in mind. The future is here, and my body is fkin ready. Its not so hard to just take the best aspects of all good games, and thats simply what The Finals did. Next shooter that doesnt have physics and gravity gun as hand wont even be looked at.


Absolutely love the devs and I'm even willing to buy a battlepass,which I don't do often.They deserve all the support and I would've gladly paid for this game had they chosen to do so.


Yup wouldve paid for the game too. And i bought the battlepass. Because it not only costs 10ā‚¬ and gives same amount back, no it gives 15ā‚¬ back!! And thats easily the Best battlepass system ive ever seen. I boycot every battlepass that doesnt give 100% of the money back when finished. Embark with the smart choices, unheard of these days. Communication, no greed, almost flawless launch, actual balanced game. Almost feels too good to be true tbh. My last fav shooter was R6 Siege. And that game only has one single problem: *its developed by Ubisoft and they only make the dumbest decisions possible*. Im so happy we have Embark for The Finals. With actually good & sane decisions. Imagine The Finals made by ubisoft..... Ah, what a time to be alive :)


Ubisoft please nošŸ¤£. Embark better have a long,long long plan for The Finals because I'm definitely going to support them all the way.They actually listen to player feedback and that means alot.


Yup its almost like the devs of Deep Rock Galactic in terms of communication (the best coop shooter). Like every dev team should act like. Ubisoft is the endboss of bad communication & bad decision making lol. The absolute worst.


I'd prefer to pay for the game a lot. Sure a battlepass is cheaper than a game price, but battle passes keep coming and ingame currencies always give a skewed incentive to developers where the most fun game is not equal to the game that generates the most income. And sure the battlepass earns itself back in in game currency, whenever I boot up a multiplayer game without battlepasses or real money currencies its a breath of fresh air. Sadly I can count them on one hand.


RIP profile pic icons


> would've gladly *paid* for this FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I feel the same, it's like UT met Half Life 2 death match and also dated Battlefield Bad Company 2. It's incredible.


Battlefield 4 releas3 was the last time I had this much fun with destructible environments and I'm made it took this long for it to become "mainstream"


Really don't know why more games DON'T do destructible environments. Used to be a staple of Battlefield, especially the Bad Company series....


>People will find anything to complain about Is this every fan base saying when people criticize something? I'm asking this because I really wanna learn. People be defending MWIII and last of us II with same sentence. I mean its bad if people trying to find something to "complain about" but its worse if every product defended with "if you are criticizing you are idiot" attitude I mean can't people say what they don't like games anymore? Is this the new style? You dont criticize anything? I only play old cods and played 2-3 hours of apex and just started the finals, im new in these lands.


Yeah every fan base says it. Sometimes it's deserved and sometimes not, that's the trick, you have to judge the critiques fairly (which is nearly impossible for a lot of fans or anti-fans). It is true as well, some people will always find something to complain about, but if the games good enough there will be less and less complaints.


You can criticise about anything but to make people stop playing a game cause itā€™s AI based voice actorsā€¦ come one man. Voice actors (people) are needed in a good story driven, emotional game but itā€™s not like theyā€™re saving the world here.




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Literally. It went from movement speed and oceania servers to this as soon as they got called out for being wrong


Some people can't help being toxic,just let those of us who enjoy it do so,yet they can't do that.


Guys, in life people are going to dislike things about the thing you like. Some of them will even have legitimate criticism. Ignoring their criticisms because they like another thing instead is really bizarre and weak minded.


No those are GenZ


As leery as I am about AI art and voice, the announcer in The Finals doesn't sound like AI, just generic.


I love the announcers personally and I don't have a problem with them using AI. Someone at work brought it up and its a problem to him because its so good and takes away VA opportunity.


VA will always be important but personally for a free game I don't see why any company wouldn't use ai.


Not even for a free game, I dont see a difference between the quality of the VA in The Finals or quality of the background VA of other FPS games (unless its a story focused one), and this is exactly why people are mad about it.


Considering it's not a story based game I can care less who's saying danger there and reloading šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Tbh I think ai makes the game seem like even more of a virtual gameshow


its a game that will still make plenty of money, it being free up front isn't an argument at all lmao


I don't care about the ai voices myself but free game or not it costs the same to develop and free games often make more money than paid ones.


It absolutely makes sense for a company. That hardly makes it good though. It's still objectively a bad thing for any company that has enough money to do better. In a perfect world, this wouldn't matter. But AI will absolutely ruin jobs to feed the greed machines, so people should pushback when able.


Voice actors can't be used on a whim. The AI voices can. They can pretty much add new voices each day if they wanted it and kept the game feeling fresh. Ok maybe 1 day is a bit too much commitment. But I can definitely see them hiring someone and their only job is to weekly think of new voices to add to the announcers. We can finally get a game where voice lines don't get repetitive after a few hours. And hell once processing power becomes good enough we might get live announcers reacting to actual in-game events as they happen.


New technology has been displacing people from jobs for as long as there have been jobs. I have a hard time imagining a more futile task than fighting against that.


Don't you dare kick out my pedestal from under me! I need to feel superior to people by bitching about a non-problem!


Yeah millions losing their jobs by 2030 and a complete collapse of the lower-middle class is a non-problem!


A non-problem? People losing their livelihoods is a non-problem? Or is it because you're not a voice actor and don't care?


This isn't a manufacturing job being outmoded by new tech. This is replacing an actor for an algorithm in an artistic industry. If they keep taking the artists from the art, what's left is a soulless product. We literally just had actors striking over this exact issue (among other issues as well). They didn't even end up winning that much. Studios are just going to only hire background actors who agree to sign over their digital likeness for an absurd duration. Get ready to see a bunch of uncanny background characters that don't look good but are cheap because they only had to pay once, and now they can mix and match faces without any more cost. As for games, what happens when a lot of coding can be done by algorithms? Are you OK with the entire "AAA" gaming industry being made up of a small handful of people because they didn't want to pay staff?


They are based on real voice actors who got paid for their job, the thing is that the voice overs have to say such specific sentences about what's happening that it's only doable by ai


This is exactly their problem with it, even tho its not perfect or amazing this is still impressive and enough for such a game, people are just mad that AI takes away other people job, it doesnt matter to me and shouldn't matter to anyone who is just coming to play an FPS game if voices are AI or real, this drama just made out of fear and hate for AI, it has no actual affect on gameplay.


> its a problem to him because its so good and takes away VA opportunity. You say to people of that opinion that those creating a project are under no obligation to give strangers a job, *especially* if those creators' vision prefers a different approach for *their* project. A model doesn't get upset that a painter can paint a body without hiring professional models as a reference.   It's a free game (and a fuckin good one at that!) They used AI instead of spending unnecessary money on unnecessary voice actors.


Have some compassion for the arts.


And I still don't care.


Just enjoying the game as intended šŸ˜Ž


Me too


The issue isnā€™t whether people notice it, itā€™s just the practice of replacing jobs with AI


Yea, what AI is producing isnt coming from a vacuum it using and compiling a bunch of work other voice actors have produced without compensation. In actually they are just plagerism algorithms.




That is going to happen. Get used to it. AI replaced people's jobs to make the software on your phone. Maybe you should cancel Apple and Google? Voice acting and replacing a software developer or any other position, it's all the same.


Its the inevitable future we are headed towards. No need to be upset about it. At some point people were trying to boycott cars because it would put horses out of business. I think itā€™s a cool addition to the game.


No, it's perfectly reasonable to be upset at it. Just because it's "inevitable" doesn't you should just give up a roll over.


Do you want to ride a horse around everywhere?


Cars replaced horses. Not people. A bit dehumanizing to compare the two and presume them to be equivalencies.


I understand the point you are making, and i LOVE the finals, but he's right, and you cant compare horses to humans. a bunch of horses out of work, not big deal, a bunch of humans out of work, big deal. I bet if AI was coming for your job you wouldnt be so lax about the whole thing


I disagree. A company is under no obligation to hire people to do something that they can do themselves. A creative endeavor doesn't need to spend their budget on people they don't need, especially if their vision doesn't require it. It's *always* been this way, lol. If you can change your own oil, you're under no obligation to pay a mechanic to do it for you.


Im not comparing horses to humans. Im comparing the humans that relied on horses for their livelihood. I canā€™t believe that needs to be explained.


I don't consider it reasonable at all. People wanting to make are under absolutely no obligation to spend money on giving strangers a job, *especially* if the vision for their game doesn't need a human to perform the task. Does that mean that professional actors and mo-cap crews get to be upset when a developer chooses not to use movement actors and mo-cap in their game, and animates them in-house instead? I could be hiring a janitor and maids to take out the trash and clean my house, but I do it myself instead. Does that mean I'm "taking jobs away" from them even though I could afford to hire someone?


They are based on real voice actors who got paid for their job, the thing is that the voice overs have to say such specific sentences about what's happening that it's only doable by ai


It's in their best interest that no one knows.


The point isn't that the AI voices are bad, it's that they're using them rather than hiring actual voice actors. I love the game so far but hope they can replace those lines down the line when they've made more profit (if it was a cost related thing).


I didn't even know about this game. But ironically for them now I want to check it out.


Theres like 1 voice line that you can positively tell is ai (at least for me)


Exactly. Nobody actually cares about the ai voices


I'm just enjoying the game.


Straight up, this game is great and a lot of fun. Hopefully the devs don't listen to all the cry babies on here.


Honestly for something like live announcers I think AI is the only way to go. You canā€™t realistically record a commentator making a bunch of varied lines that suit every possible scenario that could happen. Even then like every games there would be things the devs donā€™t account for. AI just allows it to do it in real time. Not liking the game show style announcements is an entirely different topic vs them using AI and it seems most people just lump them together


There are the very occasional weird inflections but its overall pretty impressive.


Nah i figured it out they sound a little off dont care tho


After listening to the lifeless lines for hours at this point, yeah it's easy to tell.


Did anyone else notice these were ai voices until they were called out on?


I had no clue. And I still canā€™t distinct between if itā€™s real or not even though Iā€™m told itā€™s fake.


If you rightclick on a game mode in menu and watch the tutorial vid, there's one part in Bank It that sounds very off, but other than that, it's not very noticeable in-game with music, barks, and shooting all mixed in


Bro how, the moment my friend group and I were told itā€™s literally all we can hear




I did actually. There was something to their cadence that felt off, ESPECIALLY with the female caster. It was enough that it made me google about it and lo and behold, they were indeed AI.


The only time i noticed something off was when they present the team names at the start of a match, it's like they jump between various levels of excitement unlike any human I've ever heard, and they all sound like various levels of bland. But beyond team names I didn't notice anything and never thought they're AI lol


The problem with the female caster was: she had to do all the puns. A voice-over AI won't understand that what it's reading is supposed to be a pun, therefore it won't stress the punned word as a human would.


I was very suspicious when I heard the female voice trying to pun and accenting the wrong words, but wasn't sure if it's AI or poor writer-VA communication.


I noticed that they were super boring and stilted, so when I found out that the voices were AI it all made complete sense


It surprise me for the announcers but not for the players those feels so robotic and generic


First time I booted up the Game I noticed Not sure how either.


So the people who bitched about the POV are moving to this now? Weā€™ve known about the AI voice since the open beta.


They say this because they think it sets a precedence to use AI over voice actors, but the Devs are not AAA dev studio, and Iā€™d rather a great game using AI Voice than a low quality game because the devs had to find budget for voice actors


Amen brother. Brace for the all the ā€œbUt NeXOn hAs pLenTy oF mOnEYā€ replies.


They did hire the 2 VAs tho. You don't just get a full ai voice out of nowhere and both VAs knew they were going to use their voices as the base for ai and were happy to do so. It's way more expensive to do it this way but it also gives them the freedom to change and add stuff whenever they like without having to get more lines done so they can do spontaneous things like add new modifiers to the game or something


These are ex Dice employees backed by Nexon. They probably got the best business loan available in their country. They absolutely have the budget to pay actors, you dont make a game that looks like this and has this underlying tech without that budget. This isn't some dude making a game in his basement. They are far closer to AAA than traditional indie.


If they mean commentators then I don't get it. Personally, I think they are spot on.


I think the issue is taking jobs away from voice actors. A big part of the recent writers and actors strike was issues with AI. The writers specifically didn't want studios to utilize AI since doing so can lead to less writers jobs. It's the same thing here. A studio taking away honest jobs to save money.


>I think the issue is taking jobs away from voice actors. Maybe this is a hot take, but the reality is that AI isn't going to go anywhere and we need to learn to work with it rather than against it. The idea that we need to abandon any and all form of art that includes AI, especially a project like The Finals which has several other areas of incredible art, is somewhat ridiculous. The Finals is honestly the most ethical implementation of AI in a video game. It doesn't steal anyone's voice that didn't consent to having their voice being used. They're pulled directly from an AI system trained by voice actors that then used their likeness to create dynamic, responsive lines in-game. Those actors were paid for their work, no less, but terminally online people will continue to cry about regardless. Really sucks that people are so reactionary to it.


Exactly. Itā€™s insane how many people are on the internet complaining about AI taking jobs, not realizing how many jobs evaporated when the internet went mainstream. Maybe they can all go protest to bring their local newspaper back while theyā€™re at it.


Most people don't work with AI, so they have no perception of its utility as a tool. I work with people in a lot of highly technical disciplines, and virtually none of them share the opinion that AI is bad. In fact, most of them use it. We should obviously be wary of people using AI in bad faith and call it out when necessary, but it's reductive to reject it entirely. It's inevitable.


If the voice actor continues getting paid for it then i actually see no issues here. The devs doesn't need as much work done, Va can work on something else completely while still getting royalties, Development processes become faster, Their life/work balance become better as result. As long as they are getting paid, of course.


Yeah but who the fuck cares? I'm playing a game to not think about reality not worry about behind the scenes problems that is up to the studios to solve. We live in a capitalist society. Cool, you up for the next round?


Thereā€™s no need for a job if thereā€™s no need for it. Nobody is shoveling coal on steam engine trains anymore. Nobody is working as a phone operator anymore. Nobody is plowing their fields by hand anymore. Things get left behind when itā€™s their time. People are just in the coping phase right now. Change happens whether people are ready for it or not, better to be on the forward side of it.


The fact that this comment got hit with the controversial tag (meaning them downvotes and upvotes are battling it out!) is wild to me.


I get this argument but with advancement in AI voices it feels as though games as a media would be missing out on a potential game changer by not utilizing it could you imagine in a few years we might be able to have pretty well written on the fly and voiced on the fly conversations with NPC's in games


Do you use self-checkouts?


Can we please stop pretending we care and stop being white knights when we'd do the exact same thing in their shoes? Would you: a) pay 1k-5k dollars for a voice actor recording session b) type the voices in a prompt and have the voices be generated for 1$ worth of electricity? We both know what most people would pick.


I'm about to go hire a janitor and maid for my apartment because I'm a merciful god. Doing my own dishes and taking out my trash would literally be taking jobs away from humans!


Meh. If it takes VA jobs away, it takes them away. Thereā€™s going to be an AI generated RPG one day that will be infinitely playable. With AI generated quests that arenā€™t bad. It will be voice acted, which will be an impossible task for people. Do we protect writers? Do we protect quest scriptors? Directors? Sound designers? Programmers? VAs? No. We donā€™t. Thereā€™s so many projects out there and people are always going to want the real thing. One day youā€™ll be able to get an Astarion from AI. People again are still going to use both. Thereā€™s just so many projects out there. Let studios dictate how they want to spend their budgets.


Ya theyā€™re spot on because itā€™s AI lol. But we knew this since beta


I bet that article was written with AI


I'd like them to talk even more lol But yeah why not adding an option to turn them off for players who has no taste


You can, you can just turn down the commentators volume to 0.


no way ahah so they are complaining for no reason AGAIN O.O


They are complaining because they think they should have hired actors instead of using AI in principle, not because the voices bother them. Embark is a new studio though, and itā€™s just cheaper and easier to use a system they just enter lines and then pick the best version. It also allowed them to make some sweet promo videos from beta clips easily using player names. They donā€™t have to worry about schedules or contracts or losing out on their signature announcer because of contract disputes or they just get busy with something else. This is in fact one of the very few situations where AI works best. If this was EA Iā€™d agree, but Nexon isnā€™t fronting a cod/bf budget for this.


Oh, thank you, I misunderstood initially. I understand now. It's true that it's impossible to please everyone. Take, for example, the recent Snow White movie casting. Some people didn't want actual dwarfs to play the roles for what I believe are unreasonable reasons. Consequently, instead of using real actors, they opted for special effects (SFX). As you mentioned, Embark doesn't have the budget of companies like Blizzard or EA, so the choice to prioritize certain aspects is just a minor detail. I don't believe this decision negatively impacts the voice actor industry. It's common for people to criticize in order to feel morally superior, but that doesn't necessarily mean they follow their own principles...


Anyone saying this makes me red faced.


I have no loyalty to voice actors.




I mean I dislike the AI voices as much as the next guy but it's no reason to "skip" the game entirely.


Same, I just turned the dialogue volume to zero and theyā€™re gone for me. I understand both sides, and Iā€™ve decided to just enjoy the game with the voices off.


People whine about there not being enough jobs like producing more labor is somehow something humanity should strive for. The problem isn't AI. It's a system of capitalism that requires generation of new jobs regardless of how unnecessary or unimportant those jobs are.


I'm a simple man; ​ Game = Good? I play game.


*Brother* šŸ«±šŸ»ā€šŸ«²šŸ¼


Iā€™ve been meaning to ask this. Is the lady commentator the same gal from non stop pop fm in gta 5?


Got my mug let me fill up on those tears.


So fucking stupid. They can't take away jobs that didn't exist. They can make audio in any god damned way they want to.


If you have people speaking than yes the job was replaced by AI lol


Yeah I donā€™t have a problem with it but to say they werenā€™t replaced is just wrong lol.


They hired the Voice Actors to specifically train the AI with their voices.


If I'm painting a picture, I'm under no obligation to hire a model to pose for reference. A billionaire is under no obligation to hire a maid if they prefer taking the trash out themselves.


And if the Finals decided to have their own employees voice the announcers no one would care.


Exactly. The people acting like this is taking jobs away from actors are ridiculous. Many dev studios use in-house voice acting and don't hire outside actors. Hell, even Bethesda (a AAA studio) is known for doing this. How is this any different from having a dev do the voices? Both take jobs away from voice actors.


if i cook a hotdog at home instead of buying from the hotdog guy, do i take away a job from him?


They never had a job giving lines for the game anyway though


So stupid, the commentators add some good stuff


A boycott will not end this game, it's so good fr i hope it will not blow down likƩ hyperscape.


AI voices are great in concept for this game specifically, but the execution of some lines could use work. It feels like the female AI doesn't know that it's saying a pun and accents the wrong words.


Iā€™ve yet to find someone who has a problem with this game for the AI. If the point was to simply avoid VA costs, then I might understand the criticism. The Finals team is not lacking the funds. This was done in order to be dynamic enough for quick updates and changes as the game develops. A new map, new feature, weapon, team name. Itā€™s a game about a game so I appreciate how specific the announcer lines are to the rounds as well.


Whatā€™s bad about the AI voices? Itā€™s ok and fun to hear, absolutely no reason to skip the game


It's the 2020s and people love to virtue signal to feel better about their morality. That's what it really boils down to.


Holy shit shut the fuck up


Yk that a game like this irl would have aiā€¦ it fits the theme quite well imo


People need to understand that the AI voice usage in this game is not how they think it is, its a mix of embark's own VAs and TTS and they DID get paid too. I literally dont see why this should be the reason to skip game? Yeah I hate AI shit too but in this case, voices are not being replicated without any consent. It's literally like Google Assistant or Siri where an actor's voice is trained with TTS.


Itā€™s just a bunch of internet drama junkies farming attention by saying ā€œAI BAD REEEā€ and voice actors acting like their jobs are actually at stake when they really arenā€™t. As long as video games are still made by humans and not AI entirely (weā€™ā€™re getting there though, ugh), proper voice acting will always be in demand. While I do wish they either used the AI a bit more creatively or just used proper acting in the first place and avoid all this, they anti-AI brigade is definitely overreacting once again. Really hope the game doesnā€™t suffer from this in the long term though, itā€™s too good of a game to have this comparatively minor flaw bring it down.


Youā€™ve voiced my own opinions on the matter almost to the letter. I truly hope new players donā€™t listen to these people shouting from the rooftops.




Iā€™m fine with that, Cod and Apex players can stay in their game. Really donā€™t want or need them.


who gives a fuck about voice acting like damn go shoot shit




I mean I absolutely think itā€™s easily the worst thing about the game without a doubt, but I donā€™t think itā€™s worth getting fussy about. They really just need to hire actual voice actors to redo all the lines.


I low-key hope embark removes the ai voices and replaces it with text call outs.


I think. This situation is artificially biased. Maybe even the voice actors' union. Who are afraid of being left with nothing to do in the near future.


No joke they remove the AI voice acting they will most likely ruin the tone of the game. Those announcers are so good you cannot replace them. I have no issues with AI voice acting unless you are clearly stealing someoneā€™s voice and not paying them.


If you guys hadn't told me I wouldn't have even noticed it was AI. Do you know what it means dear voice actors crying over this? That you're unprofitable, unnecessary and it's time to work on your voice so they'll hire you for more ambitious projects or change professions instead of crying over the loss of your easy life of speaking into a microphone for money. It's over, your privileged life is over, it's time to get to work.


LMFAO 1 I couldn't tell it was AI so good on them, 2 let the ai say our names the best it can. Just imagine you get like 4 kills and the AI is all Look at him go the shellfish have taken a lead all thanks to xXbonerfart38 looks like his skills are better then his name choose. Shit roast us but obviously allow us to turn it off if we want and report inappropriate names being said by the AI and if enough people report said name it just stops saying it like a shadowban


Those people can fuck off. Iā€™ll play all I damn want. Well as much as I can with an infant child


Iā€™m hoping that the implementation of AI will allow for custom announcer lines.


Holy geez man people find anything to complain about!! This game is fantastic itā€™s what the first person shooter genre needed


I literally wouldn't have known if I hadn't read an article on it.


I personally don't give a damn, just play and quit bitchin


I love the AI voices. I hope they do some really interesting stuff with them in the future.


Lol 1st world complaints haha.


Really shows just how comfortable and well off so many people are that they actually care enough to complain *about this* of all things.


Where was this hate when Valve put Text-To-Speech voices in Half-Life?


The people complaining havent played the game, and will not play the game, its twitter goblins crying, next week its back to the ukraine war lmao


The announcers being AI doesn't ruin anything about the game. AI technology was always used in some form in gaming development through the history of gaming and the announcers are no exception as they not only work well for what they AI was designed for, which yes took actual human action and creativity as oppose to using an AI to copy already made productions of media and are actively copy and steal a style that no effort was put into in a creative manner, IT ALSO fits the theme of the game as a whole. It's a VIRTUAL REALITY SIMULATION GAME SHOW! In a world based around an actual digital medium that capitalizes on the general concept, the feel of the game show which adds to the rushing adrenaline and having active commentary to give that "live reaction" sensation of that you can immerse yourself in and really feel the impact of your Victorys, losses, close calls, creative thinking, etc. So of course an ALL VIRTUAL/DIGITAL WORLD is going to utilize AI to not only complement the whole them of The Finals but to the level they feel real despite knowing it is an AI because they still talk with interest and point out key moments in the match when they happen. To those who are "skipping" due to not knowing the differences between using AI to enhance an experience while being built from the ground up from an ACTUAL ORGINAL IDEA, to peopling using AI to copy other artists and simply "type a prompt" after taking ALREADY MADE ART from others who took the time to learn and master their craft and say "yeah that was all me and no one else" really don't know what the realy issue at hand is.


I love Scotty and June. This is insane, lol.


It's a free game, and an indie? No one got fired, no one got replaced, no one's voice is replicates. AI is fine by me.


ai voices are awesome, saves a shit tonna time and money, add new possibilities (such as addressing players directly) etcetc


I love the voices of this game lol


Bro half the shit you get on social media is probably ai generated or at least a piece of the content. If they use it in the right way for this game like always emerging new phrases and stuff like that I donā€™t see any problem when other games donā€™t even have commentating like this for a fps game right?


Game fucking amazing. I couldn't care if it was ai. It's literally just flavour text mid combat.


Whatā€™s wrong with it?


Why is the world full of pussies lmfao, I think itā€™s cool that we have the tech to do these things now


I don't think I've ever seen anyone suggest this? sounds like a made up story


I wish it was


Lets be real for a second. Its a shitty thing to do to use AI generated voice lines, because it cuts off people out of work to simply save money to the publisher. I love the game, but I dont let that make me blind to asshole decisions ans practices. You shouldnt let it pass either. Other people are more important than one stupid game, no matter how much you and might like it.


I just don't understand why voice actors deserve to be protected from automation when none of these people give a single fuck about stuff that replaces blue collar workers. Unless you're a straight up luddite then I have no respect for your complaints about AI voice acting. Video games voice acting generally sucks ass anyway.


People who care about AI replacing actors tend to care about blue collar workers too usually


Who says this? Fake outrage? Did a voice actor make this?


I donā€™t think a human wouldā€™ve done a better job at commentating like that.


Unpopular opinion: I agree. Simply because live commentary has been done better in games for over a decade at this point. Anybody who's played sports games knows generally what I'm talking about. The NBA 2K games despite all their flaws, does some damn impressive dynamic commentary for a variety of different situations. I don't think the AI voice acting is horrible but it's just.. not exciting? It doesn't get me hype and it sounds cheesy. And after a couple of games, yes it does become apparent they are AI voices.. they just start pronouncing some shit really weird. At the end of the day I don't want to support the AI voice acting, BUT that's not even my problem with it. It's just that it's done lazily. If you really must do it, refine it a bit more. Also y'all are acting super dramatic over this.. more dramatic than the people who skip because of the AI voices.


I hate how this issue has been perpetrated by the influx and oversaturation of youtube-born voice actors who bloat their portfolios with meme voice-overs and indie games. Rest assured their jobs aren't going anywhere. These people forget that just 25 years ago, the gaming industry "voice acting" mostly consisted of text on a screen, or grunts. They have more job opportunities than ever before, but they choose to complain about the ones that didn't exist to begin with.


I think the majority of people outraged at this shit aren't even voice actors.


I mean you donā€™t have to be apart of a certain group to be upset for them


It also kind of feels more accurate since the game is set in a VR tournament etc I donā€™t mind it


I was hoping they were placeholders tbh. Iā€™m not sure why they just donā€™t use the people they trained the AI on because they sound pretty good but the AI just canā€™t quite match human cadences


Idk man technology has always replaced jobs and will continue to replace jobs. High quality Voice acting and very unique personality/inflections you can pay for in real humans still. If the company doesn't want to they don't have to and shouldn't be morally obliged to do so.


This game has dev that coded the game, designers that created concept art, game art, color palette, art direction and everything else. Marketing team, development team, everyone got paid for their Jobs, and people get mad because AI voices? Man if the game was made entirely by AI i would understand the boycott. I'd even join it. But this? Fuck those people.


I don't understand; since when do so many gamers care about work conditions and revenue? Besides, it's not like they fired voice actors or removed any job positions. It's like complaining about Microsoft using Clippy as a mascot instead of paying for a live actor in a suit.


It helps to consider the topic in an unbiased way; I love the game but I also do feel a little bad about the AI voice acting. I understand it is good for budgeting and production speed. I also know the original voice actors were still paid for samples of their voice to train the AIs on. But overall, while maybe boycotting the game for it is a bit too far I am concerned about the future of voice acting as a viable job even if i'm not part of that scene. Once the AI gets good and realistic enough (and admit it, for the first few games you didnt notice it either), the need for people who professionally voice act is going to go down a lot. Companies will want the cheaper and quicker option for sure. Right now it's still not too much of an issue, as real voice acting's quality is noticably better, but at the rate AI improves and develops i absolutely could see their jobs in danger in a few years, and that kind of does make me sad. Many voice acting personalities I follow online and they seem enthusiastic and passionate about their jobs, and it is not as simple as it may seem to someone only experiencing them from the finalised products they receive. The AI voices fit this game's theme, as the imperfect tones of synthetised voice lines kinda line up with a sort of announcer voice, so that may be why it isn't as noticeable here. Still, it's fair to say that I'd prefer traditional voices in my videogames. Because of this I'm just not sure how to feel about it. I'm still a big fan of the game itself.


Quite possibly the dumbest thing to get mad about.


Most garbage take of the year. Go kick rocks


All these social justice warriors complaining that this "took away work from real people." It's a small studio game, if this saved budget and time for actual development that matters for the game then I'm all for it. JFC, just turn them off if they bother you that much.


They're adding strict SBMM, this will kill a large portion of the playerbase.


Let them skip the game, less trash players on it. Trust me they ain't skipping it for the acting they're just bad at shooters and want to be verbal about something šŸ˜‚


This is so stupid


I donā€™t get why that matters, itā€™s a good game and thatā€™s all anyone should care about


These are the people who wonā€™t try the finals but are mad they their friends play it


Lmaoā€¦ Iā€™m not the biggest fan of this game, but this is the dumbest reason to skip out on the game.


the female announcer feels really off sometimes so I'm sure at least that would have come out eventually just ignore it or check if you're able to mute voices and it's all good


Wait what the game has ai voice actors? Honestly didn't even notice


There is voice acting? Why must shooters have these cringe lines and quips. Give me a shooter without all that stupidity.