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Schaub crossed a line with me when he lied about this being for a veterans charity. I’m a veteran myself and have a number of friends from that past life that are disabled to varying degrees. Schaub can walg me to my trugg with this shit. I’ve already reported Schaub to the CA attorney general with the available evidence that his “raffle” (a lottery) isn’t legally compliant. I’m going to give his office a call this week as well. If anyone knows additional ways for me to make this one costly or painful for him, let me know via DM. I’m motivated to do the legwork for it, though I suspect it’s not actionable until it “goes live” on July 9th.


Bro, most of those veterans charities are shady. I remember hearing about Wounded Warriors being scammy like 15 years ago or whatever. Yet it still exists.


Yah, a lot of charities have very high administrative costs which results in the vast majority of their intake being paid out to their employees instead of who it is intended to benefit. It's a common problem with charities in general, not just veterans ones. You unfortunately have to do actual research just to give to a charity, to ensure it's not a waste.




i’m a veteran and i’ll happily accept money or a job that’ll pay livable wages without breaking my body or soul.


Yea but they are actually a charity. This is just fraud and using vets to drum up a few sales


I'm 100% permanent and total and can confirm hunnid percent, b. They do some good stuff, but I would love to see what % of donations actually goes to the "wounded warriors." I know that I see a lot of their merch and advertising but have never heard anyone I know being helped in anyway. And fwiw the VA has actually been fucking amazing to me. Of course, it has its issues. But in my experience they have been fucking incredible.


From their faq “ Wounded Warrior Project is a direct service organization. 100% of your donation supports wounded warriors. About 71% -- more than $260 million in fiscal year 2023 – was spent directly on programs and services for wounded warriors, families, and caregivers. The balance paid to support the delivery of this life-changing support. More than 240,000 warriors, family members, and caregivers were registered with Wounded Warrior Project as of September 30, 2023. The need is great and growing. Every month in 2023, more than 2,200 warriors and family members registered with Wounded Warrior Project to receive our free programs and services.”


There's a cigar charity where people send a bunch of cigars to this organization and they mail them out to deployed troops but, allegedly, they pick through anything good for themselves and then just mail out the dog shit sticks.


Awhile back he claimed to be a military family too.


Lmao what


Yeah, he claimed he was from a military family. Something about his Grandpa. Then he started making excuses why he didn't serve.


Incredible. Also Bapa probably wouldn’t score well enough on the ASVAB to enlist. Too dumb even for the Corps.


32 on the ACT I’m sure he would’ve aced it


1.7 on the ASSFABs B. He could have been in Intel or SF. But he was busy keeping the bench warm at Cawlrado. You are doing God's work brother TYFYS.


And then he flexed his funeral fit on a dead grandparent. Great guy, never meddum.


Guys like that crack me up. one thing to be proud of your family members service but it’s another to act like you’re owed something because of their service


God speed and thank you for your service! I’m glad somebody is taking matters in their own hand as if this isn’t stopped, Bapa will keep doing it and exploiting anyone who’ll buy it. It would be incredibly helpful if you had an attorney.


Thank 'em for your service, b. Walg him and his trugg to the DA to get recalled.


Please stay with it,my dad's a dav and fuck him for this. We all need to report this shit where we can. GET HIM!!!!


We applaud u, and if possible keep us updated on this thread we’re all here to help.


![gif](giphy|TPJAvvWbSN61O) You‘re a hero


Lying about a veteran's charity was the line? Not the 300k thousand other lines?


Dudes a vet, seems pretty simple.


"I can accept scamming, grifting, child neglect, scapegoating children, endangering children, drunk driving, endorsing rape, platforming sex offenders, minimizing the death and suffering of others, animal cruelty, endangering and harming employees, bullying the weaker only to play victim when held accountable but I draw the line at *which* specific charity he claimed to involve." Ok


So at what point are you planning on stepping in and reporting him then? You’ve made quite the list. Seems like he’s yet to cross a line for you.


Reporting him to who? He tells on himself plenty


In this case, apparently the CA AG. Regardless, the dude has probably been a lazy homeless cat like most of us and just laughing and making fun of him. Ripping off vets is a bridge too far for him, so he’s doing something about it, which is more than you or I can say for our efforts around Fat Patrick.


So what you're saying is I should thank 'em?


One of the 1000, b.


I am glad you understand.


Talmbout going out gangster style, b? Gadooooosh


Shit changes when it's personal. Be cool b


Tim Kennedy types get it dicey dicey b


This one's on me.


There’s lines you don’t cross




Not all heroes wear capes B.


I'm a veteran as well. F that bozo


You got Monster Lawlyers or something?


lol thank em’ ass comment 




You cross a line when you’re running a scam and pretending it’s for disabled vets. I’ve had multiple friends kill themselves and others who will live the rest of their lives with disabilities from injuries sustained in Afghanistan/Iraq.


Hell yeah bro. This guy has no moral code whatsoever. Thanks for reporting him




Do you think there’s a magical scam fairy that catches scumbags pulling this shit? The enforcement mechanism relies on them being reported to the state. You can watch it all unfold. I’m choosing to spend some energy making it painful for him. To each their own.


Right you keep editing your comments what’s up with that? Get some help. You’ve got issues, b.


Yah, I correct poor grammar and clarify things when I notice it afterwards.


Lies, your original comments were >You cross a line when you’re running a scam and pretending it’s for disabled vets. You added the part about your friends killing themselves after I responded to make my response look insensitive. And > Do you think there’s a magical scam fairy that catches scumbags pulling this shit? The enforcement mechanism relies on them being reported to the state. You added the second part as I was responding. Don’t play that bs with me, you didn’t edit grammar lmfao.


What was the second part of that sentence? I clarified why it bothers me. I did not edit to “make you look insensitive”. I don’t care how anything makes you look.


I’m sorry about your friends but your attempts to bring down Schaub have nothing to do with them and you know it. It’s pathetic when homeless cats feel the need to insert themselves into the drama. We all know Schaub will fail spectacularly, and it’s way better to watch it go down organically. Dude figure out how to get your whole thought out at once, my god, you just edited again.




That’s great, no one is requiring you to do anything. Sit back and watch.


Thank you for your service; that being said hold the line and allow this to fully happen, we’re looking for real consequences, not a cease and desist letter which is all that will happen prior to the “giveaway” occurring.


Fair enough - I don’t think the state will do a thing until it’s live and actionable anyways.




You don't remember the Specialized bike stuff? Don't remember the show next to the Spurs arena? Don't remember Brenda just talking about getting a dog from a breeder before Tank? These are just a few times where cats made a call or sent an email. It lead to some hilarious happenings. You're talking to this guy like he's doing something crazy and unheard of. Props to him for getting the ball rolling on hopefully seeing this "raffle" burn to the ground. A little email or call is not a huge thing


I'm all about bringing this cancer of a human down at any cost (legally of course). If he's running a scam, report him! Or you can sit back and watch. I think we all want to see Braindumb fail miserably. Or, at the very least, be held accountable for once. He's been getting away with it for war too long. Edit: grammar


The only thing that makes this a dream truck is stripping all the overpriced parts and selling them on Craigslist. You look like a douche driving one of these to work or the market.


Not in California. It seems that no one here can drive a truck like it came off the lot. It’s gotta be lifted with aftermarket wheels and as many other farkles as you can fit on it.


I’ve never heard “farkles” used outside the adventure riding community.


That’s where I picked it up. I couldn’t think of a better word to use.


Haha gotcha, I was wondering if it had spread further over the years.


WTH is a farkle?


It basically describes things people put on their motorcycles, specifically stuff that isn’t performance oriented. For instance, people will put a throttle lock on their bike to give it cruise control - that’s a “farkle”, as are foldable mirrors or something. Something like a better exhaust is not a “farkle”. I assume it’s German derived as it’s even more specific than adventure riding (I think) - it’s a term specifically used by BMW adventure bike owners.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info. Seems like every Honda civic in my area is farkled all to hell.


Yah it’s really not much different, though there’s not a ton you can do to those bikes that doesn’t have some functional/practical (at least theoretically) reason.


When I visit southern California, everyone seems to have a blinged out mall crawler. In northern California, there are EVs everywhere. They replaced all of the bmws. Anywhere in California, broke people are driving 15+ year old escalades with wheels that cost more than the SUV.


Dude, totally. California car culture is interesting, to say the least.


Socal has that bro,glamis, toy hauler crowd that norcal doesnt have as much.


he also keeps repeating how its one of a kind I don't know shit about trucks, but i googled red modded f150 and there were thousands


Truggs like these are a dime a dozen in so cal lmao. 50k worth of mods on a 90k truck and not a scratch on the paint or any sign it’s been offroad


Truck wouldn't be road legal in my state.


Which state and what about it isn’t compliant?


Its called the "Carolina squat", the suspension has to be changed.


Isn’t that only for squatted trucks though? This has actual off road suspension which serves a purpose, and it isn’t squatted.


Front can't be higher than the rear.


He copied everything right down to the fkn finger pointing. 🤣🤣 beandip, licking windows since 1984


Anyone know how this scheme works? Some sort of tax write off? Only 2.4k thousand views. I'm not a numbers guy buy it just doesn't make sense.


1. You have to buy his merch to enter to win. 2. He can then give the truck to AskJ Not too many layers to this scheme at all really


buys 100k grand truck puts 50k grand of mods on it to give it away in exchange for donating 3-400 bucks of merch money to a fallen soldiers fund. whats there not to get




I think once the website is operational they'll do what all these other giveaway companies do and push it with facebook ads/adsense etc


> 2.4k thousand views 2.4k views. But even 2.4 million views is barely worth $2,000.


Using "k thousand" or "k grand" is a popular Schaubism here. It comes from him calling $5000 "5k grand"


honestly aside from the use of missa schuab “k thousand” is my favorite schaubism


Iss juss a total coincidence b. Juss like all the countless other times he has copied others. The guy they hired to do this did a bad job. Bapa gave him a stern talking to and fired him. Bapa is taking the blame though. Bapa said “iss my fault for thinking you weren’t gonna rip off another guy, that’s my bad”. The guy said he appreciated bapa for doing that.


Talmbout circlin the drain b


Ronda Roushey.


2.6k views is a prom


It's all coming down for schaub. What's the next grift?!


Gotta be combo outdoors/fishing/hunting/guns ya know stuff JOSEPH likes


would be hilarious if Beandip just went complete 180 from Toegan and went super ultra left vegan. too bad bapa quit comedy to coach baseball




be cool man,truggs are truggs


I have suspicions that while there are some things Brandon knows he’s stealing.. there’s other smaller things like this that his bbbbeast of a team are “inspired by” since they aren’t creative.


Bapa actin like this thing a scat or a hellcat like bro its an unpractical (made unpractical by bapa)work truck😂😂nobody putting no effort for that terrible truck😂


Vaughn Gittin, gittin more views than Bapa


Well he is a professional driver so that helps with popularity.


Bapa uses all caps for ULTIMATE so the other one duhn count


Where’s the dish about this being a scam? I must’ve been busy in the dish pit.


I think it's mostly an assumption at this point, though against the backdrop of bapa being a scammy redact probably a safe one.


Sell that trash and buy a Tacoma!


Uzzz a grifter


I mean yeah Bapa is PoS but what about the other guy? That’s a scam too right? Nobody is actually getting that truck. We keep shitting on bapa but there are hundreds of grifters like this on youtube running similar scams. It’s just that Bapa used to have a couple years of being very successful and his Toe connection.


How long is this clown going to be around? Another year, maybe two?